View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving

Mr. Man
11-25-2009, 11:45 PM
Well it's officially Turkey Day.:turkey: Don't forget to wear your stretchy pants to Gma's house.:rolleyes: Safe travels for those of you who will be on the road. Don't forget to give thanks to those who are away from home and can not be with their families.:turkey:


11-26-2009, 05:06 AM
:turkey: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!:turkey:

We'll be enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner at the youngest son's house today.

My daughter flew out to Las Vegas last night to meet up with the oldest son to share Thanksgiving with him in Vegas.

Ms. Denmark
11-26-2009, 05:33 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We don't have to travel to be with family this year because Mom came out from California to spend Thanksgiving with us! It is great to have her here. Cousins are also coming out from Manhattan for dinner about 3p. Mom , Mr. Man and I are just heading out to bring breakfast to my nursing staff who are hard at work taking care of other people's loved ones this holiday. Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe Thanksgiving where ever you may be!

11-26-2009, 05:38 AM
YEP! It's Thanksgiving, and as normal the wife is planning a big spread to support feeding a gaggle. In this case about 15. Having been raised on a ranch in Nebraska, she doesn't know how to cook small.

Now this year she will be operating in somewhat of a handicap mode, as her left middle and ring fingers are gauzed up from loosing an argument with an electric hedge trimmer on Sunday. Thankfully, no bones or tendons were impacted, though her pride has taken a little hit.

And yes I am a good husband and helping her out :-)

Our neighbors around the corner will be coming and at least they took over the turkey roasting duties. They got a fresh "Frankenstein" turkey from a farmer friend of theirs. Did I mention this beast weighs "dressed" at 37lbs... The farmer originally offered them a 47lb "dressed" bird, must be something in this southern Maryland water or something. Because of the size, this bird's been in the oven since around 5 this morning. Even though it's just a couple hundred yards away, I believe I can smell roasting aroma ongoing from here.

To all, Have a GREAT Thanksgiving, enjoy visiting with your friends and family. AND MOST IMPORTANT, as you say grace at the dinner table today...put a word in for our military that is keeping you safe while they fight the bad guys over there in desolate parts of South Asia.

Be thankful for what you have, as our GIs might be (or have) enjoyed a full turkey dinner, while others at forward bases and outposts just have Meal-Ready-to-Eat (MREs) for their dining fare today.

11-26-2009, 06:12 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all our Marauder family.

Everyone traveled home this year, even the youngest from Haiti.


Patrick and Patricia

11-26-2009, 06:40 AM
Happy Thanksgivng to all! We will go to Lindas Moms later this morning to eat and watch the Lions play. Be safe in your travels!


11-26-2009, 06:49 AM

11-26-2009, 07:18 AM
Happy Thanksgiving To All.
I hope everyone has a great day with their families and friends. And thank you to the Veterans of past and present. If it were not for our Veterans, we may not be having Thanksgiving today.


11-26-2009, 07:23 AM
God Bless All on this day! Happy Thnaksgiving hope your with the one's you love. if not be nice:)

11-26-2009, 08:42 AM

Enjoy your day with family and friends and be safe in your travels.

:turkey: :turkey:

11-26-2009, 09:28 AM
Happy Thanksgiving

I'm going to the watch the lions win:rolleyes: at the wife's parents house's. Everyone have a safe day, eat lots of food and enjoy your time with friends and family

Mr. Man
11-26-2009, 10:51 AM
Happy Thanksgiving

I'm going to the watch the lions win:rolleyes: at the wife's parents house's. Everyone have a safe day, eat lots of food and enjoy your time with friends and family

At least you and Pops are optimists

11-26-2009, 01:01 PM

God Bless All on this day! Happy Thnaksgiving hope your with the one's you love. if not be nice:)

Enjoy your day with family and friends and be safe in your travels.
:turkey: :turkey:
Wishing everyone a "Happy Thanksgiving", take care and GOD Bless.:beer:

11-26-2009, 01:29 PM
Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!

11-26-2009, 07:34 PM
Happy Thanksgiving All. Stay safe.