View Full Version : What would you do?

11-23-2009, 07:49 AM
If you woke up one morning and everyone turned into zombies, what would you do? Where would you go?

SC Cheesehead
11-23-2009, 07:59 AM
If you woke up one morning and everyone turned into zombies, what would you do? Where would you go?

Buy a VW Phaeton.



11-23-2009, 08:19 AM
Roof of the local gun store.

11-23-2009, 08:20 AM
Go cruzin in a semi w/a catle guard

11-23-2009, 09:06 AM
If you woke up one morning and everyone turned into zombies, what would you do? Where would you go?
I would go to my son's house. He is already Zombie-proofed and prepared. Just hope that I can make to 40 minutes trip. ;)

11-23-2009, 10:01 AM
Go to NOLA, there's a little shop in the Quarter that has just the thing you need. Ask for Marie Laveau. Or by web shop at http://www.voodooshop.com/products/dolls/A7.html
Be careful, this is powerful stuff. (and to think I wasted my early years worrying about nukes in Cuba)

11-23-2009, 10:07 AM
Read the book "The Road" - soon to be released in movie form.
Very well written but not an enjoyable story.

11-23-2009, 10:11 AM
Buy a VW Phaeton.



:D Or install AWD in my Marauder and run them over.

SC Cheesehead
11-23-2009, 10:18 AM
:D Or install AWD in my Marauder and run them over.

:rofl: wouldn't wanna try it unless it was an L version with a CVT and invisibilty cloak...;)

11-23-2009, 10:24 AM
Grease up my chain saw, you can't kill whats already dead...

11-23-2009, 11:19 AM
Dress up in my Beetle Juice costume,tie dead chickens all over the Marauder, mount a 50 cal. ray gun on the hood with remote control and go ridin'.

Joe Walsh
11-23-2009, 11:20 AM
Buy a VW Phaeton.



:D Or install AWD in my Marauder and run them over.

:rofl: wouldn't wanna try it unless it was an L version with a CVT and invisibilty cloak...;)

Thanks guys...I had almost forgotten!


11-23-2009, 11:37 AM
Install Go Rhino pushbar and head toward a certain place I know of that is chock full of pump shotguns and assault rifles and plenty of ammo and folks that know how to use them. It's right next to a nearly impregnable building with seven foot thick reinforced poured concrete walls and NO windows.

11-23-2009, 11:40 AM
If you woke up one morning and everyone turned into zombies, what would you do? Where would you go?

If they are only dead from the neck up, they are Politicians not Zombies. Make sure you know the difference. :rofl:

Joe Walsh
11-23-2009, 12:01 PM
If they are only dead from the neck up, they are Politicians not Zombies. Make sure you know the difference. :rofl:



11-23-2009, 12:54 PM
i already have measures in place to make sure i get from my dorm room, to my car to grab my "Bug-out-bag" and either hike to my safe house or outrun the threat in the CVPI. For self defense i have my .40 Sigma with 2 mags and a box of 100 rounds of .40 in my bag ;) hahaha, yes, ive thought about it. this site has alot of good info on how to hide in plain sight and survival skills. Not so much intended for zombies as a SHTF (S*** hits the fan) scenario, always good to have a plan to get out and to safety in place :D

Mr. Man
11-23-2009, 01:00 PM
Don't zombies eat brains? I don't think any of us on this forum have anything to worry about:lol::D

11-23-2009, 01:04 PM
Don't zombies eat brains? I don't think any of us on this forum have anything to worry about:lol::D

Touche! :stupid: hahaha!

11-23-2009, 01:10 PM
If you have seen the movie Zombieland these are the must rules to follow lol


University of Florida: Gainesville has a plan all set out for them and the students lol
http://chalkboard.blogs.gainesville.c om/files/2009/10/zombieplan.pdf

11-23-2009, 04:00 PM
I work in a jail...I would go there, load up with weapons, escort the prisoners off the roof...Get the armoured swat truck parked in the sallyport for grocery runs...and get as much dirt to the roof before all hell breaks loose...plant a garden on the roof. SECURE, Plenty of water, toilets, food, GUNS and AMMO!

11-23-2009, 05:44 PM
I would Donk-out my Marauder so they wouldn't bother trying to steal it!
...and then I would move to Palm Bay, Florida and let the locals take care of The Zombies... http://www.messentools.com/images/emoticones/hallowen/www.MessenTools.com-Hallowen-zombie.gif

11-23-2009, 06:09 PM
i would grab my AK-47 and Tommy Gun go to Miami get my Cubans homeboys that hate Castros government and anybody that wants to do the same, break in to every pawnshop get all their guns and get lots of ammo, tke a cigarette boat head to Cuba. go to my brother's house get him and his friend and everyone who is down and take down Castro and all his people. even if is the last thing i do.
In memory of political prisoners in my family that lost lots of years of their life and my brother EDWIN SANCHES born in 1973 till 1996 when he past the way because of government negligence.



11-23-2009, 06:26 PM
It seems that young guys tend to spend alot of time fretting about Zombies. Maybe they should spend less time with Wii and video games and get out and get laid once in awhile. :rolleyes: Real life .... be in it. ;)

11-23-2009, 06:48 PM
Sir ,with all due respect, no everyone falls into that category.
im married and dont like those kinda movies.
i just read the first post and went on.
and dont have time to play videogames

11-23-2009, 06:57 PM
In Palm Bay that is!
I revise my earlier plan, I'm stocking up on water pistols, Holy water and Father Bob is coming with me to make more, hijack a large sailboat with a desal and solar power so Dylan & the Dead will still be heard as I sail the seas.

11-23-2009, 07:20 PM
It seems that young guys tend to spend alot of time fretting about Zombies. Maybe they should spend less time with Wii and video games and get out and get laid once in awhile. :rolleyes: Real life .... be in it. ;)

Well played, sir....:beer:

11-23-2009, 07:32 PM
Brains, brains, must have brains.

Mr. Man
11-23-2009, 07:43 PM
Brains, brains, wish I had brains.

Fixed it for you buddy!:D

11-23-2009, 07:59 PM
I would go out of my way and look for all the ***** bags I have been wanting to take a tire iron to and crack them along side their head and smash their faces. Oh wait. I might be getting Zombies and Politicians mixed up. Oh well. I can dream right?

11-24-2009, 06:56 AM
It seems that young guys tend to spend alot of time fretting about Zombies. Maybe they should spend less time with Wii and video games and get out and get laid once in awhile. :rolleyes: Real life .... be in it. ;)
It may seem an elder is trying to be a party pooper.

The same planning for a Zombie breakout can be used an infectious disease breakout.

Whatever the government tells you...... do the total opposite of whatever they say lol.

11-24-2009, 01:14 PM
If you woke up one morning and everyone turned into zombies, what would you do? Where would you go?

Go to my office. Same as I do every day. day and day out.

12-21-2009, 06:34 PM
Not to be an alarmist but I'm glad I don't live in Gainesville, FL.
http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20091221/BREAKINGNEWS/91221027/1006/NEWS01/Gainesville+road+sign+warns+of +zombies+

12-21-2009, 07:30 PM
Not to be an alarmist but I'm glad I don't live in Gainesville, FL.
http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20091221/BREAKINGNEWS/91221027/1006/NEWS01/Gainesville+road+sign+warns+of +zombies+


12-21-2009, 07:56 PM
If you woke up one morning and everyone turned into zombies, what would you do? Where would you go?

You been smokin that ***** agin!! :D

SC Cheesehead
12-21-2009, 08:36 PM
It seems that young guys tend to spend alot of time fretting about Zombies. Maybe they should spend less time with Wii and video games and get out and get laid once in awhile. :rolleyes: Real life .... be in it. ;)

I'm a :geezer:

I don't have a Wii, and I don't play video games, but that last bit is sound advice! :D

12-21-2009, 08:59 PM
Not to be an alarmist but I'm glad I don't live in Gainesville, FL.
http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20091221/BREAKINGNEWS/91221027/1006/NEWS01/Gainesville+road+sign+warns+of +zombies+
wasnt me!:D

12-21-2009, 09:06 PM
I woud find out where all of you live, and steal your Marauders Muhahahaha...

12-22-2009, 08:49 AM
I woud find out where all of you live, and steal your Marauders Muhahahaha...
You can only drive one at a time so you'd probably get caught and eaten anyways so no worries here lol

12-22-2009, 12:57 PM
Call Motorhead!