View Full Version : Hey Dom/Motorhead350....

09-12-2009, 03:45 AM
I did not want this to get lost in the other thread that many people are not likely to look at, so I am repeating it here.

Also many of you have damaged your cars far worse than me. Some of you have blown your engines, others have totaled them and there is one guy here who has spent close to $250,000.00 on his Marauder and guess what? He doesn't even drive it. That is what I would call a waste of cash, time and above all a wasted Marauder, but I guess a world record is something to erect ones ego. Also a world record of most money wasted.

Now you are sounding like the whiny punk ass kid that you really are.

I am pretty sure that this part of your post was directed at me. Except you need to fact check. Just where did you get the $250,000 figure? Got any hard data to back that up?

In any event, if it was directed at me, my car has done more for the Marauder community than you and your car could ever hope to accomplish. My car lead to, in no particular order, the creation of fender badges on literally hundreds of cars, lapel pins, mouse pads, drive shaft safety loops, control arms, trunk liners, participation at the inaugural M'ville, and a host of other "goodies" that people are still enjoying/seeking for use on their cars today.

Ask anyone of the literally hundreds of people who have transacted business with me what they think of my character as compared to yours. You should, but likely won't, feel a sense of embarassment at the results.

Your car on the other hand, has lead to nothing but fodder for me and countless others to laugh at you (as opposed to with you) and to shake our heads at the senselessness of it all.

Bottom line, I could have stopped at anytime with my MM, and not have regretted a thing I have done with and to it. The car literally saved me from a path of self-destruction with work. Something you could not possibly understand because you are too busy doing and saying stupid (yes, I said stupid) crap just so people will look at you. You are not just an annoyance to me and many others, but you are an insatiable attention whore as well.

The bottom line here is that if this site were an episode of "Survivor," you would have been voted off the island in the first week. I seriously believe that Mary (and the other owners of the site), have saint-like patience with you which is a testament to their characters more so than an understanding of your antics. And, if this post/thread creates grief for them, I do apologize. Feel free to vote me off the island.

White Knuckles
09-12-2009, 04:40 AM

O's Fan Rich
09-12-2009, 05:52 AM
I did not want this to get lost in the other thread that many people are not likely to look at, so I am repeating it here.

Now you are sounding like the whiny punk ass kid that you really are.

I am pretty sure that this part of your post was directed at me. Except you need to fact check. Just where did you get the $250,000 figure? Got any hard data to back that up?

In any event, if it was directed at me, my car has done more for the Marauder community than you and your car could ever hope to accomplish. My car lead to, in no particular order, the creation of fender badges on literally hundreds of cars, lapel pins, mouse pads, drive shaft safety loops, control arms, trunk liners, participation at the inaugural M'ville, and a host of other "goodies" that people are still enjoying/seeking for use on their cars today.

Ask anyone of the literally hundreds of people who have transacted business with me what they think of my character as compared to yours. You should, but likely won't, feel a sense of embarassment at the results.

Your car on the other hand, has lead to nothing but fodder for me and countless others to laugh at you (as opposed to with you) and to shake our heads at the senselessness of it all.

Bottom line, I could have stopped at anytime with my MM, and not have regretted a thing I have done with and to it. The car literally saved me from a path of self-destruction with work. Something you could not possibly understand because you are too busy doing and saying stupid (yes, I said stupid) crap just so people will look at you. You are not just an annoyance to me and many others, but you are an insatiable attention whore as well.

The bottom line here is that if this site were an episode of "Survivor," you would have been voted off the island in the first week. I seriously believe that Mary (and the other owners of the site), have saint-like patience with you which is a testament to their characters more so than an understanding of your antics. And, if this post/thread creates grief for them, I do apologize. Feel free to vote me off the island.

Dom.... Marty is not a stupid man...
Think about what he's saying, don't just react to it.
Adjustments in life make life better.

SC Cheesehead
09-12-2009, 06:58 AM

Dom's kinda like a kid brother, no matter what he says or does to get you cranked up, in the end you gotta love him 'cause he's family.

