View Full Version : Okay, the big news...

10-27-2003, 06:16 PM
I haven't talked TOO much about the work I do in the civilian world. That's because, before now, I wasn't sure if I should. My bosses told me this afternoon that it would be okay if I told a few friends what's up, so....[deep breath]...here goes.

I work for one of the government "alphabet agencies". Not a terribly glamorous job, but it (barely) keeps the bills paid and keeps yours truly in the car that we all have a mutual attraction for. I've been told that there's a possibility I will be going overseas in January. Not quite firmed up yet, but from what I've heard, it's getting firmer...no pun intended this time. The tour will take an indeterminate amount of time and take me down south. Those of you who have military time behind you recognize my need to not let ALL the details loose, even with the bosses' permission.

I'm actually looking forward to it. I'll get to winter someplace that's a heckuva lot warmer than STL in the wintertime, and I'll get out of paying a truly exhorbitant $900/month on rent for a little while. But I've got a bit of a problem....:


I don't have many friends, if any, in the St. Louis area. One of my coworkers has said, upon my request, that he would keep it in his driveway while I was out. He won't keep it in the garage---he's a vintage tractor restorer, and he's got a project in there. My mother has also said that she'd take care of it, but she's afraid of it. Doesn't like high performance vehicles---prefers her Chrysler minivan. (I think she's nuts, but never mind...) The big drawback here is that she's in Montgomery, a 10-hour drive away, and where I'm going can only be reached by military transport (no guessing out loud on the forum, folks). When I come back, it'll be awkward to retrieve it and get back to STL for the job. So I'm faced with a bit 'o a problem here, and that brings me round to this thread right here.

Anybody feel like babysitting? I know there's one or two of ya in Montgomery; while the drawbacks are already stated, at least I know it would be in knowlegeable hands, started at least twice a week and driven about 10 miles or so to break up the oil and stir the fluids a bit. LML, 93tealcobra, you guys got any space? Might save it from the MO winters---after 5 years as an Army brat in Leavenworth, I remember midwestern winters all too well.

Can anybody help?:confused:

10-27-2003, 08:39 PM
If nothing else get a storage garage, drain fluids, remove spark plugs mist a drop of oil in spark plug holes, put spark plugs back in. And buy a big lock. You can find storage places that are heated too.

10-27-2003, 08:42 PM
Are we allowed to drive it if we are babysitting it?

You could do what Keith did and give it to Dennis while you are gone. He will take real good care of it!!

10-27-2003, 09:10 PM
Shouldn't that alphabet agency help you out with it?

Sorry I can't help. in the wrong part of the country.

10-27-2003, 09:56 PM
Depends on how long we're talking here. Hit me with a PM and we'll talk. I don't really have the garage space, so I'd have to kick LeAnn out to leave yours in there, but depending on how long it'd be would be the deciding factor of whether or not I'd do that. Otherwise... less you wanna buy me a car-port (which I need...) I could keep it in STL. :D

10-27-2003, 11:11 PM
a car port might be less costly than storage?

10-28-2003, 01:00 AM
Check you PM

10-28-2003, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by LincMercLover
Otherwise... less you wanna buy me a car-port (which I need...) I could keep it in STL. :D

Dayum...This is a pretty good idea. I'd have no problem leaving my MM with Rick. Hope y'all work this out, sounds like a solution.

10-28-2003, 09:05 AM
hope all works out!

10-28-2003, 05:34 PM
Thanks everybody.:up: You guys are great, and the posts and pm's that I've gotten are testament to that.

New wrinkle as of this morning: Now my boss says that there's a training class starting the first week of December, one that's a fundamental requirement for promotability within the agency. The coordinator who's handling the trip says she really needs me in January tho. So now I'm stuck with an even BIGGER decision and as you might expect, it's driving me nuts. If (big stress on the IF) I get selected for the class, I'm probably gonna stay and get it done. The deployment opportunity will still be there when I get through with it. On the other hand, if I don't get selected, I'll just go on the deployment and spend my time "out there". I won't know one way or the other until about mid-November, so (and believe me, I'm sorry to do this) I'm gonna have to keep everybody on standby until I get some kind of word.

And yes martyo, babysitters do get driving privileges...!

10-28-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by marauder307
And yes martyo, babysitters do get driving privileges...!

Then, I think your car should see the sights and sounds of NYC! When will you be dropping her off?

10-28-2003, 05:49 PM
Thanks, mart! But I've gotta disappoint ya...I don't think I'll be going through there...doesn't mean I don't appreciate the offer, tho!

10-28-2003, 08:01 PM
Send it to me with a check.
Youll be smiling when you get it back:)