View Full Version : I had a heart attack Tuesday morning

Donny Carlson
12-10-2009, 08:30 PM
On the way to work, in rush hour traffic no less. Apparently I had two previous heart attacks, one Sunday afternoon, which passed in about 20 minutes, and another Monday evening on the way home from work, this one also about 20 minutes long. I thought it was acid reflux because it felt like very strong heartburn, and I didn't have other classic heart attack symptoms. Tuesday morning chest pain started just after I got on the interstate and got worse the more I drove. By the time I got to work I realised I was in a bad situation, managed to park my Challenger, go inside and tell my supervisor I was having severe chest pain. She called the fire department, they came, took vitals, insisted I be transported to the nearest emergency room. I was actually feeling better at that point, since I was on oxygen, so like an idiot I refused transport, left work, and drove myself to the ER. I was still thinking it could be gastric, so I figured I would need my car.

Nope. Blood work showed I had a heart attack, and I was whoosed off to the caridiac unit for a cath, and by early afternoon I had two stents in my heart. One in a 99% blocked artery, the other in an 80% blocked artery. I have to go back in a month for a third stent on the other side, blocked 70%.

Good news was I was only in ICU for a day, only in a cardiac care ward for a day and a half, and got booted out to go home for rest this afternoon. I', cleared back to work next Wednesday.

So, prettty close to never ever getting to be amused by my posts, eh?

What really pisses me off was I was about to ship a load of engine parts to Mike Lavallee to paint on Monday (already boxed for shipping) that I have to cancel to some later time because I'll be looking at some pretty amazing medical expenses the next few months, though I do have great insurance, the deductibles, co-pays and crap are going to cut into my modding money for a while. That and my reduced work schedule while I recover from getting stents will cut into the extra cash.

Man, you ever go to the grocery store with a cardiac diet list? You can put all the things I can safely eat on about three shelves, and the shelves will taste better.

12-10-2009, 08:34 PM
Wow Donny! :eek:
I don't know you but I wish you nothing but the best.
Take it easy bro.

12-10-2009, 08:46 PM
**** man, get better soon. Sucks.

12-10-2009, 08:48 PM
Holy smokes bud!!!!!

If you need ANYTHING let me know!!!!!!

12-10-2009, 08:49 PM
Very glad you are doing O K. Those were some heavy blockages.Wish you a fast recovery and a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

12-10-2009, 09:00 PM
Good to hear you are better.

It's funny I was just talking to a co-worker who says he felt the same thing, thought it was very bad heart-burn acid reflux. But when it lasted a while he figured he should go in and have it checked out. So he jumps into his car headed to the hospital, and he makes a pitstop at burger king to scarf down a couple cheeseburgers since he knew they wouldn't feed him while there.


12-10-2009, 09:01 PM
Glad to hear you pulled through!! It seems I been hearing more and more about people getting stents put in. My Uncle is up to 6 stents, one more time he has to go in, they are going to open him up and do a bypass.

Donny Carlson
12-10-2009, 09:22 PM
Thanks, all these posts are cheering me up.

I did get breakfast in ICU, it was grits(ech), a biscuit,scrambled eggs and a sausage patty. I thought WTF? Later in Cardiac unit I got pasta with meat sauce, again a WTF moment. Then my diet card caught up with me and today it was non-chloesteral eggs, no meat, grits, decaf. It was terrible.

12-10-2009, 09:34 PM
Take care of yourself, man.

12-10-2009, 09:35 PM
Glad you're ok! That stuff happens quick.

12-10-2009, 09:42 PM
OMG, Donny!!! Your guardian angel was watching out for you! I can't believe how blocked your arteries were!! Take good care of Number One and my thoughts and prayers are with you!

12-10-2009, 10:10 PM
Hey man glad to hear your ok. Take her easy; take care.

