View Full Version : gahhhh! my glasses broke

10-28-2009, 05:02 PM
any one have suggestions on how to fix em? the broke right in the middle of the part that rests on you nose. i have them rigged up with a piece of welding rod and some heat shrink! :eek:

i need something a little more ridged till i can get a new pair. i was going to try and solder them together in the morning lol. i need help from some of my vision impaired people!

10-28-2009, 05:13 PM
Get lasik done, then you won't need them. Best thing I ever did !! :2thumbs:

10-28-2009, 05:17 PM
Get lasik done, then you won't need them. Best thing I ever did !! :2thumbs:

apparently you gotta be 21.

is it really its all cracked up to be? any pain? recovery time?

10-28-2009, 05:34 PM
:nerd: :rofl:

10-28-2009, 05:34 PM
A bunch of my coworkers got it done. They love it. I'm just a big wuss and don't want a lazer going into my eye.....

10-28-2009, 05:35 PM
No pain, 4 hours of rest after surgery. Love it. Didn't know about the 21 minimum age thing.

10-28-2009, 05:37 PM
Just tape them up and say that this is part of your halloween costume.

10-28-2009, 05:37 PM
No pain, 4 hours of rest after surgery. Love it. Didn't know about the 21 minimum age thing.

really? whats it like when they are finished? do you eyes hurt or can you just not see anyhting? are you awake when they do it? tell me more! i really wana get it done im so sick of glasses

10-28-2009, 05:39 PM
A bunch of my coworkers got it done. They love it. I'm just a big wuss and don't want a lazer going into my eye.....
Yea, I wanted to see if the bad guy is holding a gun or a twinkie if I loose a contact, thats why I went.

As far as the surgery... They numb the eyes, do it while you're awake. My total procedure took 120 seconds, 60 seconds cut time each eye, no pain, didn't feel a thing, it just sounded like a taser firing. No pain for me whatsoever, and I was a -4.25. It was a little blurry when I left, they say to rest for 4 hours.....so I slept for 16 DOH !!! Woke up to a non-fuzzy view of a dog trying to figure out if I was going to feed him. Dog breath is wildly intoxicating........not.

10-28-2009, 06:10 PM
I had Lasik 3 years back.
Besides my Vortec, the best 2k I ever spent.
I hated glasses.
I was near sighted.

First, you will go through extensive testing that will create a 3-dimensional rendering of your corneas that give exact instructions to the laser cutter and reshaper allowing for no mistakes. Both machines are able to track and slight movemants of the patient during procedure and no mishaps will happen regardless.
The procedure was in two stages during the same visit.
First the 3/4 cut of the outer lining covering the cornea.
You won't feel it at all. No nerve endings there.
The covering layer is then moved aside with a swab and it will appear as though you are looking into a glass of milk. This process will take about 30 seconds.
You are then moved into the laser chair and the the cornea will now be reshaped via laser. It will appear as though you are watching a really cool green and red laser light show. This process takes about 20 seconds.
The cover layer of skin is now swabbed back over the cornea and you are officially done.
The entire time I spent in the operating room was about 10 minutes.

You can see 20/20 imediately, however, everything is VERY bright, and will be for several hours. You will need dead black sunglasses for a bit.
You will also experience star bursts when looking at lights, This may last as long as two weeks. Those Bono looking yellow sunglasses help with this, particularly at night.

Again, never will you feel pain.
It's really quite strange that this procedure, as easy as it is, and as they pump nearly 30 people through the doors a day at the average cost of $1500 that more optomitrists aren't quiting their jobs and going straight into lasik.
Again, you feel nothing

10-28-2009, 06:10 PM
I have 20/15 vision but I'd probably go blind before I would let someone stick a needle in my eyeball.....:bigcry:

10-28-2009, 06:15 PM
I have 20/15 vision but I'd probably go blind before I would let someone stick a needle in my eyeball.....:bigcry:


There are no needles involved.
No apparatus ever touches the eye other than the swab the doctor uses to fold and unfold the flap.

10-28-2009, 06:20 PM
I had Lasik 3 years back.
Besides my Vortec, the best 2k I ever spent.
I hated glasses.
I was near sighted.

First, you will go through extensive testing that will create a 3-dimensional rendering of your corneas that give exact instructions to the laser cutter and reshaper allowing for no mistakes. Both machines are able to track and slight movemants of the patient during procedure and no mishaps will happen regardless.
The procedure was in two stages during the same visit.
First the 3/4 cut of the outer lining covering the cornea.
You won't feel it at all. No nerve endings there.
The covering layer is then moved aside with a swab and it will appear as though you are looking into a glass of milk. This process will take about 30 seconds.
You are then moved into the laser chair and the the cornea will now be reshaped via laser. It will appear as though you are watching a really cool green and red laser light show. This process takes about 20 seconds.
The cover layer of skin is now swabbed back over the cornea and you are officially done.
The entire time I spent in the operating room was about 10 minutes.

You can see 20/20 imediately, however, everything is VERY bright, and will be for several hours. You will need dead black sunglasses for a bit.
You will also experience star bursts when looking at lights, This may last as long as two weeks. Those Bono looking yellow sunglasses help with this, particularly at night.

