View Full Version : Had to post THIS...

10-14-2003, 06:18 PM
Was browsing around Popular Mechanic's website, and came across this from the car meister hisself....Mr. Leno, I presume?


Been having good luck with links working lately, so I'll just leave this one...I think it puts out some profound advice we could learn from.:up: :bows:

10-15-2003, 06:04 AM
I agree! Many people buy a car and then avoid using/enjoying it, hoping that they're 'preserving' a future collector car. Because of all the stuff that happens to us in life, this type of plan is great idea but far from a sure thing. Besides, I don't think that is the history of most of the nice cars you see at shows.

I'd guess that for every 'totally original' car at a show that was bought by the owner to BE a collector later, there are 10 that were found and restored.

I'm with Jay; drive it and enjoy it now; who knows what kind of hand life will deal you later?

10-15-2003, 06:33 AM
I'm with Jay; drive it and enjoy it now; who knows what kind of hand life will deal you later?

And you know, there were probably people on the Titanic who skipped dessert.

10-15-2003, 07:36 AM
"I say, buy a Marauder now. Drive it sensibly. Take really good care of it. Enjoy it while you can. If it's worth money in the future, congratulations. If not, well, at least you've had a good time with it."

Artistic license taken and abused

Paul T. Casey
10-15-2003, 07:41 AM
Kinda like the old "dance like no-one's watching" adage. I'll probably be pretty near 40K at the one year mark.