Ms. Denmark
09-12-2009, 08:00 AM

Dom's kinda like a kid brother, no matter what he says or does to get you cranked up, in the end you gotta love him 'cause he's family.With all due respect to my good friend Rex, that may be part of the problem. A little tough love would go a lot further in some cases. There are many wonderful male role models on this site, but some are enabling behavior that is not in Dom's best interest. He is a grown man and as such should be afforded the benefit of wiser male councel, rather than encouraged to continue behavior which will not serve him well in the real world. Then again, this is a car forum and not Dr. Phil.......so carry on.

09-12-2009, 08:28 AM

09-12-2009, 09:05 AM

Sounds to me you are listening again to your outside influences. You need to review your own thoughts carefully before writing them on a post. What you say is important as it is a reflection on your character. A man's worth is his character. Your worth has dropped dramatically.


09-12-2009, 09:17 AM

Sounds to me you are listening again to your outside influences. You need to review your our thoughts carefully before writing them on a post. What you say is important as it is a reflection on your character. A man's worth is his character. Your worth has dropped dramatically.


I agree with you 100%, but thats not Dom. He dont care, he blasts Doo-wop, drives a truck with open headers, and starts threads to attract more attention to himself. He IS a character rather then HAS character. I like ya Dom but Marty was accurate in his post.

Unfortunatly, Doms response is going to be exactly what we all expect it to be. He'll take it to heart and then rant about it in several posts then start a soon to be closed thread over the entire thing.

Prove me wrong Dom if you are hoping to gain any type of respect in this forum.

09-12-2009, 09:26 AM
I don't agree with some of Dom's views (the trailering a car to the track is the one that comes to mind) but I also manage to get along just fine with a lot of people that I have differences with. Life would be seriously boring if we all thought alike.

Rather than starting a new thread to belittle someone, isn't it easier to simply ignore them and get on with your life? I know Dom just a bit and I think he would benefit from this.

I don't know Marty at all but I do admire what he has done for the Marauder community and I think it's great that he has explored the limits of what the MM's can do on the track. But IMHO the post comes off as a personal attack on Dom rather than anything constructive.

09-12-2009, 09:48 AM
I don't agree with some of Dom's views (the trailering a car to the track is the one that comes to mind) but I also manage to get along just fine with a lot of people that I have differences with. Life would be seriously boring if we all thought alike.

Rather than starting a new thread to belittle someone, isn't it easier to simply ignore them and get on with your life? I know Dom just a bit and I think he would benefit from this.

I don't know Marty at all but I do admire what he has done for the Marauder community and I think it's great that he has explored the limits of what the MM's can do on the track. But IMHO the post comes off as a personal attack on Dom rather than anything constructive.

Dom takes shots at folks where no shots need be taken John. When you as a person who does not value/care about your reputation, take shots at a person that does............

This is the type of response the shooter can expect. it would be one thing if what was said, came from a peer. Marty probably would have handled it differently, but then again people with Marty's character would not discuss this matter openly in the first place. Dom may be a good guy (I have never met him), but its things like this that make a person less willing to look at the world from his perspective.

Maybe he likes the "Me vs. civilization" rebellion thing, who know's. I do know in this case it serves no purpose other than to bother a respectful/respectable member of this community. Adults:eek: really don't need to engage in this behavior. jmho:burnout:

09-12-2009, 09:53 AM
I would never vote Marty off the island. :)

09-12-2009, 03:33 PM
You take the internet way, way too seriously Marty. :shake:

Also, since when did Doms opinion carry so much weight? Jeez! It's not like the Pope or Ted Nugent criticized you.

Welcome to the internet!

BTW , Chrysler still sucks. ;) :D

09-12-2009, 03:49 PM
Rather than starting a new thread to belittle someone, isn't it easier to simply ignore them and get on with your life? I know Dom just a bit and I think he would benefit from this.

You can only ignore something for so long; Dom was out of line period if his comment was indeed directed at Marty...

It doesn’t matter if Marty wants to spend a million dollars on his car and silver plate the entire damn thing! It is his car. :bows:He could spend $250,000 on cocaine and hookers if he wanted to and I wouldn’t care because it is his money and that is what makes him happy... (He would probably be a politician if so)

Facts....He has not chose to do that instead he has built a second to none Marauder that has changed the options and performance we can expect out of these masses of metal that make so many of us happy.

One of my favorite quotes fits very well here I think...
“The envious man thinks that if his neighbor breaks a leg, he will be able to walk better himself”

Mr. Martyo my hat is off to you Sir for your contributions to the Marauder community

09-12-2009, 03:59 PM
This all sounds like alot of ass-kissing, IMHO, in favor of the guy who supplies those cool fender badges. In reading the entire thread, I saw Dom getting blatantly ridiculed by a few people and he simply fought back without mentioning anyone's name. It could have been much worse... :eek:

This seems to have been blown way out of proportion -- like something a personal injury attorney would do when taking on a large corporation... :P

Donny Carlson
09-12-2009, 06:05 PM
I can guess who Dom's source was for the misinformation regarding Marty's car.

Dom, you have been sold a line of crap, and you are buying it because you think you got some inside news. I've been a friend of Marty's since 2003, and my first visit to Atlanta I was honored to be let in on "the project" -- Marty's car being in Atlanta for upgrades. I saw it every step of the way, and played a very enjoyable part in the story by leaking out pictures here and there to tease along everybody. It was a lot of fun!

Along the way, Marty and his car broke a lot of new ground for Marauders, and developed a lot of mods and products that would never had made it to market were it not for him. And, by doing so, he stepped on some toes, some of which belong to your source of misinformation. I can say very certainly your numbers are way, way, way, way too high.

It's a fact that Marty has spent more money on cars than you have. So what? It's his money, he earned it, he can do what he wants with it. The same point can be made about the money your father spent when he bought you the Marauder (if my memory serves me right, I recall your dad bought you this car, right?). Was it a waste of money? No, you have enjoyed the car, still do.

Nobody has wasted money if the result pleases them. Period.

Short version of this post: Please STFU.

09-12-2009, 06:10 PM
The point my fellow Ham is that this is not the first time Dom has taken this approach with Marty and it is completely uncalled for. Marty has contributed a million times more to the MM community then Dom and quite frankly he deserves respect. To be more honest about it, these are not Dom thoughts, if you read my first post, these are words from a former member and I will not go into it further.

Glenn :burnout:

09-12-2009, 07:10 PM
This thread makes Soap Opera Digest look like Maxim.

09-12-2009, 07:24 PM

09-12-2009, 09:43 PM
Looks like we are back to the year 2005.

Why do it? Nothing is going to change? You still have your record and I still have a broken car. Did this thread solve anything? No. Was there a point to it? To bash me.

As always I do not care what you think, but I'll read and maybe I can learn something from it. I do find it funny that I took so much of an effect on you that you decided to start this up ever after Mary shut it down. Seems like you have plently of butt buddies on here that have your back. Being that you agreed with how Mary runs the site as of a few weeks ago seems to have changed and for what reason? If you wanted to settle a dispute with me you PM me, but you decided you post to get everyone on my case when this has nothing to do with anyone else, it's you and me. THAT'S IT! Look what you started, now you have a crew of 4 people who have a problem with me. What a big man you are! You = 1/5th of a man.

The whole point on the "other" thread was to find out what I broke and then this starts. If you go back to it you can clearly see that I was asking questions and you were starting trouble, yet more people decided to get on the banwagon and give me a hard time. This just shows whos immature and who's.... whatever, a good person. It's one thing to call someone out, but when they simply break something and you pretty much insult them that's rough man and if you ever broke down I'd still help ya.

Ms. Denmark/Sliverauder/whatever you mood is today. You have seen me yet you have never spoken to me. Who are you to say what is decent behavoir and what's immature. Sorry to kick you off your high horse, but I'm not too fond of you either or "Mr. Man". I guess rotten eggs come in twos these days. I am not a grown man at all. I won't ever adapt to anything unless I want to. If I have a problem with someone I'm going to say it to their face... LITERALLY, even here. I take this outta here too. Some on here have a problem with me and yet when there is a meet they just don't talk to me. They are all talk on the keyboard, but when it's face to face they are complete wimps.

Paul, I don't care about respect. I hardly get any anyway. I don't see how I must respect someone when they cannot respect me. If you wanna go back a few weeks I said I didn't care for Martyo's record, I didn't start calling him names or bring up the past. Gain respect? HA! You gotta earn it. If I decide to start kissing butt and be "nice" that just proves I cannot make decisions for myself. Is that what everyone wants? I think Martyo is the one that needs to show respect instead of kicking me when I was down and bring this back up again to get the fire going again. Paul, I have no idea how you mind works when you decide who needs to respect who.

As far as my recent actions and behavoir you guys are right, it's changed, but guess what? Life happens.

If this was a reality show on an Island, you guys are right I would be the first off because I'd get the heck out to begin with. Glad you guys saw that one coming! Looks like we have a few people who watch reality television instead of going out and living in reality. Get off your butts and get out!!! It's a beautiful world, but sometimes it's full of not so beautiful people, looks like we have a few here too.

Martyo in the end we both gotta admit, we are both here for the same reason... the car. Get over whatever it is that is bugging you and let's continue on. I'm sure I still have a lot to learn from you and I bet I could teach you a thing or two also. It's your choice.

Mary please leave the thread open until Martyo has posted his decision.

Thank you.

09-12-2009, 10:24 PM
Marty, I don't know you, but it seems you love dishin it out but can't stand it coming back. Is this true? Why else start a thread to bash someone, that same someone that you offended when he asked for help? Was it really necessary to waste your time typing your reply, or wasting our time by making us read it? This thread is one of the most childish things that i've seen on here in awile now. Lets get back to the cars people and quit playing pile up.

09-12-2009, 10:36 PM
What have i been missing?...
good reading

09-13-2009, 12:10 AM

For serious.

09-13-2009, 02:50 AM
Marty, I don't know you, but it seems you love dishin it out but can't stand it coming back. Is this true? Why else start a thread to bash someone, that same someone that you offended when he asked for help? Was it really necessary to waste your time typing your reply, or wasting our time by making us read it? This thread is one of the most childish things that i've seen on here in awile now. Lets get back to the cars people and quit playing pile up.


WTF has happened to this country? It used to be that if two guys had a beef they'd duke out themselves. No so anymore I guess. :shake: Now it's make a post, gather the troops, and team up on someone. John Wayne wouldn't have "acted out" like this.

This sort of public brawl instigation does two things;
1. It makes people pick sides.
2. It causes chaos.

Mr O. you sound like a very high strung person. In your original post you said the car "saved you from a path of self destruction at work". I'm not sure what that means but I suspect you took work far too seriously.

Then came the MM. That was followed by piles of cash, a trailer, tow vehical, and track records. Again, more extreme seriousness.

Now you are completely bent out of shape by some comment from a kid from Chicago? Really? Wow, it must really suck to be you! I'll bet the very thought that this dumb farm boy from Bootwash Minnesota thinks Mopar sucks makes you grind your teeth at night, doesn't it? Lol!!!!

You need to lighten up...a lot. You are extremely thin skinned to let this get to you. Get over yourself. You want respect? Fine. Cure cancer. Join the Fire department. Send our troops a check for $100,000 for some new armour. Do something that actually benefits others.

Does anyone honestly believe you can earn respect through the sales of mouse pads? Are you serious? I owe you respect for that?! My pad came from Wal-Mart. I'm supposed to respect them now too?

Your car is fast. Big deal! Unless you can make it go backwards in time, it has absolutely no relevance to my life. None. Make it go 7 seconds. See if I care. I still need to cut firewood for the winter. Do you care about that? Of course not. Why would I care if you run 3 seconds?

Doms right. Get away from the keyboard for a while. I hear Jamaica is nice this time of year.

Also, why don't you pick on someone your own size? Sheesh! What's next? An "anti Leadfoot281 thread" cause I think Mopar sucks? :lol: Help yourself! I'll just laugh at the power I have over you. Just seeing that Doms comment put a 'Bee in your bonnet' is funny enough!

I vote YOU off the island for creating this thread. :shake:

09-13-2009, 06:40 AM
To the men who drive their dauntless Marauders, challenging profane cars to duels on street and strip of this land, let us remind ourselves of a quality unique to men of our calibre. That is Chivalry.

The admirable quality embraces bravery, honor, courtesy, gallantry, respect and consideration of others, especially toward women.

This ideal permeated our ranks from the beginning, but from time to time some of our company lapse in it's application.

Let's again remember this ideal in our posts and replies.

Regards to all,


09-13-2009, 06:47 AM
WTF has happened to this country? It used to be that if two guys had a beef they'd duke out themselves.

I'd say a return to the public duel would go a long way toward civility!

09-13-2009, 07:18 AM
To the men who drive their dauntless Marauders, challenging profane cars to duels on street and strip of this land, let us remind ourselves of a quality unique to men of our calibre. That is Chivalry.

The admirable quality embraces bravery, honor, courtesy, gallantry, respect and consideration of others, especially toward women.

This ideal permeated our ranks from the beginning, but from time to time some of our company lapse in it's application.

Let's again remember this ideal in our posts and replies.

Regards to all,


:loco:Wait, did I just step out of the internet and into the Gettysburg Address?:loco:

09-13-2009, 07:22 AM
After reading this and the last thread makes me realize something. This is why I don't associate with people at Marauder events. I will go to cruise in's and be the only MM there, you are certainly on an island at those events and not a whole lot of others are into the modular thing... that's OK, the are at least friendly and will talk to you.

These threads are total *********, it does make people pick sides, I won't, I hate everyone. I have also made my decision as to attend the Indy event..... Have fun, you all can make fun of each other while you are there and after the event. I'll do my own thing with my MM.

You all should try and have respect for each other and be grateful that everyone has something to contribute.

Ms. Denmark
09-13-2009, 07:25 AM
^^^^^^^Benwin, you have crossed the line. Pat is a well respected member.....and a gentleman. As for associating/socializing with other members at meets.....it's kinda the point of having them. While not everyone will become your best buddy, it's enjoyable to spend a few days with beautiful cars and the people who love them. I was skeptical at first myself, but it's a good time. This little drama is not worth denying yourself the chance to meet some people you're going to like.

09-13-2009, 07:48 AM
^^^^^^^Benwin, you have crossed the line. Pat is a well respected member.....and a gentleman.

Nonono, I think there was a misunderstanding in what I was trying to say! It wasn't meant as a personal attack! It was meant to lighten this place up. The Gettysburg Address is one of the most quoted speeches in all of American History... That was a very well-written post, and not at all with the 'theme' of this thread. The "Crazy" emoticons were more of an "Am I going nuts?" than a "This guy is nuts". Sorry, I'll try to be more obviously jovial in the future!

The Gettysburg Address:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_men_are_created_equal). Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate...we can not consecrate...we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government: of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln

Compared to Pat's post:

To the men who drive their dauntless Marauders, challenging profane cars to duels on street and strip of this land, let us remind ourselves of a quality unique to men of our calibre. That is Chivalry.

The admirable quality embraces bravery, honor, courtesy, gallantry, respect and consideration of others, especially toward women.

This ideal permeated our ranks from the beginning, but from time to time some of our company lapse in it's application.

Let's again remember this ideal in our posts and replies.

Regards to all,


See? There are similarities... that's all I was saying.

Can we please stop attacking each other? It's one thing to poke fun, but an all-out attack on people with common likes/interests (we're all here, aren't we?) is self-defeating, and ruins the entertainment/educational value of this medium.

09-13-2009, 08:07 AM

09-13-2009, 08:09 AM

:LOL: A 1x1 pixel image? :confused:


09-13-2009, 08:15 AM
:LOL: A 1x1 pixel image? :confused:


Fixed... Better?

Blk Mamba
09-13-2009, 10:06 AM
I've had my say in this matter prior to the closing of this thread.

SC Cheesehead
09-13-2009, 10:31 AM
I've had my say in this matter prior to the closing of this thread.



09-13-2009, 10:33 AM
I've had my say in this matter prior to the closing of this thread.This thread isn't closing! Rules don't apply equally to everyone.


SC Cheesehead
09-13-2009, 10:35 AM
This thread isn't closing! Rules don't apply equally to everyone.



All threads are equal.

It's just that some are more equal than others....

09-13-2009, 11:07 AM
Know what? If the thread was closed after the first volley, we'd be chastised. Letting the thread run it's course, and we're chatised too. Some can be very tough cookies behind the keyboard, but I will tell you, anyone that does come to a regional or national meet, takes away a very different feeling about the camaraderie of the Membership. I can cite very specific examples of how making personal, in-person, connections has changed and enriched us....for the good. If you don't take a chance and come and join in on the fun, you are truly missing a great opportunity. Why do you think I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars over the last 7 years flying around the country to meet my Marauder Friends? To me it's a wise investment in great friendships.

I have known Marty longer than most anyone here, having met at a dyno day in Worcester, MA in May, 2003. We have both experienced the roller coaster ride of this website for 7 years. I respect Marty and consider him a friend. I also consider Dom a friend, I respect his uniqueness and drive and have enjoyed his company at a number of meets. I personally don't understand the need for some to chime in when they don't "know" either Marty or Dom and have no stake in the discussion.

In the end, let's cut the crap, name calling, badgering and antagonizing. Take a break if you need to. How welcoming is this Community to any new Members when they read this kind of stuff....... Remember, we were all n00bies at one point in time.

09-13-2009, 11:15 AM
Know what? If the thread was closed after the first volley, we'd be chastised. Letting the thread run it's course, and we're chatised too. Some can be very tough cookies behind the keyboard, but I will tell you, anyone that does come to a regional or national meet, takes away a very different feeling about the camaraderie of the Membership. I can cite very specific examples of how making personal, in-person, connections has changed and enriched us....for the good. If you don't take a chance and come and join in on the fun, you are truly missing a great opportunity. Why do you think I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars over the last 7 years flying around the country to meet my Marauder Friends? To me it's a wise investment in great friendships.

I have known Marty longer than most anyone here, having met at a dyno day in Worcester, MA in May, 2003. We have both experienced the roller coaster ride of this website for 7 years. I respect Marty and consider him a friend. I also consider Dom a friend, I respect his uniqueness and drive and have enjoyed his company at a number of meets. I personally don't understand the need for some to chime in when they don't "know" either Marty or Dom and have no stake in the discussion.

In the end, let's cut the crap, name calling, badgering and antagonizing. Take a break if you need to. How welcoming is this Community to any new Members when they read this kind of stuff....... Remember, we were all n00bies at one point in time.

With all due respect, this was posted to a public forum and public opinion should be expected...

O's Fan Rich
09-13-2009, 11:19 AM
Negatives and Marty?

I don't think so.
Some of you really have no idea what you're saying.

Dom fired the first volley.

09-13-2009, 11:21 AM
Dom fired the first volley.

AH....the ol "HE STARTED IT!!"

09-13-2009, 11:31 AM
Dom fired the first volley.Was that before or after the "Kerosene" thread volley? :confused:


09-13-2009, 12:03 PM
I'd say a return to the public duel would go a long way toward civility!

Darn right! At least then this garbage wouldn't be on a website creating chaos and animosity.

Many times big mouth has written checks my face couldn't cash. Each time that happened I walked away (with a fat lip, bloody nose, and a 'dotted eye') with pride knowing that I didn't get all my friends involved in it. It wasn't their business and I understood I had no right getting them involved.

The original post should have been a PM.

In 4 years, Doms been 'dissed' 2,500+ times. Marty got dissed once. Sorry folks, Dom gets my respect.

09-13-2009, 12:49 PM
As for associating/socializing with other members at meets.....it's kinda the point of having them. While not everyone will become your best buddy, it's enjoyable to spend a few days with beautiful cars and the people who love them. I was skeptical at first myself, but it's a good time. This little drama is not worth denying yourself the chance to meet some people you're going to like.

I don't deny myself much of anything. Seeing how people act on the board, and knowing that they are different in person tells me all I need to know.

I'll leave it at that, my presence won't make a difference one way or the other.


09-13-2009, 01:46 PM
Seeing how people act on the board, and knowing that they are different in person tells me all I need to know.

Personally I haven't found this ^^^^ to be true at all. You can believe what you like. In any event, you will be missed at MV7. Hope you reconsider.

09-13-2009, 02:26 PM

WTF has happened to this country? It used to be that if two guys had a beef they'd duke out themselves. No so anymore I guess. :shake: Now it's make a post, gather the troops, and team up on someone. John Wayne wouldn't have "acted out" like this.

This sort of public brawl instigation does two things;
1. It makes people pick sides.
2. It causes chaos.

Mr O. you sound like a very high strung person. In your original post you said the car "saved you from a path of self destruction at work". I'm not sure what that means but I suspect you took work far too seriously.

Then came the MM. That was followed by piles of cash, a trailer, tow vehical, and track records. Again, more extreme seriousness.

Now you are completely bent out of shape by some comment from a kid from Chicago? Really? Wow, it must really suck to be you! I'll bet the very thought that this dumb farm boy from Bootwash Minnesota thinks Mopar sucks makes you grind your teeth at night, doesn't it? Lol!!!!

You need to lighten up...a lot. You are extremely thin skinned to let this get to you. Get over yourself. You want respect? Fine. Cure cancer. Join the Fire department. Send our troops a check for $100,000 for some new armour. Do something that actually benefits others.

Does anyone honestly believe you can earn respect through the sales of mouse pads? Are you serious? I owe you respect for that?! My pad came from Wal-Mart. I'm supposed to respect them now too?

Your car is fast. Big deal! Unless you can make it go backwards in time, it has absolutely no relevance to my life. None. Make it go 7 seconds. See if I care. I still need to cut firewood for the winter. Do you care about that? Of course not. Why would I care if you run 3 seconds?

Doms right. Get away from the keyboard for a while. I hear Jamaica is nice this time of year.

Also, why don't you pick on someone your own size? Sheesh! What's next? An "anti Leadfoot281 thread" cause I think Mopar sucks? :lol: Help yourself! I'll just laugh at the power I have over you. Just seeing that Doms comment put a 'Bee in your bonnet' is funny enough!

I vote YOU off the island for creating this thread. :shake:

Yo he snapped :):D:lol:

09-13-2009, 02:46 PM
Dom fired the first volley.

AH....the ol "HE STARTED IT!!"

Reminds me, I was watching a show on AMC the other day. Rambo: First Blood. Remember back in the day? I can't believe how terrible the stunts, special effects, and acting was... We've come a long way.

I dunno why I was watching it, must have been really bored. And raining outside.

09-13-2009, 02:47 PM
Reminds me, I was watching a show on AMC the other day. Rambo: First Blood. Remember back in the day? I can't believe how terrible the stunts, special effects, and acting was... We've come a long way.

I dunno why I was watching it, must have been really bored. And raining outside.

I watched BIG the other night, but that is in no way related to what you said :o

Bradley G
09-13-2009, 02:53 PM
This could not possibly occur in a face to face situation.
Each members' temperment is waay to kind hearted :beer:
No period :P

09-13-2009, 04:13 PM
I'm not going to read past my friend Rich's post. Really tired of non MM related BS on this site. Used to a be a big MM.net supporter, helped make Mauraderville IV happen. Have to be honest this site is Becoming Boring.

09-13-2009, 04:19 PM
I'm not going to read past my friend Rich's post. Really tired of non MM related BS on this site. Used to a be a big MM.net supporter, helped make Mauraderville IV happen. Have to be honest this site is Becoming Boring.

I don't see too many ppl on here from N FL "sticks" so this might have been you?? The day after St Patty's day I was going I-95N in SC and ran across another SB and it had Cobra emblems and FL tags. You would probably remember because the left side of my car was bashed in from a drunk driver.

09-13-2009, 04:34 PM
I don't see too many ppl on here from N FL "sticks" so this might have been you?? The day after St Patty's day I was going I-95N in SC and ran across another SB and it had Cobra emblems and FL tags. You would probably remember because the left side of my car was bashed in from a drunk driver.
That was me, coming back from watching Oldest Son graduating from Basic Training near Columbia. SC...Fort Jackson...

09-13-2009, 04:40 PM
That was me, coming back from watching Oldest Son graduating from Basic Training near Columbia. SC...Fort Jackson...

I was so embarrassed driving the car around like that, but since I was hit by a drunk driver there was a huge insurance fight so I got caught in the middle. I was in Savannah for St Patty's and going back up to Jacksonville, NC. Right before I saw you I got pulled by a SC Sheriff for allegedly doing 16 over when I had the cruise set for 9 over (verified by two GPS's). Apparently he just wanted to check out the car, because he never even asked me for license or registration.

09-13-2009, 04:54 PM
I was so embarrassed driving the car around like that, but since I was hit by a drunk driver there was a huge insurance fight so I got caught in the middle. I was in Savannah for St Patty's and going back up to Jacksonville, NC. Right before I saw you I got pulled by a SC Sheriff for allegedly doing 16 over when I had the cruise set for 9 over (verified by two GPS's). Apparently he just wanted to check out the car, because he never even asked me for license or registration.
I wondered who you were, I averaged 85 from Jax to Columbia without a problem. Guess a shredded side of a MM would get The Law's attention...
Hope this makes you feel better, I thought the rest of your car looked really good!

09-13-2009, 05:40 PM
I wondered who you were, I averaged 85 from Jax to Columbia without a problem. Guess a shredded side of a MM would get The Law's attention...
Hope this makes you feel better, I thought the rest of your car looked really good!

LOL, thanks. Yours looked great as well. I actually don't think he saw the shredded side....He was headed the other way and had to slam on the brakes to do a U-turn between the trees in the median and the reinforcements of the bridge I had just come over. I just happened to see a huge cloud of smoke in the rearview and then I knew what was coming next.....Then he followed me for at least 10 mins before lighting me up. I usually only cruise 9 over if I'm solo.

09-13-2009, 07:41 PM
"Nothing a gallon of kerosene and a match wouldn't cure....." I'll tell ya what, for every action there's a reaction whether positive or negative Gentlemen. Dom may not be the smartest guy in the group or a gearhead, and I know his mouth is also supercharged, but he definitely has a good heart and is a stand up guy! Whether certain comments were made to be playful or insulting you can't be surprised at the end results. I thought the verbal jabs ended with the previous thread, but I guess not. Let bygones be bygones, and cool those tempers with a cold beer and root beer for you Dom.

09-14-2009, 03:37 AM
"Nothing a gallon of kerosene and a match wouldn't cure....." I'll tell ya what, for every action there's a reaction whether positive or negative Gentlemen. Dom may not be the smartest guy in the group or a gearhead, and I know his mouth is also supercharged, but he definitely has a good heart and is a stand up guy! Whether certain comments were made to be playful or insulting you can't be surprised at the end results. I thought the verbal jabs ended with the previous thread, but I guess not. Let bygones be bygones, and cool those tempers with a cold beer and root beer for you Dom.
Dom damn sure has a good heart,earlier this year when I was having more health problems and other problems Dom was there to help me,not just once or twice or even 3 times,but EVERY TIME!
Dom's like a younger brother,not always choosing the easiest or wisest path and not always taking the advice he asked for but still a darn good guy.
He will NEVER be a wrench,it's not in his apptitude,that being as it is he knows he's going to have to pay someone to fix all the stuff he breaks on his vehicles,and he does break stuff because he drives them like he stole them.That's a popular saying but something very few of us here really do,but his MM is a true daily driver with over 140,000 miles of hammering on it under it's belt and I doubt anyone else here can equal that so maybe he has a smidgen of room to dislike trailering cars or garage queens.That being said if you don't like what someone else does with their car,tough ****,either way,it's THEIR car they paid or are paying for and theirs to do what they like with,if you don't like that then that's your problem,not theirs.

09-14-2009, 06:25 AM
I can't believe I read the whole thing... :shake:

Stranger in the Black Sedan
09-14-2009, 08:27 AM
I couldn't help but laugh that lapel pins, fender badges, and mouse pads were used as supposed ammo against Dom. Complete sillyness. I am picturing these things being thrown at him from a Marauder to show him what-for. LOL this was a good read at least.

09-14-2009, 09:05 AM
I couldn't help but laugh that lapel pins, fender badges, and mouse pads were used as supposed ammo against Dom. Complete sillyness. I am picturing these things being thrown at him from a Marauder to show him what-for. LOL this was a good read at least.

Yeah I bursted out laughing at that, when I read Leadfoots post. Funny because it's true.

I'd say Zack has had a bigger positive impact to our cars, and where do we keep him?

Stranger in the Black Sedan
09-14-2009, 09:33 AM
Nobody puts baby in a corner?

09-14-2009, 10:18 AM
In Before The Zack Lock

09-14-2009, 10:43 AM
I've said it once, and I will say it again, all we really need is a...


09-14-2009, 11:00 AM
Nobody puts baby in a corner? Haha, I actually LOL'd at this because it caught me off guard!

09-14-2009, 07:00 PM
I've said it once, and I will say it again, all we really need is a...


Damn thats gay