View Full Version : Death by Toyota lol

11-03-2009, 06:52 AM
I'm sorry, some of you might find this very sick humor, but for the first time in months I watched the news because I couldn't sleep. (At my parents house) Seems like Toyota owners have been crashing their cars because the cars seem to get the throttle stuck.

Sometimes it's blamed on the floormats and Toyota is blaming the owners... "driver error" they call it. If the problem was with the floormats why didn't the drivers simply remove them while the car was stuck doing 100? Really! Some stories have said it was a computer error... all the more reason to stay away from cars with computers.

My question is this: Why cannot people just simply take the car out of gear or turn it off? It's simple as that. The media answered my question before the story was over though. "Don't turn the car off, you will lose your power brakes and steering." Well woop-D-do! I think we can literally LIVE without those features. I would much rather deal with a stalled car, than a serious accident.

Why can't any of these people figure it out? Are there really drivers in this world that are this stupid? They cannot turn off the car or take it out of gear into netural, park or reverse. Sure the other two would kill the transmission or the engine or worse, but who cares what you damage as long as you get that car stopped without injury? If it really is the computers they really didn't seem to help.

Everytime I hear about a car that does "more" because of the computers, it keeps me further away. I had a feeling stuff like this would happen and it is happening. Cars seem like they are safer for people by being so user friendly and full of computers all you have to do is drive it, but don't worry about shutting it off... it's a death sentence.

A car they mentioned the most was the Toyota Prius. This really made me laugh. Not only is this car really bad for the enviroment, it's bad for the driver. The Prius is saving us gas because it's killing the drivers. I love it! If you are dumb enough to buy one you die and those with the gas sucking V8's live and have more to consume! I love Toyota! Someone must have put some thought into this one.

I didn't expect to be laughing at seven in the morning, but this is great. Horrible too, but whatever.

The conclusion:

More computers = More problems.
Less features = A better car

I will keep maintaining my Mercury, Chevy and stay alive and dispite my crazy driving I am the one that lives.

Time to fill the tank to the K5 and start the day. :burnout:

11-03-2009, 07:14 AM
Motorhead, I agree with you totally. When driving on ice I regularly put the car in neutral to keep from spinning around. The more crap on a car the more problems. When I get tired of the Marauder I may be up for a 60's Lincoln or Thunderbird. A neighbor of mine,70 yrs. old, bought a Prius for gas mileage and comfort.A year later they have traded it for a regular Camry because it did not live up to their expectations.

11-03-2009, 07:41 PM
amen!! could not agree more!! weed out the weak and stupid!! hopefully into a tree!!

11-03-2009, 08:58 PM
This is why we MUST take down Cybernyne Systems!

But yes that was my very first thought when I heard about the first one.........Shut the darn thin off! Not too complicated!

It also stems from young kids not reaping the benefits of thier first car being a beater.

11-03-2009, 09:21 PM
I'm sorry, some of you might find this very sick humor, but for the first time in months I watched the news because I couldn't sleep. (At my parents house) Seems like Toyota owners have been crashing their cars because the cars seem to get the throttle stuck.

Sometimes it's blamed on the floormats and Toyota is blaming the owners... "driver error" they call it. If the problem was with the floormats why didn't the drivers simply remove them while the car was stuck doing 100? Really! Some stories have said it was a computer error... all the more reason to stay away from cars with computers.

My question is this: Why cannot people just simply take the car out of gear or turn it off? It's simple as that. The media answered my question before the story was over though. "Don't turn the car off, you will lose your power brakes and steering." Well woop-D-do! I think we can literally LIVE without those features. I would much rather deal with a stalled car, than a serious accident.

Why can't any of these people figure it out? Are there really drivers in this world that are this stupid? They cannot turn off the car or take it out of gear into netural, park or reverse. Sure the other two would kill the transmission or the engine or worse, but who cares what you damage as long as you get that car stopped without injury? If it really is the computers they really didn't seem to help.

Everytime I hear about a car that does "more" because of the computers, it keeps me further away. I had a feeling stuff like this would happen and it is happening. Cars seem like they are safer for people by being so user friendly and full of computers all you have to do is drive it, but don't worry about shutting it off... it's a death sentence.

A car they mentioned the most was the Toyota Prius. This really made me laugh. Not only is this car really bad for the enviroment, it's bad for the driver. The Prius is saving us gas because it's killing the drivers. I love it! If you are dumb enough to buy one you die and those with the gas sucking V8's live and have more to consume! I love Toyota! Someone must have put some thought into this one.

I didn't expect to be laughing at seven in the morning, but this is great. Horrible too, but whatever.

The conclusion:

More computers = More problems.
Less features = A better car

I will keep maintaining my Mercury, Chevy and stay alive and dispite my crazy driving I am the one that lives.

Time to fill the tank to the K5 and start the day. :burnout: