View Full Version : Lucky Dodge Magnum...twice in one night!!!

11-30-2009, 06:14 PM
Saturday night, I went on a beer run to PA. I know you guys are thinking "Why Pennsylvania?" Well, the distributor is only an hour away and they have some killer beers I can't get at home. Plus it's a nice trip, and I had new tires on the Wagnum and I wanted to cruise and enjoy my 2mpg gain.

Went out there with the ex, who was back in town for the holiday.

So on the way back, we were talking and she starts getting a little fresh with me, so to speak. http://www.lxforums.com/board/images/smilies/runaround.gif And I'm watching the road just fine but y'know, it's dark and stuff. All of a sudden, this little whitetail comes out at a 45-degree angle alongside me and WHAM, right into the front fender of the Magnum.


So in the melee, I lose sight of the deer. Pop the car into a nearby driveway and get out. It was dark and I couldn't see any damage, but I backtracked and tried to find the deer. Ex is freaking out, on the verge of tears even, and I'm cold as hell because I had my jacket off due to having the heated seats on. I get a quarter-mile back and I see the deer hobbling around, carrying one of its front legs as though it's injured. I get close, and it scurries away. I called the local law and let them know I hit it but that it took off, and tell them I'll file a report when I get home if I spot any damage.

So when I get home and inspect the car, I see nothing, even with my Mag-Lite. Didn't find any the next morning either...what a pleasant surprise!

Anyway, later that night, me and the ex are having a couple drinks (literally, I had 2), and decided to go get some Taco Bell. What can I say, she digs cheap beer, cheap food, and cheap dudes :D. I went through town and got into a recently re-zoned area that has been 35mph for my entire 28yrs on this planet, except now it's 25.

Highway Patrol lights me up. 40 in a 25 by my speedometer. http://www.lxforums.com/board/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif 2 drinks in me. She's flipping.

I pull into a nearby parking lot with my flashers on. Cop pulls right behind me, and I think I recognize him but can't place where. He fiddles with his MDT (the in-car computer) and pulls back out and waves as he passes by.

I later realize the trooper was a dude I went to HS with. We were never friends and I hadn't seen him since 1999. Still gave me a free pass.

I'm beginning to think this Magnum is downright lucky! http://www.lxforums.com/board/images/smilies/rockon.gif

11-30-2009, 06:18 PM
Saturday night, I went on a beer run to PA. I know you guys are thinking "Why Pennsylvania?" Well, the distributor is only an hour away and they have some killer beers I can't get at home. Plus it's a nice trip, and I had new tires on the Wagnum and I wanted to cruise and enjoy my 2mpg gain.

Went out there with the ex, who was back in town for the holiday.

So on the way back, we were talking and she starts getting a little fresh with me, so to speak. http://www.lxforums.com/board/images/smilies/runaround.gif And I'm watching the road just fine but y'know, it's dark and stuff. All of a sudden, this little whitetail comes out at a 45-degree angle alongside me and WHAM, right into the front fender of the Magnum.


So in the melee, I lose sight of the deer. Pop the car into a nearby driveway and get out. It was dark and I couldn't see any damage, but I backtracked and tried to find the deer. Ex is freaking out, on the verge of tears even, and I'm cold as hell because I had my jacket off due to having the heated seats on. I get a quarter-mile back and I see the deer hobbling around, carrying one of its front legs as though it's injured. I get close, and it scurries away. I called the local law and let them know I hit it but that it took off, and tell them I'll file a report when I get home if I spot any damage.

So when I get home and inspect the car, I see nothing, even with my Mag-Lite. Didn't find any the next morning either...what a pleasant surprise!

Anyway, later that night, me and the ex are having a couple drinks (literally, I had 2), and decided to go get some Taco Bell. What can I say, she digs cheap beer, cheap food, and cheap dudes :D. I went through town and got into a recently re-zoned area that has been 35mph for my entire 28yrs on this planet, except now it's 25.

Highway Patrol lights me up. 40 in a 25 by my speedometer. http://www.lxforums.com/board/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif 2 drinks in me. She's flipping.

I pull into a nearby parking lot with my flashers on. Cop pulls right behind me, and I think I recognize him but can't place where. He fiddles with his MDT (the in-car computer) and pulls back out and waves as he passes by.

I later realize the trooper was a dude I went to HS with. We were never friends and I hadn't seen him since 1999. Still gave me a free pass.

I'm beginning to think this Magnum is downright lucky! http://www.lxforums.com/board/images/smilies/rockon.gif

thats awesome! you are lucky! if it were me:

totaled car,arrested for dui!

11-30-2009, 06:27 PM
i may have gotten hurt because i would have killed that deer if i saw it.lol

11-30-2009, 06:34 PM
At least it was the Dodge.

11-30-2009, 06:54 PM
At least it was the Dodge.

:lol: :rofl:

11-30-2009, 06:58 PM
Trust me, the first thing that went through my head was "Thank God it wasn't the Marauder."

11-30-2009, 07:24 PM
good to hear everything ended up good, allthough the way this started I thought we were going to hear of a different kind of lucky...............?

11-30-2009, 07:28 PM
I left out the gory details, since it didn't occur in the Magnum...

11-30-2009, 07:43 PM
you shoulda posted pics of the deer! bah, that coulda been 2 deer w/ pics threads :P

11-30-2009, 07:45 PM
Couldn't get close enough.

11-30-2009, 07:51 PM
Oh, and here are some pictures from when I ran it Saturday morning. Check out the lift on this thing!



All that lift, still no oomph...but still my best time in this car: