View Full Version : Talk about a scare!

10-24-2003, 08:14 PM
I got my MM back from the body shop today (Nice work, guys!), went home, changed, then went to work. After about an hour, I realized that my iPod was still in the car, so I went out to get it. As soon as I walked out into the parking lot, my heart stopped beating. My car was SURROUNDED by Oakland County's finest cruisers. "What now!!!" I thought. I walked, timidly, out towards my car, when a gentleman from the Sheriff's dept called out "Is this your car?". "Yes", I replied. "How can I help you?". Turns out that Oakland County is getting a Marauder or two, and that these fine officers were checking out MY RIDE :) :) :) So, I gave them the complete tour ;)
What a week!

10-24-2003, 08:29 PM
Did you happen to get a Get out of jail FREE card while you where at it.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: