View Full Version : Prison question

11-12-2009, 09:12 PM
I really wanna contact Phil Spector really bad. I wanna write him a letter and maybe get a response, but my question is will he get it? I have a friend of mine from high school in prison too and I had to get approved to be on the list of 20 people, but that was for visiting... I am not sure about letters.

My question is do I have to be on the list to send Phil a letter or can I simply send one in and he'll get it? :confused:

I just got this song on a 45 today and forgot Phil produced it. I can't stop listening to it.


I'm going to give this 45 more use now than it's ever had! :D

Donny Carlson
11-12-2009, 09:25 PM
Dom, as long as you don't send him any contraband, I don't see why your letter wouldn't get to him. A reply, well, hmm.

If you know which correctional facility he is in, they usually have a web site (or the department of corrections will have a web site), that will spell out what cannot be sent to inmates, and have the correct mailing address.

Good luck, and he may just write back.

11-12-2009, 09:28 PM
So now you want to be a prison biotch??? :shake::shake::shake::shake:

11-12-2009, 09:28 PM
Cool. I found the prison he is in. All I wanted to do was write him a letter. I wasn't going to send him anything. I am guessing they read the letter before it goes to Phil so I guess I better be careful how I write it. I just want him to know how much I like his music and how I actually have the same problem as him on how I listen to the same song over and over sometimes 2 hours at a time straight.

That one song I posted... I'm doing that right now. mmmmmm sweet music!

11-12-2009, 09:29 PM
I forgot to say thanks Donny.

Jim, I know you like the song and probably some of his early work. Quit acting like you don't. :P

11-12-2009, 10:08 PM
Id say why waste your time with the murderer. He is a P.O.S.! Id give more respect to dog poo before any murderer. But to each their own. Good luck with the letter. Who knows. With nothing but time on his hands he might even write back. But I am hoping he trips down a flight of steps and breaks his neck.

11-12-2009, 10:12 PM
Id say why waste your time with the murderer. He is a P.O.S.! Id give more respect to dog poo before any murderer. But to each their own. Good luck with the letter. Who knows. With nothing but time on his hands he might even write back. But I am hoping he trips down a flight of steps and breaks his neck.

Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

11-12-2009, 10:27 PM
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

You're an idiot.

11-12-2009, 10:30 PM
^^^ Dom you're scaring me! ^^^

11-13-2009, 12:08 AM
Phil Spector was F'd up, but he produced some of the greatest music of the last 50 years and I can't hate anyone who was responsible for making Ronnie Spector famous.

11-13-2009, 02:53 AM
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

This statement is truly disturbing, especially during the week of Veteran's day. Dom, if you desire any respect from people within this forum, you might want to keep foolish thoughts [like this] to yourself... :rolleyes:

Paul T. Casey
11-13-2009, 05:29 AM
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration?

Just when I had a little hope for you, you say something this foolish. I won't even go into the smack you took at the armed forces. Anytime you hurt (or kill) anyone over your petty sexual fetishes/short comings is wrong. What if it were your Mom? or sister, or wife? The statement you made could also be used to justify rape, or any other form of sexual violence. I take it you probably don't have an issue with Roman Polansky either. You know, the guy who gave a 12 year old qualludes so he could sodomize her. You really do suck.

11-13-2009, 05:33 AM
I forgot to say thanks Donny.

Jim, I know you like the song and probably some of his early work. Quit acting like you don't. :P

I like all his work.... Didn't say anything about him.

11-13-2009, 05:39 AM
just when i had a little hope for you, you say something this foolish. I won't even go into the smack you took at the armed forces. Anytime you hurt (or kill) anyone over your petty sexual fetishes/short comings is wrong. What if it were your mom? Or sister, or wife? The statement you made could also be used to justify rape, or any other form of sexual violence. I take it you probably don't have an issue with roman polansky either. You know, the guy who gave a 12 year old qualludes so he could sodomize her. You really do suck.

x 10,000


Donny Carlson
11-13-2009, 05:51 AM

11-13-2009, 05:57 AM
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

Sounds like you should enlist in the military so you can help "change the system".

SC Cheesehead
11-13-2009, 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Motorhead350 http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=827818#post82 7818)
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

Dom, I normally just let the goofy stuff pas on by, but this one is over the top.

No way is there a comparison between the two. My godson is over there right now laying it on the line, and I for one resent the hell out of your comment.

Sorry, bubba, but I gotta call it as I see it.

Matt In Detroit
11-13-2009, 06:15 AM
Nothing like ruining your cred with one post..

11-13-2009, 06:48 AM
Dom, any sexual frustration victims in your closet?

11-13-2009, 06:58 AM
Thanks Dom, for putting a perverted murderer over me.

11-13-2009, 07:26 AM
:shake: Wow..........

11-13-2009, 07:27 AM
I really wanna contact Phil Spector really bad. I wanna write him a letter and maybe get a response ...

What is your real motivation here? Is this a technical question that only Phil can answer or are you hoping to become Pen Pals. Didn't you just go through this thought process with your "friend" who is in prison who you haven't had contact with in many years? Seems you are looking for something --- now you gotta figure out "What".

Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

Sometimes Dom, I wonder whether all of your neurons are firing properly. If you don't understand the difference ^^^^^^ here, then you have some serious issues to resolve. Even Sergeant Alvin York was able to figure out the difference and reconcile it with his faith and Conscientious Objector status.

11-13-2009, 07:41 AM
Just because you have an incredibly immature, ill-formed and ignorant thought in your head does not mean you need to speak, or in this case type it. I have stayed out of any personal comments about you because people I respect on this site have vouched for you. You have crossed the line with this one. If you refuse to mature mentally, you are doomed to a lifetime of ignorance and ridicule. I suggest it is time to grow up and become part of the world you so desperately want to know so much about. Get off your rear end and do some intellectual exercises and quit using this board as you would a Magic 8 Ball. The answers to your incessant and infantile questions are somewhere other than this car enthusiast website. Just because you were born well before most of us, does not give you license to be a complete ass.
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

11-13-2009, 08:00 AM
Just because you have an incredibly immature, ill-formed and ignorant thought in your head does not mean you need to speak, or in this case type it. I have stayed out of any personal comments about you because people I respect on this site have vouched for you. You have crossed the line with this one. If you refuse to mature mentally, you are doomed to a lifetime of ignorance and ridicule. I suggest it is time to grow up and become part of the world you so desperately want to know so much about. Get off your rear end and do some intellectual exercises and quit using this board as you would a Magic 8 Ball. The answers to your incessant and infantile questions are somewhere other than this car enthusiast website. Just because you were born well before most of us, does not give you license to be a complete ass.

Exactly...and better said and a lot more polite than my initial reaction. Dennis

11-13-2009, 08:17 AM
Just because you have an incredibly immature, ill-formed and ignorant thought in your head does not mean you need to speak, or in this case type it. I have stayed out of any personal comments about you because people I respect on this site have vouched for you. You have crossed the line with this one. If you refuse to mature mentally, you are doomed to a lifetime of ignorance and ridicule. I suggest it is time to grow up and become part of the world you so desperately want to know so much about. Get off your rear end and do some intellectual exercises and quit using this board as you would a Magic 8 Ball. The answers to your incessant and infantile questions are somewhere other than this car enthusiast website. Just because you were born well before most of us, does not give you license to be a complete ass.

Couldn't have said it any better Bob! :up: :up:

11-13-2009, 08:18 AM
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

Tell that to this woman's family


11-13-2009, 08:24 AM
Why? because he killed a women over sexual frustration? And if someone kills 50 people in Iraq they are a hero for killing total strangers? Such B.S. we live in.

11-13-2009, 06:25 PM
I knew everyone was being a little too nice to me.

Someone voices an option and it pisses me off and everyone seems to see it his way and they don't care. I am beyond total opposite and it throws a ******* storm.

Just another day I guess.

I ask a simple question, got the answer and this has to happen. Thanks a lot and as usual I am in the wrong for saying "f the norm".

A killing is a killing, but apparently there is a right and wrong reason for it according to most of you. If someone does it in "defense towards the country" ........forget it. I am wasting my time and "ruining" my reputation. Not that I care. I just know I am wasting my time.

Time for Sushi.

11-13-2009, 06:41 PM
This statement is truly disturbing, especially during the week of Veteran's day. Dom, if you desire any respect from people within this forum, you might want to keep foolish thoughts [like this] to yourself... :rolleyes:

Dom,we killed enemies of our country,people who would not hesitate to kill you and everyone you know! Do you think those pieces of shxx over there who cut off non muslims heads with a freaking KNIFE slowly and videotaped it are friends of yours or are innocents like the female Spector murdered?
You even managed to get my blood up this time Dom,you really need to take another look at the world and see what's happening.
It's been a long time since someone called me a baby killer and it still hurts and makes my blood boil!

11-13-2009, 07:08 PM
I knew everyone was being a little too nice to me.

Someone voices an option and it pisses me off and everyone seems to see it his way and they don't care. I am beyond total opposite and it throws a ******* storm.

Just another day I guess.

I ask a simple question, got the answer and this has to happen. Thanks a lot and as usual I am in the wrong for saying "f the norm".

A killing is a killing, but apparently there is a right and wrong reason for it according to most of you. If someone does it in "defense towards the country" ........forget it. I am wasting my time and "ruining" my reputation. Not that I care. I just know I am wasting my time.

