View Full Version : The Essence of Rock n Roll......

08-24-2009, 06:58 PM
For the Rock fans on this board such as myself, what song comes to your mind when you think of the word's "Rock n Roll"?

Here is what comes to my mind!

Mr. Man
08-24-2009, 07:24 PM
Just hearing the words, Joan Jetts' "I love Rock and Roll" came into my head.

08-26-2009, 07:42 AM
Ok, Ill play;


Pay attention to Charlie Watts on drums, esp near the end of the song. I dont think it gets much better.

08-26-2009, 09:09 AM
AC/DC, Joan Jett, Stones...all great.

But if I'm thinking about the essence of rock 'n' roll, at least what it means to me, I gotta go with Iggy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6r6cagYfrs) and (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9_hegaKOaY) the (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsuAZCorBtA) Stooges' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY8vK8Unzaw) Raw Power (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mZ0sSStW6Y) album (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G9GxdVk0l4). The whole thing, but especially "Your Pretty Face Is Goin' To Hell" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M53QRmARYOs).

Yes, I linked pretty much the whole album. :D

08-26-2009, 05:50 PM
Sean, you have great taste! I seen them live in '89 and once again last fall, out of all the concerts i've seen nothing compares to what they can deliver! With that said here's mine:
Sorry one is NEVER enough in the world of rock.

08-26-2009, 05:53 PM
Chuck Berry: Johnny B Goode....

08-26-2009, 10:05 PM
Chuck Berry: Johnny B Goode....

DING! We have a winner! That was my thought as soon as I read the thread title. The duck walk is gravy on top, which is btw where Angus Young of AC/DC got his. Love Ac/Dc though. Just got to go with the original!

08-27-2009, 05:20 PM
I'm a senior citizen, so "Rock Around the Clock" says rock and roll to me.

As part of his birthday party back in the 50's, a close friend of mine decided to treat a group of us grammar schoolers to a movie, Blackboard Jungle.

I'll never forget how we all went nuts when that song played during the opening credits.

That was the birth of rock and roll to me.

08-31-2009, 01:32 AM
Sean, you bought me back in. :o

Rock n' Roll was actually a slang term for sex used by African Americans... just think about the title. Now what is the music usually about? That's why it was considered Devils Music since almost anyone who believed in god said you were going to hell if you had sex before marrage... at least the ones that took religion to an extreme.

Rock N' Roll MUSIC to me is a very limited amount of music, but it's also very misinterpreted. The root's of Rock N' Roll can date back to the 1920's with The Blues, later came Country put them together and you get Rock n' Roll... right before it finally broke it was labeled Southern Swing.

The name was charged to Rock n' Roll in 1951 by Ike Turner who recorded the first Rock N' Roll song ever called Rocket 88. This song was about an Oldsmobile and Sam Phillips himself said nothing else to beat the high with having a Rocket 88. No worrys were on your mind, all you money problems, woman problems... all gone with this car.

Rock N' Roll was launched into the masses in 1954, went down in 1959 (LITERALLY) went into a coma in 1961 and was killed by The Beatles in the middle of 1964.

There are two versions of Rock N' Roll: The white version and the Original version.

The man who really got it going was Chuck Berry. Bill Haley and HIS Commets got it going also with their COVER of Rock Around The Clock for the white people. Chuck didn't create anything new, however and he mentions it in his movie Hail Hail Rock N' Roll... especially bending the g string that T Bone Walker started.

The founding fathers of Rock N' Roll were Chuck Berry and Little Richard to name a few. Elvis Presley was the biggest success of the 50's because of being white and being sold to RCA to keep Sun Records alive way back in 1956. Our founding fathers got their songs played on the radio, BUT it wasn't their version. Little Richard would write Long Tall Sally and Pat Boone would steal it away and his versions of Rock N' Roll songs were complete softy's compared to the hard thribing sound of the original, but Pat just worked for the record company and did whatever they told him and it paid off. Pat made more money than almost any artist in the 50s, but if you ask me he would be considered a performer since he didn't create anything.... like Elvis!

