View Full Version : I'm not supposed to stop at green lights now am I?

07-12-2009, 03:11 PM
So I'm driving my lady friend home Saturday morning around 5am. As you can see it's light out. I was heading towards 190 to head to Tatnuck Square here in Worcester.
I couldn't have been doing more than 30-35 as I attempted to casually and normally go through a green light. Well apparently mr vw guy couldn't comprehend what a red light means for his side, nor could he comprehend the posted speed limit as that lil thing spun my car exactly 1.5 times and pushed it through the same traffic light that was showing me a bright green of go right through.
(in retrospect, had I been booking ass, this wouldn't have happened...I'll have to remember to speed up now).
So just to have it up here cause I don't want to get screwed on this one, here's my pictorial testomonial. I'll have a few more pics up by tomorrow as well. This sucks. If it's totalled, I don't know how I can get another but really don't ever want to drive anything else, she's been too good to me. And for me.

Oh yeah, the pic of the right rear... the force sheared the axle at the hub. I forgot to get a pic but the wheel was a good distance away and still had the hub and disc brake and brake line attached


O's Fan Rich
07-12-2009, 03:13 PM
OUch..... ouch....

07-12-2009, 03:19 PM
oh yeah, thats a loss

Buy it back and fix it yourself if you want

07-12-2009, 03:21 PM
Might I ask...whatup with the grand marquis rim on drivers front?

Glad you made it through this...THAT is all that matters!

Ms. Denmark
07-12-2009, 03:25 PM
Wow, glad you walked away but so sorry about your car!!

07-12-2009, 03:29 PM
Might I ask...whatup with the grand marquis rim on drivers front?

Glad you made it through this...THAT is all that matters!

maybe his factory rim was so fubar'd they had to use that to get the car to roll? :confused:

07-12-2009, 03:33 PM
i get asked about that a lot. Basically because I've been living paycheck to paycheck, I'm still riding on my winter wheels til I had the spare cash for new 18s all around. The rears are 18s because I got a set of free audi snow tires that fit my factory rims..those were better than the Littleton, MA PD tires I was using the first part of the winter.

Thanks guys, I'm glad I'm ok too, a lil sore and may go to the er for xrays on my ribs and hand later to be safe, i'm just finally getting awake and mobile after that.

07-12-2009, 03:35 PM
oh yeah, thats a loss

Buy it back and fix it yourself if you want

That did cross my mind in case it's not financially feasable to get another one right away. Any idea what the process would be? Would I still get any insurance money if I did that? I've never totalled a car that I actually wanted to buy it back and fix with a salvage title.

07-12-2009, 03:53 PM
That did cross my mind in case it's not financially feasable to get another one right away. Any idea what the process would be? Would I still get any insurance money if I did that? I've never totalled a car that I actually wanted to buy it back and fix with a salvage title.

Don't listen to him, He has no clue what he's talking about.

If it's totalled, the insurance company will give you a check for $XXXX amount. Depending on your carrier, you then have the option to buy it back for $XXX, and you get the difference.

I won't recommend this. Living in the state of Massachusetts, it is EXTREMELY difficult, and a long and time consuming process to register a vehicle with a salvage title. If you don't have connections to people that know people, i wouldn't bother.

It's hard to tell from the pics if the rocker was hit or not. If the rocker was hit/bent, it will more than likely total it out.

I highly doubt Offroadkarter has ever replaced a section of a rocker panel, let alone the union of the B-pillar and rocker. It's not a simple job, and it's not something any backyard mechanic should be attempting to repair. This is after all, part of the rigidity that saved you.

I think it will be totalled after seeing the other side. Just a guess...it IS repairable, but more than likely, not financially respsonsible for you. Looks like both quarters, two door, and whatever else got hit in the mix (possibly a rocker and part of the floor). Include in that estimate for anything that may have been broken/bent when it was pushed sideways.

I've never seen you post before, but it's sad to see another local MM down for the count. Not sure what you can afford, but if this car is toast, GoMifuni has been looking to sell his car in Berlin super cheap.

07-12-2009, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the advice man, most appreciated. This is the first thread I've ever posted. Every other time I've wanted to do that, I've found an existing one.

Good to know about GoMifuni, that may very well be an option depending on the outcome.

07-12-2009, 05:01 PM
I highly doubt Offroadkarter has ever replaced a section of a rocker panel, let alone the union of the B-pillar and rocker. It's not a simple job, and it's not something any backyard mechanic should be attempting to repair. This is after all, part of the rigidity that saved you.

Yeah, cause im a safe driver and dont get into accidents in the first place :rolleyes:

Ok in that case, your ****ed, your car is dead, buy it back, part it out, and get yourself a new one!

07-12-2009, 05:21 PM
Yeah, cause im a safe driver and dont get into accidents in the first place :rolleyes:

Ok in that case, your ****ed, your car is dead, buy it back, part it out, and get yourself a new one!

Don't be a little prick. He clearly said someone ran a red light.

My comment was a reply to you saying to "buy it back and fix it". You have no idea what's involved in repairing, registering, and titleing a salvaged vehicle, so you probably shouldn't be giving that sort of advice.

Egon Spengler
07-12-2009, 05:28 PM
Dude that is right near my house!!! Sorry to hear... glad you are ok! You are the guy that had the 16's on the front!!! I saw you one snowy night at Boston Billiards! I was parked in the lot with the same 16" rims on my marauder!!! You came in and I was going to talk to you, but you looked busy with other people!!!

Aren Jay
07-12-2009, 06:35 PM

07-12-2009, 07:26 PM
Dude that is right near my house!!! Sorry to hear... glad you are ok! You are the guy that had the 16's on the front!!! I saw you one snowy night at Boston Billiards! I was parked in the lot with the same 16" rims on my marauder!!! You came in and I was going to talk to you, but you looked busy with other people!!!

yeah, that be me. When I walked in, I was prolly saying to them I wonder who owns the other marauder. haha.

feel free to say hi, i've never met another owner in person before. Just someone who works on them and wants one...my best friend and technician at acton lincon murcury. had to plug them, good guys.

07-12-2009, 07:28 PM
What the little kid is saying is that he wants to buy some parts from this car cheap. So he wants our Marauder member here to do the leg work on getting these parts for him so he doesn't have to look for them else where. (perhaps he will get a deal for suggesting it)

All in all not a bad idea if he can line up a number of buyers ahead of time, but he will end up with a dead car, no where to park it and a piece of junk to remind him of the accident. He will also have to remove the parts and ship them... Good way to buy parts, bad if your a busy person with a life, unlike some kid we know.


A lead on a Silver 2003 Marauder:

http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=261878013&dealer_id=75523&car_year=2003&rdm=1247449070667&model=MARAUDER&num_records=25&systime=&make2=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&engine=&certified=&body_code=0&fuel=&awsp=false&search_type=both&distance=50&marketZipError=false&search_lang=en&showZipError=y&make=MERC&keywords_display=&color=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Ais psearchform&min_price=&drive=&default_sort=priceDESC&seller_type=b&max_mileage=&style_flag=1&sort_type=priceDESC&address=01602&advanced=&end_year=2010&doors=&transmission=&max_price=&cardist=43&standard=false

Carfax looks good, i know nothing else about this car.

Another one here also silver 2004 with high mileage two owner clean carfax, again I don't know this car: (better price)

http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=264857585&dealer_id=1361445&car_year=2004&rdm=1247449234130&model=MARAUDER&num_records=25&systime=&make2=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&engine=&certified=&body_code=0&fuel=&awsp=false&search_type=both&distance=100&marketZipError=false&search_lang=en&showZipError=y&make=MERC&keywords_display=&color=&page_location=findacar%3A%3Ais psearchform&min_price=&drive=&default_sort=priceDESC&seller_type=b&max_mileage=&style_flag=1&sort_type=priceDESC&address=01602&advanced=&end_year=2010&doors=&transmission=&max_price=&cardist=120&standard=false

You're right, getting it back only to part it out would probably make my heart fail of heartbreak. Thanks so much for the links, I don't care about color, just want to drive another one. I'm calling at least the first place first thing in the morning.

