View Full Version : GT40 Test Video

10-30-2003, 03:20 PM
I got this off the SVTOA-Atlanta board...VERY COOL!!! *dial-up warning

Guys, here is a video of a british road test of the new GT 40. For those of you not famiiliar with Jeremy Clarkson, he is a Birtish car cult icon of sorts. He hosts a television show called Top Gear and writes for the magazine of the same name. He is NOT a fan of Americans or American cars, but he loved this one. Great shots of him driving the car through Detroit and he does a great job of relating what it's like to drive.

Beware, this file is big, dialup users go out for a cup of coffe, or maybe even dinner.

Right click this link, and select "save as":


10-30-2003, 03:41 PM
TAF - GREAT video. very nice to hear it go, and be able to see it get driven around some great backgrounds and not just still photos.


Long Live #3
10-30-2003, 04:11 PM
(mouth hanging open) :eek::eek::eek::eek:

10-30-2003, 04:23 PM
I love the way it sounds. Did you notice that the Brit driving the car tended to drive on whichever side of the yellow line he felt like at any particular time!:confused:

Long Live #3
10-30-2003, 04:27 PM
They do it for the show.

10-30-2003, 04:41 PM
Can I get it in black ????????:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Long Live #3
10-30-2003, 04:52 PM
Yes you can Smokie. I like the old Mirage paint job the best.

Dr Caleb
10-30-2003, 04:59 PM
Dialup Schmileup! Took less than a minute to us Nerds :)

But sadly, no Windoze Media Player :(

But what I've seen of the GT, I wants! I'll have to have a firstborn so I can sell it to buy the car.

10-30-2003, 05:41 PM
...do they take body parts in trade? Granted, minez got a few miles on 'em, but they're still serviceable!:D :D :D :help:

10-31-2003, 12:34 AM
WHAT A VIDEO!!!!!!!! I watched it three times and I want this car sooooo bad that I almost started to cry cuz I know that I'll never be able to scrape up the cash to own one unless I chose to live in it also:(
I gotta somehow some way drive one of those cars for one day. There are places that rent Dodge Vipers for one day, or one week. I hope that those same places some day soon get a GT40 and rent that cuz I think I'd consider spending a good buck just to be able to drive one of those cars for just one day. At a six figure price tag, that's the only thing that I can hope for. TAF, I don't know weather to thankyou or curse you for sharing this video, cuz now that I've seen it, I think that I'll be obsessed w/the idea and desire to drive a Ford GT40........I'd rather drive this car than any Dodge Viper any day of the week!!!!!!!

10-31-2003, 01:00 AM
I downloaded this video and will show it to everyone at work. I really didn't like this car when I first saw it at the autoshow. I thought it was a warmed over GT40 but after reading about it it is sweet. Nice to see some real American muscle. Now if they take that engine and put it something other than the GT and the next Lightning that would be even sweeter. Can you imagine a MM or LS with that power.

10-31-2003, 01:42 AM
Damn! I gotta get me wanna dem!

10-31-2003, 04:23 AM
I have a deposit on one! My dealer has promised me that I will get one of the first one's out. BillyG my friend, stop crying, you can come on over and drive it. I promise!

The first year production run is 1,500 so I am sure to be one of the lucky first year owners....

Now all I need to do is win the lottery so I can have the $$$ to pay for it! What's the monthly lease payment on that again? :lol:

10-31-2003, 04:33 AM
Marty! I don't believe it!!!! Dude I'll come over to your work place or where ever just to hand wash it for you just so I can get a ride in it from time to time!!!!! Jealous you say???? JEALOUS ISN'T THE WORD!!!!!! I can't even put this into words!!!!!!!!

10-31-2003, 04:55 AM
so I just read the bottom of your post.........that's dirty Brutha......you shouldn't do that to me. I almost had a heart attack! ...now I'm depressed:rolleyes:

10-31-2003, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
TAF, I don't know weather to thankyou or curse you...

Don't worry Billy...many feel that same way about my posts:D

My question to the group is....is that GT the SWEETEST sounding V-8 you've ever heard...or what??!!:burnout:

I've watched it a dozen times...to the point I now know where to skip to...to just hear the car...and not the Brit.:up:

10-31-2003, 11:42 AM
There's nothing that sounds like a pumped up V8 engine! I'll take a V8 over a V10 any day.......

10-31-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Ross
I love the way it sounds. Did you notice that the Brit driving the car tended to drive on whichever side of the yellow line he felt like at any particular time!:confused:

....he kept on changing lanes because he was always wanting to pass the camera car in order to hammer that gas pedal......w/500HP growling right behind his seat, I'm sure that passing the camera car would be exactly what I'd be doing if I were in his shoes!!! You can keep your V6 "sports" cars, your V12 Ferrari, and your V10 Viper.......give me the V8 GT40;)

10-31-2003, 12:52 PM
That camera car thing makes sense, Billy. I should have thought of that! DUH!:rolleyes:

10-31-2003, 05:12 PM
Todd - Very cool video thanks:D :up:

Donny Carlson
11-02-2003, 11:36 AM
In case you were wondering, the Brit said it would cost "under 80,000 pounds." As of today, this would be "under $ 135,328.44 "

Granted, a lot of cash, but consider what else is in that range sitting right now on the lots of your local Mercedes or BMW dealer, and you can see that it's an incredible bargain.

