View Full Version : What is happening to MercuryMarauder.net?

08-01-2009, 04:20 AM
As an amateur radio operator, otherwise known as Ham Radio, there are two items which are treated as faux pas* when discussed openly on the air -- Religion and Politics. I joined this forum, albeit not too long ago, as an avenue to find information on a car that has always been a dream of mine to own, the Mercury Marauder. Before purchasing the Marauder, much of my decision was made from the feedback and friendliness I found herein. Both the knowledge-base and true love of the car from the members of this forum is overwhelming!

However, it seems that this place has become more like the "Rants & Raves" section of Craig's List than the informative database it was intended to be. The blatant violation of posted "rules" is quite disturbing, with enforcement seeming to only apply to certain members (you most likely know who I am referring to).

The Rules message (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/announcement.php?f=25) clearly explains the following:

This following topics are not allowed on this message board and will be removed if posted: Religion, politics, race/racism, abortion, highly sensitive or controversial subjects that incites arguments, promotion of illegal drugs or illegal activity, software piracy, material which is exceedingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, extremely sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violate any law, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any form of solicitation unless authorized and approved by the owners beforehand.

Why has this been ALLOWED to go by the wayside?

*(A faux pas (pronounced /ˌfoʊˈpɑː/, plural: faux pas /ˌfoʊˈpɑː(z)/) is a violation of accepted social rules (for example, standard customs or etiquette rules). Faux pas vary widely from culture to culture, and what is considered good manners in one culture can be considered a faux pas in another. The term comes originally from French, and literally means "false step".)

08-01-2009, 07:53 AM
Hello to a fellow Ham from K3ZOT. The net has changed as the membership changes. Many younger - 2nd and 3rd time owners with different views and beliefs then the original owners who started the net. I have had a difficult time adjusting myself - but heck - life goes on. Some times I have to periodically take a vacation from both boards to clear my head. It all seems to be part of our society today. But, its not that bad - the administrators do a good job - thankless as it is.

73's :beer:


08-01-2009, 08:01 AM
I think folks realized it is hard not to talk about politics when so much revolves around it. Cash for Clunkers, perfect example. We are gearheads, this affects a lot of us. Health care, another example. Anything politicians do that may cause us to pay more taxes is less money for car parts. It all loops back around, see. I think these debates are theraputic. I'd rather see someone let their frustrations out on here than go blitzkrieg at a daycare center or something. But, not my site, just my 2 pesos.

Black Dynamite
08-01-2009, 08:09 AM
I couldn't agree more. Here in the real world I have many friends on both sides of the political fence. All of them get mad at me for being a moderate. But in the end it's a good natured discussion. It seems like on here it's nothing but hate mongering. I realize I'm probably oversimplifying things a bit, but dear god the mood in this place is really a drag anymore. I try taking a few days off from time to time but it never seems to get better.

08-01-2009, 08:27 AM
You will find that i veeeerrry rarely post in a political, usually not at all. It is a great way to make enemies very fast! You think customizing a car is bad? Name one thing you don't like about government and BOOM even your best friends take it way toooo seriously and jump on you. No thanks, leave me out of those discussions.

08-01-2009, 08:38 AM
Name one thing you don't like about government and BOOM even your best friends take it way toooo serious

I don't like you anymore. :D

08-01-2009, 08:52 AM
Why do we keep havin' this discussion? If you don't like it, CLOSE THE DAMN THREAD, AND MOVE ON!!!! This is no one's personal forum, what makes anything think that they can ***** about the content (Owners excluded!) We're adults here, at least most of us. If the owners don't have a problem with a post, STFU, and quit stirring the pot, causing more headaches for our overworked Admin, etc. We get a few whiners, complaining, and the owner's have to react/censor. If you crave a boring site, there are other forums available to JUST get your info, I invite you to go check them out!

Off my :soap: box, As SgtMac used to say "Carry on Gents"


08-01-2009, 09:02 AM
i dont mind em. im not gona go join some political site so i can talk there. i have friends here and find there opinons intresting, i also learn a great deal.

O's Fan Rich
08-01-2009, 09:19 AM
Why do we keep havin' this discussion? If you don't like it, CLOSE THE DAMN THREAD, AND MOVE ON!!!! This is no one's personal forum, what makes anything think that they can ***** about the content (Owners excluded!) We're adults here, at least most of us. If the owners don't have a problem with a post, STFU, and quit stirring the pot, causing more headaches for our overworked Admin, etc. We get a few whiners, complaining, and the owner's have to react/censor. If you crave a boring site, there are other forums available to JUST get your info, I invite you to go check them out!

Off my :soap: box, As SgtMac used to say "Carry on Gents"


Yep.... like turning the tv channel, or changing tracks, or whatever...
Maybe we should try:


Or something......

08-01-2009, 09:42 AM
W4QVS here......:beer:


Glenn...I like your call sign....."ZOT"!!!:beer:

Aren Jay
08-01-2009, 11:59 AM
Usually when people mention politics here, not always, but usually it has something to do with cars or transportation.

Most of the time this is limited to the lounge where it belongs or maybe the test forum but even there things get way out of hand for no reason.

Rules are rules but friends are friends, when you don't know someone who your friend doesn't like then one tends to side with a friend. Also with more than one mod things can get worse. But things can be handled with ignore options even though sometimes it can lead to multiple same answers for others.

Religion is less ignored here and if you disagree with someone they get mad at you.

Likewise if you disagree with wild statements people get emotional and freak out.

Now this isn't as bad as the Star trek forums when you point out that the federation is communism but certian persons here stand up strong and preach their bigotry. But the the silent majority only shakes our heads and things...

Anyhow welcome to the forum, where there is more Marauder related info than anywhere else and if you ignore the lounge not too many problems except by a few.

(And those few are all pointing at me, or Dom or oh well.)

Ms. Denmark
08-01-2009, 12:08 PM
Who are you? And what have you done with Aren Jay? :D LOL Well said.

08-01-2009, 01:52 PM
There's been political discussion here since the day I showed up and probably long before that as well.

There is nothing new about it. Why complain now?

08-01-2009, 06:08 PM
I value political discussion on a auto-enthusiast forum (such as MM.net) about as much as I value car talk on a political talk show.

08-01-2009, 06:34 PM
I don't like you anymore. :D
