View Full Version : Anybody spending money this time of year?

12-14-2009, 08:26 AM
I thought I'd pass this along (http://slickdeals.net). I've been thinking about bailing out of AT&T for wireless, and over to Verizon instead. I carry a guv'mint-issued BlackBerry, and coverage has always been better than my AT&T WinMo device (both are 3G; BB is also CDMA). So I decided on getting a BB Storm2, and searched around for the best price.

A friend referred me to that site, and it led me to this site (http://www.letstalk.com). I was able to obtain a $240 discount on the Storm2, and sign up with Verizon as a new customer, and port my number from AT&T, and trade in my old WiMo device. I don't have the unit yet, and I can't yet speak about the total process, but on its face it sure went well, and that level of discount is enough to put be through at least a little inconvenience. At the end of the process, my total outlay for the hardware was about seven bucks (including an extra charger and a silicone coverall in case I drop it).

There are a lot of other discounts on the first site, so in case this is useful I wanted to pass it along.

12-14-2009, 10:23 AM
I've had Verizon cell phone service for years, it has the best service (coverage) out there. However, I HATE having to deal with them as their customer service stinks.

12-14-2009, 02:11 PM
I've had Verizon cell phone service for years, it has the best service (coverage) out there. However, I HATE having to deal with them as their customer service stinks.

Man who are u telling?!....
either it b on the phone or in the store they act like pure idiots

12-14-2009, 06:06 PM
I have AT&T but the only good thing about it is tha lt work pays the entire bill. I never even see the bill.

When I had a personal phone, Verizon for coverage.

12-14-2009, 06:19 PM
Verizon here. Great coverage. Never had to speak to them about anything though.

12-15-2009, 08:59 AM
Verizon here also and just got a new LG EnV Touch and lovin it.

Mike Poore
12-15-2009, 02:28 PM
I always liked the guy in the black wool coat. He's in the tundra, up to his ass in snow..."Can you hear me now?" Well, no, no I can't.

Their coverage has improved, a lot, but you're right, the stores suck, and here's why. Many of them are franchise stores, where the owner hires some poor little girl and pays her minimum wage. She has no incentive to take care of the customer, or sell product. We've been there, done that. The factory owned stores, on the other hand, are hiring/paying sharp folks who know the product and do a good job. We learned to ask as soon as entering the store....is this a franchise? :...yes:...bye...:wave:

12-15-2009, 06:57 PM
verizon here aswell. i have the tour and its pretty baller

12-15-2009, 07:41 PM
Verizon here also and just got a new LG EnV Touch and lovin it.

I too am rockin' an EnV Touch. It's pretty baller.