Oh, and it's way too expensive for me to have, even though I want it badly. But, for that matter, so is Jennifer Garner.:P

Dave Compson
11-02-2003, 01:13 PM
Beauty and Power! Man, how cool is that? Let me see, live in a house or a gt-40? ?????

My house has AC
The Gt has Ac
My house has a radio / cd player
The Gt has a radio / cd player
My house has windows
So does the Gt
The list goes on and on, so far the Gt is winning, my house cannot do 200 m.p.h.

11-02-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Dave Compson
Beauty and Power! Man, how cool is that? Let me see, live in a house or a gt-40? ?????

My house has AC
The Gt has Ac
My house has a radio / cd player
The Gt has a radio / cd player
My house has windows
So does the Gt
The list goes on and on, so far the Gt is winning, my house cannot do 200 m.p.h. The GT 40 is cool but you can't live in it. If you can afford it, a house should be no problem. He He.:D

Dave Compson
11-02-2003, 06:13 PM
I dont know, the gt is nicer than my house...

11-03-2003, 12:55 PM
just do it....get the GT40........you'll be the envy of us all.

Dave Compson
11-04-2003, 10:33 AM
Who am i kidding, i need the house.

no i need the car....

Its a nice dream, but ill stick with my marauder.

11-04-2003, 11:03 AM
there wouldn't be anyway that I could buy one of those cars short of robbing a bank(atleast not that I know of). But if there was any way possible that I could raise the cash that was legal, I'd go for it w/out question. I think if someone who's a hi-perf car enthusiast who was able to raise the money required and decided not to is crazy!!!......what a car!!

11-04-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
there wouldn't be anyway that I could buy one of those cars short of robbing a bank(atleast not that I know of). But if there was any way possible that I could raise the cash that was legal, I'd go for it w/out question. I think if someone who's a hi-perf car enthusiast who was able to raise the money required and decided not to is crazy!!!......what a car!!

Money...uh...I mean Marty?

11-04-2003, 11:30 AM
Marty.........I will hand wash it and ZAINO it for you .

I gots to have that car.......man oh man.
I fell in love with the first Ford GT while in high school..........nothing seems to have changed with this one.
Whatta car !!!!!!!

Thanks for the link Todd.

11-04-2003, 11:30 AM
I said something like that to Marty also, but perhaps there are issues about his personal situation that we don't know about, and even if we did, I'm sure it wouldn't be fitting for us to mention them on the internet......but even now that I've stated that, let me add one thing:..........MARTY!!!! Go for it!!!!! Ya gotta do it!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

....if I was able to choose any production car in the entire world(new), the Ford GT40 would be by far the first and ONLY car that I'd choose w/out any hesitation at all. I'd choose that car over any Viper, Ferrari, Lamborgini, Lotus, Mazzarati, or ANYTHING period!!!!! What a car! It looks better, sounds better...it's everything!!!! The only ferrari that I know of that is faster in the Quartermile than the Ford GT40 is the ferrari Enzo. But the "Enzo" doesn't look as good, and has a corny paddle shifter on the column. And it also costs more than 5 times the price of the GT40. Even if they both were the same price, I'd still rather have the GT40. And best of all, there's a real motor under that hood. A V8 instead of a wanna-be motor........Imagine the look on everyone's face if you took this car to the dragstrip to race it???? Man oh man, an 11.7 ET, and 0-60MPH in 3.5seconds! And something tells me that this car would hook-up great!!!!! But ofcourse still have the power to roast those big/wide back tires when you dumped the clutch all at once........infact...."I think I just wet myself".......

11-04-2003, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by BillyGman
I said something like that to Marty also, but perhaps there are issues about his personal situation that we don't know about, and even if we did, I'm sure it wouldn't be fitting for us to mention them on the internet......

oh man...I don't want to be in Westchester when Stella reads this!!!:argue: :mad2: :bigcry: :eek: :shake: :nono:

11-04-2003, 12:18 PM

11-08-2003, 01:59 AM
is purely a hypothetical question for most of us, but if any of you guys ever were to own a GT, would you be nuts enough to take it racing at the dragstrip? I mean after all, this is a supercar that was built for winding and twisting roads in order to show off it's great handling capabilities, however it's reported capabilityof 0-60MPH in a mere 3.5 seconds as well as an ET of 11.7 seconds is quite impressive also for a production car. And I did see a Dodge Viper being raced at the dragstrip in Englishtown,NJ while I was there last week. So if you owned one, would you take it to the drags or not?