View Full Version : Battery question

12-15-2009, 11:46 AM
My car sits several weeks between drives (especially in the winter) and when i go to start it up my battery is dead and i have to jump start it with my vic.

What do you guys use or do to keep your batteries charged while sitting?

I think a few of you guys use some types of chargers.

12-15-2009, 11:52 AM
My car sits several weeks between drives (especially in the winter) and when i go to start it up my battery is dead and i have to jump start it with my vic.

What do you guys use or do to keep your batteries charged while sitting?

I think a few of you guys use some types of chargers.

Harbor Freight and Northern Tools have a trickle / maintenance / float chargers.

Harbor Freight:
http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=422 92

Northern Tools (I have this one):
http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_6970_200332201_2003322 01

12-15-2009, 11:53 AM
Go to the auto parts and buy a clip on battery tender Jake. About 40.00 for one. We mount them in the cars so they plug in with the cord. A lot of the cords have a plug near the tender.

12-15-2009, 11:58 AM
Jake, I don't know if you noticed when we were working on my car, that the negative terminal connector to my battery is able to be removed without a nut driver. If I know the car is going to sit for a few weeks, I just pop the hood and disconnect. I have to reset my presets on the stereo, but no big deal. Just remember, this advice is given by the same guy who permanently removed his windshield wipers...:D

12-15-2009, 12:08 PM
Just remember, this advice is given by the same guy who permanently removed his windshield wipers...:D

:beer: :lol:

12-15-2009, 12:20 PM
i use a solar charger that plugs into my cigarette lighter on my non daily driver. I've never had an issue with the battery going dead. i bought mine on ebay, they make them for VW, but i've always used them on other cars with no issue.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/VW-SOLAR-PANEL-BATTERY-CHARGER-1C0-915-687_W0QQitemZ200415976116QQcmd ZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck _Parts_Accessories?hash=item2e a9b91ab4

there's an example of the one i have ^^

12-15-2009, 12:38 PM
Google for Battery Tender.....

12-15-2009, 12:47 PM
Had the same problem this week. Since I now drive the company vehicle all week and the MM only on weekends the old battery was flatter than a pancake on Friday. Had to call AAA and he brought out the cool battery pack and she kicked right over. Got me to thinking and I think I might look at something like this or something a little larger: http://www.siliconsolar.com/12v-solar-battery-maintainer-1_2w-p-17859.html

12-15-2009, 12:49 PM

I just bought an Odyssey Battery, which can withstand many complete-discharge-and-recharge cycles. It is similar to an Optima, but with plate technology instead of spiral wound. 750 cranking amps. I keep it fully stocked with a Deltran Battery Tender, which is a float charger that keeps the voltage up without overcharging (which can kill a battery). Most of the Batteries Plus stores in our area carry both, although Battery Warehouse in Leesburg is about 10% cheaper.


Mr. Man
12-15-2009, 03:52 PM
I wouldn't think there is enough parasitic drain to kill your battery so quickly Jake. Are you still using the original? If yes it maybe nearing the end of its useful life. Buy a new one with high cca's and like above put a tender on it.

12-15-2009, 04:00 PM
I have a Battery Brain connected, it can also be used as a security device which can disconnect the battery with a remote. It automatically shuts down the battery if the voltage drops.

12-15-2009, 04:36 PM
[QUOTE=baltimoremm;838037]i use a solar charger that plugs into my cigarette lighter on my non daily driver. I've never had an issue with the battery going dead. i bought mine on ebay, they make them for VW, but i've always used them on other cars with no issue.

Um, This would only work if you are not garaging your car(which I am sure Jake does)

I have 2 vehicles parked in my garage that I start every 2 weeks. I never have a problem with the battery going down. They are FOMOCO OEM replacements.

