View Full Version : How to destroy a troll!!

O's Fan Rich
10-22-2003, 03:01 PM
http://www.californiafords.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f =1;t=013451;p=1

It's long! But teh Richard Simmons pic is great!
Caution Bad Language over there!

10-22-2003, 05:08 PM
Wow, everybody and their grandmother is giving ***** to this kid!
I do have to admit that this pretty funny stuff :)

10-22-2003, 05:58 PM
Holy Crap!! :lol: :lol:

let this be a lesson kiddies! ...hehehe... ow my side hurts! Thanks Rich! I needed a good laugh!

10-22-2003, 06:33 PM
The real funny thing is, the Troll has only made 3 posts! He must be sitting back laughing at the reaction.......So who won?

10-22-2003, 06:47 PM
Thats hilarious!

RF Overlord
10-23-2003, 03:20 PM
I sometimes think that our site is over-moderated on occasion, but after reading THAT thread, I'm GLAD...man, that went on for WAY too long...(I didn't read every page...it would have taken all day)

Unfortunately, it was a very good example of how NOT to destroy a troll...this is what they LIVE for, and everyone there just fed right into it...

Logan and LML: once again, thanks for keeping OUR board the fun, civil, respectful (did I mention fun?) place it is...

10-23-2003, 03:26 PM
Aww, c'mon... the link isn't working for me!! It links to some error message. I'm gonna go hit a chat room and start my own flame-fest to get the same effect.

10-23-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Constable
Aww, c'mon... the link isn't working for me!! It links to some error message. I'm gonna go hit a chat room and start my own flame-fest to get the same effect.

Hells bells all you had to do was be here last night..Chat was red hot!!!!!!!!!

;) :P

10-23-2003, 03:40 PM
I just checked it and it does not work? Maybe it got zapped.............

RF Overlord
10-23-2003, 03:56 PM
Their home page is down, too...must be some other server issue...

10-23-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by RF Overlord
Their home page is down, too...must be some other server issue...

Hmmmmmm.......perhaps the troll had the last laugh. :lol:

10-23-2003, 07:52 PM
The chat room last nite was a disgrace-when they showed up I suggested everyone sign off---2 hours later, people were still there, just encouraging them more--if they don't have anyone listening--we have destroyed their ego and they go away--try it next time--I hope they didn't access our member list---we should know pretty soon

10-23-2003, 07:59 PM
I like the:flamer: alive so they don't regenerate.

AS lore of old said you have to burn a troll in order for it to die and not come back.

10-23-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Bigdogjim
Hells bells all you had to do was be here last night..Chat was red hot!!!!!!!!! ;) :P

Man, I miss all the fun, why didn't anyone call me?

It's been my experience that the only way to end a troll, is to ignore him. Let the silence be deafening.

I said...It's been my experience that the only way to end a troll, is to ignore him. Let the silence be deafening.

(Cough)...Ummm...Guys...I said...It's been my experience that the only way to end a troll, is to ignore him. Let the silence be deafening.

Awe, come on now....


10-24-2003, 05:57 AM
Oh, sorry Mac, I wasn't paying attention. What was that you said?

O's Fan Rich
10-24-2003, 07:03 AM
If you wanna peek.