View Full Version : IF Interlock.com Facts (A Must Read!)

11-25-2009, 12:46 PM

Check all the tabs and grab some popcorn while reading all the stuff.

Most of what you will read about bills and laws are already currently in the works to be passed or being drummed up right now.

On a lighter note my job is be coming more secure as everyday goes on by lol.

11-25-2009, 02:12 PM
The domain supplied is owned by Berman and Company. Mr. Berman is a lobbyist for the American Beverage Institute. They oppose DUI checkpoints. Don't know how you feel about it but the checkpoints don't bother me nor would an interlock device. That the interlock may fail is silly, my fuel injection, ABS, shoot the battery may be dead. This site is misleading at best and propaganda at worst. Write your congressman and senator if it worries you.

11-25-2009, 04:47 PM
It doesn't worry me lol, I work for an interlock company.

11-25-2009, 06:35 PM
the government people are just a bunch of Cominist Natzi's trying to spy and control every aspect of our lives, we are nothing but a bunch of slave workers forking over our hard earned money so they can waste it on useless junk and power to control even more aspect's of our lives, on average you are on camera 300 times per day, they have satilites that can zoom onto a dime on the ground and see the writing on it.... I dont want to imagine the rules and regulations in 20-30 years we will have. I read something about soon they may have Vehicles that are equipped with Gps and when you speed more then 10kphr over the speed limit a ticket will be automatically mailed to you much like a photo radar ticket... i wish I was born in the 50's so I wouldn't have to put up with this crap that is coming.

11-25-2009, 07:52 PM
on average you are on camera 300 times per day, they have satilites that can zoom onto a dime on the ground and see the writing on it....

Hmmmmm, they'll never recognze me in my ghillie suit.:D

11-25-2009, 09:13 PM
WE ARE ALL SLAVES!!! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=13837267832657 55106&ei=ff4NS-HxHKKgqQOVm-ncDQ&q=slaves+to+the+government&hl=en#