The music usually consists of 3 chords and is very similar to Blues as far as using a 1-1-2-1 (this numbering could be wrong) but it's commonly known as a 12 bar blues. Other ways to play it are using a 1-4-5 Chord Structure. Ex: A-D-E and sometimes throwing in a relative minor to the first chord (A-F#-D-E)

There are many bands/artists that people think are Rock N' Roll, but dead wrong. Sorry to tell you guys over and over. Rock N' Roll died commercially in 1964. The following bands are not Rock N' Roll: Beatles, Boston, AC/DC, CCR, Jimmi Hendrex, Kiss, Aerosmith, Beach Boys... these are Rock Bands!!! Not Rock N' Roll, no matter what. Rock N' Roll: CHUCK BERRY, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis, (Look up Sun Records) Gene Vincent... exc.

Rock N' Roll artists influenced more than almost any form of music. Many bands use the music to work off of, but make it something else yet still call it ROck N' Roll........ FAIL.

Example: Rock N' Roll.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTnoSsaeOn0

Example: Rock with ROck n' ROll influence..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx-IjUuZ8zE

The only band that ever came close to bringing Rock N' Roll band was The Stray Cats and even then, they were Rockabilly, NOT Rock N' Roll.

Rock N' Roll these days has sadly become a term for Rock music or in some cases Pop music and not the good kind... :mad2: Is this the future for Rock N' Roll? Well it's going to take a lot more than five bands to bring it back, The reason it pretty went stale in the 50s was because of interest of the public and it's only human nature. Most people get sick of things. Wither it's a music or a car. We can love it for a few years and after that it's time for something new.... unless you are like me and have no intention of ever getting rid of your car or to ever stop listening to the same music you were brought up to. I will always love my Marauder and listening to The Beach Boys is something I've liked even before I could talk.

To find Rock N' Roll these days you must have a Sirius Radio. The oldies stations seem to be playing music from the 80s. Something they forgot is Oldies isn't an age of music, IT'S AN ERA!!!! SAME WITH ROCK N' ROLL!!!

Jerry Lee Lewis said it himself 20 years ago... thoughts on modern music: "Bullllllllshit. Wasted talent." I share the same view point when it comes to pop culture music, you can still find cool fun stuff at clubs, but it's hard to find and even harder to find done well by someone who isn't in their 50s.

Remember Rock N' Roll = 1951-1964

"Rock N' Roll is here to stay/ It will never die" -It will never die, but commercially it did, long before I was an idea.

08-31-2009, 04:52 AM
Great info, Dom. Thank you.

08-31-2009, 03:13 PM

I could keep going alllll day.

08-31-2009, 10:31 PM
Bob do I have to spell it out for you?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBBRs3fSFi0 <<<<<Listen to the lyrics....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yRdDnrB5kM <<<<<<<Proves you don't even need a guitar to play Rock n' Roll... eat that Angus!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ6h0kyqSRk&NR=1 <<<<<<<<Rock N' Roll as you can get, the video is very funny!!!

I think you get the idea.

AC/DC = Rock

AC/DC is not equal to Rock N' Roll

Rock N' Roll + White Guys + Long Guitar Solos + Marshall Amps + Speed (tempo) + Frontman who speaks instead of sings = AC/DC

BTW Rock N' Roll is as American as Buick... AC/DC is Australian as Mad Max.

Fixed it for you. ;)

Ms. Denmark
09-01-2009, 04:03 PM

I could keep going alllll day.Hang tough Bob, we got your Back.. in Black :rock:

09-01-2009, 10:14 PM
You two fail to understand Rock N' Roll music. At least your taste in cars is good. :rolleyes:

09-01-2009, 10:27 PM
You two fail to understand Rock N' Roll music. At least your taste in cars is good. :rolleyes:

I think you're missing the point of this thread a little Dom, allthough I do like the music you and everyone else posted but the point of this thread was to see how others portrayed "Rock N Roll" music, ala "what song comes to mind when you think of Rock N Roll"

09-01-2009, 11:07 PM
I think you're missing the point of this thread a little Dom, allthough I do like the music you and everyone else posted but the point of this thread was to see how others portrayed "Rock N Roll" music, ala "what song comes to mind when you think of Rock N Roll"

Perhaps, but I guess it proves not many know what truly Rock N' Roll is. I didn't post up to say everyone had a wrong opinion, but I did want to mention they pretty must didn't know what they were talking about.... ehhhh I don't know. There really is no nice way to explain this one.

Just trying to help I guess.

09-03-2009, 05:31 PM
Just curious, how does Doo Wop music fit in the scheme of Rock and Roll?

09-03-2009, 06:39 PM
^Thank you!^ Besides just who was the OFFICIAL decider of what rock and roll is?

09-03-2009, 08:02 PM
^Thank you!^ Besides just who was the OFFICIAL decider of what rock and roll is?

Allen Freed! HA!!! Look him up. :P

Doo Wop is pretty music Gospel music played faster with Blue influence too, but hardly with a guitar solo. To make it Doo Wop for sure you must have group harmony. The reason behind this was most Doo Wop musicans were poor so singing didn't cost anything. That's why you usually hear a limited amount of instruments. It'll usually be a drum, bass and that's it. Sometimes guitar and guitar was more likely if you were white... at least from what I heard and have. There is no such thing as a Doo Wop artist, only Doo Wop groups. You need a minimum of 3 singers. One for high notes, one for low a.k.a. the bassman and someone to do the leads. Examples are The Penguins, Edsels, Cadillacs, The Jive Five, The Bop Chords, and every once in a while you would get a white group like Dion and The Belmonts or The Five Discs.

Doo Wop uses the same chord structure as Rock N' Roll usually or at least the good stuff. Sometimes a 12 bar blues is used, but more times than not it's that 1-6-4-5 structure. EX: C-A-F-G you must also make back up vocals that sometimes do not make since. Usually goofy sounding words that do not exist or repeating something from a verse.

Rock N' Roll..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxDRIaxSDB0

Doo Wop....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBT3oDMCWpI
This song was written at 3am a member of the band when he was working his job as a security guard. The song was also recorded in the basement of a church.

Earth Angel was recorded in a garage on a one track player and they had to re do it 3 times because a dog kept barking when they were trying to record. The Penguins got their name from a pack of cigarettess. They liked the cartoon on the pack and decided to go with the name. I do not recall whayt brand the pack was.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlyFAi7Xsh0 .....Rock N' Roll

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIdeLRyhMhM&feature=related .......skip to 1:40 or watch part of the movie, it actually seems funny.

You will see Doo Wop and Rock n' Roll are very musically similar, just played at a different rate and sung differently. I almost forgot to mention that most Doo Wop songs are at a 3/3 tempo while Rock N' Roll is 4/4 except for ballads. Here is an easy way to understand 1-2-3-1-2-3 = 3/3 Like in Still of The Night. 4/4 = 1-2-3-4 like most songs and a ton of Ramones songs!!!

Hope that helped. I can do this All Day and All Of The Night.

09-06-2009, 07:20 AM
Allen Freed! HA!!! Look him up. :P

Doo Wop is pretty music Gospel music played faster with Blue influence too, but hardly with a guitar solo. To make it Doo Wop for sure you must have group harmony. The reason behind this was most Doo Wop musicans were poor so singing didn't cost anything. That's why you usually hear a limited amount of instruments. It'll usually be a drum, bass and that's it. Sometimes guitar and guitar was more likely if you were white... at least from what I heard and have. There is no such thing as a Doo Wop artist, only Doo Wop groups. You need a minimum of 3 singers. One for high notes, one for low a.k.a. the bassman and someone to do the leads. Examples are The Penguins, Edsels, Cadillacs, The Jive Five, The Bop Chords, and every once in a while you would get a white group like Dion and The Belmonts or The Five Discs.

Doo Wop uses the same chord structure as Rock N' Roll usually or at least the good stuff. Sometimes a 12 bar blues is used, but more times than not it's that 1-6-4-5 structure. EX: C-A-F-G you must also make back up vocals that sometimes do not make since. Usually goofy sounding words that do not exist or repeating something from a verse.

Rock N' Roll..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxDRIaxSDB0

Doo Wop....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBT3oDMCWpI
This song was written at 3am a member of the band when he was working his job as a security guard. The song was also recorded in the basement of a church.

Earth Angel was recorded in a garage on a one track player and they had to re do it 3 times because a dog kept barking when they were trying to record. The Penguins got their name from a pack of cigarettess. They liked the cartoon on the pack and decided to go with the name. I do not recall whayt brand the pack was.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlyFAi7Xsh0 .....Rock N' Roll

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIdeLRyhMhM&feature=related .......skip to 1:40 or watch part of the movie, it actually seems funny.

You will see Doo Wop and Rock n' Roll are very musically similar, just played at a different rate and sung differently. I almost forgot to mention that most Doo Wop songs are at a 3/3 tempo while Rock N' Roll is 4/4 except for ballads. Here is an easy way to understand 1-2-3-1-2-3 = 3/3 Like in Still of The Night. 4/4 = 1-2-3-4 like most songs and a ton of Ramones songs!!!

Hope that helped. I can do this All Day and All Of The Night.

You're very knowlegeable for a young'un...I have to agree with you though.

09-07-2009, 10:26 AM
You're very knowlegeable for a young'un...I have to agree with you though.

Thanks man.

I bet you have a thing or two to to teach me too. :)

Mike Poore
09-07-2009, 11:30 AM
I'm a senior citizen, so "Rock Around the Clock" says rock and roll to me.
That was the birth of rock and roll to me.

Yep, and me too, and I must agree that it's from an age dependent prospective, and it was what what it was, from where we stood at the time. The Saturday morning Tee Vee with Bill Halley & the Comets, and Paul Revere and the Raiders is what came to my mind when the question was asked.

I find it interesting that there are music snobs/elitists who wish to pontificate on what happened, based upon what other elitists/snobs have to say on the subject.

We know, because we lived it.

It's the Satchmo Paradox: "King" he said, "If you have to ask, you'll never understand". :D

09-07-2009, 02:35 PM
It's Bill Haley and HIS Comets.

I'm no snob, it's just a lotta people label Rock N' Roll as something it isn't quite often. Don't get me started on Punk Rock.... :shake:

You would know that a Lincoln Contential is not on the Panther Platform. A lot don't. If you know someone is in the wrong you might as well correct them and usually they don't like it since they have had thaty belief for a while.

Just doing my best to set it straight.

09-07-2009, 02:38 PM
This subject seems to come up every few months about what is rock and roll and what is not, etc.........................

09-07-2009, 02:40 PM
This subject seems to come up every few months about what is rock and roll and what is not, etc.........................

I know it. I believe you do too, probably better than me.

09-07-2009, 04:40 PM
Guess there's something to be said for us older guys.

We lived and experienced the best car years.

We also saw music go from the Nat King Cole/Tony Bennett/Doris Day early 1950's days, to the eras of doo wop and Rock and Roll, the British Invasion, and Disco.

We heard the best music of the 80's and 90's decades.

But, I have to draw the line at hip hop and rap. (Now I know how my father felt about rock and roll back in the 50's.)

Mike Poore
09-08-2009, 05:17 AM
It's Bill Haley and HIS Comets.

You would know that a Lincoln Contential is not on the Panther Platform.
Just doing my best to set it straight.

What, the Continental isn't a Panther? I didn't know that. No, wait, are you talking about the Lincoln Continental, or Lincoln Town Car? Both, from time to time called a Continental; which, by the way has roots back to 1956. http://members.tripod.com/b_u_d/MarkII.html

That's interesting, Dom. I spelled the name wrong and his band, yet we all knew who was being referenced. In a way, it's like when we called a Westinghouse (or any brand name) refrigerator a Fridge, or Frigidaire when actually Frigidaire was a brand name, although it became the icon which described the product. I see, though that Bill HALEY's band, when GOGGLED, (another interesting icon) comes up both ways: his, and and.

However, let's revisit Philosophy 101: Introduction to Logic. In this thread, the author defined the term Rock N' Roll in his question:"For the Rock fans on this board such as myself, what song comes to your mind when you think of the word's "Rock n Roll"? In the post, he defined the term "Rock n Roll" which is his prerogative, when he defined the terms used in an arguement. Perhaps you slept through that lecture.

Nothing wrong with being correct, or corrected, though. :)

09-08-2009, 05:49 AM
You two fail to understand Rock N' Roll music. At least your taste in cars is good. :rolleyes:

CSN&Y....4 Way Street.......Nothing better!

09-08-2009, 06:40 AM
Dom you know where I stand... "CHUCK BERRY"! If you recall my first MARAUDER meet you remember the songs I had playing.

09-08-2009, 07:08 AM
Like someone said this is an endless subject,always someone gonna think their band is better. Chuck Berry is great. I was watching a Jerry Lee Lewis dvd the other night, Last Man Standing. I would have enjoyed being there in the 50's when he was setting pianos on fire and continued to play them.

09-08-2009, 08:55 AM
I would have enjoyed being there in the 50's when he was setting pianos on fire and continued to play them.

Me too. Don't remind me. :bigcry: