View Full Version : I nominate this for the "feel good" story of the year award.

10-14-2009, 06:52 AM
Cause it's just too damn funny!
College Student With Sword Kills Burglary Suspect

Student Says Intruder Accosted Him

BEN NUCKOLS, Associated Press Writer
POSTED: 6:49 am EDT September 15, 2009
UPDATED: 7:06 pm EDT September 15, 2009
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BALTIMORE -- A Johns Hopkins University student armed with a samurai sword killed a suspected burglar in a garage behind his off-campus home early Tuesday, hours after someone broke in and stole electronics.
Some shocked neighbors said they heard bloodcurdling screams in an area just blocks from the university. Police held the student, a junior chemistry major who turns 21 on Sunday, for several hours, but he was not charged with any crimes Tuesday, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.
Around 1:20 a.m., the student heard noises behind the home and noticed a door to the garage was open, Guglielmi said. He grabbed the sword and confronted the intruder -- identified by police as Donald D. Rice, 49, a habitual offender who had just been released from jail.
Rice was crouching beneath a counter, police said. The student asked him what he was doing and threatened to call police.
"When he said that, the suspect lunged at him, kind of forced the kid against the wall, and he struck him with the sword," Guglielmi said.
Rice's left hand was nearly severed -- Guglielmi described it as "hanging on by a thread" -- and he suffered a severe cut to the upper body. He died at the scene.
On Monday, two laptops and a Sony PlayStation were stolen from the student's home, which he shares with three other students, but police were not sure whether Rice was responsible, Guglielmi said.
There was a pool of blood Tuesday morning in the brick courtyard between the back porch of the home and the garage. The courtyard was strewn with debris, including what looked like broken glass.
Guglielmi did not know why the student kept a sword. (who cares why he had it?!)He said he may have had some martial arts training, but was not an expert.
Rice's criminal history includes more than two dozen arrests for burglary, breaking and entering and auto theft. According to court records, he was charged in 2007 after he pulled a gun on a police officer, though prosecutors placed those charges on hold because the officer was on military leave.
Rice was convicted in 2008 of unauthorized removal of property and sentenced to 18 months. He was released Saturday from the Baltimore County Detention Center.
Several nearby residents said the community has experienced a rash of petty crimes in recent months, including home, garage and vehicle break-ins. Many homes have bars on windows and stickers advertising alarm systems.
Michael Hughes, 43, said he was getting ready for bed when he heard the screams.
"There was fear in the voice. I could tell someone was scared," Hughes said.
Hughes called 911, and several police cars arrived while he was on the phone. Campus security officers and an off-duty city officer who were in the area responding to a suspicious person report also heard the screams.
The diverse neighborhood includes a mix of students, professors and families, said Hughes, who lives with his wife and young children and works for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which is on another campus across town.
"There seems to be a noticeable increase in crime in the neighborhood," Hughes said. "I am concerned for my family's safety."
Kenny Eaton, 20, a junior political science major at Hopkins who lives nearby, said there was some tension between students and lower-income residents of nearby communities. The private Johns Hopkins is known for its health and science research and has about 4,600 undergraduates on its main campus.
"You take kids who are paying $50,000 a year (in tuition) and then put them out in a very dangerous city environment, it's almost like a clash of civilizations," (translation: It's gettin' all Highlander up in this piece!) he said.
Three young men, including one in a Hopkins T-shirt, were sitting on the front porch of the home Tuesday morning. A police officer was standing in the doorway, and a single police car was parked nearby. The men refused to talk to an Associated Press reporter. (as they sharpened thier swords....)
Susan Boswell, the dean of student life at Hopkins, said in a statement that she was "relieved to report that the student was not harmed," but she also advised other students not to follow the swordsman's example.
"If you ever suspect that there is a prowler in your residence or on your property, call 911 immediately," Boswell said. "Experts advise that you do not attempt to confront the intruder, but rather secure yourself in a locked area until police arrive." (Yeah, so they can find you dead in a locked area...)
Guglielmi said police would consult with prosecutors about whether to file charges against the student. As in most states, self-defense in Maryland is defined by common law rather than by statute. People who confront intruders inside their homes have a greater degree of latitude to use force, and prosecutors consider whether to file charges in such incidents on a case-by-case basis.
"One can genuinely and reasonably be in fear of one's own safety even if the burglar is unarmed," (Or nearly unhanded, muhahahaa!!! What, too soon?)said Andrew D. Levy, a Baltimore defense attorney and an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland School of Law. "But nonetheless, it would be something that a good prosecutor would consider."

10-14-2009, 06:56 AM
Where you been this is old news and has already been posted. :P

10-14-2009, 06:58 AM
Awesome! People need to fight back!!!!

10-14-2009, 07:00 AM
Sup cbt

10-14-2009, 07:43 AM
stop being a stranger bud

10-14-2009, 08:36 AM
Bastard got what he deserved.

Joe Walsh
10-14-2009, 08:40 AM
Where you been this is old news and has already been posted. :P

Found it.
"Victims fight back!"


10-14-2009, 09:43 AM
Sweet, I must have missed it, along with everything else the last few months. What's up rockerrrrrrrrs!
College is great, my frat house is out of freakin' control. Technically, it's my house since I go at night to a Saint Leo University outpost, but it's still out of control. Beer bottles everywhere. Loud music. Loud cars. Amy running around nekked.
Hey Pops, there is an interesting few pages on the Thunderbolt reunion in the Nov. issue of Hot Rod magazine. Buuuuut someone probably already posted that, too.
Marauder has seen little road duty in the last 2 months. It taunts me when I walk past it, sometimes it sounds like it's sobbing. Other times it says stuff like "You know you want this.", and "It's been a while since that polish sausage was up in here, up in here." Crazy.
Sorry to say, I did not participate in the second annual womenless fashion review at the VFW this year, so no pics, but I did watch. I felt dirty putting money in a mans garter belt, hand a fraction of an inch from thier beefsock. Holy **** was it brutal. I havn't seen that many ugly men in drag since....EVER, come to think of it.
One of the 2 local black Marauders was sold 6 weeks ago, some folks from Northern VA drove down and bought it, Jay, who owned it, sold it for 12 grand and bought an STI wagon looking car. It's nice, the blue ones are nicer tho. (Like EVERY model, muhahahaha, eat it.)
I have not seen the "scribes" from my last assignment since it ended. I shall miss you Boo, Nay-Nay, Hollywood, and Jasmond! 2 of those people are dudes, can you guess which 2?
I guess I should catch up on some reading, see how Indy went, see how many trophies DOOM has snagged lately. I have some time to kill between now and the 19th so I'll be poking around here, when I'm not under the 'vette or digging for bottles in Suffolk this weekend.
Da Bearssssssss.

SC Cheesehead
10-14-2009, 10:55 AM
Hey bubba, we missed you http://www.bloodydecks.com/forums/images/smilies/_happytosee_.gif welcome back!

Da Bearssssssss.

NOT! http://www.bloodydecks.com/forums/images/smilies/_smack_.gif

10-14-2009, 10:58 AM
Hey all,
This here story is true and it happened in the People's Republic of MD. Know what that means? Only criminals can be armed and dangerous. That means that you and me have NO Right To Carry, even in our homes. And if you do, you will be prosecuted if you dare interfere with the right of a convicted Felon to do YOU bodily harm!!! End of Rant!!!
Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast! Guess you all know why I won't be retiring in the state of Maryland!

10-14-2009, 04:31 PM
Hey all,
This here story is true and it happened in the People's Republic of MD. Know what that means? Only criminals can be armed and dangerous. That means that you and me have NO Right To Carry, even in our homes. And if you do, you will be prosecuted if you dare interfere with the right of a convicted Felon to do YOU bodily harm!!! End of Rant!!!
Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast! Guess you all know why I won't be retiring in the state of Maryland!

It's messed up if the guy gets in trouble for defending hisself. What may hurt him is the (slightly) bizzare way in which he killed his attacker. And yes I meant to say attacker. Break into my stuff, lunge at me, you're an attacker, sorry. But I digress...anyway he samurai sworded a guy to death, which to some people may seem like cruel and unusual punishment. I mean, think about it, if you saw 2 headlines, one was titled "Home owner attacked, shoots and kills intruder." and one was titled "Home owner attacked, shoves attackers head thru glass front of microwave and nuked his dome till it exploded.", which would be worse? Same results, attacker is dead, but the absurdity might make bleeding heart sympathizers feel sorrier for the second attacker. Either one is fine with me. Did you know that a sawed off shotgun is considered a weapon of mass destruction in some states, and you can be tried as a terrorist for possessing it? Crazy.