View Full Version : Now it's my turn to talk

07-14-2009, 11:11 PM
With all this talk about Zack I'm going to speak up because I am tired of all of the bashing.

I have known Zack for many years and let me tell you from day one he knew almost more than this website. It even came to a point when I would call him before I would post because I had no internet or I just needed one opinion. No matter what he would pickup or return the call the next day. I cannot say I have a friend in the world that is as responsive as him. I myself have slipped over the years.

If I came to his house to have something fixed he would not only help me, but point out other things I missed. He would fix those things too and if he were to charge me for a major job (like installing headers) he wouldn't charge me for anything else the car needed that he either forgot (very rare) or noticed while he was doing the work.

Over time it got to be more than just about the car, just like it has been on this website. Before I know it he's inviting me over to BBQs and I'm inviting him backstage to a Green Day concert. He has done more for me than I can recall and never once has he complained saying he was doing too much and not getting paid enough or said "I'm sick of this turd of a car." ....okay maybe that was said once. :D But he got back to it, never left me stranded.

Even when a part would come up on here that he knew I wanted he would reserve it for me. The headers were a huge help. If he was all about the money he would have bought them and sold them to me for $50 more because he spotted the ad 20 minutes before me, guess what... he never did that, not once. He has even given me parts that have benefitted me at no cost. Like the smaller pully. 50+ HP = $0 How nice is that?

As far as him being on the site. He has always called it like it is because he has been around the block enough times to tell you where each and every crack on the street is. He knows the car better than anyone I have ever met and pretty much cars for that matter too. The only person that comes close is Mac, but he has out of my contact for over a year. Did Zack make a few people look bad? Only when they asked for it. Not once do I recall seeing Zack starting a thread just to bash someone, I cannot say the same towards the people that have gone after him..... INCLUDDING going after his life outside of the car. What has no relation to the Marauder is no ones business, but some poor souls have found it necessary to go down to that level just to make themsleves feel better before they watch Rambo before bedtime at 9pm.

Zack was a little more blunt than I wanted him to be once or twice to me, but you know what? I deserved it. If I didn't fix something or totally did something wrong without knowing it, I really did deserve a punch in the head. It would occur to me that I was in the wrong so I would take a few minutes cool down and move on. I do not see why others cannot do that. Zack has done this and got banned banned banned.... so what? Like you have never been punished in your life? Is there a limited amount of bans and than you're out for good? Is this like a game? I suppose it's become one.

I saw him yesterday and he is still as helpful as ever. The only difference is he cannot post here anymore. Being that he's no longer on the site would make you think he would be at no help to anyone coming his way with anything Marauder related, but he still is 100%.

Giving Zack the boot was a big mistake if all that had to be done was say "Stop it." We can all figure out by now it was about the tunes. All the Mods had to to was say "Take this somewhere else." I don't recall seeing a waring or even hearing about one from him. I know the LEOs on here do not arrest people for going ten over the limit or even arrest people for going ten over the limit for the third time UNLESS there is more to the violation.

I do not know why so many of you are saying the decision was a good thing. Now you will be in the dark for many of your new questions. Or if you want an honest option and one that speaks from experience, you will no longer find it.

You can make this thread vanish if you want, but I actually emailed it to myself this time so I can keep posting it in full.

See ya later alligater!

07-15-2009, 01:02 AM
Well said Dom. :2thumbs:

Ms. Denmark
07-15-2009, 06:46 AM
You still don't get it. Why doesn't that surprise me? Good luck with life..... you're gunna need it. BTW "my turn to talk" ? What the hell do you call what you already do?