12-15-2009, 04:47 PM
Always keep an automobile battery charged. If you don't, it will sulfate, and it's life will be reduced.

from wikipedia:

Because of "sulfation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfation)" (see lead-acid battery (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead-acid_battery)), lead-acid batteries stored with electrolyte slowly deteriorate. Car batteries should be installed within one year of manufacture. In the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States), the manufacturing date is printed on a sticker. The date can be written in plain text or using an alphanumerical code. The first character is a letter that specifies the month (A for January, B for February and so on).[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_batteries#cite_note-6) The letter "I" is skipped due to its potential to be mistaken for the number 1. The second character is a single digit that indicates the year of manufacturing (for example, 6 for 2006). When first installing a newly purchased battery a "top up" charge at a low rate with an external battery charger (available at auto parts stores) may maximize battery life and minimize the load on the vehicle charging system. The top-up charge can be considered complete when the terminal voltage is just above 15.1 V DC. 15 V DC is the voltage level where any sulphation that may be present is driven from the plates back into the electrolyte solution. A new battery can have some sulphation even though it has never been in service. If the top up charge cannot be done it is not harmful to place the battery in immediate service.

The Deltran Battery Tender is excellent, as it works well with all types of auto batteries. I have one, and I also like the Sears automatic one (for lead-acid types) that is frequently on sale for $20.

12-15-2009, 05:18 PM
I have parked the marauder for months at a time never disconnected anything.

Exceptions to every rule. (I guess :) )

12-15-2009, 05:33 PM
if you have a standerd battery (not an optima or an oddissy) the best charger is an "xstream charger" if you have a optima or an oddissy get a "deltran battery tender"

12-15-2009, 05:48 PM
I wouldn't think there is enough parasitic drain to kill your battery so quickly Jake. Are you still using the original? If yes it maybe nearing the end of its useful life. Buy a new one with high cca's and like above put a tender on it.

Yes still on my "ORIGINAL" battery.

12-15-2009, 06:32 PM
I have parked the marauder for months at a time never disconnected anything.

Exceptions to every rule. (I guess :) )I have never had to disconnect the battery. But prior to the battery going bad I had to charge it often until I had it replaced.

RF Overlord
12-15-2009, 06:54 PM
I have parked the marauder for months at a time never disconnected anything.

The Blackbird sits from when the roads are first salted until the first rain of the spring washes the salt away. Every few weeks I hook this (https://media.shopatron.com/media/mfg/560/product_image/x1_706251d76d34fe051124ed974d8 9f829.jpg?1228884326) up and let the battery charge until the light turns green.

Mr. Man
12-15-2009, 08:36 PM

The Blackbird sits from when the roads are first salted until the first rain of the spring washes the salt away. Every few weeks I hook this (https://media.shopatron.com/media/mfg/560/product_image/x1_706251d76d34fe051124ed974d8 9f829.jpg?1228884326) up and let the battery charge until the light turns green.

Looks like a turkey thermometer:lol:

12-16-2009, 05:51 AM
Use the Deltran Battery Tender. I have 4 of them running now, 2 on motorcycles and two on cars (my 93 TBird and the wife's convertible). They do the trick without harming the batteries.

12-16-2009, 09:16 AM
'Battery Tender' here as well. Love it. Got it to use with my Big Dog Chopper (motorcycle obviously) and kept it when I sold the bike. Now I use it on the Marauder now. Especially since I dont drive it every day.

12-16-2009, 09:29 AM
Can I get a deltran tender from most autoparts stores?
I'm gonna go get one today!

12-16-2009, 09:59 AM
i use this they put them on p71 vic's i love it you mite be able to find on cheaper on ebay http://www.galls.com/style.html?assort=general_cata log&style=VP007&cat=2661

12-16-2009, 11:16 AM
Regardless of battery tender/charger type, it's a good idea, if you have not done so in recent years, to remove battery cables, clean both battery posts & cable ends with fine sand paper, wipe done with solvent, and re-install the battery cables. Of course, clean everything with baking soda solution to neutralize any acid residue on top prior to re-install. NOW, you will have good contact for keeping the battery charged. FWIW.

