View Full Version : 1994 Probe GT-Clutch?

10-18-2003, 08:43 PM
Hello gentleman,I drive a 1994 Probe GT and was just wondering if anyone knows if my clutch is cable or hydraulic?I think it's hydraulic and I don't think I can adjust it can I?
Also,I have over 280,000km on it now too.So it's probably just plane wore out eh.
Cheers guys!!!


10-19-2003, 07:46 AM
It is hydraulic. and it is not adjustable in any way. 280,000km (173,600 miles) is a very long distance on a clutch. However, you should shop around if you plan on repairing. My guess, parts and labor could be near $1500US. also, parts for a Probe GT are very, very expensive (ex's:$1000US for a starter, $500US each for CV 1/2 shafts, $1000US for an a/c compressor) and those are through Ford.

Just my .02

10-19-2003, 09:25 AM
STAPrap - You got your money's worth out of that clutch. The repair may be more than the value of the car. IMHO.