Egon Spengler
07-12-2009, 07:35 PM
I literally live 2 minutes from where that intersection is... my mom grew up right at that intersection! She has seen LOTS of accidents there... I actually just drove by the scene... took out the light pole huh??? haha If you see mine around ever, hunt me down... I live in that area and am driving around it quite a bit... I have a firefighter sticker in the back window and SoCal Speedshop stickers on it as well... I also have emergency lights in the grill and below the rear view mirror... I am sure you will see it in your travels!

yeah, that be me. When I walked in, I was prolly saying to them I wonder who owns the other marauder. haha.

feel free to say hi, i've never met another owner in person before. Just someone who works on them and wants one...my best friend and technician at acton lincon murcury. had to plug them, good guys.

07-12-2009, 07:48 PM
Fes- Glad to see you are OK. July 08, my black Marauder met its demise in a 3 car that did similar damage to my front left fender on down to my rear wheel, and put me into a guard rail on the right side. Based on what happened to my car, I would guess you are a 50/50 if you are totaled. If both sides have damage it increases the likelyhood that it will be.

If I was in a smaller car (say that VW Lol) I think I would have been toast. I say screw the econoboxes greenies want us to drive. Yours and my accident reinforces this belief for me.

Hope everything works out insurance wise.

07-12-2009, 08:44 PM
i had the same thing happen to me about 2 weeks ago in my dakota r/t. http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?t=54779

thats the link to what happen and pictures. i know what you are going throu so go to doctors and get check out. and tell them about any pain that you have from the crash no matter how little. and i just dont see how you are not in jail from killing that guy. my girlfriend had to hold me back from running over to the guy that hit me. im just sure i would have killed the guy if it was my marauder. glad you are ok the car did its job to save you. and i know about the heart ake every time i look at my truck.

07-12-2009, 08:53 PM
Just an over glorified beetle driver, can't expect much.

07-12-2009, 08:54 PM
:eek: OH N0o0, n0t another one! I'm glad to see you're here to tell us what happened, but :shake:. Great discipline on your part for not killing that :censor:. I hope everything works out well for you Sir!

07-12-2009, 09:57 PM
I'm the type of guy that always takes the first punch before droppin the other person. Since it was car vs car and not him intentionally, I couldn't do too much. I did yell once I got out but then realize he wasn't getting out. Idiot kept trying to get back in and sit down with all the smoke from both his airbags, so the worst i did was pull him out of there so he wouldn't choke.

i went home and played some mercenaries and pictured him every time i used a surgical strike.

trust me, had I not had a lady in my presence though, there's a chance I may've still slugged him after making sure he was ok.

07-13-2009, 02:13 AM
Glad you were able to walk away from this.
I hope your car isn't totaled.

07-13-2009, 06:18 AM
As another Central MA Marauder owner, I feel for you.

It looks like that happened around the Norton/Saint Gobain Campus and Showcase North.

Good to hear that everyone was OK. Best of luck with the car situation, keep us posted. No-one on this forum likes to see the numbers of these cars drop.

BTW, if you see my Silver Birch around Worcester, stop over and say, 'Hi'.

07-13-2009, 08:02 AM
fesifisky listen to Rocknthehawk he was employed in the very industry that deals with salvage titles and the like in the very state where you live...so if anyone knows its him.I have done a rebuild on a salvage title here in CT and its no picknick here either.Get ready for a shocker too because the value of our cars have dropped like a stone.

07-13-2009, 08:34 AM
Instead of buying back and fixing it, what about buying it back and using it to fix a CV with a sick engine?

That way, there would be no salvage title. That's my plan if the worst happens, I hope I don't have to see if it's do-able first hand.

07-13-2009, 08:45 AM
fesifisky listen to Rocknthehawk he was employed in the very industry that deals with salvage titles and the like in the very state where you live...so if anyone knows its him.I have done a rebuild on a salvage title here in CT and its no picknick here either.Get ready for a shocker too because the value of our cars have dropped like a stone.

Thanks Bob ;)

keep us updated

07-13-2009, 08:45 AM
illwood - you are correct sir, right around showcase. I'm surprised I have yet to see a birch mm around. They are quite clean looking. I'll be paying more attention now.

bob6364 - i definitely believe Rocknthehawk, i've now read up on the pain of salvage titles here in MA.

wires - i am thinking of saving the engine, it's got less than 20k on it... the first one spun a bearing, which i still think is from when some chick on her cell hit that same side but right on the rear wheel and broke the watts link. my buddy is good at his shop and the owner got me "after warranty assistance" and got the engine for a great deal. So i'm really thinking of keeping it since i paid for it out of pocket. a cv isn't a bad idea,i know where to get ex state ones for 2500; but i truly fell in love with the mm, it's been so good to me for many reasons and levels and it was something different, which screams my personality, i don't do normal. I've had 11 cars prior to it and wanted to be buried in it. who knows what will happen, but hey, if whatever it is, if it's got a mm engine, i guess that's still something. I'll keep updating.

07-13-2009, 09:04 AM
Hopefully I won't have to don the flame suit :flamer: for this one, but here it goes.

If the car ends up totaled, you could buy it back along with a P71 CV with good sheet metal and have a Faux-Rauder. It wouldn't be quite as sweet as having yours back in action, but might be financially easier for you and you would have your drive train and the looks.

Otherwise, a bada$$ CV with your engine would be pretty sweet. Especially a blacked out one with these Steeda wheels.

Just a thought

Egon Spengler
07-13-2009, 09:13 AM
fesifisky... that intersection is THE WORST! It is good for a few accidents A WEEK! My grandfather lived on that hill that overlooks the intersection and it never failed. Anytime we would be over his house you would hear SCREECH BANG! Sorry your vehicle was another casualty at that intersection... Get another one so we can park next to eachother in worcester!

It is probably good that you got in that accident, because the cops are on my car pretty bad right now! haha I get tailed a lot! They are sick of my driving habits... I have to behave everywhere I go!

07-13-2009, 07:21 PM
so I spent all day long talking to insurance companies, but i think it was worth it. Called mine back with more info and got the claim number and name of the adjuster. Still need to get xrays and pick up the police report but i got something a lil more important done... a means to do everything else. Called his company because I wasn't initially aware I had to do that as well.

His ins. on the info exchange sheet from the police was different than what was on his reg(same as me though), finally got through to his real company and even the guy at commerce said they'd likely be the ones paying out and that they'd also cover any medical and rental once their adjuster agrees it's his fault.

So I get to enterprise on park ave and they have no idea what a marauder was of course when trying to fit me to a similar vehicle.

I saw a GM so when they asked me that, I said a black, DT looking crown vic, trying to describe the sweet looking 09 lincoln tc outside the window. well the cute chick agreed it was similar and even said she had a feeling his company would pay the overage of 15/day versus the standard 30/day coverage for the situation. me likey the TC, but still am hoping to get my rauder back. I even found a name for her ironically... "The End".

If she is repairable, i think it might just work out... I needed new gears badly so to repair this would require a whole new 3rd member.

I truly do try to take a hint from Monty Python and look on the bright side of life

"when life gives you s&*t, you make the best of it".

07-13-2009, 07:33 PM
Hopefully I won't have to don the flame suit :flamer: for this one, but here it goes.

If the car ends up totaled, you could buy it back along with a P71 CV with good sheet metal and have a Faux-Rauder. It wouldn't be quite as sweet as having yours back in action, but might be financially easier for you and you would have your drive train and the looks.

Otherwise, a bada$$ CV with your engine would be pretty sweet. Especially a blacked out one with these Steeda wheels.

Just a thought

No flames here as long as I don't get any my way for asking this... what's with the p71 i hear around here? I don't get much time for searching and was wondering what the designation meant as far as options/specifications. I agree though, I'm certainly mulling it over if my baby is really gone. With any good luck after this last week or so, it can be saved and I can finally make it to one of those meets and show her off.

07-13-2009, 08:10 PM
Well I had a similar incident although the elderly gentleman backed out of a driveway directly in front of me and my wife and was doing about 55 MPH (85 KPH). I did the emergency lane change and don't know how I missed him (by inches). Unfortunatley though, the big girl went into a sideways drift and imbedded herself on the drivers side into a guardrail. Well the car and the guardrail shared the brunt, the side airbag went and although I have been somewhat sore, I faired better than my wife in the passenger front who's head hit my shoulder and ribs hit the centre console. She has back problems to start and this didn't help (glad we were wearing our seatbelts!). It could though have been much worse as I am sure the elderly man in the late 70's Ford pickup would have been toast had I nailed him and my wife's side would have taken the direct hit.
My car didn't look nearly as bad as yours and they stopped doing the estimate at $16,000 and wrote it off. The car was mint and I had a few extras. It pays to keep records and photos as the insurance company was great and with the cash I was able to buy another one with only 44k (KM's!). Although it wasn't in as good (cosmetically) as my other, I have spent a lot of time and money getting it wet sanded, polished and buffed and it is looking great. I also bought the wrecked one swapped the aftermarket parts and sold it to another guy who contracted with the same body shop I was going to have fix it and they just finished it last week. The good news is, the car looks and drives great (I took it for a short spin last Thursday). You would never know it was in an accident and because the insurance company never really took title, the fact it was wrecked never appears anywhere.
Everbody made out OK given the circumstances, as the I still have a Marauder, the old one still exists and the body shop even made some money. I figure with what I sold him the car for and the body shop bill he probably has less than $8K CDN in it. He was able to get the parts because he was the wrecker that was going to supply the parts to fix it in the first place. The first picture is just after the accident, the second the work in progress and the third one is the new one and repaired one side by side (the repaired one is on the right). I haven't updated my signature to update the info yet...
I hope you fair as well as I did given the circumstances...

07-14-2009, 03:08 AM
No flames here as long as I don't get any my way for asking this... what's with the p71 i hear around here? I don't get much time for searching and was wondering what the designation meant as far as options/specifications. I agree though, I'm certainly mulling it over if my baby is really gone. With any good luck after this last week or so, it can be saved and I can finally make it to one of those meets and show her off.
No problem, the P71 is the "Police Interceptor" package for the CV. It is more similar to our suspension and parts of the drive line (some had 3.55 rears).

08-01-2009, 11:57 AM
So yeah, i know it's been i think more than 2 weeks since i was last here. Tried posting an update last week but it disappeared and didn't have the time to re-write it. Been dealing with LOTS of bs and spending every waking free moment during business hours dealing with it and then my normal free nighttime hours catching up on what work i've missed during the day while i've run around and make calls. So here's what I can think of right now but I'm crazy tired and can't really think right now, but it's definitely totalled...more than 11k in damage they say. I'll do another post with more details but want to at least post this much first.

08-01-2009, 12:10 PM
So the guy who hit me has Commerce insurance so of course they're dragging their heels and denying my car rental so that's still being paid out of pocket. How hard is it to say, yup he was speeding without a seatbelt and ran at least 1 red light if not 2 so he's at fault but that's Commerce I guess and I'm not worried anymore since I got an attorney involved to be safe and to try to recoup enough funds to get another Marauder.

I have Occidental insurance who just entered the Auto market in MA only this past April and have a feeling I'm going to drop them once this is all over. They've dragged their heels as well(almost 2 weeks to get someone out and determine it's a loss. AND then for a week they couldn't even tell me any numbers, which they still don't have all for me. But it looks like they're going to be paying out $10,800 which seems to be cheaping out. After what I still owe, I'll be getting just under 3 grand but I'm having my attorney on standby to help with that as well as handling all the personal injury stuff.... took a while, but ended up needing a chiro for my neck and a hand surgeon for my hand/wrist... now I'm going to have carpal tunnel and it's the accident's fault...AND I FRIKKEN TYPE FOR A LIVING!

