View Full Version : Surrealism...

11-30-2009, 01:32 PM
This is a cross-post from my Facebook, but with some added information.

I just glanced at the clock... It's 8 months to the minute (11:38am March 30th, 2009) that the Clyde police got the call reporting a tractor-trailer/car accident at the intersection of CR260 and US20 in Clyde... 8 months ago I was hit by a semi being driven by a driver who wasn't paying attention. 8 months ago I nearly lost my life... 8 months ago I became the luckiest sonofabitch on the planet...

Today is a special day for me.

Today I am living proof that we can survive the worst odds, and come out more or less fine. Sure, I deal with pain every day, but I'm walking! I can't do the things I used to love doing quite as well, but I'll be damned if I stop doing them! I won't let any obstacle stand in my way, I won't let anyone bring me down. I am alive, damn it, I beat the odds, and I'll sure as **** beat you!

The last paragraph is my view on life. I never was one to be afraid of "what's next". I live every day like it's my last, because, well... it almost was 8 months ago. Since that day, my life has changed drastically. I went from a miserable ******* with no money, no job, no love life, and nowhere that I could call *MY* home. I was worthless. Today, I've got a large settlement coming my way. I've already seen some of the money from it, and I'm using it to pay off personal debts, and have some fun of my own, on my own dollar. I have a boyfriend who loves me. I am going back to school next fall. I am getting my own apartment. I even spent $4,000 on an adjustable (Sleep Number) bed, only to be notified that I was given instructions by my orthopedic surgeon to buy an adjustable bed, and that the insurance company would have to pay for it because it was a legitimate medical expense. I will be buying a house within the next year. I will be buying 2 Black Marauders (I have evil plans!). I am finally settling into what people would call "happy". Once I am finished with school, I hope to get a job as a network administrator somewhere, or some type of job in the IT realm.

The whole point of this post is to serve as a message to everyone out there... Things may be bad, but believe me... they can (AND DO) get worse. If you WANT it bad enough, you will eventually get it. The doctors told me it would be around 6 months before I would be able to walk on my own. I told them to give me 4, and I'd be on my feet again... 17 weeks later, I was walking on my own (albeit slowly, and with pain).

To the guys out there (Dom, this goes for you) who get told every single day of their lives "You can't do it"... Look those people dead in the eye and say ":censor: YOU! I CAN, TOO!"

11-30-2009, 03:46 PM
You are more positive than I would be, kudo's to you.

11-30-2009, 05:41 PM
That's a nasty busy area with lots of big trucks.

You are indeed fortunate.
I believe all things happen for reason.
I may not understand the reasoning...but it's out there.

12-01-2009, 12:27 PM
A inspirational posting. I would say good luck but you seem to be doing just fine making your own luck. Cheers.

I also found your age and gender interesting. I did not think a Marauder would be of interest to a young woman. It is great that you do. Hmmm, I guess I can stop reffering to my MM as an old guy sports car.

12-01-2009, 04:35 PM
A inspirational posting. I would say good luck but you seem to be doing just fine making your own luck. Cheers.

I also found your age and gender interesting. I did not think a Marauder would be of interest to a young woman. It is great that you do. Hmmm, I guess I can stop reffering to my MM as an old guy sports car.

Errr. How did you deduce my gender? I assure you, the lack of vagina, mammary glands, and the fact that I have had a ***** since I was in my mother's womb guarantees 100% that I am, in fact, male.

Making my own luck... Now there I would disagree with you. I was unlucky to be struck by a semi, but I am now lucky enough to be walking/living. I am just making the best of my life that I can.

12-01-2009, 05:34 PM
I have a boyfriend who loves me.

That's what he is referring to. No offense, its not something most would post freely on a board like this most of the time, but kudos to you.

12-01-2009, 06:12 PM
I have a boyfriend who loves me.


that would be why I assumed you were female.

As for your luck it was a compliment on your determination.

12-01-2009, 09:12 PM
I did not think a Marauder would be of interest to a young woman....

.....I am, in fact, male.

Laughing and puking at the same time is seriously traumatic....

Sometimes wiping the fog off the window wasn't the best idea.

12-01-2009, 11:13 PM
Laughing and puking at the same time is seriously traumatic....

Sometimes wiping the fog off the window wasn't the best idea.

I tried to figure out how to delete my post out of the thread but to no avail.

12-02-2009, 10:33 PM
Oh my......