Mr. Man
12-11-2009, 12:55 AM
Sorry to hear of your predicament.:eek: Ms. D and I wish you a speedy recovery. On the food front.... a friend of mine used to eat nothing but meat (almost literally) then he saw how they process our food, as they say. This guy was a skinny little guy and he went vegetarian, I think he eats fish occasionally. Long story short he eats all that soy stuff and he says its really not to bad. Believe it or not after a couple years of being a vegetarian he actually put on weight. I don't think he is cheating at BK either, so you are not doomed to blah food forever. My guess is your Doc will tell you everything in moderation and get reasonable exercise.
Hope you are up and about soon. Remember your new life begins with baby steps.:)

12-11-2009, 01:03 AM
Thanks, all these posts are cheering me up.

I did get breakfast in ICU, it was grits(ech), a biscuit,scrambled eggs and a sausage patty. I thought WTF? Later in Cardiac unit I got pasta with meat sauce, again a WTF moment. Then my diet card caught up with me and today it was non-chloesteral eggs, no meat, grits, decaf. It was terrible.

I am glad you got the medical attention you needed!!

It will be tuff to follow the Doctors diet plan at first.

Your world will change but, for the better!!

Take care of yourself!

Ms. Denmark
12-11-2009, 03:46 AM
Hope you know there are lots of positive thoughts and wishes coming your way. Sounds like you have the right attitude (and sense of humor) needed to cope now, and thrive in the future. You know we're always here at mm.net to offer cheap advice and a few laughs whenever you need it. ;) LOL Hang in!

12-11-2009, 04:42 AM
Glad you're ok, praying for a fast and full recovery

12-11-2009, 05:03 AM
Man, you ever go to the grocery store with a cardiac diet list? You can put all the things I can safely eat on about three shelves, and the shelves will taste better.
Glad to hear that this turned out well for you. Sounds like a close one with the extent of those blockages. Seems like you are maintaining your sense of humor through the ordeal.

12-11-2009, 05:23 AM
Wow Donny:eek: Just read this........ Jaw is on the floor as I type. Get on that "straight ~n~ narrow" train Donny.:beer: We need you with us for all the shennanegans we have yet to blame someone else for:banana2:
You are gonna be a nasty SOB for the first 6 mos of your new diet, but after that you should feel great.

Glad you caught it in time.:burnout:

12-11-2009, 05:33 AM
Wishing you the best Donny.

Godspeed on your recovery and take care of yourself man!


12-11-2009, 05:40 AM
Donny; you must have the constitution of a bull. Did your heart sustain any damage?

I also experienced the same symptoms, felt like it was heart burn, no nausea or pains shooting through the shoulder or jaw.

The wife, being a nurse, felt like it was something more and made me go to the doctor. Next thing I knew I was treated to a triple. Couldn't do stints due to location of the blockages.

Turns out my heart wasn't damaged.

I'm happy for you and hope that you live a long and prosperous life munching on greens and jogging and exercise and lipitor.

Good Luck, Bud.

12-11-2009, 05:55 AM
Wow Donny:eek: Just read this........ Jaw is on the floor as I type. Get on that "straight ~n~ narrow" train Donny.:beer: We need you with us for all the shennanegans we have yet to blame someone else for:banana2:
You are gonna be a nasty SOB for the first 6 mos of your new diet, but after that you should feel great.

Glad you caught it in time.:burnout:

Another WOW form me too--

So close --very glad you are ok and got the right attention --and as ^he^ said ...rest up and prepare us with some great future shennanegans ..cause we need you my friend....ans so does the rest of the world..........

White Knuckles
12-11-2009, 06:24 AM
Hey Donny,
Glad you caught it when you did. Listen to your doctors and don't sweat the diet----you'll adapt. It may taste like crap now, but you will get used to it. NO MORE FATBURGER for you Buddy:)
This will be a life changing experience----but for the positive:up:
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Our Prayers and thoughts are with you,

12-11-2009, 06:29 AM
Been thru this Donny! Listen to what they tell you and follow the rules. Its not easy. Take care of yourself!

12-11-2009, 06:32 AM
Stop it. Get better soon !!

12-11-2009, 07:07 AM
that sucks man, hope you get back on your feet and get the mods a going again.

fast dtr
12-11-2009, 07:14 AM
Get well Donny.

12-11-2009, 07:15 AM
Dang Donny, You just described in detail what happened to me two years ago! Except they released me saying just acid reflux (without a bloodtest) This has happened three more times since. I live off red meat...

Anyways it sounds like you have some very good doctors taking care of you, just try to follow their diet. Get better and live life to the fullest. Bob

12-11-2009, 07:29 AM

I'm sorry to hear about this. I live in B'ham, so if you need ANYTHING, just let me know. I live in Meadow Brook and work downtown. I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. Take care and don't hesitate to call. I'll be praying for you.

Dan Kauper

12-11-2009, 07:45 AM
"Mod-Money" to "Mod" your "Ticker" is money WELL SPENT Donnie!!!:beer:

Take it easy and you'll be back at it better than ever!!!:D

Good Luck!!

12-11-2009, 07:53 AM
been there my friend i also have 4 stents got them july 30th this year ... as for hospital stays i got you bet they kept me almost 5 days at to different hospitals. my part after blue cross blue shield was'nt to bad out of pocket .. now it's lipitor and asprin a day ond a new diet as your learning .... it's not bad glad to here your ok ..

12-11-2009, 08:29 AM
Glad to hear you are doing better!

12-11-2009, 08:38 AM
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Just leave the car at home next time you're feeling bad. So no bacon, sausage, or biscuits for you. Oatmeal here he comes!

12-11-2009, 08:40 AM
Donny, glad to hear your going to be better. Your health is the most valuable thing you can have. Take care friend.

12-11-2009, 08:50 AM

Get well quick and the best of luck to you - shocked to hear what happened. Sounds like you are handling it very well. Take care.

Glenn Ford

Black bart
12-11-2009, 09:20 AM
To close for comfort but glad you pulled through!

Take care of yourself even if the diet is bland it beats the heck out of the alternative



O's Fan Rich
12-11-2009, 11:13 AM
Been there, done that Donny!
Glad you're around to annoy us more!

Donny Carlson
12-11-2009, 01:32 PM
Thanks everyone for the posts, it really has helped my spirits. George, yeah, no more Fatburgers, but they do have grilled chicken and turkeyburgers, so it isn't a total loss.;) What is going to kill me is Williamson Brothers, which is on the Forbidden Foods List. I have to check out and see if they have salads.

I was really lucky, considering the amount of blockage and the fact I drive around by myself at all hours of the day. If this had happened in the wee hours of the morning on the way to Atlanta, it may not have had as good an outcome. I'll be fine once the other stent is in and I learn how to stop shoving heart attack specials into my mouth.

I'm going to try to make Caffiene and Octane on January 3rd if the weather isn't too cold or it isn't raining. The other stent goes in probably the second week of January, so I should be up and about for the February C&O. I need to get out, and quality time in the Challenger does wonders for me.

Again, thanks to all for the best wishes and offers of help, they are all appreciated greatly.

Esp you Marty, Mike, Glen, George. You're great guys.

12-11-2009, 01:46 PM
Donny, take care of yourself. Back things down a notch or two till you get on your feet again.

Many years ago my mother had cardiac bypass surgery and had to go on the "heart healthy" diet. She had about fifteen printed pages of what she could eat and what was forbidden. After reading it all in detail she summed it up - and this is easy for you to remember:

"If it tastes good, SPIT IT OUT!".

12-11-2009, 02:04 PM
You are a blessed man! Thank you for sharing so some of us that may be at risk (including myself) get a reality check. Your input on the site is appreciated and would be missed so "Do the Right Thing!" and live to Mod another day.

Mike Poore
12-11-2009, 02:43 PM
You are a very lucky man, Donny. We've added you to our prayer list. :)

12-11-2009, 03:08 PM
Best of luck. Glad you are feeling better.:D

12-11-2009, 04:20 PM
Donny, this is definitely a scary situation that should open everyone's eyes to the fact that it can happen.

I wish you the best for both a speedy recovery and your future health.

12-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Atleast you caught it.

My step father in Florida complained his lungs were burning here last week.

Same scenario as you.
Two stints, and back at home moving on.

Scary getting old.

12-11-2009, 07:50 PM
You need to do what ever the doctor tells you and take care of yourself. I hope you get better and stay that way.

12-11-2009, 07:59 PM
:eek: OMG, someone up there loves you!!! Please take care of yourself and speaking of... I better start watching what I eat myself. Life is precious.

Joe Walsh
12-11-2009, 08:14 PM

I'm outta town for 2 days and come back to read this!!

Scary stuff!

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and on the road to recovery Donny.

12-11-2009, 08:16 PM
[quote=Man, you ever go to the grocery store with a cardiac diet list? You can put all the things I can safely eat on about three shelves, and the shelves will taste better.[/quote]

Glad you can thru it and sorry to hear, still this made me laugh!

20 30 years ago it would have been open heart surgery.

12-11-2009, 08:44 PM
I wish you well. I'm glad to hear you are okay !

Donny Carlson
12-11-2009, 09:12 PM
Silversufer03, I'll call you tomorrow, promise. I kinda over did it yesterday and today and it hit me hard this afternoon, so there was an extended rest period in order. Jeez, I hate even admitting that, but geezerhood is upon me.

To all of you who have posted, these have been wonderful boosts for my morale. I want to get back to my normal life badly, but as recommended, it's not smart to rush the recovery. These posts are helpful for me. I feel a wee bit guilty because I don't usually share my personal problems or disasters (well, non-car related) on forums.

I'm cleared back to carrying mail next Wednesday, and I am certain it will be great right up to the time my supervisor disapproves my time estimate for delivery that day and gives me orders to return at an impossible time, plus help out another route... and it will be cold and rainy. THEN I will ask myself what the hell I was thinking when I talked the doc into letting me come back to work sooner than he really wanted me to. That and the heavy boxes of fruit that will be needed to deliver, plus parcels.... crap, my chest hurts just thinking about it.

I have to agree that it is better to survive a heart attack than the alternative, which would really suck and I'd be all pissed off because somebody else would be driving my car with MY mods. I would haunt them.:D Once I got sprung from purgatory.

Course, Marty loses out because he would have got my die cast collection. I told the nurse right before the cath that if anything happens to me, tell my family to give all my little cars to Martin Ochs, C/O Mo's Speed, Dallas Ga. (well, maybe that was the morphine and I dreamed that part)

Anywho, thanks again everyone!

Mike M
12-11-2009, 09:59 PM
Glad your doing OK. Since you had the arteries opened up, do you feel better then before? Did they put you on a aspirin regiment?

Donny Carlson
12-11-2009, 10:23 PM
Glad your doing OK. Since you had the arteries opened up, do you feel better then before? Did they put you on a aspirin regiment?

Yeah, I feel better. I had been feeling crappy for a couple of months, tired easily, knees hurt a lot (arthritis). I feel pretty much normal, though I can tell I'm still not 100%. My cardiologist told me the first thing to do when I open my eyes every morning was to take an 81mg aspirin. I take a chloresterol drug, an anti-platelet sticking drug, and a beta blocker, plus aspirin, a pain killer for the knees. The Tramadol for the arthritic knees is addictive, unfortunately, so I have to continue taking it or the resulting wihtdrawal, which is pretty unpleasant (I've experienced it before) can result in a siezure or bring on a heart attack of a different kind, so I have to maintain a level, though it's a lot lower than I was taking and I seem to be handling it ok.

Drugs are a two edge sword - one side helps your bad knees, the other causes you to itch all over, and feel sick and jittery if you don't take it on time, or maybe kill you if you stop taking it cold turkey. I used to take Ultram ER, which is the same thing as Tramadol, but in a single daily dose that released throughout the day. You had to take it at almost the same time every day, too soon and you could overdose and die of a siezure, too late and you'd feel withdrawal effects. The warnings that came with it all had dire consequences for forgetting and taking a double dose, biting or chewing the tablet so all the drug is released at once... nasty. I'll stick with smaller doses I take three times a day, thank you.