Time for Sushi.

Hey Dom, I gave you certain credits during your fiasco with MartyO a few weeks back. But now you have certainly gone off the deep-end!

Sorry Marty, I now see your point!

As a Veteran myself, USN 1990-95 (Desert Storm), I find it appalling to read this bull:censor:it from you in reference to our soldiers, who are diligently giving their lives for OUR freedom, about them killing insurgents.

My current occupation in law enforcement puts me in touch, on a daily basis, with many people who are under the influence of illegal and/or non-prescribed narcotics. I hear an immense amount of idiotic bull:censor:it from these people. Yet, few and far between, have had the audacity to attack our United States military.

You really need to GROW THE F:censor:K UP and get into reality!

(My sincerest apologies if this offends anyone, but he certainly crossed the line)

11-13-2009, 07:09 PM
I knew everyone was being a little too nice to me.

Someone voices an option and it pisses me off and everyone seems to see it his way and they don't care. I am beyond total opposite and it throws a ******* storm.

Just another day I guess.

I ask a simple question, got the answer and this has to happen. Thanks a lot and as usual I am in the wrong for saying "f the norm".

A killing is a killing, but apparently there is a right and wrong reason for it according to most of you. If someone does it in "defense towards the country" ........forget it. I am wasting my time and "ruining" my reputation. Not that I care. I just know I am wasting my time.

Time for Sushi.

Oh wow...

Of course, poor Dom is the victim for going against the norm....

I can't even begin to type what a waste of a person you must really be if you see soldiers fighting for our country on the same level as murderers.

11-13-2009, 07:25 PM
Everyone is entitled to there opinions but the only reason you are allowed to have an opinion is because the sons and daughters of American family's are protecting your a$$. Show some F##king respect for the people that serve and there family's that have lost loved ones.

11-13-2009, 07:36 PM
I support EVERYone's right to say whatever they want. It also makes it very easy to identify the complete morons.

11-13-2009, 08:06 PM
I support EVERYone's right to say whatever they want. It also makes it very easy to identify the complete morons.

KUDO's Greg!

Local Boy
11-13-2009, 08:17 PM

Good Luck...Brah...

Your'e going to need it...

11-13-2009, 09:11 PM
Tell that to this woman's family

Nicely put!!

11-13-2009, 11:33 PM
Here's a quick video clip to show you how appreciated we are, when we return alive.

Gracie is truly an awesome pup!


11-14-2009, 12:20 PM
You really need to GROW THE F:censor:K UP and get into reality!

(My sincerest apologizes if this offends anyone, but he certainly crossed the line)


I am offended. Apologize accepted.

SC Cheesehead
11-14-2009, 12:41 PM
Here's a quick video clip to show you how appreciated we are, when we return alive.

Gracie is truly an awesome pup!


Great video! And yes, the men and women of our armed forces ARE appreciated. THANK YOU all!

Paul T. Casey
11-14-2009, 01:26 PM
Great video! And yes, the men and women of our armed forces ARE appreciated. THANK YOU all!

Same message here.

Paul T. Casey
11-14-2009, 01:37 PM
I knew everyone was being a little too nice to me.

Someone voices an option and it pisses me off and everyone seems to see it his way and they don't care. I am beyond total opposite and it throws a ******* storm.

Just another day I guess.

I ask a simple question, got the answer and this has to happen. Thanks a lot and as usual I am in the wrong for saying "f the norm".

Point 1, we who had been being nice to you are the ones who should be a little miffed by this whole thing. Comparing a cold-blooded murderer of an innocent woman to a soldier laying his life on the line is way out of line.

Point 2, You seem to get dissed every time someone voices an opinion not totally in line with yours. I guess your opinions are the only right ones.

Point 3, it was a bit more than a simple question. Did you forget the part where you were condoning (that means supporting) violence against women? Or perhaps you though the attack on our troops was just going to lie there? I know most of whar you do is meant purely for the shock value. Just trying to stir the pot so to speak. If you're that interested in finding out about what goes on in jail, just go there. AA, various churches and other organizations are always looking for volunteers. Get of your little pity pot and do it. Or perhaps you can do something stupid, like say maybe felony speeding in an urban area, and get to find out from the inside. It would surely do you some good.

11-16-2009, 07:14 PM
Based on the responses, I am curious if he has had time to rethink his position? I for one agree with NTD, Phrog Gunner, and Paul. To all the military members, past and present thank you for your service.

http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=20565 1&page=2

11-16-2009, 08:08 PM
Love the vid of the dog and ROCOB great find.

11-17-2009, 06:36 AM
To all our Members who have served our country so that dumb azz statements such as these can be posted without fear that someone will come and remove said statement poster to a place from which they will never be seen and/ or heard from again I say thank you.