View Full Version : Off Topic Opinion Wanted!

O's Fan Rich
10-27-2003, 12:47 PM
Ok, we are a fairly mature forum. So I am just curious.

What is your opinion of a 29 year old guy dating ( read intimately) a 17 year old girl?

What do you think would be his "reason" for this?
No, it's not my daughter( she's 19, and if it was her, the guy would never see 30!)

Don't ask me for anymore info, please. But, i do want your opinion.

10-27-2003, 12:56 PM
as long as it's not against the law, it's their own business.

10-27-2003, 01:05 PM
As a 29 year old guy, .... I'd be jealous! :lol: Well,... I don't think I have a problem with that since my Mom was 17 and my Dad was 28 when they got together.


10-27-2003, 01:08 PM
You said it yourself........... a guy dating a girl. If you had said woman, well, you get my drift. Just my .02.

10-27-2003, 01:17 PM
If it were my daughter he wouldnt come around again. If he were my son I'd kick is sorry ass. If this were a relative of mine i.e. niece cousin sister he,d get the same.

O's Fan Rich
10-27-2003, 01:23 PM
Guy is unemployed for months now (says he works construction)
Lives with his friends , single mom type sister (not the 17 year old)
Pays nothing towards anything

Has a 1 year old from a previous "relationship" refuses to pay support

Sat in 17 year olds home , bought 300 bucks of PPV porno, watched with the 17 year old, took naked photos with her.

10-27-2003, 01:30 PM
In this day and age, age difference isn't looked down upon as it was when I was growing up and dating. That being said, I don't think a 17 year old knows what she wants. Is she still in high school? Does she still live with her parents? She needs to be dating soemone closer to her own age, not somone who is almost old enough to be her dad ( I know, short a few years, but!). When she tuerns 18, she'll be considered an adult, and then she'll be old enough to decide her own life. She seems to have started a little early from my point of view. He on the other hand, should know better!

Well, if view of the above post, I'd find someway to terminate this realtionship in a hurry! He apparently is a bum looking for someone to provide for him and she's more than likely going to ensd up like his past relationship. Pregnant and alone with no support from him.

10-27-2003, 01:30 PM
I know the type.

It's a Jerry Springer episode waiting to happen.

A burden to society............

10-27-2003, 01:39 PM
Hell, Sam and I catch crap from her parents about a 2 1/2 year difference between us! This is just rediculous!

Paul T. Casey
10-27-2003, 01:45 PM
If it were me asking, there'd be no asking. As for the guy being unemployed, good, it give him plenty of time to locate his "manhood" after the porn incident. 17 yr old also needs some "coinciling" for getting involved with such a loser. Just my HO.

RF Overlord
10-27-2003, 01:45 PM
The guy is 29 years old, doesn't have a job, doesn't have a place to live, and is a dead-beat dad?!

can you spell: L-O-S-E-R?????!!!!

10-27-2003, 01:48 PM
Sounds like he is a loser looking for easy prey. Most 28 year old women would not give him the time of day.

When I was 20 and employed in school I dated a 17 year old girl. I knew her and her family since I was a knee high. We dated for 3 years.

Dr Caleb
10-27-2003, 02:11 PM
I've personally got nothing between a hypothetical relationship between a 29 year old and 17 year old. But this goof sounds like an irresponsible waste of government rations.
I'd have a problem with any man who doesn't stand up to his decisions. I'd say I would be apprehensive of this 29 year old having a relationship with anything with a heartbeat.
But then again, my Pacxil may just be wearing off again.

10-27-2003, 02:52 PM
I'd try and get this guy arrested, taking pictures of a under age girl. Running up bills at her place worthless. I hope your not related to the guy, and the girl needs to be protected.

Dr Caleb
10-27-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by SouLRioT
I'd try and get this guy arrested, taking pictures of a under age girl. Running up bills at her place worthless. I hope your not related to the guy, and the girl needs to be protected.

I can take him out with me this fall, and he can have a "hunting accident" *wink*wink* *nudge*nudge* *SayNoMore*SayNoMore* :)

10-27-2003, 03:18 PM
Well as far as I know 18 is age of consent in most states except Alabama where it is 10 (Just kidding).

Sounds to me that this guy is trouble....for her and anyone in his sphere of influence......I would distance myself from that guy like he had the plague....and I would probably smack the father of the girl around.... or the parents.....I mean this just sounds like trouble....


10-27-2003, 03:36 PM
it's called lust, it's just sex. once the novalty wears off, he will move on. it may take 3 months, it may take 9 months. a girl of 17 likes the attention. when she turns 21 and is allowed out legally in bars or gets a fake ID, she will drop him.

10-27-2003, 03:57 PM
But the age of consent in Texas is 17. Now, having said that, this is not just an older guy lusting after a young chicky-poo. This is a lazy, good for nothing, scumbag who wants someone to pay his bills, generally take care of him, AND provide him with sexual favors. Hopefully, she will one day wake up to the fact that she is being used, and she won't make that mistake again. Or else, she will fall into the pattern of thinking that all she is good for is to take care of worthless pieces of %#$* like this guy, and having their babies every year or two. Lots of women running around like that.

10-27-2003, 04:19 PM
This guy is a slug...........

I was 29 when I started dating my 19 year old teeny bopper... (married 1 year later) which went against all my rules on young chicks...

When I was in high school I didn't date anything younger than 30.

Young chicks are just too screwed up!!!

I did get a keeper though - 27 years of marital bliss - a wonderful woman and a wonderful wife.. (Tennessee girl - 1 of 6 in her family)

I have always worked hard to provide for my family though...

and yes, I did marry way over my lowly station in life...

Isn't it funny how close the spelling is between marital and martial???

10-27-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Rich_Long
Guy is unemployed for months now (says he works construction)
Lives with his friends , single mom type sister (not the 17 year old)
Pays nothing towards anything

Has a 1 year old from a previous "relationship" refuses to pay support

Sat in 17 year olds home , bought 300 bucks of PPV porno, watched with the 17 year old, took naked photos with her.

It is illegal, notify the police.

10-27-2003, 05:57 PM
HE's bad news no matter what her age!It just makes that much worse.

10-27-2003, 05:58 PM
I once was this girl and dated this guy!!! 17 year olds don't know anything except an older guy likes them. If you know this girls family - I would suggest birth control. The last thing she needs is to have a baby with this guy. Knowing this type of guy (all to well) he may just try and talk her into just that, promising her the world all the way.

Guys like this can't get the time of day from woman that would have any maturity or sense about them. They prey on young girls, use them up and spit them out. This in most states is statutory rape - JAIL TIME!!! Sounds like a good place for this guy to do some "thinking" about his young choices in victims, oh sorry "girl friends"

What are her parents doing, is she wild, does she have a history of this? Obviously he does.

It took me from 16 to 27 to figure out I deserved better than this kind of scum. A couple trips to the hospital and finally my parents got involved. Odds are they saved my life!!

God help her.


Dave Compson
10-27-2003, 07:11 PM
Ok, ill bite... My opinion on this, and its only an opinion is; The age thing dosent really bother me. IF both parties are responsible i.e. (she is got a good head on her sholders, schooling is on track.. ect.) And IF HE is a hard working person who knows the family and is financially responsible. But in this case, none of that is the case. He sounds like a real looser who is interested in getting her into bed. I dont know if there is any way to really keep them apart if they want each other.

The parents of the 17 y.o. should be involved. And that guy needs to be in jail. (but im sure that will happen in time)

10-27-2003, 08:16 PM
2 losers.... He'll end up leaving her after he knocks her up and she'll go on welfare or have the abortion at some clinic.

Either way, it's your "pro-choice" tax dollars hard at work!

10-27-2003, 08:24 PM
This guy sounds like a loser.:down:

Donny Carlson
10-27-2003, 09:54 PM
Interesting how it works

Check this web site, which gives the age of consent in various countries and all US states (scoll down the page for this).