12-11-2009, 11:32 PM
You are right , the mail service will show you no mercy when you go back, as I work for them also. When I went back after valve repair 1 1/2 yrs ago they almost forgot why I had been off. Sounds like you will be O K and the best of luck.

Mike M
12-11-2009, 11:50 PM
I am healthy 50 year old. I started taking daily aspirin about 10 yeras ago. I weight train 5 days a week.
My right should has to be evaluated (damaged from years of bench pressing).

I just got off a 1 week cruise ship with wifey, we ate like animals (now I feel guilty). I did work out 4 days on the cruise ship.

I have a lot of faith in the aspirin.

We did 2 seater off road buggy drives, lots of fun in Mexico.

12-11-2009, 11:53 PM
Donny - glad to hear you are OK! Best of luck on the recovery process! Sometimes finding these blockages comes after a real scare, but as you said, it's better than the alternative. Getting them cleared out will set you right for the future. I know from some experience in that I've had family go through similar things. Keep a chin up on the road to recovery and I'm sure you will do great :)

12-12-2009, 06:58 AM
Good luck man that was lucky for u.Glad you are on the way to a good recovery.Getting old man blows.

12-16-2009, 06:09 AM
Hope to see you soon at one of the car shows. Take care Donny.

SC Cheesehead
12-16-2009, 06:31 AM

I must have missed this post when it first showed. Glad to hear you're on the mend, and take care of yourself!

Silversufer03, I'll call you tomorrow, promise. I kinda over did it yesterday and today and it hit me hard this afternoon, so there was an extended rest period in order. Jeez, I hate even admitting that, but geezerhood is upon me.

Take it from one who knows, :geezer: isn't all that bad...;)

12-16-2009, 07:17 AM
Glad you got the attention you needed and that you are looking after yourself. I thought I'd post after I read about how discouraging you are finding your new diet. Here's a tip for something I got onto when I wasn't allowed to have any iodine (you have no idea how much stuff iodine shows up in!).
I used to be a die-hard breakfast fan - three to six eggs, half a dozen pieces of toast, four cups of tea with cream and sugar (makes me sick to think about it now). And, for about a month or more, all of that had to end.
I thought I'd get a cholesteral test before I went off my diet to see where I was at and as expected, it was high.
So. For one month, no eggs, toast, tea. What to replace it with, though? Well, my wife at the time introduced me to fruit smoothies - real ones, not the sugar laden fast food types.
Eight years later and I am totally addicted to the things. So much so that now I spend one night a week making and freezing about two weeks worth of them. I swear, I don't know how I'd start my day anymore without them.
And even better, at theend of the month I tested the cholesteral again and it was way under the recommended limit. In just one month! Now-days, I still have an egg breakfast, but only on weekends and never more than three eggs at a time. And let me tell you, the smoothies all week only make weekends that much more special.
So, if you are interested in a really great tasting, healthy alternative that is not only cholesteral free, but unbelievably good for you to boot, here is what I use:

In a really tough blender (min 750 watts), dump in:
- About a cup and a half of real orange juice and a whole peeled orange.
- A nice large organic banana
- Frozen blueberries (lots of antioxidants), blackberries and rasberries.
About a cup of these combined
- Some whey protein (makes it lighter and tastier, plus its good energy)
- Some of your favourite fibre -about a table spoon
- About a quarter cup of plain yogurt

Blend the heck out of it, pour it in a travel mug and throw in a nice wide straw. These things are amazing! Once you've made a few with this recipe, you can start modifying it to your own taste. I just wouldn't recommend adding eggs, booze or sugar. Kind of defeats the purpose.

Anyway, look after yourself, and I'm really glad you'll be enjoying Christmas just like the rest of us!

Dr Caleb
12-16-2009, 02:28 PM
Glad to hear you caught it early Donny. Before you left us, or worse.

I had a major medical incident about a year ago too. Basically, a small stroke. Scariest moment of my life. I too did the 'man' thing and drove myself to the hospital. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I had to quit smoking, quit carbs, quit sugar, quit fat, quit coffee, quit all milk products, quit everything that I thought was 'good'. I thought the cure was worse than the disease.