So lots of BS, boring, gruelling details. But I feel better retaining a lawyer's office especially after all the **** just my insurance company is dealing with.

I would like to get back my Optima battery, my aftermarket radio and my intake. I have the original radio to put back, bought a factory airbox at the junkyard and can pick up a cheap battery as well but Occidental is basically trying to block me from getting these items. But we'll see on Monday what happens when I go to finally get my plates and some personal items...I'll bring what I have and see if the guy at the salvage lot it's at will let me. My problem is that these items clearly didn't come with the car, they're not paying me for them and someone will end with either free aftermarket parts or free money because of what I've bled and sweated to obtain. Not sure if any of this makes sense but I just simply can't think straight anymore with all of this crap. Is wanting my baby, my happiness back even if i'm back to the point of owing a few grand asking too much?

08-01-2009, 12:13 PM
I just skimmed this thread and have a few things to mention/ask:

1. Glad you're alive. Looks like it hurt plenty though.

2. I don't know your financial situation, but if you can get your car back for cheap, and then find a decent-condition 2003-or-newer P71 and swap in the drivetrain/interior, it would be cool. Might not be cost-effective though, s'pecially since Go Mifuni's Marauder is still for sale here (I think) for $7750...

3. Did you beat the living s**t out of the dumbass who ran the red light? I probably would have at least given him an earful of bad words to digest.

08-01-2009, 12:30 PM
Thanks, I'm glad too, just wish this headache would end(literally and figuratively). Just glad I already had a damn good Chiro and hand surgeon I could trust to check me out and confirm i'm in pain right now because of this douche-nozzle.

Didn't beat the crap out of him because I wasn't sure if he normally wears a helmet/rides the short bus he was so out of it. Wanted to knock him down though. Can't really buy it back(need whatever $$ I get after loan payoff and no room/tools to part it). After 11+ cars, the Marauder was my dream car, I thought about buying the engine back(I paid for it 20k miles ago) and doing the P71 thing but I'd have heartache everytime I drove it.

I'm actually getting dressed to go see if I can talk to Go Mifuni....especially if that's all he's asking(that's one of the reason I wanted to check it out to find how much). I've seen his car a few times on my way to the mall out there so shouldn't be hard to find him.

08-01-2009, 12:31 PM
Go Mifuni - if you happen to see this thread and still have the car... I AM MOST CERTAINLY INTERESTED!

08-01-2009, 07:56 PM
Really...it's like I'm not allowed to catch any sort of break. Stopped and looked at Go Mifuni's car, couldn't call cause of no service but looks good and I'm highly interested in giving her a good home.

Did I kick someone's dog or do something nasty to someone's mom in a past life? After checking out the car went to Leominster to see my mother for the first time in over a year(was travelling) and on the way the damn rental takes a **** and won't start. Had to leave it at a gas station cause AAA couldn't get it until 9pm(called them before 6pm). Just called and it's still there.

By some sheer chance of luck my best friend is temporarily living down the street and offered me his GM for tonight and tomorrow but I might not even get a rental replacement tomorrow and have a chiro appt monday(due to accident). This just sucks. So yeah, there's an update.

08-01-2009, 08:34 PM
Just finished reading the thread and would like to add my :twocents:.
First off , I'm glad you survived the ordeal with minimal damage to yourself. I myself went through about what I believe you're looking to do. The rules may be different from state to state, but here goes. If you own your car out right it is easier to buy your MM back. But If you are still making payment, then the INS. co will pay off your lean but then the MM will be owned by the INS co. They in turn will want it to go to a salvage auction. That's where mine went, but I kept track of it and it's standing in the auction process. The auction process may not be a public one so you then will have to get the aid of someone with a dealers license. He then can represent you in the auction, which is what I did, and ended up paying $1100 for the MM and $200 to register the dealer at the auction yard, $50 for their fees, then $250 for his services.


