View Full Version : Cash for Clunkers is going too far.

08-10-2009, 08:55 AM
This was posted on a local Mustang forum:

I hate dumb people. ALOT. This was posted on corral....this is pics HERE in Louisville of a SYCLONE turned in for 4500 credits. WTF?!?!

08-10-2009, 08:59 AM
Absolutely retarded.... Some people need to be hit.... hard...

How bout this one, a low mileage 4 eyed fox body


Stranger in the Black Sedan
08-10-2009, 09:11 AM
oooohh nooo ::crying:: Most of these people are probably getting 9,000 for this stuff at dealers due to the price matching. None of those cars are worth 9k so people trade them in.

Egon Spengler
08-10-2009, 09:12 AM
Wow... trading in a cyclone?!?! THose things are rare and crazy fast! My friend had one... So that means it will be crushed right????

08-10-2009, 09:14 AM
This was posted on a local Mustang forum:

I remember the first Syclone I saw back when they first hit the streets, it passed me on the freeway, the tag had FRD SUX on it. WHO SUCKS NOW, YOU P.O.S. TRUCK?!

08-10-2009, 09:18 AM
I think the engine needs to be destroyed. Not exactly sure what happens to the body.

08-10-2009, 09:29 AM
I read of one dealer that took in a 1996 Caprice that only had 37K on the clock and in near perfect condition. The dealer didn't have the heart to kill it so he put it on the used car lot in hopes he could get $4500. Hopefully other dealers have this same mentality.

08-10-2009, 09:34 AM
Wow... trading in a cyclone?!?! THose things are rare and crazy fast! My friend had one... So that means it will be crushed right????

They blow the motor and the dealer has the option of leaving it in a junkyard for 6 months, but most dealers are getting em crushed asap to get the money from the government

I remember the first Syclone I saw back when they first hit the streets, it passed me on the freeway, the tag had FRD SUX on it. WHO SUCKS NOW, YOU P.O.S. TRUCK?!

I wouldnt call a truck capable of AWD burnouts, a POS, JMHO

I think the engine needs to be destroyed. Not exactly sure what happens to the body.


I read of one dealer that took in a 1996 Caprice that only had 37K on the clock and in near perfect condition. The dealer didn't have the heart to kill it so he put it on the used car lot in hopes he could get $4500. Hopefully other dealers have this same mentality.

Hopefully more dealers have some sense like that, but i doubt it

08-10-2009, 09:42 AM
I remember the first Syclone I saw back when they first hit the streets, it passed me on the freeway, the tag had FRD SUX on it. WHO SUCKS NOW, YOU P.O.S. TRUCK?!

haha. :D After getting a sand and water mixture run through it's engine it really won't be able to answer... ;)

08-10-2009, 09:49 AM
haha. :D After getting a sand and water mixture run through it's engine it really won't be able to answer... ;)

Truth be told, I always liked them, and everytime I see one(which isn't that often), it reminds me of that tag. RIP, fast little truck.

08-10-2009, 09:51 AM
I wonder if people are enjoying their new Toyota Yaris or Corolla...or what ever POS they decided to waste their time AND money.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
08-10-2009, 10:16 AM
I think most people are buying Ford focuses. LOL

08-10-2009, 10:21 AM
I think most people are buying Ford Focuses. LOL
I think that the correct term is Ford Foci. ;)

08-10-2009, 10:21 AM
It goes against every grain in my body to destroy a perfectly serviceable vehicle.

My Dad was very proud of his Madza MPV that he bought for 500 dollars. The guy thought he had a cracked head, but it was just a hidden coolant hose. My dad bragged that he had less than 1000 dollars in it and it ran great, and was correct wheel drive.

However, he couldn't turn it in fast enough to get 4500 dollars that the government doesn't have. He bought a Honda Fit. What a waste of money. It gets better gas milage, but with the increased insurance cost, he won't break even for 20 years! Plus, the Mazda held his crap.

I thought my old reliable pickup was worth more than 4500 dollars, but I sadly learned that this isn't the case. She's only worth about 3 grand now. Economically, I should turn it in and get 4500 clams for her, but I can't. She's never let me down. She's chased Marauder parts, parts for my other toy cars, she hauled my MG to the guy to get fixed, she moved my stuff when I moved - how can I let someone trash an engine with life left in it? Doesn't that do as much harm to the earth as driving it? What about the polution and carbon emissions that were created when they made a new car?

This program is stupid and doesn't do what it is designed to do. If someone's car is worth more than 4500 dollars, it makes no sense to trade it.

If someone is driving a car worth less than 4500 dollars, chances are they can't afford a new car payment, or they are driving a FWD GM car that doesn't even qualify! Some poor person driving a 92 GM FWD car running on 3 out of 4 or 5 out of 6 cylinders doesn't qualify, despite the fact that these cars polute the most.

Sorry for getting on the soap box, but we are Trillions of dollars in debt, and hundreds of billions of dollars of that is this useless program. It's money we don't have.

08-10-2009, 10:25 AM
It goes against every grain in my body to destroy a perfectly serviceable vehicle.
Just wait for Health Care Reform where the government gets to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't. Who lives and who dies. You think killing cars is bad ..... wait to see where we are heading. :mad2:

SC Cheesehead
08-10-2009, 11:14 AM
Just wait for Health Care Reform where the government gets to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't. Who lives and who dies. You think killing cars is bad ..... wait to see where we are heading. :mad2:



08-10-2009, 04:14 PM
Just wait for Health Care Reform where the government gets to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't. Who lives and who dies. You think killing cars is bad ..... wait to see where we are heading. :mad2:
All I can say is get your guns cleaned!Its coming.....

08-10-2009, 04:17 PM
I think the engine needs to be destroyed. Not exactly sure what happens to the body.They are suppose to drain the engine oil and radiator,pour a non lubricant in the engine run it till it locks up or blows.The salvage yard can sell what ever they want except the motor and trans. SUCKS sounds like socialism.

08-10-2009, 04:48 PM
Soylent Green
At least when I am Soylent Greened, I can at least say "Eat Me" or "Bite Me" to all of 'em. But with my luck, I'll probably be Soylent Red or Yellow in my first go around. ;)

08-10-2009, 04:51 PM
Just wait for Health Care Reform where the government gets to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't. Who lives and who dies. You think killing cars is bad ..... wait to see where we are heading. :mad2:

More misinformed baloney.

08-10-2009, 05:00 PM
More misinformed baloney.
Says you. :P I am surprised that you didn't post a link to FactCheck.Org. Couldn't find it could you? Just wait until the Government starts handling claims for "Single Payer" health care .... h3LL they can't even keep up with handling the "Cash for Clunkers" program. People will die just waiting for the paperwork to clear the inevitable bureaucracy. :rolleyes:

08-10-2009, 07:37 PM
I don't trust them with my clunker. They have a healthcare system called Medicare. It's going broke,and social security?

B.C. Bake
08-10-2009, 07:47 PM
More misinformed baloney.

I don't think so..............:shake:

08-10-2009, 07:54 PM
Did you notice what kind of cars people were buying with OUR United States tax dollar stimulus money? People are stimulatin the economy of Honda, Nissan, and Toyota...anyone want to find and post the list? Of the top ten, most were foreign imports (and don't give me that "assembled in the United States" B.S....there are usually no union laborers involved and the real profit goes overseas!).

barry soetoro-ng likes abortions, maybe the sand water mixture in a perfectly good engine is kind of like the post partum abortion that he worships so much...

08-10-2009, 08:15 PM
At least when I am Soylent Greened, I can at least say "Eat Me" or "Bite Me" to all of 'em. But with my luck, I'll probably be Soylent Red or Yellow in my first go around. ;)

More misinformed baloney.

Vortex, save your breath. Some of these people are useless to talk to when it comes to politics.

This whole "government will decide your fate" and "kill all the old farts" bullsh.. were the exact same arguments that the Republicans had AGAINST Medicare.

I DARE any of them to try and speak against Medicare now that all the oldies have been using it for a while. In fact, I can't remember meeting a single of our beloved seniors who says "Medicare is Socialism and I refuse to be a part of it." Just try taking those benefits from them and they will get the energy of a 21 yr. old to make sure you don't get far in your efforts.

Come to think of it, I have yet to meet a SINGLE Veteran to denounce his Medical Benefits because they, like Medicare, are run by our government.

Our oldies are happy with the Medicare that the Republicans called Socialism.

Our Veterans aren't giving up or refusing their Government run Medical Benefits.

The same fools of decades ago, are ever still present now.

08-10-2009, 08:18 PM
More misinformed baloney.
Yeah, Im sure that Bluerauder's statement sounds a little far fetched to some but look at other times in history where the Government steps into peoples lives in the name of common good or perceived "compassion" and people get an end product much much more radical than originally perceived. Ex: In 1965 did the American people believe that the words written in the majority opinion of Griswold v. Connecticut (which declared a Connecticut law banning the sale of crontaceptives a violation of privacy rights protected by the fourth ammendment) would pave the way, and provide some abstract jurisprudence for Harry Blackmun to declare in writing the majority opinion for Roe v. Wade that abortion rights also fall under the fourth ammendment because it is a private decision between patient and doctor? Probably not. I am just making a comparative statement not looking for debate on that issue. But it is safe to say that America is alot different and perhaps, even scary to our seniors who have seen such radical change in their lifetime. Its to the point where America is so different, that we have almost forgotten who we are. This country is an experiment in LIMITED Government, shared power and federalism. We have to step back and look at things with prudence before we accept them based on what government currently wants or tells us we need. I say if you want bureaucracy having the upperhand over you and possibly the most important service that can be rendered to you then fine, support the "reform" otherwise "dont tread on me!"

Bradley G
08-10-2009, 08:19 PM
I love my 1992 SHO MTX however, if it qualified :eek:

08-10-2009, 08:39 PM
Did you notice what kind of cars people were buying with OUR United States tax dollar stimulus money? People are stimulatin the economy of Honda, Nissan, and Toyota...anyone want to find and post the list? Of the top ten, most were foreign imports (and don't give me that "assembled in the United States" B.S....there are usually no union laborers involved and the real profit goes overseas!).

barry soetoro-ng likes abortions, maybe the sand water mixture in a perfectly good engine is kind of like the post partum abortion that he worships so much...

Yeah, it's Obama's fault that your fellow Americans can CARE LESS about the D3 (Detroit 3). If they made it "A Clunker for a D3 product only" program, many of your fellow Americans would have just named it "Clunker for Newer Clunker".

The nerve of calling most Americans "Un-American" because they don't give a shat about the UAWs or the profits that go to white collar execs. in the D3 (can you talk about the large bonuses they received while running the companies to the ground with a straight face?). Blaming Obama for what Americans choose to spend their money on is even more ridiculous.

Our American brothers and sisters are not stupid. They are also very patriotic. If they don't want to buy from the D3, I say GOOD FOR THEM and I would think HARD before I point a finger at one of them.

*Note: In my family we ONLY bought from Detroit for the last 21 consecutive years. I broke that trend in November of 2008 and I ain't looking back. From now on, the D3 has competition in my family and they will ONLY get our money if WE decide we want to give it to them. So long as the UAW are there, things don't look good (but at least they aren't out).

08-10-2009, 08:48 PM
...I say if you want bureaucracy having the upperhand over you and possibly the most important service that can be rendered to you then fine, support the "reform" otherwise "dont tread on me!"

I see what you are trying to get at and you make a few good points. However, while I am lucky enough to have great health insurance, a number of people I know don't. What hurts me is that many of them cannot even get the same insurance that I have just because they have a pre-existing condition.

It's so sad it's almost funny. They "need" the insurance more than me yet they cannot even get accepted for it because "they need it".

It's sad that so many could care so little about those who suffer amongst us.

08-10-2009, 08:57 PM
I DARE any of them to try and speak against Medicare....

Come to think of it, I have yet to meet a SINGLE Veteran to denounce his Medical Benefits because they, like Medicare, are run by our government.

Our Veterans aren't giving up or refusing their Government run Medical Benefits.

Medicare is BROKE.....what else needs to be said?? Back when Medicare was being debated, they estimated that in 1990 it would cost $12B...it wound up costing $100B....The government can never control their costs...period...it only snowballs..

I am a veteran....when I was active duty...I was hit by a drunk driver... It took me 3 months to get a consult with a chiropractor....and then it took me 6 weeks to get seen by said chiropractor...and thats for an active duty Marine....how soon do you think you will get seen if you are an average joe? Private care is much higher quality....and its easy to say that the veterans arent complaining about their care....when there is no other option...

08-10-2009, 09:35 PM
Medicare is BROKE.....what else needs to be said?? Back when Medicare was being debated, they estimated that in 1990 it would cost $12B...it wound up costing $100B....The government can never control their costs...period...it only snowballs..

I am a veteran....when I was active duty...I was hit by a drunk driver... It took me 3 months to get a consult with a chiropractor....and then it took me 6 weeks to get seen by said chiropractor...and thats for an active duty Marine....how soon do you think you will get seen if you are an average joe? Private care is much higher quality....and its easy to say that the veterans arent complaining about their care....when there is no other option...

Great points. You are correct on many fronts.

Will the Republicans now campain about doing away with Medicare since it's so expansive or are they just going to continue kissing butt for votes?

You also correct, private health insurance "is better" ("if" you are accepted and "if" you can afford it).

08-10-2009, 09:50 PM
Great points. You are correct on many fronts.

Will the Republicans now campain about doing away with Medicare since it's so expansive or are they just going to continue kissing butt for votes?

You also correct, private health insurance "is better" ("if" you are accepted and "if" you can afford it).

There is def room for improvement in the private system by legislation too, for instance tort reform and how malpractice lawsuits are handled.....

I dont think Medicare should be taken away...it was already promised to those people and they rely on it....and thats the point...its much tougher to take something away that people rely on than to just do it right the first time...

I just dont want the goverment running anything....
Medicare....costs are out of control
Medicaid....costs are out of control
US Postal Service...routinely costs more money than it takes in...
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac....are about to be filed as bankrupt and reopened with "new" operating regulations

and the list goes on.......

08-11-2009, 08:44 AM
I hate cash for clunkers!

08-11-2009, 08:52 AM
epic fail!!!

08-11-2009, 08:55 AM
Anyone trade in a 08/09 charger yet???
Figured the crappy transmissions would qualify them as clunkers.

08-11-2009, 01:58 PM
There is def room for improvement in the private system by legislation too, for instance tort reform and how malpractice lawsuits are handled.....

I dont think Medicare should be taken away...it was already promised to those people and they rely on it....and thats the point...its much tougher to take something away that people rely on than to just do it right the first time...

I just dont want the goverment running anything....
Medicare....costs are out of control
Medicaid....costs are out of control
US Postal Service...routinely costs more money than it takes in...
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac....are about to be filed as bankrupt and reopened with "new" operating regulations

and the list goes on.......
I agree with the reference to tort and malpractice reform. I think that we also have a huge problem with lobbyists petitioning on behalf of companies that look to extend patents on their drugs in order to eliminate generic alternatives. Anybody remember how in 2001 Brystol-Meyers Squibb used Ted Kennedy Jr's firm, The Marwood Group, to arrange a meeting with Ted Kennedy Sr. to discuss the aforesaid issue involving patents in regard to their drug called Glucophage? It was also funny how in that same year Ted Kennedy Sr. became chairman of the senate health committee. I understand that there was some reform in 2007 that prohibited family members from acting as lobbyists but we still have a huge problem with former Congessmen who act as stealth lobbyists or "policy advisers" on behalf of large corporations. These problems make it clear to me that additional bureaucracy is absolutely not needed. It will just turn into another platform for corruption that is almost unfathomable.

08-11-2009, 02:05 PM
Lot's of people think Michael Moore big fat liar, but he sure can make a documentary. I about crapped my pants watching Sicko when it showed how much certain politicians get paid by "Big Pharma" companies, and then when they get stuff passed thru Congress(and sent straight up our asses)they get out of politics and end up on these companies payrolls. As for Ted "Tonight, Mary Jo sleeps with the fishes" Kennedy, he can keel over any time now.

I agree with the reference to tort and malpractice reform. I think that we also have a huge problem with lobbyists petitioning on behalf of companies that look to extend patents on their drugs in order to eliminate generic alternatives. Anybody remember how in 2001 Brystol-Meyers Squibb used Ted Kennedy Jr's firm, The Marwood Group, to arrange a meeting with Ted Kennedy Sr. to discuss the aforesaid issue involving patents in regard to their drug called Glucophage? It was also funny how in that same year Ted Kennedy Sr. becaume chairman of the senate health committee. I understand that there was some reform in 2007 that prohibited family members from acting as lobbyists but we still have a huge problem with former Congessmen who act as stealth lobbyists or "policy advisers" on behalf of large corporations. These problems make it clear to me that additional bureaucracy is absolutely not needed. It will just turn into another platform for corruption that is almost unfathomable.

08-11-2009, 02:19 PM
I was reading where Ted Jr. is still a big lobbyist,lobbying his dad.Good work if you can get it. Ted- there is a bridge up ahead.

08-11-2009, 03:28 PM
Anyone want a job at the borders handing out Green and Medical Cards.

Joe Walsh
08-11-2009, 03:38 PM
This is devolving into a 'politics thread'....therefore I will add my 2 cents:

When has the U.S. Government done anything in an efficient way, while keeping costs in check??
We are just going to get another huge new government program run by another huge new government agency spending huge amounts of our money.
That reason alone is why I am against the Healthcare reform bill....and any other new government intrusion into our lives and wallets!

08-11-2009, 04:28 PM
If I were in the market for a new car, except for the "cash for clunkers" program, where else could I get $4,500 for a 1994 TBird with 145,000 miles and a touchy transmission?

08-11-2009, 04:43 PM
If I were in the market for a new car, except for the "cash for clunkers" program, where else could I get $4,500 for a 1994 TBird with 145,000 miles and a touchy transmission?

Dealers have end of year model close outs/sales, I've seen rebates higher than 4,500 bucks for your trade in. I still get love letters from Toyota because of a Highlander Hybrid I bought from them. I will get a repeat customer discount of XXXXXX if I come in and buy another vehicle from them, etc. etc. I can't see trading in a car that runs and is paid off for a new one that I have to pay for, but to each thier own.

08-11-2009, 05:44 PM
If I were in the market for a new car, except for the "cash for clunkers" program, where else could I get $4,500 for a 1994 TBird with 145,000 miles and a touchy transmission?

I don't believe you're actually getting anything.

That $4,500 was already yours to begin with! It's not the Governments money. Never was! They just took it from some poor SOB who's only crime was punching the time clock every day.

Suppose I gave my friend $4,500 and a car. The next day he gave me my money back, minus the car. Is that what you'd call a deal?

I pay the IRS $XX,XXX dollars every April 15th. Now they are willing to give me part of that back if I give them my Jeep? Forget it! If they want to stimulate the economy, why not cut my taxes instead? That always works. This program seems to be pissing off a lot of people.

Selling that T-Bird for $1,000 to a private party is a much better deal. Better yet, donate it to a charity and write $2,000 off your taxes instead. I'm sure you can spend your money better than Obama can.

08-11-2009, 07:36 PM
One of my problems with the program is that it is taking lower end cars off the used market making it harder for people of modest means to afford transportation. Many of these cars are servicable and putting more new cars on the street continues to consume resources and does nothing to cause auto manufactures to face reality and reduce capacity.

08-11-2009, 09:02 PM
IF the true purpose of this plan were to stimulate the AMERICAN ECONOMY...our tax dollars would be limited to buying products that were built in America! Darn right it is unAmerican to buy vehicles built in other countries while our brothers and sisters and neighbors beg for jobs in a tanking economy.

Yeah, it's Obama's fault that your fellow Americans can CARE LESS about the D3 (Detroit 3). If they made it "A Clunker for a D3 product only" program, many of your fellow Americans would have just named it "Clunker for Newer Clunker".

The nerve of calling most Americans "Un-American" because they don't give a shat about the UAWs or the profits that go to white collar execs. in the D3 (can you talk about the large bonuses they received while running the companies to the ground with a straight face?). Blaming Obama for what Americans choose to spend their money on is even more ridiculous.

Our American brothers and sisters are not stupid. They are also very patriotic. If they don't want to buy from the D3, I say GOOD FOR THEM and I would think HARD before I point a finger at one of them.

*Note: In my family we ONLY bought from Detroit for the last 21 consecutive years. I broke that trend in November of 2008 and I ain't looking back. From now on, the D3 has competition in my family and they will ONLY get our money if WE decide we want to give it to them. So long as the UAW are there, things don't look good (but at least they aren't out).

08-11-2009, 09:25 PM
IF the true purpose of this plan were to stimulate the AMERICAN ECONOMY...our tax dollars would be limited to buying products that were built in America! Darn right it is unAmerican to buy vehicles built in other countries while our brothers and sisters and neighbors beg for jobs in a tanking economy.

Toyota - Made in KY
Nissan - Made in TN
Honda - Made in AL/OH
VW - Made in TN
BMW - Made in SC
Mercedes Made in AL

They are providing AMERICAN jobs.....

My Mercury Marauder....made in Canada....

08-11-2009, 09:30 PM
Few include any United Auto Worker Union members...
and the real profits go overseas !!!

My tax dollars stimulating the American Economy should
have been focused on the BIG THREE...a secondary compromise
would have been automobiles ASSEMBLED in America...

Someone PLEASE post the list of which autos were most purchased
with stimulus funds. I saw it posted recently and have to find it again.
Like seven out of the top ten were foreign automobile manufacturers.

Our Marauders were at least made in North America and the profits went to FORD.


08-11-2009, 09:59 PM
Few include any United Auto Worker Union members...
and the real profits go overseas !!!

The UAW is what is causing there to be no profits. The foreign automakers intentionally built plants in "right to work" states (aka no unions). The UAW labor is DOUBLE what the labor in the south costs. This is the major reason why they arent hurting as bad as the American companies. I'm sorry but if someone demands that they get paid double a reasonable rate for labor, you deserve to have no job and go hungry.

08-12-2009, 05:38 AM
Few include any United Auto Worker Union members...
and the real profits go overseas !!!

My tax dollars stimulating the American Economy should
have been focused on the BIG THREE...a secondary compromise
would have been automobiles ASSEMBLED in America...

So it's Obama's fault that the American public doesn't give a shat about the UAWs? The American public chooses not to support them. Deal with it (or not) but STOP blaiming Obama for it.

By the way, the "Big Three" no longer exist. They are now known as the Detroit 3 (before you start, it's not Obama's fault either.)

The UAW is what is causing there to be no profits. The foreign automakers intentionally built plants in "right to work" states (aka no unions). The UAW labor is DOUBLE what the labor in the south costs. This is the major reason why they arent hurting as bad as the American companies. I'm sorry but if someone demands that they get paid double a reasonable rate for labor, you deserve to have no job and go hungry.

Ding Ding Ding.

08-12-2009, 06:02 AM
".............................. .............."

08-12-2009, 06:06 AM
Anyone have more pics or stories of classic vehicles being crushed?

08-12-2009, 06:26 AM
Anyone have more pics or stories of classic vehicles being crushed?

Are you kidding? And ruin this political thread? GTFO NOOB!
j/k, I am going to swing buy a couple places around here and scope it out.:cool:

08-12-2009, 09:52 AM
Are you kidding? And ruin this political thread? GTFO NOOB!
j/k, I am going to swing buy a couple places around here and scope it out.:cool:

Isn't that only going to make you sad if you see some SWEET old ride? It is already destined to the crusher, so theres no saving it? Maybe we could do a sit-in like greenpeace does. Except we could be brownpiece?

08-12-2009, 12:29 PM
My wife told me I had to quit looking at the pictures and videos of the cars being crushed or destroyed. She doesn't mind the porn, but the car videos screw up my head too much for her.

08-12-2009, 01:22 PM
My wife told me I had to quit looking at the pictures and videos of the cars being crushed or destroyed. She doesn't mind the porn, but the car videos screw up my head too much for her.

I know what you mean. There are going to be some future classics destroyed. If they keep funding this program,and when was a gubmit program ever dropped, some of our cars may be in that category, robbing someone of parts.

08-12-2009, 05:00 PM
we have a 97 mustang cobra...i dont see how they can justify it as a C4C because we just sold a 97 for $8500...

This damn thing is pissing me off, ive been lookin for a decent 4 wheel drive truck for winter use but there all getting traded in. Even a very nice looking c10 got traded in :(

08-12-2009, 05:05 PM
we have a 97 mustang cobra...i dont see how they can justify it as a C4C because we just sold a 97 for $8500...

This damn thing is pissing me off, ive been lookin for a decent 4 wheel drive truck for winter use but there all getting traded in. Even a very nice looking c10 got traded in :(

That's b.s., I'm not a Mustang fan but anything with "Cobra" on it should not be smooshed. Even the old CobraII like Farrah drove on Charlies Angels.

08-12-2009, 05:13 PM
That's b.s., I'm not a Mustang fan but anything with "Cobra" on it should not be smooshed. Even the old CobraII like Farrah drove on Charlies Angels.

I hope this doesn't artificially drive up the prices of used cars.

SC Cheesehead
08-27-2009, 06:43 AM

Here's a new twist to C4C:



Stranger in the Black Sedan
08-27-2009, 06:47 AM
A dealership out here had a K series pickup WAAAAAY nicer than mine spray painted all over as an advertisement bc it was a cash for clunkers trade in

08-27-2009, 07:42 AM
Last I heard only about 7% of the dealer's claims have been processed. Anybody surprised at this? :rolleyes:

08-27-2009, 07:50 AM
Nope,but Honda,Toyota and Nissan were the big winners in sales.So much for helping our economy.

08-27-2009, 03:58 PM
I wonder how many families out there have relatives laid off from an AMERICAN AUTO CO.Then relatives of theres go out and bought JAP CRAP!!!! That would piss me off! :mad2:

Dennis Reinhart
08-27-2009, 04:22 PM
This was posted on a local Mustang forum:

This program is complete garbage, how do you think this is going to have a effect on the independent car shops, where are we going to get used motors or hoods or any car car parts for used cars, this is also hurting new car dealerships as well there still waiting to be paid, the banks will not loan them money, there inventory is depleted, you want a eye opener watch Glenn Beck tomorrow on Fox at 5:00 pm Tivo it or record it you will not be disappointed.

08-27-2009, 05:11 PM
Nope,but Honda,Toyota and Nissan were the big winners in sales.So much for helping our economy.

I wonder how many families out there have relatives laid off from an AMERICAN AUTO CO.Then relatives of theres go out and bought JAP CRAP!!!! That would piss me off! :mad2:

A little FYI all major "foreign" automakers have plants in the US (including high end ones like BMW), which means they employ US workers to build their cars. I dunno about you guys but my VIN starts with 2 (which means built in Canada) and would make the above statements seem pretty hypocritical in my book. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but a little knowledge goes a long way....:beer:

08-27-2009, 05:37 PM
A little FYI all major "foreign" automakers have plants in the US (including high end ones like BMW), which means they employ US workers to build their cars. I dunno about you guys but my VIN starts with 2 (which means built in Canada) and would make the above statements seem pretty hypocritical in my book. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but a little knowledge goes a long way....:beer:
However the profits go oversea's and invested in the homeland, not here!

Your right a little knowledge does go a long way:)

08-27-2009, 05:52 PM
However the profits go oversea's and invested in the homeland, not here!

Your right a little knowledge does go a long way:)

Some profits do go overseas, but so do MANY of the profits of American companies. They were talking about helping our economy, which paying American workers DOES do, and American Jobs, which are created when our labor is used to build the car.

How is a building a factory in the US NOT investing in our country???

08-27-2009, 06:11 PM
Some profits do go overseas, but so do MANY of the profits of American companies. They were talking about helping our economy, which paying American workers DOES do, and American Jobs, which are created when our labor is used to build the car.

How is a building a factory in the US NOT investing in our country???
Kind of like the French having Viet Nam for a colony,who really benefited from that?
Or the Brits having us for a colony,we did get to do the work,but they really raked in the dough.

08-27-2009, 06:22 PM
Kind of like the French having Viet Nam for a colony,who really benefited from that?
Or the Brits having us for a colony,we did get to do the work,but they really raked in the dough.

So what you are trying to say is that the "American" companies that move their factories to Canada and Mexico are better for our economy than the "foreign" companies that provide jobs in the US and better our infastructure??

Dennis Reinhart
08-27-2009, 06:22 PM
However the profits go oversea's and invested in the homeland, not here!

Your right a little knowledge does go a long way:)
LOL just like Viagra.

But all joking a side, as Billy told me last week China just bought the largest scap steel shipment in five years so this will be USA salvaged steel, melted down and resold to the USA, so if this just not sickening then I do not know what is.

08-27-2009, 07:02 PM
Well to the best of my knowledge we can sell the rad.cond.cat converter and battery the rest has to be crushed and documented with in six months .

08-27-2009, 07:02 PM
LOL just like Viagra.

But all joking a side, as Billy told me last week China just bought the largest scap steel shipment in five years so this will be USA salvaged steel, melted down and resold to the USA, so if this just not sickening then I do not know what is.

Is this scrap steel shipment from all these clunkers?

Black Dynamite
09-15-2009, 08:27 AM
Well this is a little more back on topic, but I just saw one of our techs killing the motor on a 96 MGM with 78k on it. Not in bad shape at all either....

Just killed my morning...:(

09-15-2009, 08:53 AM
[quote=Shora;794221]Vortex, save your breath. Some of these people are useless to talk to when it comes to politics.

It may be useless talking to them. They certainly are not use to talk to. Myself included.

09-15-2009, 02:41 PM
vortex, save your breath. Some of these people are useless to talk to when it comes to politics.

This whole "government will decide your fate" and "kill all the old farts" bullsh.. Were the exact same arguments that the republicans had against medicare.

I dare any of them to try and speak against medicare now that all the oldies have been using it for a while. In fact, i can't remember meeting a single of our beloved seniors who says "medicare is socialism and i refuse to be a part of it." just try taking those benefits from them and they will get the energy of a 21 yr. Old to make sure you don't get far in your efforts.

Come to think of it, i have yet to meet a single veteran to denounce his medical benefits because they, like medicare, are run by our government.

Our oldies are happy with the medicare that the republicans called socialism.

Our veterans aren't giving up or refusing their government run medical benefits.

The same fools of decades ago, are ever still present now.

+1 ~^~^~^~^~^~^~

09-15-2009, 02:51 PM
+1 ~^~^~^~^~^~^~
The first question they ask vets when they go into a VA Hospital is how much they make a year so they know how bad to sock it to them when they make up the bill.

09-15-2009, 04:06 PM
Socialism or not.....tell me one Gov't program that is fiscally responsible....

Medicare/Medicaid? Even Obama says there are HUGE amounts of money being wasted.....Medicare cost over 100 times the amount it was "predicted" to cost in the 1990s.

Social Security - Everyone knows it is going broke....

The USPS....a "business" that only needs to break even and rarely does that...

Amtrak...has taken around $7 billion to keep afloat in the last 12 yrs....sounds like a model of efficiency for me..

I don't want the gov't "running" anything else, thanks.

In regards to gov't medical care....there is already a system in place...ask the Native Americans how great the care is that they get. As an active duty Marine, I got hit by a drunk driver. They never took xrays....they gave me pain meds for two months before referring me to a chiropractor. I called the chiro that day and they didnt have an open appointment for TWO MONTHS. So that was 4 months before I got REAL treatment of my condition and then had over two months of physical therapy and chiropractic appointments. I would not wish this kind of "care" on anyone.

The older generation doesnt complain about their care because it is all they have. Give a homeless guy a chicken nugget that you just stepped on, he probably wont complain either.

09-15-2009, 05:57 PM
Just thinking out load here but. I always thought they could just buy old, but salvagable cars from people then take them to shops "thus employing a lot of people" have them fixed and then sell them to low income families, who would never be able to buy a 40k car anyway. Also we are just asking a bunch of people to buy something they cant afford with a very low down payment... Does this sound, like something we just delt with, "ya I think it had something to do with houses and credit cards", "Oh wait did MJ just die!... What was I saying?"

09-15-2009, 06:11 PM
Just thinking out load here but. I always thought they could just buy old, but salvagable cars from people then take them to shops "thus employing a lot of people" have them fixed and then sell them to low income families, who would never be able to buy a 40k car anyway. Also we are just asking a bunch of people to buy something they cant afford with a very low down payment... Does this sound, like something we just delt with, "ya I think it had something to do with houses and credit cards", "Oh wait did MJ just die!... What was I saying?"

lol....This is exactly why gov't intervention doesn't work......In this case they artificially raised the prices of used cars. That hurts the people who need affordable cars the most, especially in poor economic times like these.

Paul T. Casey
09-15-2009, 06:40 PM
Anyone have more pics or stories of classic vehicles being crushed?

One of the local channels in Huntsville had some footage of a 94-96 Impala getting the lethal injection.

As for the politics. I've read as much as I can stand of the Health Care bill.

Pros (in my opinion) Addresses the unfunded care which we all pay for (illegals, deadbeats, etc.) We will still be paying for these people, but at least the providers will get "garunteed money.

Cons (again, my opinions) Cost too much
Gov't control over 1/6 of economy is bad
Doesn't address tort reform (ask your doctor how much his liability insurance is or how many un-needed tests he must perform to cover his butt).
Doesn't streamline testing process for new treatments.
Doesn't allow you to keep the insurance you have (should the premiums go up and your company pases any portion of this to you, you will be forced to the gov't insurance.
Think HMO's are bad? Wait until you see the referal process for seeing a specialist under this plan. No more primary care provider (read that as not necessarily a doctor) to refer you, you go to another level of referal, then passed onto a third level.

Most of it is written in a language which is forgien to me, but thats just a small part of what I can decifer. I didn't even get into the added taxes on employers, de-incentifing (if that's a real word) break-through and un-conventinal treatments, or a myriad of other red tape. How about those of us who chose not to make the insurance companies rich, but did fund our care. A long time ago (and I've had to self insure for quite some time) I decided to put the money I was spending into the bank, and pay my own bills. If nothing catastrophic happens before Medicare, I have a tidy nest egg for retirement. If it does, I'll just have a little less.

09-15-2009, 06:58 PM
One of the local channels in Huntsville had some footage of a 94-96 Impala getting the lethal injection.

As for the politics. I've read as much as I can stand of the Health Care bill.

Pros (in my opinion) Addresses the unfunded care which we all pay for (illegals, deadbeats, etc.) We will still be paying for these people, but at least the providers will get "garunteed money.

Cons (again, my opinions) Cost too much
Gov't control over 1/6 of economy is bad
Doesn't address tort reform (ask your doctor how much his liability insurance is or how many un-needed tests he must perform to cover his butt).
Doesn't streamline testing process for new treatments.
Doesn't allow you to keep the insurance you have (should the premiums go up and your company pases any portion of this to you, you will be forced to the gov't insurance.
Think HMO's are bad? Wait until you see the referal process for seeing a specialist under this plan. No more primary care provider (read that as not necessarily a doctor) to refer you, you go to another level of referal, then passed onto a third level.

Most of it is written in a language which is forgien to me, but thats just a small part of what I can decifer. I didn't even get into the added taxes on employers, de-incentifing (if that's a real word) break-through and un-conventinal treatments, or a myriad of other red tape. How about those of us who chose not to make the insurance companies rich, but did fund our care. A long time ago (and I've had to self insure for quite some time) I decided to put the money I was spending into the bank, and pay my own bills. If nothing catastrophic happens before Medicare, I have a tidy nest egg for retirement. If it does, I'll just have a little less.

I hate to think of the government involved in health care even more than they already are. Ever dealt with the Social Security office?

A few health care reform ideas sound ok, mostly in regards to insurance regs.

One of the most effective things that would reduce unneeded emergency room visits which are commonly unpaid by the patient and the bills passed on to the rest of us: Post an INS officer at every emergency room. Then if it's truly an emergency the patient could be stabilized and handed over for deportation.

09-15-2009, 07:24 PM
Paul and FordNut both have great points. Just imagine if a gov't Dr messes something up royally and a suit is warranted, you think you will be able to have any malpractice suit against them? The gov't will bury you in paperwork and bureaucracy and pretty much be immune to any suits.

Crown Vicman
09-15-2009, 08:58 PM
that syclone may be fast but it sure is ugly.