View Full Version : Today Is December 7th

12-07-2009, 01:26 PM
68 years ago today,December 7th,1941 Japan performed a sneak attack on our ships,airfields and forces in Hawaii,mainly in Pearl Harbor.


12-07-2009, 02:02 PM
This time it was our economy!

12-07-2009, 05:22 PM
Let's see who ultimately achieved their aims from the war in the Pacific between the Japanese and the Americans.

The Empire of Japan was starved for raw materials/oil to support it's industrialization. To remedy this they devised the "Co-prosperity Sphere" by which they would acquire the needed raw materials from Asia and at the same time have a ready market for it's manufactured products.

They began this endeavor in the l930's by conquering Korea, China, Indochina, Malaysia, etc. The main problem was their heavy handedness. It's so much more easier, in their view, to conquer helpless, but mineral/oil rich nations than to bargain.

The US retaliated by placing an embargo on Japan's import of American scrap metal. That seemed to set their war plans in motion.

So true to form, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor to destroy the US Pacific fleet. Their aim was never to occupy or attack the US mainland, just to keep our fleet out of their hair. They hoped that America would just pick up it's marbles and leave the Pacific to them.

The actual attack was intended to be a surprise, not a sneak attack. The slow response by the Japanese embassy in Washington delayed the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Namura, from delivering the war ultimatum from 7 O'clock, Pearl Harbor time to after 8 O'clock, Pearl Harbor time, turning a good surprise attack into a dastardly sneak attack.

Concurrently a warning message, from Washington to Pearl Harbor commanders, was not sent via wireless, because of atmospherics, but by Western Union. It didn't arrive until after the attack.

The defenses of Pearl Harbor were aligned for a sea attack not an air attack. Carriers had not been used as a offensive weapon at this point. The Japanese pioneered that.

Yes indeed, the Empire of Japan was defeated and surrendered unconditionally four years later.

But let's fast forward a decade or two. With the help of it's former enemy, Japan realized, in spades, it's objectives of WW2. A secure and dependable source of raw materials, markets for it's products and a prosperous nation.

UncleLar echo's the sentiment "never forget". I hold that we did forget and 9-11 is the result. Missed ques all along the way and now, as then, we are again embroiled in war.

Just my two cents,


PS; excuse my missive, just trying to excite my memory cells.

12-07-2009, 07:31 PM
http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t153/bob6364/MISC/HoustonJamesSfSgtMarkGraunkeJr .jpg

12-07-2009, 08:03 PM
I had quite the honor over a decade ago to scan aerial film from November 1941 into digital form. A huge print was made of Battleship Row less than a month before the attack and was to go on display at the USS Arizona. I hope to go there one day to see if it is still there and to pay my respect.

FDR "... December 7th, 1941 a date which will live in infamy ..."

:flag: :flag:

12-07-2009, 08:43 PM
I make an effort to visit those, who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor every time I make a trip to Hawaii. I pray for their souls and thank them for their service to our country. My son is aware of what occurred, and I remind him how lucky him and I are. I salute those who served before me and those who are serving now, thank you!

12-07-2009, 09:22 PM
I lived in Hawaii in the 60's and again in the 90's and have visited the Arizona Memorial dozens of times; still brings back strong memories.