Now, I dropped my blood pressure from 150/110 to 120/80. My cholesterol is below normal, but not quite low enough for my doctor. 1.1, and he want it below 1. My a1c is also below normal, at 5.5. It can be done.

Don't listen to these naysayers. Your new diet will be rough at first, but it will be better in the long run. If someone were to say to you, "here is a giant one pound double cheezeburger with extra bacon and fried onions that will be really yummy right now . . . but it will nearly kill you dead in 10 years or will cause massive organ failure where you will require a liver transplant and kidney dialysis", would you eat it?

Like Master, I can't imagine going back. The smell of something deep fried actualy turns my stomach. Baked fish with Grapefruit, fresh steamed peas. These are far better than that nasty cholesterol burger with a side of coronary artery disease.

Master: Get some of those cartons of egg whites. Lousy for omlettes, but excellent for scrambled, or battering chicken or fish. I've gone to a weight loss specialist, who caters to people with things like heart problems and diabetes. I am off the Crestor, Aggrenox, Glyburide and soon metformin. (Nasty stuff!) And I'm hooked on my own form of smoothie.

Frozen fruit ("Frozen fruit salad" from Costco; peaches, strawberry, grapes, raspberry, blueberry), protein powder from a fitness store, water and cold rolled flaxseed. Add only enough water to thicken. (I'm not allowed any milk on this specialists' diet) Mmmmm!

Paul T. Casey
12-18-2009, 06:03 PM
Man, I was just floored. Glad to hear you're up and about. Get well soon, you're in my thoughts and prayers. I should be around for the Feb. Caffine and Octane, you'd better be there.

12-21-2009, 10:14 AM
Thanks, all these posts are cheering me up.

I did get breakfast in ICU, it was grits(ech), a biscuit,scrambled eggs and a sausage patty. I thought WTF? Later in Cardiac unit I got pasta with meat sauce, again a WTF moment. Then my diet card caught up with me and today it was non-chloesteral eggs, no meat, grits, decaf. It was terrible.

I'm glad to hear you are doing better. We had the same thing when Brian went in! The last day at the first hospital, he got to pick his own lunch (ha!) thought he would be slick and pick the steak and all the good stuff to go with it, didn't happen, he got checked out and transported to GW to have the other 3 stents put in lol! They must have saw that other comming :)
The food issue will work itself out. You can have pretty much everything you had before but, like Ms. D said, in moderation. It's all about portion control now. 3 + meals a day is the way to go, no large meals.
Yes, little to no salt and low fats/cholestrols etc... 1500mg is the limit per day for salt intake, as long as blood pressure stays normal. Big things to stay away from are ready made meals in a box and canned soups(unless they say low sodium) He told me one morening he stopped at WaWa and got a pancake sandwhich all premade and figured it would be okay cause it said 'fresh' LOL! i wanted to smack him in the head when he said he looked at the ingredients AFTER he ate it...yeah 1040mg of sodium just in the little sandwhich...he's getting better though :rolleyes:
If you can, do the cardiac rehab for your own, and your family's piece of mind. We can't afford it so he hasn't done it. Needless to say I harp and am a nervous wreck when he does physical activity at work or around the house (even though it's been 4 months) I'm getting better though. I let him shovel snow for a total of 10 minutes on sunday before I went crazy and took the shovel back :o
Ah well, enough rambling (sorry it is so long) may you make a speedy recovery through all the procedures and have a safe, and merry X-mas/New years

12-24-2009, 08:55 PM
Get well soon. I wish all the best for you.

Dennis Reinhart
01-04-2010, 12:20 PM
This is a late post, but better late than never, Donny keep your chin up I was taken back by your news of a heart attack. I am 58, I have been very sick for three weeks, I am now on more medication than any time in my life, I have missed almost ten days work, I cant afford this no one can today, Sheila has also been sick I missed the PRI show laid in bed for three days, and you jut can't let these things get you down, you have to stay positive that is the part of any medicine to improve any condition, and knowing you have friends that care, and I am one on of them.


