View Full Version : Police..... Smh..... Bogus

10-25-2009, 12:49 PM
Gwinnett Countys finest.... Ha Ha Ha my ASS
I Suppose its quota time or something... Last night i got pulled over by the same cop 3 TIMES!! by the same officer with 25 minutes... NOT 1... NOT 2... THREE DAMN TIMES (the 25 minutes was in between the stops)

Location - Interstate 85 South near Pleasenthill Road, Duluth Ga.

First stop - he just wanted to look at the car i know.... he sped pass me... then slowed down ran my tag then pulled me over... My Tint is too dark (I know this) the thing that had me is that he checked the back window, then the front. Now i know in Georgia it has been told to me by other officers that u can have the back windows as dark as hell as u want to AS LONG AS THE FRONT PASSENGER WINDOWS ARE LEGAL. He told me that the other officers (plural = more than one) lied to me and that every car in georgia that is not a pick-up truck or Suv has to have thbe same percent tint all around. Its BS. Now ive been giving a warning ticket about my tint, but the officer showed me the tint reading device after he put it on the windows.. this dude just said my tint was illegal (didnt show me the device) and wrote the citation. he wrote 17% percent on the ticket (the same percent on my warning ticket) but too bad he didnt show me what it said so im gonna fight this one in court cuz of his slip up. we need proof round here

Second Stop - after he releases me from my tint ticket he hears the exhaust when i pull back onto the highway, i did accellerate kinda fast but only reached about 50mph (only mods to exhaust are rear cats cut and flowmaster 44's) He jumps out right after me, lights flashing again (at this point im thinking "he just pulled me over he must have gotten an emergency call" but as im changing lanes he's keeping right behind me) so i pull over again. he comes back to the vehicle and says "oh u must have a custom exhaust".. he spills some jargan that if u can hear it within 50ft its too loud and he gave me another ticket (now i know my exhaust isnt that loud... compared to alot of ish on the road, but im thinking.... u were just riding beside me and then behind me when u pulled me over the first time... y u didnt say anything about it then?) so withing 20 minutes i have gotten 2 tickets

Third Stop - Again after he writes me the citation..... i pull off SLOWLY making sure that my peasy ass exhaust doesnt make too much noise for the other drivers on the HIGHWAY (BULL****) he follows me off the exit and then cuts the lights on again. Now at this point im rolling, i got my old lady on the phone and she cant believe the BS either. When i eventually stop he ask me if i ever stayed in Detroit and i say "No, why do u ask?"... supposedly someone in Detroit with my same name and birthday (what a ka-winky-dink) has like 3 warrants out for his arrest (now i will let this slide, cuz previous officers have asked me this same question before)

Now i have had my run in with officers of the law in the past, i try my best not to disrespect an officer cuz i know their doing their job but when they come across to me as an ass im gonna give them the same back.
So after saying all of this i still love my GCPD they keep me safe on the road from all the ppl driving around with dark tint and loud exhaust, we gotta make sure we keep that off our roads

i just told this story cuz i thought it was funny, i know i might catch some slack cuz some members are police.... but oh hell, f it :D

10-25-2009, 02:19 PM
OMG ...Thats why i dont like GA ..I get pulled over everytime i hit that state

10-25-2009, 04:52 PM
I have window tint thats illegal and loud exhaust.... So I never stop cars for either of those infractions. No matter how much I would like to, I won't. Its an ethics issue. I did get stopped by an IL State Trooper and he gave me a ration of crap over the window tint and asked me if I had ever stopped a car for window tint. I replied "no", he says "how long have you been a Police Officer?", "3 years", He says again, "so you mean to tell me that in 3 years you have never stopped a car and written a window tint ticket?", Me "nope." Him "Never once?" Me "nope, because I have these crazy things I like to call Ethics, How can I cite someone for the same infractions I have on my vehicle. Yes I have probably missed some good stops and arrests, but hey, I'm honest." At that point he became visibly frustrated and chucked my DL at me and walked back to his car and drove away.

I'm a Police Officer and even I know, some LEO's are just A-holes.

