View Full Version : Any doctors in here?

10-07-2009, 10:19 PM
PM me. I'm a little concerned about something and no it wasn't an STD. You need the S for an STD.

I am not contacting the family doctor.

Thanks in advance.

10-07-2009, 10:43 PM
stop jerking it when it starts to rash up.

10-07-2009, 10:48 PM
stop jerking it when it starts to rash up.

I'm not 15 anymore. I know how to keep it from going raw now. ;)

Seriously, I need to ask someone a question.

It's mental, not physical. Makes since coming from me I guess....

10-07-2009, 11:01 PM
Was it something you got from "runnin from the cops" girl?

10-07-2009, 11:18 PM
Was it something you got from "runnin from the cops" girl?

No it was before that.

10-07-2009, 11:34 PM
Just spill it dom, there may or may not be any doctors on this board, but I'm sure there's someone on this board that has/had issues similar to what you're experiancing, so they might be able to help you.

10-07-2009, 11:40 PM
Just spill it dom, there may or may not be any doctors on this board, but I'm sure there's someone on this board that has/had issues similar to what you're experiancing, so they might be able to help you.
^^^+ i have always taken care of my self, but you need to tell us whats going on so we can try to help.

if not you could be:bigcry: and get an innocent hurt.(love 1).


10-07-2009, 11:43 PM
Alright I guess it's not too bad. Last week I was afraid to get outta my car. Like I got home at 1am, I wanted to get outta the car, but couldn't. I was actually afraid. Everytime I would reach for the handle my heartbeat would shoot up. I sat in the car for 45 minutes doing nothing. The engine was off, the radio was off, I was all alone doing nothing for 45 minutes just simply because I feared getting outta the car.

The same thing happened the next day except I was in bed. I was afraid to get outta bed. I was alone and everytime I was going to undo the covers my heartbeat would shoot up.

I am not on any medication and I never have been.

I don't know what was with me for those 12 hours, it's coming back I think.

10-07-2009, 11:53 PM
Sounds like an anxiety issue dom, I'm no doctor though, maybe a chemical imbalance? You should just go to your doctor.

10-07-2009, 11:54 PM
maybe stress!

10-07-2009, 11:56 PM
smoke some ganga! j/k.

10-08-2009, 05:33 AM
First you need to rule out medical problems. You need to see your family doctor. And you need to confide in your parents about this problem.

10-08-2009, 07:24 AM
+1 Anxiety. I have plenty of that.

10-08-2009, 08:00 AM
Sounds like anxiety, have you had any other issues like that with involving other things? There is nothing wrong with talking to your doctor about that.

I get anxiety every time someone comes up fast or brakes really late behind me because it triggers memories of my accident. Heart rate shoots right up and palms get really sweaty then after a few mins everything goes back to normal.

10-08-2009, 08:06 AM
DEFINITE ANXIETY! My wife has been dealing with it for years! When she does get in my car, I have to take back roads, can't taker highways and if the engine even sounds like it's rumbling, she freaks! And that is ON meds, you don't want to know if she isn't! :( I love her though!!! :D She keeps me sane and out of jail!

Black Dynamite
10-08-2009, 08:27 AM
And you need to confide in your parents about this problem.


Try talkin to your old man about it. Chances are he's dealt with some anxiety in the past. Whatever he did to subdue it may well work for you too, provided it is not self-destructive.

edit: It may be because of a fact you stated in another thread. You are in your last year of college. Your final year can be very worrying. Your about to graduate into a slow economy and you don't know if you'll find work that's good enough to pay back all those student loans and keep your head above the water, so to speak. I went through the same thing before I graduated college a few years back. My anxiety manifested intself in imsomnia however....

All I can say is take a deep breath, calm yourself down and realize that your stronger than anything the worlds gonna throw at you.

10-08-2009, 08:50 AM
Alright I guess it's not too bad. Last week I was afraid to get outta my car. Like I got home at 1am, I wanted to get outta the car, but couldn't. I was actually afraid. Everytime I would reach for the handle my heartbeat would shoot up. I sat in the car for 45 minutes doing nothing. The engine was off, the radio was off, I was all alone doing nothing for 45 minutes just simply because I feared getting outta the car.

The same thing happened the next day except I was in bed. I was afraid to get outta bed. I was alone and everytime I was going to undo the covers my heartbeat would shoot up.

I am not on any medication and I never have been.

I don't know what was with me for those 12 hours, it's coming back I think.

Sounds like Anxiety. Anxiety is mostly a "Big Fat Lie" When too much stuff is dumped on us the mind reacts that way and gives a false Fear. Heart rate increases . Many I have talked to have has similar experiences. With Anxiety comes depression.. This occurs in numbers to big to count. With all the uncertanty in our world it's no wonder. We need help only God can give. Sounds like a pat answer but we are very complex creatures to say the least. I have been through it my self. My e mail evalkanet@comcast.net

10-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Panic attacks.
Very common.
Created by an unresolved psychological issue that needs to be revealed by a psych thru discussion. Example 1: an embezzler continuing to work knowing what he has done. He's trying to ignore what he's done by hiding it psychologically but it comes out thru the anxiety. Example 2. A teenage girl gets dumped by her boyfriend - tells all it's cool (hiding it, again) and will move on. But in reality it shook her to the core and internally questions her self esteem. Comes out in anxiety.
The problems occur when you don't face and resolve the issue - you hide it instead.
What's the issue, dude??

10-08-2009, 04:31 PM
What's the issue, dude??

Life I guess.

10-08-2009, 04:49 PM
Sounds like a lot of Stress or maybe a form of panic disorder. See you Doctor see if he will give you a .25 or .50 mg of Xanax depending on you body weight. A low dose like that will calm your system down and you should have no issues going through a normal day. Take it for around 1 week to 10 days, no longer, then get off of it and see their is any change. Also try taking long walks or excerise a little every day too. That always helps reduce stress.

10-08-2009, 04:50 PM
I workout a few times a week, but I won't pop pills or medication for anything. I'm afraid of drugs too... Sorry to make things difficult.

10-08-2009, 05:00 PM
I workout a few times a week, but I won't pop pills or medication for anything. I'm afraid of drugs too... Sorry to make things difficult. Nothing to be afraid of, I know alot of people who take it, I too from time to time do too and no side affects . But I respect the fact that you wish not too. Try sitting down with a close friend and talk out your problems/ issues that some times helps too.

10-08-2009, 05:02 PM
I pretty much don't tell them anything until they kick it outta me. I feel like the info is better here... in a way. I don't know. It's a complicated situation. I'm going out to see a Surf Punk band tonight. It's a quick fix for me.

10-08-2009, 05:07 PM
Its only as complicated as you allow it get. The longer you allow is too bother you the worse it can get. You might want to sit down with someone you trust and talk it out a little. Either way enjoy the evening & I hope you work it out.

10-08-2009, 05:39 PM
I've been through the whole panic attack stuff before. Really crippled me up good for a while. Not fun.

I'm not a fan of pills either Dom. Look at it this way, Is all this happening due to a shortage of Xanax? You're not getting enough Xanax in your diet? Putting it that way, it sounds pretty silly. Even so they might help in the short term. It's not the solution though.

If you've got flat tire, you don't need a tow. You need a spare. Fix the problem not the symptom.

10-08-2009, 08:33 PM

10-08-2009, 08:35 PM
find a really hot number then just do it in the road-this worked wonders for me

10-08-2009, 09:41 PM

10-09-2009, 02:47 AM
Sometimes this is necessary, try it... It may actually help you!


10-09-2009, 08:07 AM
I pretty much don't tell them anything until they kick it outta me. I feel like the info is better here... in a way. I don't know. It's a complicated situation. I'm going out to see a Surf Punk band tonight. It's a quick fix for me.
Holding everything inside is the root of your problem. If you don't want to treat symptoms with a pill, then you need to find a therapist to talk to. You may have to try several before you find the one that is the right match for you. Confiding in us here is a start.

Yes, the info is better here. You have the benefit of many hundreds of years of life experiences of people from all walks of life. It gives you a wide perspective.

Here's my story:

Used ot be pretty good most of the time with a three day blue episode every four months or so. Learned to just ride it out and look toward the sun, taught myself coping mechanisms for the blue days. Didn't want to be medicated for just a handfull of days.

In the last six years, I have been through three hurricanes in six weeks - I work in local govt and believe me everyone gets twisted here when there is a 'cane approaching. Then Mom died. Found out my Dad has mesothelioma in his lungs although it's dormant right now. My wifes's dad died. My wife died. My wife's mom died. I had been close to her parents, they treated me like their own kid. I remarried, (nearly totalled the blue MM six weeks before the wedding...) my new wife was hit with severe fibromyalgia and became unable to work about six months after we married. The dog that lived with us for the last 14 years and was the constant companion for both wives died a just a few weeks ago. My brother divorced/remarried, moved to Long Island and has been in and out of hospitals up there shortly after he started working. He was fired for missing so much work. His wife was then laid off. We have had the second layoff in six years at my work recently. I'm having to sell the second MM to cut back on expenses.

I've fallen into a deep dark trough that is so deep I cannot see the sun any more. I trudge glumly through each day dreading awakening to real life. I fake having a personality while at work. I made an appt with the psych specialist that was treating my wife for anxiety and depression. She liked him a lot and she had not realized how good she could feel until he got her balanced out. I finally talked myself into making an appointment with him. A few days prior to my appt the psych office calls. The psych doc had died before my first appt. Ain't that a slap in the face? I couldn't stand it any more. I wait each day for the other shoe to stomp on my head.

My wife tried several new docs, finally found one that was a friend of her old doc and on our insurance plan. I saw him last Saturday. Yes, Saturday! He specializes in psych meds, does not do counseling. I started on a new med for depression a week ago. I expect to have to try several to find one that works for me long term. So far, my mood has improved dramatically. I am more functional at work and more pleasant to be around at home. I am going through minor side effects, but so far the leaden weight lifted off my shoulders is a good tradeoff. Remember, I have only been on this med ONE WEEK. I am no longer focusing only on the dark side of everything.

I tell you all this to illustrate just one thing:

Please don't completely discount the possibility of medication to help you. You may need it only short term while you get things sorted out. Seek help. We can only do so much for you by typing words on a screen.

10-09-2009, 09:40 AM
Life I guess.

Believe it or not, this is true.
From early on we are taught the beauty of life - with all its potential and promises, yada, yada. yada.
Well guess what - life can be HARD and for many a constant struggle. Most are not prepared when they get smacked in the face with hard realities (disease, loss of family, loss of job, loss of home, etc, ad nausium) because we were never properly explained what was really going to happen after high school and how to properly handle it!! They were too busy teaching "manifest destiny," calculus (always need that after H.S.) and cheerleading.
Life can be hard and we'll never understand - the secret is to cope by not taking everything so seriously and not to expect so much. Learn by watching others and their experiences and then asking yourself what would I do?
Now, go work out to get rid of the stress and drive your car for awhile.

10-09-2009, 10:23 AM
Dom: Just go for a walk.........


Get a hobby..........not cars or music:)

Volunteer in a soup kitchen:up: When we help others we are at our best:up:

10-09-2009, 10:26 AM
I've always chosen to do things that I enjoy to snap me out of it. But the older I get the harder this is to cope with. I myself will be visiting a Doc and starting on something. Also i've always preached about medication being bad/addicting (I have serious addiction issues) but I am now old enough to see the difference it makes once someone is "balanced". I look forward to a new life very soon.

10-09-2009, 11:48 AM
No pills no chance. I cannot stand drugs and am completely afraid of them. Look what happens to people. They take something for years and finally have a side effect they were unaware for 20 years later which is even worse than the condition they were treating. Also that stuff costs money. Finally some people try to get off meds and then that screws up everything because the body is dependant on it.

Therapy? HA! I went to three people so far and no one helped. Times were different back then and I was angry for different reasons. I don't understand how anyone can get paid to listen, it's compete BS. One guy even said and I quote "Wow. Now I see why you are such a loser." I don't need to hear that again and I already know that anyway on top of that I had to dish out cash to hear that... ya I am a loser.

It's all about attitude. I just have to fix mine. I don't need any pill or anyone that get's $60+ an hour to sit and listen to me spill my guts.

10-09-2009, 01:07 PM
FYI : Their is this New Medicial Procedure in Montery Mexico that people with Stress and other disorders seams to help them . They put you in a deep coma for 2 weeks , it some how turns off your brain then they wake you up and some how your Brain in most case's resets it self and your problems seam to go away. No pill's involved !

10-09-2009, 01:25 PM
It's all about attitude. I just have to fix mine. I don't need any pill or anyone that get's $60+ an hour to sit and listen to me spill my guts.

I'll listen to you for $30 an hour! You'll save 1/2!!:beer:

10-09-2009, 02:06 PM

10-09-2009, 03:14 PM
Us Plumbers make over $60.00 an hour, the last Doc I paid was $1,800.00 for three 2 hr. sessions. (but she was a specialist for my boy with the learning disorders) Times have changed and monies have also.

10-09-2009, 03:37 PM
I'll listen to you for $30 an hour! You'll save 1/2!!:beer:

You did it here for free. :P