Most US states its 16/17 with some 18. Some states allow as young as 14, but under condition that the older partner be "over 18 but under 21"....meaning if you're over 21, the girl has to be the older age (16/17/18). I'm not sure why this is (after all, we are talking about intercourse here), except to assume that most state legislatures frown on older "adult" males preying on young females, while understanding the young males, being closer in age, are not necessarily sexual predators.

In any case, a 29 year old man and a 17 year old girl is not a good match mainly because of the lack of maturity and life experience of the 17 year old. If it were a 39 year old and a 27 year old, nobody would give a crap. Same for 49 and 37.:nono:

10-27-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by SouLRioT
I'd try and get this guy arrested, taking pictures of a under age girl. Running up bills at her place worthless. I hope your not related to the guy, and the girl needs to be protected.

In NYS/NYC even if this guy didn't have sex with her , he would be a collar for "endangering the welfare of a child" . Notify your local Police before it goes to the next level .

O's Fan Rich
10-28-2003, 09:48 AM
Police will not or cannot do anything.
This girl is a good friend of mines little sister. Dad died 18 months ago. Mom is still a mess.
I went along with my friend and his sister on a "surprise" visit to this waste of human life. He was not happy we were there. He knows where he stands.
It's a shame you cant upload the knowledge and experience you have directly to those who need it. She needs it.
We will be monitoring things and applying a little pressure to this guy. He can either shape up or.......
Thanks again.

10-28-2003, 09:55 AM
Rich does the girl have any older brothers that can protect her? Keep trying to get some sense into her, he is a LOSER. Let her know that there are people who care. She is probably looking for that father figure in her life that she lost. Maybe we can tie him to our bumpers and.....nah that's illegal now, darn it!!! Good luck.

10-28-2003, 10:49 AM
Sterling to Reading...

I am a one man Brute squad looking for a place to happen :fire: :shot:

10-28-2003, 11:12 AM
All the good stuff has been said.

Rich, ya kinda suckered us with the first question. I'm 53 and single, and I've dated women as young as 30. No big deal, it's a matter of maturity and getting along outside the bedroom. But, your adding 411 that changes everything.

Check your local laws for words of "sexual preditor," there may be some coverage. Mom may have some weight in court too, if she was willing to express her daughter's need for supervision, something about "Emancipated Adolescent" comes to mind, but it doesn't sound like Mom's much good here to begin with. It's doubtful you're going to change the young lady's mind, so, address the source of the problem?

I think Mad's on to something, why not host a BBQ at your place for all the MM owners who like your cooking. Just a casual Saturday afternoon around the Long ranch, and after lunch, we can stop by Juniiors place and say hello? All them big black cars with all of our "large and in charge" personalities (and dimensions) have a way of leaving more than a casual impression. Mad can hand him a stack of "change of address" cards from the USPS, that linda sends a message. I'll throw in a couple of MM pens just for good will...LOL

Sorry to see your dilema, hope it works out for her best interests. Someday, she may thnk you for being pushy now.

10-28-2003, 11:24 AM
I know this is from another thread, but you might try this:

Dr Caleb
10-28-2003, 11:33 AM

Is there a preferred ammo load for sniveling whiny male pig?

You gotta hit it right, or it just bleeds out instead of a clean kill. Oh....wait...

O's Fan Rich
10-28-2003, 12:15 PM
After I posted the first ? I realized the error.
I'd love to have a "get together" and road trip to have another sit down with this S.O.B., but I gotta let things cool a bit. Her brother will read the posts though.
As far as you dating 30 year olds, I don't doubt it... YOU are one good looking guy! You big lug you!!! ;) ;)
Besides, your car whistles at 'em. Just like the Haggis mobile.

10-28-2003, 04:59 PM
I've learned

New here so don't know y'all but just subsidized my daughter's divorce from a very similar sounding guy. Lot cheaper subsidizing that than an entire life of mooching off me. Grandaughter in the picture too. I would say do whatever you can to get rid of him ASAP. He has to see there is a real cost to his exploitation. I get really angry at these type og guys. best to that poor girl who lost her dad. Admire you Rich_Long for staying in the struggle with her. Bob