View Full Version : What is going on with our Government

Dennis Reinhart
07-31-2009, 06:37 PM
Are you all aware of what our government is doing right now, Chrysler has a 4500 dollar clunker trade in policy, basically you could push a 1938 Zeppelin in the dealer ship for a 4500 trade in, that is fine and dandy I would rather push a Zeppelin than drive a Chrysler, Sorry Donnie.

But lets get serious right now here is a perfect example of what is AFU with this policy, this is a fact I was told this today, a elderly lady drive a Dodge Caravan into the dealership, she qualifies for this program, ANY car traded in has to have the entire drive train disabled the the car is crushed it can not be resold period, so this is what the dealers have to do, drain the engine oil poor liquid glass in the engine ruin it till it locks up.

What in gods name is going on, this lady's van had 48K on it this car could have been donated to a needy family, look and how this is effecting independent car repair shops, this just plain makes me sick to my stomach.

07-31-2009, 06:40 PM
You're about a day late and a dollar short, we tore this issue up the other day. Dom started the thread.

07-31-2009, 06:40 PM
if that is true that is just retarted. man must be real "green" to produce all those new cars.

Dennis Reinhart
07-31-2009, 06:45 PM
You're about a day late and a dollar short, we tore this issue up the other day. Dom started the thread.

Well you see I do not set and watch this site. I run a independent repair shop I am 1 of thousands suffering from this, so if its redundant to you excuse me.

07-31-2009, 07:05 PM
:flag:How else can we all be brainwashed into driving Barry Soetoro mobiles (the eight foot long mini-cooper type)?

They are destroying the evil symbols of American industry and success...all in the name of the earth god.

I knew the politicians didn't care about America when I found out the $4500 stimulus could be used to buy cars outside of FORD, GENERAL MOTORS, and CHRYSLER made outside of America.

So I guess it is OK to stimulate Japan and Germany's economy with our tax dollars. This charlatan HAS to be a one term wonder.:flag:

GOD BLESS THE USA (We really need it.) !!!

07-31-2009, 07:09 PM
:flag:How else can we all be brainwashed into driving Barry Soetoro mobiles (the eight foot long mini-cooper type)?

They are destroying the evil symbols of American industry and success...all in the name of the earth god.

I knew the politicians didn't care about America when I found out the $4500 stimulus could be used to buy cars outside of FORD, GENERAL MOTORS, and CHRYSLER made outside of America.

So I guess it is OK to stimulate Japan and Germany's economy with our tax dollars. This charlatan HAS to be a one term wonder.:flag:

GOD BLESS THE USA (We really need it.) !!!

I sure hope America wakes up for the mid-term elections.

07-31-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm going to rush out and buy a POS chrysler product? give me a break. Only FORD had the balls to stay away from the a*hole in chief on this one. Buy, but buy FORD, not government.

07-31-2009, 07:34 PM
Time to stand up!

Blk Mamba
07-31-2009, 07:45 PM
Treason, is only illegal if you lose.

07-31-2009, 08:00 PM
The program is only for 250,000 cars at best (960,000,000.00) I doubt 1/4 of million cars will be noticed at repair shops Nation wide.

07-31-2009, 08:08 PM
Only our government can put up 1 BILLION dollars for 222,000 cars and f*ing run out of money at 22,000 cars. Again, wait until government health care. Simple math btw 1,000,000,000 / 4,500 = 222,222 cars wtf? (Oh, I forgot, Government Chrysler is also chipping in 4,500 of OUR money if you buy their products? TOTAL BS NOW they are going to add another 2 BILLION to this BS.. Where in the hell is this money comng from? WTF good is it doing? We are spinning out of control.

07-31-2009, 08:11 PM
The program is only for 250,000 cars at best (960,000,000.00) I doubt 1/4 of million cars will be noticed at repair shops Nation wide.
You got keep up BDJ .... Congress was voting today to extend the program and add another $3.5 Billion to the pot. My guess is that it will extend the program by 10-14 days based on how quickly the first Billion was pizzed away. I'll give you 3 guess on where this money is coming from .. and the first two don't count. No increase in taxes .... my azz. :rolleyes:

07-31-2009, 08:15 PM
Well you see I do not set and watch this site. I run a independent repair shop I am 1 of thousands suffering from this, so if its redundant to you excuse me.

Dont worry about it, there are threads here I never read because I usually ignore threads posted by some of the members here. Back to the point, though I am generally supportive of the changes made in the last few months this program seems a total waste of time/money. It does not help US workers as you can get the money when you buy a Kia or VW or whatever made overseas, our tax money bailing out the Korean auto industry; secondly, this is another dumb idea pushed by loudmouth ecologists that just doesnt make sense, especially in these rough financial times.

Dennis Reinhart
07-31-2009, 08:15 PM
The program is only for 250,000 cars at best (960,000,000.00) I doubt 1/4 of million cars will be noticed at repair shops Nation wide.

Darn Jim, nice to hear from you, but please excuse me if I misinterpreted what you just said, but this is very easily done in the INTERNET. But to me, I may, or may not have have misinterpreted you, if I have please accept my apology. But in that last statement it sounds like, cops are stupid. It make no difference what the price range the cars are, they are destroying perfectly good used cars, that could be donated to the needy. I donate more than one every year. I will get a car that has bad heads, bad trans, bad engine, I will fix it and give it to a local church.:)

07-31-2009, 08:29 PM
A lot of the cars they're destroying are in a whole lot better shape than my brother, step-daughter, and nephew are driving. WASTE, that's what happens when gov't gets involved with anything.

07-31-2009, 08:44 PM
I have seen several of these cars.I have 2 neighbors that are doing it.They have good cars that have been kept up but are 90's models.They just won't retail for $4500 but are very dependable cars.No reason to destroy.It will put people out of WORK. To get the correct answer just ask yourself this question,"When was the last time Congress did anything for us that will not harm us in some way,or cost us a lot of money?." They are not out to help us.

07-31-2009, 08:53 PM
I just hope the members of congress get an earfull from their constituents while they're back home for a month.

Dennis Reinhart
07-31-2009, 09:03 PM
I just hope the members of congress get an earful from their constituents while they're back home for a month.

Now Brian, I am truly disappointed in you, except I know how much you travel, all of us here know that all the senators and our congressman have taken the 1000 page health care plan home, on advice of our supreme commander and read it on there vacation, and are they are going to read it line for line. And I am just fooling with you so there is no misinterpretation. (Can You Say Sea Breeze.) I can say (Dirty Martini)

07-31-2009, 09:13 PM
:flag:How else can we all be brainwashed into driving Barry Soetoro mobiles (the eight foot long mini-cooper type)?

They are destroying the evil symbols of American industry and success...all in the name of the earth god.

I knew the politicians didn't care about America when I found out the $4500 stimulus could be used to buy cars outside of FORD, GENERAL MOTORS, and CHRYSLER made outside of America.

So I guess it is OK to stimulate Japan and Germany's economy with our tax dollars. This charlatan HAS to be a one term wonder.:flag:

GOD BLESS THE USA (We really need it.) !!!

B.C. Bake
07-31-2009, 09:25 PM
Can't wait when, Obama leaves office!:argue:. What happened? :bop: Sorry, if I offended anyone out there but whatever :shake:.

07-31-2009, 09:30 PM







08-01-2009, 03:51 AM
You got keep up BDJ .... Congress was were voting today to extend the program and add another $3.5 Billion to the pot. My guess is that it will extend the program by 10-14 days based on how quickly the first Billion was pizzed away. I'll give you 3 guess on where this money is coming from .. and the first two don't count. No increase in taxes .... my azz. :rolleyes:

Well I was speaking about the "first" plan. Program stopped because the Gov. can not process the claims fast enough, and are worried about running out of money:rolf:

08-01-2009, 03:53 AM
Darn Jim, nice to hear from you, but please excuse me if I misinterpreted what you just said, but this is very easily done in the INTERNET. But to me, I may, or may not have have misinterpreted you, if I have please accept my apology. But in that last statement it sounds like, cops are stupid. It make no difference what the price range the cars are, they are destroying perfectly good used cars, that could be donated to the needy. I donate more than one every year. I will get a car that has bad heads, bad trans, bad engine, I will fix it and give it to a local church.:)

No problem Dennis! I stopped by one local Ford Dealer the other day and trust me some of the "junk" they took on trade you would not want:eek:

08-01-2009, 05:36 AM
I am sick of seeing people buying the foreing crap on the news for this stupid program where the hell are there brains! How much more money is this nut in the white building going to wast! What is he up to so far? :mad2:

08-01-2009, 07:38 AM
I am sick of seeing people buying the foreing crap on the news for this stupid program where the hell are there brains! How much more money is this nut in the white building going to wast! What is he up to so far? :mad2:
How many people here who are complaining about this guy voted for him? Fess up.
I sure as hell didn't.

08-01-2009, 07:51 AM
I like the idea but believe it should have been limited to vehicles produced in north america. And that could include some foriegn models. This plan is also aimed at reducing our dependance on foreign oil and leaving the low gas mileage vehicles in the system would defeat that part of the plan.

08-01-2009, 08:27 AM
Well you see I do not set and watch this site. I run a independent repair shop I am 1 of thousands suffering from this, so if its redundant to you excuse me.

It's not redundant to me, I put Dom's name so you can find the 'Cash For Clunkers' thread he started and read all those posts as well. Cause I'm helpful like that and we are all busy.

08-01-2009, 09:00 AM
the deals are all over. subaru is offering a match which could mean you'll get $9000 for your trade in. I believe it's a program to get people to go out and buy new cars that they might not be able to afford or that they can afford right this minute but might not be able to afford after they lose their job. they sell the cars to get the money to help Government Motors (GM) return back to Generel Motors.

B.C. Bake
08-01-2009, 11:46 AM
How many people here who are complaining about this guy voted for him? Fess up.
I sure as hell didn't.

I didn't either, But I was kinda wishing they'd showed palin campaigning in a bikini though.:rolleyes:

Aren Jay
08-01-2009, 12:09 PM
We have a similar programme in Canada for several month now and as far the reporters could figure out not one car was cashed in.

Mind you other than a brief mention in the last budget it hasn't been advertised.

08-01-2009, 01:47 PM
Landfill here we come!


Can someone please explain how this is actually good for the environment?

08-01-2009, 02:13 PM
Landfill here we come!


Can someone please explain how this is actually good for the environment?

^^^ Exactly what I was thinking!! ^^^:shake:

08-01-2009, 02:15 PM
I like the idea but believe it should have been limited to vehicles produced in north america. And that could include some foriegn models. This plan is also aimed at reducing our dependance on foreign oil and leaving the low gas mileage vehicles in the system would defeat that part of the plan.

I don't really agree with that, for one thing not a lot of vehicles that have been produced in the past 4 or 5 years have had a dramatic increase in fuel economy that I've seen over some older models. When the average MPG of a new vehicle is 40+, come talk to me then, otherwise I'm not buying it.

PLUS, what good is reducing dependency on foreign oil if we have no money left over to buy what little we would need? That's basically saying "yeh we're broke now, but you are gonna be too" to those nations, what good does that do anyone? Honestly, if we want to reduce dependency on foreign oil, how bout we first start tapping the reserves we have on our own soil first...

This whole thing has been NOTHING but a short-sighted environmental program so that someone somewhere could pat themselves on the back for coming up with it, except it's doing far more harm than good.

B.C. Bake
08-01-2009, 03:23 PM
Landfill here we come!


Can someone please explain how this is actually good for the environment?

This kinda sh$t really pisses me off. :mad2:I'm keeping my 1985 Chevy silverado, Fu$k the government offers.:flamer:

08-01-2009, 04:31 PM
Somehow I think there is more to this program than meets the eye.There was some talk on tv ,including by a politician, that it will not go away. What government program ever goes away? The temporary ones nearly always become permanent.This is bound to not be good for the independent shop owner if it continues.The feds are just printing money for it.

08-01-2009, 06:27 PM
Hey,Federal Income Tax was only temporary and they had no problem ending it.Right?

Aren Jay
08-01-2009, 07:17 PM
Step two is to raise the insurance rates on all cars over 20 years old, thus forcing you too buy new or pay for the old one.

Remember driving is a priviledge the government grants to you, not a right.

08-01-2009, 07:53 PM
How many people here who are complaining about this guy voted for him? Fess up.
I sure as hell didn't.
Alot of them are not looking, they are actually posting things related to their cars for once. Its not like they have Bush to rant about anymore. I can tell you that I proudly did NOT vote for Obama. I can tell you that I am honestly scared of the future. I can only hope that the size and scope of government stops at where it is. Obama is taking a totally imprudent plunge making us into another Europe. Last time I checked, we had a revolution for a reason... :(

08-01-2009, 08:27 PM
I'm pretty sure I've heard that some European nations have basically looked at what's been going on here lately and pretty much said "ummm, really? you don't think that's a bit too far...?"

08-01-2009, 08:42 PM
for dog catcher...not President


08-02-2009, 05:32 AM
I don't really agree with that, for one thing not a lot of vehicles that have been produced in the past 4 or 5 years have had a dramatic increase in fuel economy that I've seen over some older models. When the average MPG of a new vehicle is 40+, come talk to me then, otherwise I'm not buying it.

PLUS, what good is reducing dependency on foreign oil if we have no money left over to buy what little we would need? That's basically saying "yeh we're broke now, but you are gonna be too" to those nations, what good does that do anyone? Honestly, if we want to reduce dependency on foreign oil, how bout we first start tapping the reserves we have on our own soil first...

This whole thing has been NOTHING but a short-sighted environmental program so that someone somewhere could pat themselves on the back for coming up with it, except it's doing far more harm than good.

You don't have to agree with me and vice versa. I did vote for Obama and think most of his decisions have been good ones. Do you remember what the economy was like prior to his taking office? Do you think the alternates would have done better? He has a lot on his plate to deal with left from the prior administration. In order to qualify for the cash for clunkers program the new vehicle has to get a significant increase in mileage from the vehicle turned in. And if you worked in the auto industry you would be applauding this program. I would rather have people working and paying taxes than drawing unemployment. Just one man's opinion.

08-02-2009, 06:00 AM

08-02-2009, 06:16 AM
You don't have to agree with me and vice versa. I did vote for Obama and think most of his decisions have been good ones. Do you remember what the economy was like prior to his taking office? Do you think the alternates would have done better? He has a lot on his plate to deal with left from the prior administration. In order to qualify for the cash for clunkers program the new vehicle has to get a significant increase in mileage from the vehicle turned in. And if you worked in the auto industry you would be applauding this program. I would rather have people working and paying taxes than drawing unemployment. Just one man's opinion.

Right up front I'm going to tell you I'm a Union Member and believe there are good reasons for Unions as well as some good ones for not having or needing unions in some cases.BUT,the UAW workers have a racket going,even among other Unions it's well known,all you have to do is check out their pay,benies and the real racket about what happens when they don't feel good.
Here's a tiny bit of money spent for some really deserving folks too,this ought to benefit Americans a lot.We really need to transport terrorists to this country and support them with OUR tax money,don't we!

Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know....

Something happened...

H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs.
You may want to read about it..
It wasn't mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.

Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA. This is the news that didn't make the headlines...

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .

The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

Let's review.... itemized list of some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration:

His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S., but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.

He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.

Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.

These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.


To verify this for yourself:

Yep,Change all right. For the better? You got to be kidding.
You may have some choice left yet,either convert to Islam or learn to speak spanish because these people have given this country away.In 25 years it's going to be all over here,no more USA! :mad2:

08-02-2009, 07:21 AM
Please, keep chanting, The Messiah Is Here For US, The messiah is here for us, the mesiah is here for us... B.O.H.I.C.A. :bigcry:

08-02-2009, 11:35 AM
You don't have to agree with me and vice versa. I did vote for Obama and think most of his decisions have been good ones. Do you remember what the economy was like prior to his taking office? Yes. It was actually better in many ways.

Do you think the alternates would have done better? Absolutely. I'm not alone either. His approval rating has fallen below 50% and is now lower than GWB's rating at the same point in each administration.

He has a lot on his plate to deal with left from the prior administration. That's true. Specifically terrorism. Something he hasn't even touched yet.

In order to qualify for the cash for clunkers program the new vehicle has to get a significant increase in mileage from the vehicle turned in. I doubt that late model Volvo got terrible milage (I posted that vid in another thread). I don't see how destroying a 4,000 lb car in favor of manufacturing a 3,800 that gets 6 mpg better is doing the world any good.

And if you worked in the auto industry you would be applauding this program. Kick backs sure are a lot of fun! Why not burn down our old, energy inneficient homes too? Carpenter unions would love it! I would rather have people working and paying taxes than drawing unemployment. Same here. Some one has to pay for it.

Just one man's opinion.

Just another mans opinion. ;)

08-06-2009, 01:20 PM
Just heard today that the Administration is thinking about abolishing the US Postal Service. :eek: That news oughta make about 663,238 Postal Employees happy as s#!t. :rolleyes: I wonder how they are gonna move 203 Billion pieces of mail per year without USPS. Yeah, I know that half of it is junk mail too. All this for a max savings of $74.9 Billion per year. H3LL the administration pizzed away 10 times that much on the Bank Bailout. :mad:

This ^^^^ is far from being a done deal. However, I think that it proves that there are some real loonies in the DC when they are willing to consider dismantling a major part of the communication system for the sake of some nebulous :bs: and likely non-existent savings. Freaking Idiots. :mad2:

08-06-2009, 01:29 PM
Just another mans opinion. ;)

Yep, pretty much nailed what my response was gonna be before I could.

Vkirkend, my apologies if my first response to you came off as personal, I had no intentions of making it sound that way. But indeed, Leadfoot pretty much summed up everything I was thinking when I read your response to mine.

08-06-2009, 06:58 PM
We're from the government and we're here to help you.

08-06-2009, 07:09 PM
Get with the program!! ***** all you wan't on this forum but until all of us in Canada & the US get together & destroy the mindless trudge of big Gov't we will all perish in the next 20 years.

08-06-2009, 07:24 PM
We need to listen to this guy and get off our duffs and organize! I'm in,he!!,what have I got to lose. Not much!


08-06-2009, 07:31 PM
Revolution is illegal unless you win!

08-06-2009, 07:36 PM
It was illegal 234 years ago,and back then the penalty was death.

Donny Carlson
08-06-2009, 08:06 PM
I would rather push a Zeppelin than drive a Chrysler, Sorry Donnie.

Considering the huge numbers of Challenger, Charger, Viper, Magnum, 300C, JEEP SRT, Prowler, and 300C owners (not to mention Neon SRT and Caliber SRT), I guess you have so much business you can turn your back on all that money these people are spending on tuning, superchargers, suspensions, etc, you know, all the things your shop does. I'm happy you are doing so well.

I certainly wouldn't want to have somebody who hates my car work on it.

08-07-2009, 05:29 AM
We're from the government and we're here to help you.

Now please bend over.

08-07-2009, 05:33 AM
Now please bend over.
When did they start saying please?

08-07-2009, 05:36 AM
When did they start saying please?

Good point.

08-07-2009, 08:43 AM
I sure hope America wakes up for the mid-term elections.

If they dont WELL were all gonna be in trouble! Get the ammo and food stocked up thats for sure :beer:

08-07-2009, 08:51 AM
We're from the government and we're here to help you.

Yeah just like the guy who came to my frt door last weekend? I live in the middle of nowhere people dont just come to my door????? he asked me is this a single family residence? answer yes he says ok thanks walks away and I see him punching my cordinance into a gps he looks up at the sky for a sencond looks back down at his handheld whatever and walks away? I see him drive down my 400yard long driveway and on the side of the truck it says US.GOV WTF was that all about??? He claim to be with the US Census bureau????????? YEa and Iam Santa CLaus

08-07-2009, 09:02 AM
Yeah just like the guy who came to my frt door last weekend? I live in the middle of nowhere people dont just come to my door????? he asked me is this a single family residence? answer yes he says ok thanks walks away and I see him punching my cordinance into a gps he looks up at the sky for a sencond looks back down at his handheld whatever and walks away? I see him drive down my 400yard long driveway and on the side of the truck it says US.GOV WTF was that all about??? He claim to be with the US Census bureau????????? YEa and Iam Santa CLaus

The helicopters ought to start showing up any time now.

08-07-2009, 09:23 AM
The helicopters ought to start showing up any time now.

Try the unmanned drowne me and a friend spotted with my telescope last month (star gazing right at sunset)? why is a unmanned drown flying over the center of the United Sates????? I never was one of those people before my friend stated showing me alot of funny and questionable stuff????? what are they looking for????? what else can zip codes be used for???? HM? here is a link to the eact one lookingthru my t-scope not sure of specs on this scope but you can see the rings of saturn pretty clearly so see the drone up close was fairly easy but hard to keep up with it was prettyweird?????? but on same hand why in the middle of the US MIssouri???

08-07-2009, 09:39 AM
Yeah just like the guy who came to my frt door last weekend? I live in the middle of nowhere people dont just come to my door????? he asked me is this a single family residence? answer yes he says ok thanks walks away and I see him punching my cordinance into a gps he looks up at the sky for a sencond looks back down at his handheld whatever and walks away? I see him drive down my 400yard long driveway and on the side of the truck it says US.GOV WTF was that all about??? He claim to be with the US Census bureau????????? YEa and Iam Santa CLaus

I can't believe you answered any of his questions. If I answer my door when someone knocks, one hand is behind my back. And people notice it, too. Tends to keep conversations rediculously short. Here's my favorite so far this year:
"Uhhhh, ....I'm so and so...from blah blah home improvements..."
"Am I about to mess up my front porch paint?"
"Uhhh...have a nice day."
"I am."

eric jones
08-07-2009, 09:42 AM
Anyway! I love my Marauder

08-07-2009, 04:26 PM
I can't believe you answered any of his questions. If I answer my door when someone knocks, one hand is behind my back. And people notice it, too. Tends to keep conversations rediculously short. Here's my favorite so far this year:
"Uhhhh, ....I'm so and so...from blah blah home improvements..."
"Am I about to mess up my front porch paint?"
"Uhhh...have a nice day."
"I am."

CBT, I did not answer but one question he could tell I was not very happy???? Besides I have read about people running them off there land cant imagine what database there being logged into HM???? usually I would do just what you said living in the middle of no-where if something happens 15 min before the cops would show up I ussually take the approach of handle it youreself or run the chance of being dead if it is a robber:beer:

08-07-2009, 04:27 PM
Anyway! I love my Marauder

I like:beer: see you tommorow Eric!!!

08-07-2009, 07:11 PM
A 140# male Rottie answers my door. Only the really stupid wait for a human response.

08-07-2009, 08:10 PM
A 140# male Rottie answers my door. Only the really stupid wait for a human response.

kinda the same thing other than he is Dobbie and he only weighs 89 pds but boy is he protective he got 10 fold worse after we had 2 kids, he doesnt worry much about me anymore just the kids. If they go out side and he doesnt he will stand by the door howling until he gets let out to the boys