01-04-2010, 02:08 PM
I am also late on reading this and hope you get much better real soooon!!!! Follow the prescribed regime and hope you are one heck of a lot better by Spring!

01-04-2010, 03:54 PM
You take it easy and take care of your heart and try to stick as close as you can to the diet.Us guys with heart problems ( I've got atrial fibrulation) have got to watch it.I hadn't been following the diet as closely as I should've been and I was smoking. New Years Eve morning I started hacking my brains out and couldn't breath laying down,finally New Year's Day I called the Dr. and he said to get my butt into the ER.After all the palying around drawing blood and prodding and answering a thousand questions and an x-ray they determined I had pneumonia.Kept me in the hospital until the next night doing lung treatments and IV's full of antibiotics and blood tests every two hours they finally let me go home with some more antibiotics to take for 10 days twice daily. The good part is I ain't had a butt in 3 days and I'm determined to stay quit.After 40+ years of smoking 2+ packs of Camel unfiltereds I'm way over due.
The good part was once I got my room,(after a good 4 hour wait on that darn gurny in the ER) all the nurses were attractive and pleasant and the food was excellent.They gave me a menu and pretty much let me order what I liked within certain boundries.
AND,I'm quitting smoking finally after who knows how many attempts.

01-04-2010, 03:58 PM
Way to go Uncle Lar! We are here to help you.

Donny they cook chicken a lot of ways! I learned the hard way also!

01-04-2010, 04:03 PM
Thanks Pops,I'm barely fit for man or beast to be around right now,lol. I'm kinda grumpy from withdrawal.
The two big things with chicken are don't eat the skin and don't eat it fried.
A lot of deli counters have unsalted or low salt turkey which ain't bad at all.

01-04-2010, 04:08 PM
Hey you can PM me for a phone number if you want. I will listen. I have been thru the heart thing also. One year of issues.

Dr Caleb
01-04-2010, 04:11 PM
I'm kinda grumpy from withdrawal.
The two big things with chicken are don't eat the skin and don't eat it fried.
A lot of deli counters have unsalted or low salt turkey which ain't bad at all.

The Withdrawal goes away. No one ever died from not smoking. :) Keep at it!

And you can fry chicken, you just can't add anything to the pan to fry it in. I put herbs, etc. on it, and pan fry in a non-stick pan. You don't lose any flavour that way too.

01-04-2010, 04:14 PM
August 13,2008 I rushed into the ER from work to be diagnosed with A Fib.Now I'm having some issues with my Propafenone Hydrochloride (Rhytmic) which controls the fibrulation. More fun,going to one Dr. tomorrow about the pneumonia and the cardiologist in a couple of days.
Thanks,If I need to I'll give you a ring.

01-04-2010, 04:19 PM
The Withdrawal goes away. No one ever died from not smoking. :) Keep at it!

And you can fry chicken, you just can't add anything to the pan to fry it in. I put herbs, etc. on it, and pan fry in a non-stick pan. You don't lose any flavour that way too.
Good info! Can I use Pam so it don't stick?

01-04-2010, 07:02 PM
A little Pam (or olive oil in a mister) should be OK but better to get a non-stick pan. Makes clean-up easy too.

SC Cheesehead
01-04-2010, 07:20 PM
The Withdrawal goes away. No one ever died from not smoking. :) Keep at it!

And you can fry chicken, you just can't add anything to the pan to fry it in. I put herbs, etc. on it, and pan fry in a non-stick pan. You don't lose any flavour that way too.


I quit 28 years ago. Like Caleb said, the withdrawl goes away; just take it one day at a time and you'll kick the habit before you know it.

01-05-2010, 08:48 AM
Good luck everyone.

Dr Caleb
01-05-2010, 10:54 AM
A little Pam (or olive oil in a mister) should be OK but better to get a non-stick pan. Makes clean-up easy too.

Like Mary says, a little PAM usually isn't bad, but if your Doctor says 'no oil at all' then you can do it without oil - just keep the heat medium to medium high. It won't stick that way.