Again, never will you feel pain.
It's really quite strange that this procedure, as easy as it is, and as they pump nearly 30 people through the doors a day at the average cost of $1500 that more optomitrists aren't quiting their jobs and going straight into lasik.
Again, you feel nothing

thanks Barry. ive herd that some people start to loose there vision after a while, have you noticed anyhting like this? i cant wait to not have to find my glasses in the morning after i fall asleep with the tv on. or having to clean the finger prints off them. or buying new ones when they are too scratched, or broken. or no being able to see anyhting in low light because the little light that is there makes a damn glare. have i mentioned i hate glasses?

10-28-2009, 06:35 PM

There are no needles involved.
No apparatus ever touches the eye other than the swab the doctor uses to fold and unfold the flap.

I know the laser doesn't touch your eye, I was told that they used a needle for when they numb your eye like knine was talking about. So do they use a gel or something to numb your eye?

10-28-2009, 06:37 PM
it has to be weird waking up and just being able to see!!!

10-28-2009, 06:40 PM
The military has finally start accepting lasik for pilots. Have never heard a bad story about it.....

10-28-2009, 07:04 PM
I know the laser doesn't touch your eye, I was told that they used a needle for when they numb your eye like knine was talking about. So do they use a gel or something to numb your eye?
No needle, I don't know how you interepreted that. It's a numbing eye drops that they put in your eye. No needles, scalples or pain. In, sit, snap snap snap pop snappa snap pop, you're done. Vola !!

10-28-2009, 07:19 PM
I find this very interesting myself. My ONLY fear is my glasses have saved my eyes more than I care to remember. The thought of actually wearing safety glasses at all times comes to mind after lasic.

10-28-2009, 08:42 PM
The military has finally start accepting lasik for pilots. Have never heard a bad story about it.....

Not just pilots, any active duty member. (atleast thats how the AF rolls)

10-29-2009, 05:19 AM
I find this very interesting myself. My ONLY fear is my glasses have saved my eyes more than I care to remember. The thought of actually wearing safety glasses at all times comes to mind after lasic.

Zackly....Mine have saved my eyes soooooo many times...

10-29-2009, 06:33 AM
Can Lasik be done if you wear reading glasses???

10-29-2009, 07:23 PM
Can Lasik be done if you wear reading glasses???

Oh yes...
Fix near sighted, fix far sighted....and get this.....hold your breath...

You can actually have one eye done for near sight, and the other done for far sight if you are a bi-focal wearer.

They claim it only takes your brain a short time to figure it out and all is well.


10-29-2009, 07:53 PM
wow, this stuff seems more amazing than the stories that get spread around about it.

Shame it costs a few grand though, not exactly in my budget. :(

10-30-2009, 04:46 AM
Had a check-up by my regular eye doctor yesterday before I go for my 3 month lasik follow-up next week, the doc says they were "spot on". My correction is just where it should be. :)

10-30-2009, 05:25 AM
Unfortunately, my myopia is too great for the surgery. The more myopic, the more of the cornea needs to be shaped and I don't have enough. I'm -9.5. :( I've worn contact lenses since I was 14 and have had very good success with them. Do need reading glasses now, but I can live with good eyesight.

Mike Poore
10-30-2009, 06:13 AM
I have mono-vision contacts, each way for each eye, allowing the use of two close-up or two infinity lenses for special purpose(s). It works great, for instance, when I'm doing outdoor stuff, and don't need to read, two long distance contacts work great. Unfortunately, Lasix is out for me, as a type II diabetic they won't consider doing it.

The down side of contacts (old style hard, gas perms) I don't feel safe using them in my new profession, trap shooting. There's too much stuff flying around, and safety lenses are required, anyway. Also, be aware that if you go with mono-vision, you loose stereo opsis. (loss of depth of field)

So far as fixing your broken specs, it sounds like you did OK, but if you attempt solder: first remove the ear pieces, then un-screw the frame that holds the lenses, before you try. Of course, with your glasses off, you won't be able to see well enough to fix 'em. :rolleyes:

10-30-2009, 06:35 AM
Just tape them up and say that this is part of your halloween costume.

http://www.criterionpicusa.com/cplusa/images/lcl_revengeofthenerdsposter.jp g

10-30-2009, 07:29 AM
Use this link to find out how to fix everything in/around your house, including your glasses.

www.gorillatough.com/glues/glue-guide.aspx (http://www.gorillatough.com/glues/glue-guide.aspx)

10-31-2009, 05:19 PM
Is it similar to that scene from A Clockwork Orange?

10-31-2009, 08:41 PM
Soldering works, but use silver solder. Regular lead solder will only hold it for a couple days before breaking again.

11-01-2009, 11:24 AM
There is a place in Laurel, MD on Route 1 that does eyeglass repairs (frame). It is a ways away, but ...

11-01-2009, 12:48 PM
Had Lasik 7 years ago, second best money I ever spent :)

Stranger in the Black Sedan
11-02-2009, 05:48 AM
Reading about peeling flaps on the eyes has officially made me queasy.

11-02-2009, 09:05 PM
Reading about peeling flaps on the eyes has officially made me queasy.
"Spiders on consignment" makes me queasy. .............................. ....................don't ask.