View Full Version : New York get together

10-24-2003, 11:30 PM
How about one more N.Y. gathering before the snow starts to fall?! Seems there was a good turnout last time. Maybe that record could be broken. How's about it?

10-25-2003, 05:45 AM
I am in.

Some of the gang (me included) are going to E-Town next weekend for a "Detroit puts a beatin' on the Ricers" weekend. It would be nice to have some representation there.

Either which way, I am always up for something. Just remember, once the snow arrives, my Boy doesn't get out much. He prefers the comfort of his heated garage.

Someone throw some dates and places around so we can start planning.

10-25-2003, 08:08 PM
Phil I'am in all we need is a date.

10-25-2003, 09:52 PM
Yeah! Count me in!!

10-25-2003, 10:39 PM
How about Nov. 8 or 9 or 14 or 15? I know everyone liked the last meeting place, which is a good one. Does anyone have another suggestion?

10-25-2003, 11:36 PM
If this goes forward post the info in advance . I have a weird work schedule . God I love this spell check... :cool4:

10-26-2003, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by PhastPhil
How about Nov. 8 or 9 or 14 or 15? I know everyone liked the last meeting place, which is a good one. Does anyone have another suggestion?

I would opt for the 14th.

And, remember, Hooter's is the Cracker Barrel of the Northeast!

10-26-2003, 07:08 AM
but I'm not able to say for sure yet. Saturdays are good for me, but I plan on getting that exhaust in sometime in November, and when I do, that will be consuming my weekend I'm sure.
But if I am able to go, I dunno about Hooters.I haven't gone to the one near me cuz I heard from a couple guys already that their service is terrible. It's basicaly a place that hired a bunch of Bimbos to walk around the place so that old men can gawk at them, and they care nothing about service. but if that's where you guys want to go, then don't mind me, cuz I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to go w/ya anyway......

10-26-2003, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
I heard from a couple guys already that their service is terrible. It's basicaly a place that hired a bunch of Bimbos to walk around the place so that old men can gawk at them

So, the problem would be what exactly?

10-26-2003, 07:17 AM
I am in......I hear a plate of wings and hot sauce calling my name.

10-26-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by martyo
So, the problem would be what exactly?

I wasn't refering to you old man:D
But since you've asked, then I'll answer w/a question: then if all of those Hooters places are like that(assuming they are from your response) then why would you want to go there? I'd be going there to eat and socialize. But if I have to literaly wait one hour for the food(that's what it's like at the place near me) and after one hour they still get the order all wrong, then I'm gonna make a scene no matter what the Ho's walking around taking orders look like.;)

10-26-2003, 09:45 AM
Y'know, New York STATE is neighbor to the Canadian province of Quebec... by "New York Get-Together", just how far north in New York are you guys considering? *hint hint*

BTW: I like Hooters. Never had a problem with service...

10-26-2003, 09:49 AM

10-26-2003, 09:59 AM
I think Sat. Nov 8 or 15, is a good date. Marty the 14 is a Friday. At the March 15th meeting we had 13 Marauders present and the service at Hooters was fine. We will have to get there early like the last meet. I belive we arrived at 12 noon when they opened. See you all there.

10-26-2003, 10:36 AM
sounds good to me.........I hope that I'll be able to make it.......

10-27-2003, 12:25 AM
So, did we decide that Sat. Nov 15 is the date we want? And at the same Hooters as last time? I know someone asked about having it somewhere else. Any Suggestions?

As for Hooters service, I was only at this Hooters once. But the one in Islandia has pretty good service. A big group of people should get good service since a big tip will be expected.

10-27-2003, 01:09 PM
I'm in. As of now, I can work around the possible dates. If we choose a Saturday, can Sunday be a rain date?

Question regarding Hooters: From a woman's perspective, is there anything good to look at other than the menu?;)

An idea for location: There's a Bennigan's right off the Saw Mill River Parkway in Yonkers (Westchester County in New York) that might be a good spot. Easy to get to from Route 87 (NYS Thruway, Major Deegan) and many other roads.

