View Full Version : Dumas Drivers...

09-28-2009, 05:39 AM
Why do so many drivers insist on blasting off at a traffic light so they can be in front, just to slow down to the speed limit and hold up traffic? :mad2:

I really don't care if they're in front of me if they'll just go ahead and move down the road.

09-28-2009, 05:42 AM
Cause they think its a cop car!

09-28-2009, 06:01 AM
Maybe, but why would they blast off from a light like it's a drag race, then slow down?

09-28-2009, 06:04 AM
Maybe, but why would they blast off from a light like it's a drag race, then slow down?

'Cause they're idiots like the morons that insist on driving in the left lane and going under the limit.:flamer:

09-28-2009, 07:46 AM
or get the **** out of my way!!

Joe Walsh
09-28-2009, 07:46 AM
It is much cooler to text while driving rather than the easy and safe way...when you are sitting at a light.

Personally, I 'love' the driver's who brake to change lanes on the Interstate...
like it's some kind of dangerous maneuver and requires a slower speed than the surrounding traffic.

09-28-2009, 07:59 AM
Why do so many drivers insist on blasting off at a traffic light so they can be in front, just to slow down to the speed limit and hold up traffic? :mad2:

"Cause they want to be in front of YOU. ;)

I notice this when people will pull out of a side street to be IN FRONT and then drag on down the highway. Even if there is 2 miles of nothing behind you and they could have waited 3 seconds for you to pass. But Nooooooo, they gotta be in front of YOU. And they'll pull out just to make you test your brakes.

Joe Walsh
09-28-2009, 08:10 AM
"Cause they want to be in front of YOU. ;)

I notice this when people will pull out of a side street to be IN FRONT and then drag on down the highway. Even if there is 2 miles of nothing behind you and they could have waited 3 seconds for you to pass. But Nooooooo, they gotta be in front of YOU. And they'll pull out just to make you test your brakes.

That's the one that drives me nuts!
I understand if there is traffic behind me, but when the road behind me is clearly open for miles, and they insist on pulling out in front of me....:mad2:

09-28-2009, 08:13 AM
I hate the ones that see you coming in the left lane and pull out in front of you from the right lane and go the same speed as the car next to them and cause a rolling blockade. And when they finally speed up and pull over to the right again, they are talking on the phone, or they pull out behind you and try to catch up to you.

09-28-2009, 08:26 AM
I hate the ones that see you coming in the left lane and pull out in front of you from the right lane and go the same speed as the car next to them and cause a rolling blockade.
These ^^^^^ are the self-appointed speed enforcers. If they think that you are going too fast in the left lane, they WILL move over to block you. Somehow these dufei (plural of dufus) think that they are making the world a safer place by slowing traffic down. In fact, they are doing just the opposite by bunching traffic up. Real rocket scientists. :mad:

09-28-2009, 08:42 AM
How about the ones that insist on pulling over in to the free lane at a 4 lane stoplight only to go slower than everyone around them?

Then there is the girl on the interstate you pass 4 or more times because they speed up to get in front of you, slow down, you pass them, repeat. And yeah, it is almost always a girl.

And why the F*** does every vehicle hit the brakes when they see a cop, no matter the situation? Even if they were going the PSL, they slow down. Even if it is a car in a parking lot, they slow down.

I have 100 more. But I live in Iowa so I have an advantage to dumbass driver stories.

09-28-2009, 09:09 AM
I hate the ones that see you coming in the left lane and pull out in front of you from the right lane and go the same speed as the car next to them and cause a rolling blockade. And when they finally speed up and pull over to the right again, they are talking on the phone, or they pull out behind you and try to catch up to you.

if some one is tailgating i will do this, BUT i will slowly get slightly ahead of the car in the right lane to make the person tailgating me switch back into my lane. then i slow down a bit just enough so the car in the right lane has his rear bumper about even with my front. then the idiot tailgaing me switches lanes to the right lane thinking hes gona get by me but then i speed back up slighly to where my rear bumper is even with the car in the right lane's front. the idiot will then switch lanes again thinking he is going to get by. and i do this several times. its quite entertaining to see them get pissed off.

09-28-2009, 09:12 AM
How about the ones that insist on pulling over in to the free lane at a 4 lane stoplight only to go slower than everyone around them?

Then there is the girl on the interstate you pass 4 or more times because they speed up to get in front of you, slow down, you pass them, repeat. And yeah, it is almost always a girl.

And why the F*** does every vehicle hit the brakes when they see a cop, no matter the situation? Even if they were going the PSL, they slow down. Even if it is a car in a parking lot, they slow down.

I have 100 more. But I live in Iowa so I have an advantage to dumbass driver stories.

I'm from South Dakota and did a lot of driving in Iowa so can back him up on this one.:lol:

09-28-2009, 09:13 AM
if some one is tailgating i will do this, BUT i will slowly get slightly ahead of the car in the right lane to make the person tailgating me switch back into my lane. then i slow down a bit just enough so the car in the right lane has his rear bumper about even with my front. then the idiot tailgaing me switches lanes to the right lane thinking hes gona get by me but then i speed back up slighly to where my rear bumper is even with the car in the right lane's front. the idiot will then switch lanes again thinking he is going to get by. and i do this several times. its quite entertaining to see them get pissed off.

Careful...that can cause road rage! Just fart in his general direction.:beer:

Mr. Man
09-28-2009, 09:53 AM
"Cause they want to be in front of YOU. ;)

I notice this when people will pull out of a side street to be IN FRONT and then drag on down the highway. Even if there is 2 miles of nothing behind you and they could have waited 3 seconds for you to pass. But Nooooooo, they gotta be in front of YOU. And they'll pull out just to make you test your brakes.

I usually find that these people pull out and then lollygag instead of flooring it. Times like these is when I wish I had train horns.

09-28-2009, 10:29 AM
I experienced ALL of these just coming to work...a five mile JOURNEY...:shake:

Blk Mamba
09-28-2009, 10:31 AM
I hate the ones that pull out in front of you, just to turn at the next street.

09-28-2009, 10:41 AM
And why the F*** does every vehicle hit the brakes when they see a cop, no matter the situation? Even if they were going the PSL, they slow down. Even if it is a car in a parking lot, they slow down..

I will admit that I am at least partially guilty of this. I don't hit the brakes but my foot will lift somewhat off the accelerator on the Interstate. Best as I can determine, it is an involuntary muscular reponse. :D

Mr. Man
09-28-2009, 10:47 AM
I will admit that I am at least partially guilty of this. I don't hit the brakes but my foot will lift somewhat off the accelerator on the Interstate. Best as I can determine, it is an involuntary reponse. :D

So your that guy;)

09-28-2009, 11:12 AM
Train horns are illegal and can seriously hurt you.

That is probably why they are illegal.

I usually find that these people pull out and then lollygag instead of flooring it. Times like these is when I wish I had train horns.

09-28-2009, 11:45 AM
"Cause they want to be in front of YOU. ;)

I notice this when people will pull out of a side street to be IN FRONT and then drag on down the highway. Even if there is 2 miles of nothing behind you and they could have waited 3 seconds for you to pass. But Nooooooo, they gotta be in front of YOU. And they'll pull out just to make you test your brakes.

A guy in a pickup did this to me once while driving my Mustang GT....... Top was down, so as I pull up next to him, I look at him snickering at me......... I ask him if he got his license at K-Mart?

Left arrow turns Green, I go, he follows......... I pull over pissed, get out of my car as he pulls in behind me. I meet him at his door, he starts talkin all kinds of bs, so I head butt'd his nose into the back of his head, scooped him up and dumped him in the back of his truck.......

Went back to my car, went back home (less than a mile) and changed out of my bloody shirt (was on the way to a business meeting) and was back on my way.

I know it wasn't the smartest thing to do when considering all that could have happened, but I can almost guarantee that he won't pull that stunt again.

Flame suit on:flamer:

09-28-2009, 11:58 AM
I miss my old crown vic that I bought from the CHP. CHP left the push bumper on it they have them custom made at some prision in cali. I am not going to say what I may or may not have done to some people whilst on the road but lets say that that push bumper works wonders for the right situation lol.

09-28-2009, 12:07 PM
My freind has a set of hivoltage air horns in his S-10. I was opening the hood to said truck and he let it go,,,... I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Those are awesome. :D I suggest getting them, they are an easy install with one caveat....you need an air tank in your vehicle.:eek:They will scare the pants off any stupid driver on the road, maybe make them think twice about what thier next driving manuver.FWIW

I usually find that these people pull out and then lollygag instead of flooring it. Times like these is when I wish I had train horns.

09-28-2009, 12:16 PM
Iv'e been known to in the Mustang not the MM.... on a 4 or more express lane with the center turning lane.. when these drivers insist on turning in front of me in the fast lane then going slower than the PSL, ...to use the center lane and do a quick passing manuver and scatter the rock pebbles and whatever else is in that lane and onto thier car:eek:... I know bad case of Road Rage:shake: flame me if you want. Drive like Hell, I'll get there.:o

I hate the ones that see you coming in the left lane and pull out in front of you from the right lane and go the same speed as the car next to them and cause a rolling blockade. And when they finally speed up and pull over to the right again, they are talking on the phone, or they pull out behind you and try to catch up to you.

09-28-2009, 12:36 PM
And why the F*** does every vehicle hit the brakes when they see a cop, no matter the situation? Even if they were going the PSL, they slow down.

Had a friend catch trouble from this actually. He was going down the interstate about 4 or 5 car lengths behind a van. They round a curve and the van sees a local cop parked on the side of the road and slows down. My friend thinks "wtf? we're not speeding" so he doesn't slam his brakes like said van. Cop pulls out, pulls HIM over, and writes him a ticket for "following too closely".

And to think there is serious wonder over why people hate law enforcement these days...

09-28-2009, 12:59 PM
As bad as all this try driving a 45' bus with a load of passengers and jerks doing this right in front of you @ highway speed!

Mr. Man
09-28-2009, 01:04 PM
As bad as all this try driving a 45' bus with a load of passengers and jerks doing this right in front of you @ highway speed!

...but as a professional driver we know you are always in control and anticipate these people:rolleyes:

09-28-2009, 01:56 PM
Cause they think its a cop car!

Don't you usually want to be behind the cop, and not in front of him?..lol

09-28-2009, 02:23 PM
...but as a professional driver we know you are always in control and anticipate these people:rolleyes:

How ever motorcoach's do have a very LOUD air horn:)

I have had more that one driver drop a cell phone when I shot passed:)

And then there is always the "blue" water:beer:

09-28-2009, 03:50 PM
They will scare the pants off any stupid driver on the road, maybe make them think twice about what thier next driving manuver.FWIW

I really don't think these people ever learn. They do not understand what they did. They have no idea why you blew your horn. Folks like this are absolutely and totally oblivious. On the other hand, the train or air horn will certainly scare the crap out of them and probably cause them to lose control.

09-28-2009, 04:27 PM
...or make you get your car impounded for illegal equipment if used within earshot of a LEO.

I really don't think these people ever learn. They do not understand what they did. They have no idea why you blew your horn. Folks like this are absolutely and totally oblivious. On the other hand, the train or air horn will certainly scare the crap out of them and probably cause them to lose control.

09-28-2009, 04:49 PM
Careful...that can cause road rage! Just fart in his general direction.:beer:

I've done that (what dave said not farting in my own car), a guy in a dodge avenger turned his high beams on at me... It was 2pm :D

09-28-2009, 05:24 PM
i love to use my air horn on my drill rig. it is louder than most air horns and to see the person in front of me stoop down to look in their rear view mirror and then give their car more gas make me laugh. i also like to blow my horn when some a-hole is reading or texting next to me and i watch them swerve or slam on the bakes because they do not know what the hell is going on due to them not paying attention. f-them. if they crash into a ditch them good ridance!!

Mr. Man
09-28-2009, 05:31 PM
i love to use my air horn on my drill rig. it is louder than most air horns and to see the person in front of me stoop down to look in their rear view mirror and then give their car more gas make me laugh. i also like to blow my horn when some a-hole is reading or texting next to me and i watch them swerve or slam on the bakes because they do not know what the hell is going on due to them not paying attention. f-them. if they crash into a ditch them good ridance!!

:rofl: ^^^^^ made me laugh

09-28-2009, 08:02 PM
Hey I'm that idiot.

09-29-2009, 05:08 AM
It's pronounced .... "Dumm Azz"

09-29-2009, 05:25 AM
People come up behind me real fast, no matter how fast I am going, and instead of passing me they are inches from my bumper. If they don't pass me I start slowing down to force them around. Some of these people are on their phones. If it gets bad I tap the brakes to keep them alert.

09-29-2009, 05:58 AM
Oh, I get it. This thread is about stupid drivers. I thought it was talking about people driving in that little town in the Texas panhandle.

09-29-2009, 05:59 AM
Hummm, I'm guilty of the first post. Why, cause I like the thrill of the acceleration and the roar of the exhaust but not the danger of speeding in traffic. I don't go over the speed limit, just get there sooner, then drive the limit.

That's just me, no apologies.:loco:

09-29-2009, 07:38 AM
People come up behind me real fast, no matter how fast I am going, and instead of passing me they are inches from my bumper. If they don't pass me I start slowing down to force them around. Some of these people are on their phones. If it gets bad I tap the brakes to keep them alert.
Why don't you just move over when you see them coming and let them go instead of playing games? :rolleyes:

09-29-2009, 08:55 AM
I am in the right hand lane when this happens so it would not make sense to move over to the fast lane. They can go around like they should but they don't, so if anyone is playing games it is them not me. Hope this further explains situation.

09-29-2009, 09:00 AM
Hummm, I'm guilty of the first post. Why, cause I like the thrill of the acceleration and the roar of the exhaust but not the danger of speeding in traffic. I don't go over the speed limit, just get there sooner, then drive the limit.

That's just me, no apologies.:loco:

That's the kind of crap that infuriates me. If you don't want to get on down the road why not let the rest of us?

09-29-2009, 09:33 AM
Back in high school, a friend of mine and I would take our seperate cars up the highway to another friend's house. We used to love going a little above the speed limit, but one of us in one lane, the other in the other lane. We'd get someone flying up in the left lane. After they flashed high beams to move, the one in the left would put the blinker on and go to the right while the guy in the right would speed up and move to the left and slow down to match speed. We'd get away with this three or four times until we were just about pissing ourselves! :D

09-29-2009, 09:46 AM
Where are you all getting this info that train horns are illegal?..... i knew someone with one, and everytime a cop heard him blasting it he got either a excessive noise ordinance or illegal use of a horn ticket. Not at one point was he ever told that it was not allowed on his car. Maybe its just like this in Georgia
Some of these cops in Ga are A-holes.

ive witnessed more people get tickets for their exhaust being too loud or their car being dropped too low or raised too high, not cuz of air horns

Stranger in the Black Sedan
09-29-2009, 10:40 AM
if some one is tailgating i will do this, BUT i will slowly get slightly ahead of the car in the right lane to make the person tailgating me switch back into my lane. then i slow down a bit just enough so the car in the right lane has his rear bumper about even with my front. then the idiot tailgaing me switches lanes to the right lane thinking hes gona get by me but then i speed back up slighly to where my rear bumper is even with the car in the right lane's front. the idiot will then switch lanes again thinking he is going to get by. and i do this several times. its quite entertaining to see them get pissed off.

I do this all the time, it makes my wife crazy. It's fun as hell though. It's like rolling tetris.

Joe Walsh
09-29-2009, 10:57 AM
if some one is tailgating i will do this, BUT i will slowly get slightly ahead of the car in the right lane to make the person tailgating me switch back into my lane. then i slow down a bit just enough so the car in the right lane has his rear bumper about even with my front. then the idiot tailgaing me switches lanes to the right lane thinking hes gona get by me but then i speed back up slighly to where my rear bumper is even with the car in the right lane's front. the idiot will then switch lanes again thinking he is going to get by. and i do this several times. its quite entertaining to see them get pissed off.

I do this all the time, it makes my wife crazy. It's fun as hell though. It's like rolling tetris.

YES! :rofl:
And this must be done without turning your head to look in any of your mirrors...
you must appear totally oblivious to what you are actually doing!
Just act like the Honda & Toyota drivers.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
09-29-2009, 11:20 AM
^If I have a beverage in the car, I will start drinking it with one hand to appear oblivious.

09-29-2009, 12:04 PM
Yeah its not like they weren't asking for this treatment.They usually take a huge risk and its you that has to avoid the wreck they are trying to cause. They seem to not care if they cause an accident or not.

09-29-2009, 12:38 PM
Check your local ordinance about equipment allowed vs. not allowed on a car. Some enforce it though noise statute like your example and others do so through equipment violations.

And why do you think your friend got tickets for using them? Maybe because they are illegal to use on a car?

Or are you saying they are legal to HAVE just not to USE?

I'm confused.

The only way I can see that working is if someone were to use the vehicle in parades or shows where certain things are tolerated that wouldn't be in normal driving.

Also, not all air horns are train horns.

Train horns operate well above safe limits for noise to unprotected ears. Blasting one at someone at close range can be termed assault with weapon AND intent to harm.

Yes, I've checked it out.

(And yes, trains would be exempt from this as train horns on trains must function as distance warnings and for emergency use)

I can go buy light bars and sirens for my car too - doesn't make them legal to use.

Where are you all getting this info that train horns are illegal?..... i knew someone with one, and everytime a cop heard him blasting it he got either a excessive noise ordinance or illegal use of a horn ticket. Not at one point was he ever told that it was not allowed on his car. Maybe its just like this in Georgia
Some of these cops in Ga are A-holes.

ive witnessed more people get tickets for their exhaust being too loud or their car being dropped too low or raised too high, not cuz of air horns

09-29-2009, 01:33 PM
YES! :rofl:
And this must be done without turning your head to look in any of your mirrors...
you must appear totally oblivious to what you are actually doing!
Just act like the Honda & Toyota drivers.

I don't think it's an act...

I guess dumas drivers don't necessarily have to be driving rice burners.

09-29-2009, 02:04 PM
^If I have a beverage in the car, I will start drinking it with one hand to appear oblivious.

or you eat a burger with both hands, and drive with your knees, look at the person next to you and wave :D

09-29-2009, 02:16 PM
Close the eye they can see and appear to be drifting off! Throw in a few head nods too! :D

Anyone ever throw pennies up in the air to hit the tailgater behind you on the highway? Amazing how quick they back off! Don't flame, havn't done that in years, would rather not get in a gunfight or something now that I'm older and wiser!

Joe Walsh
09-29-2009, 02:29 PM
Close the eye they can see and appear to be drifting off! Throw in a few head nods too! :D

Anyone ever throw pennies up in the air to hit the tailgater behind you on the highway? Amazing how quick they back off! Don't flame, havn't done that in years, would rather not get in a gunfight or something now that I'm older and wiser!

I've heard of people, back in their youth, dropping ball bearings and marbles out onto the road through the gap in their torn shifter boot....
I've heard that....yeah....heard about that.

09-29-2009, 04:46 PM
I had a Rhodes Schollar roll a red-right hand turn then cross the line and into the inside lane right in front of me, at night. If I hadn't anticipated that I would have shortened his car a few feet for him. :mad: Doofus said he "didn't see me".....Headlights, coming down the road....about 100 feet from the intersection... 55 mph zone . There are some real morons out there.

Two days previous, all in the course of about 5 blocks, I had: 1.) a suv turn across my lane from the straight lane across the turn lane I was in blocking the intersection and almost taking off the front end of my car, then after the turn...about 20 feet later...., 2.) a jaywalking grandma push off her parked car in the middle of the block and walk into traffic (thank goodness I was expecting her), then 3.) the young twitter-er at the stop light. It turned green, she sat there for about 20 seconds (I didn't honk, I wanted to see how long until she noticed), she then launches, goes about 1/2 block, then........ 4.) jams on the brakes (@$$ end of the car violently lurches up in the air---why??? because there was a pick-up moving on the shoulder) She throws her dainty paw out the window and motions for the CONSTRUCTION TRUCK WORKING IN THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE to pull out.......except he was working in the zone and was not coming out into traffic (no signal, about 2 MPH, etc). She obviously got scared when she went back to texting and looked up to see the truck in her sights. I wasn't working that day. :mad:

People are "Dumases".