08-01-2009, 08:44 PM
When you go back to pick up your personal belongings, they probably will let you switch out the radio, CAI, & battery, but the battery will probably be dead as a door nail when you get to it (I mean the unusable dead). If the INS co gives you any grief make it known to them that they will be paying you extra for the premium parts they are making you leave behind. I had a blower attached to my MM and told them they would have to pay me $5000 if they wouldn't let me take it off. All of a sudden I had their blessing to remove it, and boy did I remove it. But when I did go back to buy it at the auction, the delete tips had been cut off (The thieves).


08-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Blackmobile - Sadly, I still owe about 7k or so on it and it's already at their salvage lot waiting for auction. I'll only end up with just under 3 grand if I can't get them to increase their proposed payout(10,800). I'll need every penny of that to put towards another vehicle as mine can't be fixed as I finally found out this week(frame was bent). So with that in mind and my lack of an engine stand/hoist and place to keep the wreck, buying it back even for the engine(w/20k on it and paid out of pocket for 2 years ago) and parting out simply doesn't look like a feasible option for me as much as I'd like to.

However. If GoMifuni's is in good running shape and hasn't received any deposits from anyone for it, a family member may be able to help me out with the rest I'd need to buy it from him, gonna have to make sure I wake up before dusk tomorrow to call him now that I took the number down. So with any luck I may be a happy MM driver again without commiting any type of financial suicide.

Though depending on how things go, if i really could get it back for only 1100 and the 500 or so you mention in fees, it might not be a bad idea to see if the family member would be able to help with the full amount, allow me to use what i get back from the ins., maybe i could either simply swap my 20k mile motor for the 130k motor in the one i looked at or just sell mine outright to pay back the family member. You've certainly given me some more to think about(in a good way for once!).

Thanks for the info and advice!

08-01-2009, 08:59 PM
When you go back to pick up your personal belongings, they probably will let you switch out the radio, CAI, & battery, but the battery will probably be dead as a door nail when you get to it (I mean the unusable dead). If the INS co gives you any grief make it known to them that they will be paying you extra for the premium parts they are making you leave behind. I had a blower attached to my MM and told them they would have to pay me $5000 if they wouldn't let me take it off. All of a sudden I had their blessing to remove it, and boy did I remove it. But when I did go back to buy it at the auction, the delete tips had been cut off (The thieves).


Without even mentioning asking for monetary compensation if I couldn't get the parts back, they insisted I'd have to produce receipts. I bought the battery for my cavalier from before about 3.5-4 years ago(didn't think about it being dead by now so that's ok i guess). The radio, the yard said i could do since i explained in detail there's no special tool or cutting involved to put the radio back IN, that's only for taking it out. The intake is the main issue i think at this point. My best friend is a tech at a dealership where a MM came in on trade in. The dealer would've had to pay the $100+ for the factory intake to sell it so my buddy offered up mine in exchange, so I didn't "pay" for it, but I've given them plenty of business and ended up helping them out there more than they helped me, but i think i would still consider it mine. I already bought a factory intake/box from the junkyard to put back so i still fail to see where the issue is, they'd end up with exactly what they're paying out for.

K, now i really need to try to get a drink before the bar closes, it's been one of those days. Thanks again.

08-01-2009, 09:08 PM
Any time, my friend. The parts on a MM are unique and expensive since a lot of parts can't be gotten anymore due to being discontinued. Here's what mine looked like after the accident:



and here is what it looks like now after parting quite a bit of it out:



You'd be surprised what you can get out of these things.

08-01-2009, 10:53 PM
^^^ Those pictures are killing me! ^^^

08-02-2009, 10:21 AM
Stopped and looked at Go Mifuni's car, couldn't call cause of no service but looks good and I'm highly interested in giving her a good home. I think I should get a broker's fee for this Marauder matchmaking...that is, if you buy it. :beer:

the damn rental takes a **** and won't start. Other than being an inconvenience, at least it ain't your car. Who the hell cares? Might be able to swing a free or severely discounted rental based on the inconvenience of the whole thing.