Since Bennigan's is on the edge of an executive park, there should be plenty of space in the parking lot on weekends. I can check that out next weekend.


10-27-2003, 01:31 PM
How about the Hooters in Wayne, New Jersey?

10-29-2003, 01:54 PM
count me in...as long as its not the weekend of the 22nd...hooters works for me..............

10-29-2003, 02:13 PM
We got two. Any more? :)

10-29-2003, 05:29 PM
i'll go.

10-29-2003, 06:07 PM
That's 3. Next?

10-29-2003, 07:12 PM
I'll go any day you choose. Just tell us where the Hooters is. Is it the one near the Nassau Coliseum? P.S. should'nt this be in the "Northeast" section? I don't come to this forum often and just stumbled on it.

10-29-2003, 08:09 PM
BlownBlass - The March 15 meet was held at Hooter's on Hemstead Tpke. near the NC Medical Center.

10-29-2003, 08:17 PM
What about Jim's suggestion of Wayne, NJ?

10-30-2003, 11:48 AM
Wayne is OK with me (love that GWB, lower level).

I'll try the Westchester suggestion again next time around.;);)


11-01-2003, 09:09 PM
ok lets do it..anyone else..nj works for me.

11-01-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by troopcar
I'm in. As of now, I can work around the possible dates. If we choose a Saturday, can Sunday be a rain date?

Question regarding Hooters: From a woman's perspective, is there anything good to look at other than the menu?;)

An idea for location: There's a Bennigan's right off the Saw Mill River Parkway in Yonkers (Westchester County in New York) that might be a good spot. Easy to get to from Route 87 (NYS Thruway, Major Deegan) and many other roads.

Since Bennigan's is on the edge of an executive park, there should be plenty of space in the parking lot on weekends. I can check that out next weekend.

If the 15th of November at Wayne NJ is finalized with all then Ill go pending any changes in my schedule .

11-02-2003, 12:38 AM
planning on going too just as long as I'm not busy installing the Kook's exhaust on my car that weekend. And I don't know if that will be the case or not since I'm waiting on them to get the exhaust kit fabricated, and I'm not sure when they'l be done w/that. I'll have a better idea what will happen w/that in about one week from tomorrow.

11-04-2003, 12:04 PM
i think we need to move this tread to the events page so more of use will be aware..i took me a while to find it...

11-05-2003, 01:39 PM
The 15th sounds good. Any other way to get to Wayne NJ from the P.I.P. For my 2 cents, Yonkers also sounds good (I know where Bennigan's is) Thanks

11-05-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by 69Marauder
The 15th sounds good. Any other way to get to Wayne NJ from the P.I.P. For my 2 cents, Yonkers also sounds good (I know where Bennigan's is) Thanks

If its OK I'd also like to know the directions to this place...

11-09-2003, 06:13 PM
Is the meet still on? If so what is the meet location and time? Thanks.

11-11-2003, 01:49 PM
I'm still interested. Are we on for Saturday, November 15 at Hooters in Wayne, NJ (suggested by Bigdogjim) at 12 noon?

Bigdogjim, will you provide directions from the GW Bridge and maybe alternatives for those who live farther north or east?

PhastPhil, are you still in? Who else?


11-11-2003, 05:58 PM
I must attend a meeting in Atlanta that day ;)

If this get together rolls over to the 22nd, you can count me in. Otherwise, have a Hooter in my honor and I will catch you guys (and gal) at the next meet.

Let me know either which way.

11-11-2003, 06:47 PM
As far as I know its a go!

How about a head count.

12:NOON Hooters Wayne, NJ

PM or e-mail me with any questions.........



11-11-2003, 06:53 PM
Please see thread in Northeast Marauders forum

Please do not post to this thread any more....

Lets keep it in one place!

11-12-2003, 02:59 AM
So far , I'm in just please post full address of hooter's include zip so I can retrieve directions or if you like please provide the directions :cool4: