View Full Version : New Charger?

10-22-2003, 03:12 PM
The Gannett paper had a little blurb on the soon to be released V8 charger.

I loved my old 68 and the picture shown by the paper looked cool.

Anybody have any info?


10-22-2003, 03:46 PM
This is a concept car from 2002, I had heard the project was scrapped because of the change in Dodge/Chryslers ownership to the Germany/Japanese.

This is from srt forums -

10-22-2003, 04:06 PM
Okay, she's pretty, but can she fight...

10-22-2003, 04:39 PM
With a V-8 Hemi, It can fight.

10-22-2003, 04:46 PM
So they're gonna do it after all, huh?

I remember seeing pics and a road test of the concept mule with a CNG (compressed natural gas) 4.7L twin-turbo engine about 3 years ago...got real excited. As I've noted elsewhere on the forum, the 2nd-gen Chargers rank as my all-time favorite (1968-1970). I remember thinking that it would be great to see Mopar actually get back into building CARS again...not that I really plan on changing sides, but at least there would be some worthy competition out there...

I'm curious tho...the website link goes to a description that says it'll be a 2006 model with a 6.1 liter engine:eek:. Where in the world are they gonna pull that from? Are they gonna do like they did for the Viper, and pull out a truck engine to retune for car use?

10-22-2003, 05:21 PM
Just got an email from a friend of mine (huge MOPAR fan) and said that the Germans had axed the Charger project when they took over.

But that they are going to build the following - Chrysler 300C Concept


2003 Dodge Magnum SRT-8n Sports Tourer Concept

10-22-2003, 06:22 PM
Don't make assumptions about that "V8 Hemi" the new 5.7 "Hemi" is not the old 426 Hemi. It isn't even a true Hemi, more of a marketing ploy.
Too bad it's just another old pushrod design

10-23-2003, 01:07 PM
I don't know if they are going to build it but funny

4.7L V8
Rear wheel drive

Sure sounds pretty familiar.

I wouldn't mind too much if ford made a body like that. Sort of looks like an overgrown mustang. Well at least it has curves.

Being Dodge,
I doubt its' full body on frame construction.

Thanks for the pictures.


Fourth Horseman
10-23-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by jaywish
I don't know if they are going to build it but funny

4.7L V8
Rear wheel drive

Sure sounds pretty familiar.

And it'll probably turn in very similar performance numbers that everybody will rave about, then turn around and bash the Marauder.

10-24-2003, 04:03 PM
The Magnum will be called Magnum GT and will have the 5.7 Hemi engine in wagon form.

The 300C comes out with the same drivetrain.

All for 2005; production pics were taken a few days a go and can be viewed at Auto Week.

DaimlerChrysler would have to be extremely dumb to ignore the Dodge Intrepid market as they sold 111,000 or so units for the 2003 model year (2004 was a brief run and all are off the line now).

The fact that they said that they are not commited to buidling a 4dr Magnum sedan (they're building a wagon version of the 300C for Europe only) and that they want to be known as the wagon company (true enough with the PT, slow selling Pacifica and possibly a Sebring concept soon), I truly belive that they are stalling and bluffing thier way.

It is panfully obvious that they are going to drop the bomb on us soon when everybody leasts expects it so they can clean up at the bank. DaimlerChrysler likes money and like I said, 111,000 units for 2003 for the Intrepid speaks money. They already said that they were working on a police pursuit HEMI; what car is this to be based on, the Magnum? I think not.

The Magnum GT will not make the sales quota to replace the successful Intrepid. They would not take the chance and wait just to come back after a few years with a sedan version of the Magnum when all the Intrepid owners have already defected.

It is my humble opinion that the Charger will come out with a body and driveline to make any one drool (including Marauder, Impala SS and GTO fans).

This could happen for 2006 or sooner.

Then again the Marauder could return because it is a fact that there is a new small-volume-manufacturer that will be building Triton V10s for the Crown Vics for the police market and civilian versions a year after that.

Matt Johnson
10-24-2003, 04:59 PM
The next generation Mustang seems to be the only one that got the look right IMO.

10-25-2003, 12:37 AM
It is my humble opinion that the Charger will come out with a body and driveline to make any one drool (including Marauder, Impala SS and GTO fans).

Possible Geo, but if it follows current styling trends from them I don't think there will be much drooling