10-25-2009, 05:03 PM
I have window tint thats illegal and loud exhaust.... So I never stop cars for either of those infractions. No matter how much I would like to, I won't. Its an ethics issue. I did get stopped by an IL State Trooper and he gave me a ration of crap over the window tint and asked me if I had ever stopped a car for window tint. I replied "no", he says "how long have you been a Police Officer?", "3 years", He says again, "so you mean to tell me that in 3 years you have never stopped a car and written a window tint ticket?", Me "nope." Him "Never once?" Me "nope, because I have these crazy things I like to call Ethics, How can I cite someone for the same infractions I have on my vehicle. Yes I have probably missed some good stops and arrests, but hey, I'm honest." At that point he became visibly frustrated and chucked my DL at me and walked back to his car and drove away.

After properly identifying myself, about halfway through that conversation, when it was obviously past the point of professional courtesy, I would have stated, "I am not subordinate to you, write the ticket if you feel you must trooper, but do not lecture me."

Bring on the :flamer:


10-25-2009, 05:07 PM

Bummer man...I always liked the pecans and cat fish down that way.

10-25-2009, 05:15 PM
i thought bout being a cop, id b the young kool cop with dark tint on his cop car.lol...but SOME cops r petty az hell n SOME r kool...i had a 3stage paintd crown vic n a couple cops gave me compliments on my paint....but i thought that once ur pulled over by a cop they cant pull u over after a certain amount of days?!

10-25-2009, 06:10 PM
I have window tint thats illegal and loud exhaust.... So I never stop cars for either of those infractions. No matter how much I would like to, I won't. Its an ethics issue. I did get stopped by an IL State Trooper and he gave me a ration of crap over the window tint and asked me if I had ever stopped a car for window tint. I replied "no", he says "how long have you been a Police Officer?", "3 years", He says again, "so you mean to tell me that in 3 years you have never stopped a car and written a window tint ticket?", Me "nope." Him "Never once?" Me "nope, because I have these crazy things I like to call Ethics, How can I cite someone for the same infractions I have on my vehicle. Yes I have probably missed some good stops and arrests, but hey, I'm honest." At that point he became visibly frustrated and chucked my DL at me and walked back to his car and drove away.

I'm a Police Officer and even I know, some LEO's are just A-holes.

X2, I was never comfortable writing someone for something I did.....

10-25-2009, 06:29 PM
This reminds of what Zack once told me. Mr Police man, Since tinting regulations are for the officers safety, is it really that hard to simply get on your loud speaker and ask the driver to roll down all windows???

It drives me nuts to see all the high end cars around me that have BLACK windows and never seem to get ticketed!

Don't even get me started on all the cars without front plates getting away with it.

These are two things that i'd love to do to my car, but I do not feel like paying the fines.

10-25-2009, 09:14 PM
This reminds of what Zack once told me. Mr Police man, Since tinting regulations are for the officers safety, is it really that hard to simply get on your loud speaker and ask the driver to roll down all windows???

It drives me nuts to see all the high end cars around me that have BLACK windows and never seem to get ticketed!

Don't even get me started on all the cars without front plates getting away with it.

These are two things that i'd love to do to my car, but I do not feel like paying the fines.

I know what ya mean. I got pulled over once in Marrionette Park IL for window tint on my black MM and after he gave me the ticket, he said" had to give you the ticket, but the car looks damn good" and I tell him I'll be sure to take care of it (had no intentions of doing it) while I'm thinking to myself....WTF, why give me the ticket then :mad2: I've driven past Chicago cops, State troopers, County Police, etc..... and never a ticket!

10-25-2009, 09:51 PM
I have no problem with police usually. We must remember though police officers are people too, which means no matter where you go you will always find a-holes. Wither it's in your town or on the police force and there is nothing we can do about it.

I want tints too, but I've heard too many stories like this one.

Find the song F-Tha Police by N.W.A. or Cop Killer by Ice T / Bodycount.

It might make you feel better.

10-26-2009, 06:13 AM
This reminds of what Zack once told me. Mr Police man, Since tinting regulations are for the officers safety, is it really that hard to simply get on your loud speaker and ask the driver to roll down all windows???

It drives me nuts to see all the high end cars around me that have BLACK windows and never seem to get ticketed!

Don't even get me started on all the cars without front plates getting away with it.

Yeah I know right, I don't know how many high end Euro cars I see with black windows and no front tag. Whenever I get pulled over at night I put all my windows down and turn on the interior lights. The more the officer can see the safer they will feel.

10-26-2009, 06:31 AM
I want tints too, but I've heard too many stories like this one.

whats this (tints) oh sorry slang i get it NOT !!!!!!!!!!!
i have one of those stories also ill tell you abouts it another time

lol pg county pd well they leave a little to disire

10-26-2009, 07:31 AM
Thanks for posting the story. I may be moving up to that neck of the woods in seven years or so when I retire from my current PITA job. You won the prize that day for finding the biggest arse-opening cop. Geeze - three times...I am pretty pro-LEO, but even I would consider that harassment. Do you dress unusually or have tattoos or wierd hairstyle? Maybe he kept stopping you to try and find probable cause to enable him to do a thorough search of your car.

Even with the light tint we have, I make it habit to roll down all windows when pulled over. Makes the officers happy. I want them in a good mood when writing tickets. Courtesy and politeness along with a smile and good attitude has saved me from several tickets and grossly reduced others.

Twice in two different jurisdictions a few months back we got stopped for license plate light being out. Criminy I honestly just forgot to fix it after the first stop. No tickets written, but I am feeling paranoid now. I used to drive 30 and 40 year old cars and there was ALWAYS something not working on the outside of them and I was never stopped for small crap like that. I wonder why I get stopped so much now with a decent vehicle that is 98 percent perfect all the time? Just cause it's a Marauder? Maybe it's because once we were cruising slowly slightly UNDER the limit (in a very small jurisdiction). We were actually looking at christmas lights. There was no other traffic.

For you guys with the illegal tints, especially travelling on the interstates:

Black Marauder with very dark tinits looks like either an undercover cop or a drug dealer transporting product. Either way county and staties will want to meet you. :-) That's my crackpot theory anyway. I'm not a LEO, but I do work with local PD. Maybe some of you working or retired county and state LEOs can correct me.

10-26-2009, 08:01 AM
3 weeks after I got my car(with 50% tint on all side and rear - max legal in MN) I got pulled over. They checked it, told me it was 50% and OK and sent me on my way... He had me roll down the rear window part way and he checked it with some gizmo.

10-26-2009, 08:03 AM
Hmmmm.... Why not just keep your car legal?

10-26-2009, 08:10 AM
Stories like this make me glad to live in south Texas. Sure, there are the uptights in places like Austin and Dallas and Houston, but you reach San Antonio and further south you may as well already be across the border. I've literally had car inspections that went like this:

"Mm, car runs. Good. How many miles? *gets vin and license plate numbers* alrighty sir, that'll be $15, have a nice day now."

I don't see how some of you guys can do ANYTHING with your cars elsewhere in the nation from all the stories I hear about modification restrictions.

10-26-2009, 08:55 AM
#1. Always roll down your side sindows when pulled over.

#2. Always slowly pull away from a traffic stop if your exhaust is loud. No need to give the LEO an excuse to give you another ticket.

I once had a very loud exhaust on a Mustang and knew a ticket was coming if I started it up after being pulled over. So I flooded the engine and couldn't start it. I opened the hood and started to mess with the engine. The LEO came to the hood and said - "flooded it". I said yes, carb needs work. He said "NO - your exhaust is just too loud" and then left. LEO's know every trick in the book.


10-26-2009, 08:59 AM
After properly identifying myself, about halfway through that conversation, when it was obviously past the point of professional courtesy, I would have stated, "I am not subordinate to you, write the ticket if you feel you must trooper, but do not lecture me."

Bring on the :flamer:


I forgot to put in that I never did ID myself as a Police Officer. When I stopped I did what I like people o do and rolled down all 4 windows. I forgot that my Police Dept hat was laying in the backseat. I guess he saw it when he walked up to the car. And we were quickly coming to the "just write it if your gonna write it." The Trooper looked like a little kid and had a bad attitude from the start.

10-26-2009, 12:36 PM
Hmmmm.... Why not just keep your car legal?
Because then it would look like the car belonged to an old fart like me. :lol:

10-27-2009, 09:00 AM
Hmmmm.... Why not just keep your car legal?

when i purchased the car the tint was already on it. i havent replaced it yet because ive been having an issue with my driver side window. when that gets fixed i had planned on getting the tint re-done. and ive seen plenty marauders without tint that look nice... i would just prefer to have tint

10-27-2009, 09:10 AM
My windows are tinted, just to the legal limit.

10-27-2009, 09:14 AM
They must not like MM's they locked me up for going 98 MPH @ 0200 am with nobody on the road. True, I was wrong for going that fast but I had never been locked up before and only had one speeding ticket in the past. Plus I was a paramedic at the time. WTF

10-27-2009, 09:33 AM
They must not like MM's they locked me up for going 98 MPH @ 0200 am with nobody on the road. True, I was wrong for going that fast but I had never been locked up before and only had one speeding ticket in the past. Plus I was a paramedic at the time. WTF

as many times ive gotten pulled over ive thought that... either that or that they feel like im trying to impersonate an officer (i just havent seen cop cars with rims on them yet... I HAVEN'T) ha @ that, yeah right
ive gotten pulled over countless times for no reason... they hit me with the "rountine stop" excuse.
i get pulled over atleast once a week, and its always when i get off work (around 11 ish @ night)
do u know why i pulled u over?....where u going?.... where u coming from?... is the car registered to u?.... u on probation?.... u on parole?.... u have any warrants?.... u have any weapons or drugs in the vehicle?.... do u care if i search the vehicle?....
all those questions they can atleast ask me "how was my day at work?"

10-27-2009, 09:45 AM
You need to move bro.....

I've been pulled over twice in five years. One for drag racing, posted on here and well deserved, the other a routine stop checking for seat belt.

My car gets driven at all hours and has the exact same exhaust as you.

I went thru the same as you when I was 17-18 with my 79 camaro. I ended up selling the car.

10-27-2009, 09:46 AM
I feel like chiming in here, so I will.....

In Western New York, the servers and protectors are pulling folks over who have a licence plate frame around their plates, front OR rear. Yup, you got it. Just like the ones that the dealer puts on the car when you take delivery. Fancy chrome, cheap plastic, no matter. If it covers ANY portion of the plate, it's illegal and they are writing tickets.

I had a whole lot more, but felt it was best to delete it....

If we want to make an impact, everyone, I mean everyone, needs to follow all traffic and equipment laws to the letter. When they can't generate revenues from that, they will have to lay off, or go chase after the folks commiting fraud, or selling drugs, or illegal firearms, or stealing from homes and businesses, or ripping off Medicaid.......

10-27-2009, 02:42 PM
You know... in the last few years that we have been driving Marauders, we have been pulled over with much greater frequency than in pre MM days with CV and CVLX, and other assorted vehicles. Even back when I had a 1960 Mercury Monterey Montclair with a 383 V8, headers, dual exhaust and cherry bomb glasspacks. That was some kinda loud when accelerating...... sounded like I was moving about forty miles an hour faster than I really was.

I had never thought about this before......This has gotta be a MM phenomenon. Must be the shiny wheels and tailpipes.

10-27-2009, 08:37 PM
:mad2: I've driven past Chicago cops, State troopers, County Police, etc..... and never a ticket!
Hi Mike. We need to talk. I'll bring a pen.:rolleyes:

10-28-2009, 08:05 PM
I feel like chiming in here, so I will.....

In Western New York, the servers and protectors are pulling folks over who have a licence plate frame around their plates, front OR rear. Yup, you got it. Just like the ones that the dealer puts on the car when you take delivery. Fancy chrome, cheap plastic, no matter. If it covers ANY portion of the plate, it's illegal and they are writing tickets.

I had a whole lot more, but felt it was best to delete it....

If we want to make an impact, everyone, I mean everyone, needs to follow all traffic and equipment laws to the letter. When they can't generate revenues from that, they will have to lay off, or go chase after the folks commiting fraud, or selling drugs, or illegal firearms, or stealing from homes and businesses, or ripping off Medicaid.......

My son got a ticket for plate obstruction also. Went to court with pictures of Raleigh PD patrol vehicles with plates also obstructed.... ticket got thrown out.....

SC Cheesehead
10-28-2009, 08:13 PM
need one of these:


10-28-2009, 08:29 PM
need one of these:


What's that?

SC Cheesehead
10-28-2009, 08:33 PM
What's that?


10-28-2009, 08:38 PM
So I guess that replaces the secret handshake? ;)

SC Cheesehead
10-28-2009, 08:44 PM
So I guess that replaces the secret handshake? ;)


Quite a few of the Carolina Marauders display TBL emblems in recognition of family and friend who are LEOs.