View Full Version : Law of Unintended Consequences

08-12-2009, 07:25 PM
Interesting aspect of this Gov't program.
Fewer low cost used cars for low income buyers.
Forcing many people to take out loans to get a decent vehicle.

http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/...RM_Exclude=aol (http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/2009-08-09-cars-cash-clunkers_N.htm?csp=23&RM_Exclude=aol)

08-12-2009, 08:36 PM
Unfortunately, this is precisely the short-sightedness and immaturity that seems to permeate the cabinet and appointees of the incumbent majority in our government.
It is, quite literally, as Machiavelli would say "the ends justify the means".

Any and all actions they perceive necessary to achieve their end vision is, by their reasoning (however flawed or grotesque), justifiable, legal, and morally acceptable.

All these useful older cars which are completely serviceable, that would provide economic and safe transportation for those who simply cannot afford to be dragged down by further debt, are being destroyed. Even worse, it is just more refuse to clog our already overburdened landfills and present an ever expanding problem of waste that has a possible toxic/hazardous component.

Hope and change, indeed. Good God, one can only 'hope' to spin the wheel again and 'change' for the better.

08-13-2009, 11:43 AM
So...if there was a plan to take these cars and give them those in need would we call it a Gov't handout?And lets be honest if these needy people were to get the cars they wouldnt drive them to work - they would sell them or part them out.

Destorying the old cars has a long term end goal. They are not fuel efficent, the longer they "stay in service" the more they waste. The idea is to hurt now feel less pain later. My only compliant with this is that it should be done after we force the car companies to make higher MPG cars, 30 MPG is good but we can do better.

But everything will encoutner resistance and make peopel upset. Dont like it, vote and change it. Not represented? Start a movement.

08-13-2009, 11:55 AM
Then there is always the unemployment benefits increase that the gov't gave out which put people in the "too much income for foodstamps" bracket....so they made an extra $25 bucks in unemployment...but lost hundreds in food stamps.....that is the exact level of intelligence we need to run a new healthcare system efficiently....

08-13-2009, 10:39 PM
Cash for Clunkers is a totally useless program. There is plenty of oil so drill it, refine it, Problem solved. But being the gubmint we can't do the obvious. We have to get there by going to Mars and back.

08-17-2009, 07:56 AM
So...if there was a plan to take these cars and give them those in need would we call it a Gov't handout?And lets be honest if these needy people were to get the cars they wouldnt drive them to work - they would sell them or part them out.

Destorying the old cars has a long term end goal. They are not fuel efficent, the longer they "stay in service" the more they waste. The idea is to hurt now feel less pain later. My only compliant with this is that it should be done after we force the car companies to make higher MPG cars, 30 MPG is good but we can do better.

But everything will encoutner resistance and make peopel upset. Dont like it, vote and change it. Not represented? Start a movement.

The plan while not perfect will help the environment, the economy, and help reduce our dependence on a finite resource. The real problem is that the US car manufacturers don't have the numbers and quality of cars to really benefit from this program. Foreign car manufacturers seem to be recieving the majority of these "clunker" sales. But the older less fuel effecient cars have to go.

08-17-2009, 09:15 AM
The plan ... will help the environment, the economy, and help reduce our dependence on a finite resource.

Don't mean to be rude, but how do you figure?

08-17-2009, 09:22 AM
I believe that early reports had the Ford Fusion getting a large share of sales from this program.
I'm all for programs like this that will help people conserve fuel........

more for me latter!!!!

08-17-2009, 09:41 AM
I still don't understand how wasting energy to destroy perfectly serviceable equipment is saving the environment. Sure, it makes sense to recycle junk, but not good stuff.

08-17-2009, 09:43 AM
Yeah - those whole car shreaders aren't solar powered!!

08-17-2009, 11:20 AM
Yes, but my dad took advantage and got rid of his 94 Villager (work van) that he paid $1500 for 2 years ago that got 12 or 13 MPG (epa combined 18mpg) for a 2009 Mariner that gets 23-28 MPG (25 combined).