For my Vette, I leave a Battery Tender hooked up. The MMs, I just run. Charghing system tester is coming for Christmas, I hope. Pleeeese, Santa?

Stranger in the Black Sedan
12-16-2009, 03:01 PM
Something's wrong. My MM sits that long sometimes and it always starts. I have old cars that sit sometimes more than a month and they still start, sitting in unheated garages or outside in the cold. A few weeks, should not drain a battery, and trickle charging it is a bandaid fix. Just get a damn new battery. You're putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your charging system trying to keep an expired battery alive.

12-16-2009, 03:08 PM
Something's wrong. My MM sits that long sometimes and it always starts. I have old cars that sit sometimes more than a month and they still start, sitting in unheated garages or outside in the cold. A few weeks, should not drain a battery, and trickle charging it is a bandaid fix. Just get a damn new battery. You're putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your charging system trying to keep an expired battery alive.

I plan on getting a new battery anyway.
I just dont want to have this issue when i put the new one in.

12-16-2009, 03:32 PM
Something's wrong. My MM sits that long sometimes and it always starts. I have old cars that sit sometimes more than a month and they still start, sitting in unheated garages or outside in the cold. A few weeks, should not drain a battery, and trickle charging it is a bandaid fix. Just get a damn new battery. You're putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your charging system trying to keep an expired battery alive.

my 76 sat outside for like 3 months with 7yr old batteries and fired right up. id say its time for a new one doomie, mines about shot as well. if your bat is relatively new, make sure nothing is draining it. i know you have an aftermarket head unit an i think you have an alarm. just throwing some ideas at ya.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
12-16-2009, 03:37 PM
You don't need to tend a battery if you park it for a couple weeks. Way overkill. You can do it if it makes you feel better but I don't tend my batteries and they last just as long as anyone else's.

12-16-2009, 03:40 PM
Well i dont see what could be draining the battery. :confused:
Like i said it is the "ORIGINAL" so maybe its just time for a new one. :dunno:

12-16-2009, 03:46 PM
Batteries always discharge, whether they are connected or not. Modern cars, like our MM's, will always draw a small amount of current. If you have a defective electrical sub-system, such as a leaking rear air suspension, it will increase the rate of discharge, since the pump will run more often.

A dirty top will increase the discharge. You can put a volt-meter on the top of a dirty battery, and get a voltage reading. A clean top will not have a voltage reading (between a post & the top).

If you don't keep a lead-acid battery charged, it will sulfate, and it's life will be shortened. It will discharge quicker in a warm environment. It will discharge slower in a cold environment, and be (more) subject to freezing and physical damage as it discharges.

12-16-2009, 04:12 PM
I use Sears battery tender/trickle charger.
It appears it is no longer available.

It will do 6v and 9vdc, it's automatic, it has the option to harwire a connection to the battery and a quick connect end on the charger cord or just use the large alligator clips, and it is very small.

I have mine permanently wired in for convienence.

I use one on my motorcycles, tractor, and Marauder.

< $30

It is similar to this eBay listing:

http://compare.ebay.com/like/310087295383?ltyp=AllFixedPric eItemTypes

12-16-2009, 06:13 PM
your battery is definitely crapping out if its dying that fast. My car hardly moves anymore and i never have an issue starting it.

Buy a new battery (dont bother with the optima red top, its junk) and since you are probably storing your blingmobile for the winter, keep the battery out of the car and on a block of wood in the garage with a tender on it....

12-17-2009, 03:16 PM
My Interstate Megatron MT-65 battery fries the car right up even after it's been sitting for like a month at a time now in cold weather.

http://www.interstatebatteries.com/cs_eStore/Products/RT/PID-MT-65%28Automotive+Truck%29.aspx? dsNavigation=N~21-4294493575-4294492520-2147384741&Title=Mega-Tron+-+75+Months+-+675+CCA