View Full Version : You can haz new Caprice, but only if you'z police.

07-15-2009, 12:06 PM
Remember that talk about the G8 living as the new Chevy Caprice? Sure it will, but GM is looking to make the Caprice for law enforcement fleets...

Source: http://jalopnik.com/5315148/g8-survival-again-in-doubt

Much to the frustration of G8 fans, when GM Marketing Chief Bob Lutz said the Pontiac G8 will become the Chevy Caprice he might have meant a Caprice only for police work. What's happening?

To summarize: CEO Fritz Henderson first says G8 GXP survival unlikely. Then, Lutz says it's coming back. Today we find out from AutoBlog that Fritz said yesterday:

We've been looking at it for police applications. As for whether or not it's broader than police applications, I am not a believer in re-branding and re-badging. We've been talking about in terms of potential police applications and we'll leave it at that."

It could be a long year if the "New GM" is going to be nothing but Lutz Said/Fritz Said. Either way, big G8 fans may at least be able to settle on retired police cars.

07-15-2009, 12:25 PM
OMFG...The general has lost his mind! First they shrink the Impalas into more lemmingmobiles and now they are going to have the LEO's driving around in a renamed G freakin 8....why not at least retire the Caprice name with some dignity.....

07-15-2009, 01:21 PM
We've been looking at it for police applications. As for whether or not it's broader than police applications, I am not a believer in re-branding and re-badging. We've been talking about in terms of potential police applications and we'll leave it at that."

Uh....than why do the continue to produce GMC's? And what were Saabs again?


07-15-2009, 01:34 PM
I bet its available to all as a Caprice, Lutz is the one star they have and when he says somethings gonna happen, it will. Fritz is a bean-counter.

07-15-2009, 02:07 PM
I think its a riot that GM is getting caught up in naming conventions like the days gone by. Thought that all that stuff shirt analytical crap was going by the wayside during BK? Guess not.

Caprice = Brand Equity? hell no......... Not in todays world.

07-15-2009, 04:13 PM
What ever G.M. An old crappy name for such a nice car. How about just leaving it as Chevy G8 or better yet. A Buick Wildcat, or a GNX! Why not a 4 door GNX just like a 4 door Charger. What ever! It is what it is.

07-15-2009, 05:37 PM
How about call it what it really is?

Chevrolet Comodore