View Full Version : Can I do anything about this cop?

12-24-2009, 09:13 AM
I got another ticket for parking in my own driveway last week. It's a $50 fine and I was going to fight it in court until I found out the court fee is $75. :mad:

The violation said blocking the sidewalk. I have been parking in that same spot for five years and I do it just right. The rear axel is touching the street and the front end isn't on the sidewalk. It's a small driveway and when the car is parked it's between the street and the sidewalk to so say.

Here is the bigger problem. A few months ago my roommate was talking to some people who live in the area (I never do) and somehow I became a topic. The neighbor asked my roommate if I had a lot of tickets. He said yes and the guy said "yeah I know cops and the major. He likes to burn rubber around 2am." That is completely false because I cannot afford to burn rubber and if anything my exhaust is louder than his Volvo or whatever else FWD yuppie car he drives. I do drive off or get back at 2am quite often, but never burn rubber.

The only thing I could do was break into a garage no one was using (with permission from the owner) and hide the car in there from the cops and other people who wanna upset me. The garage isn't bad, but I can't even park it on the street in my area without fear that I will have another false ticket because of this politically connected a-hole. I have my connections too, probably bigger than his, but I don't know how to go after him or the cop that keeps writing me up for literally nothing. I don't even know who's running the show if it actually is someone telling his cop buddy to write me up.

All I can think of is writing down the badge number off the ticket and planting the car again. If I get another violation from the same cop I'll know who it is. I can make a complaint against him personally or make a call downtown and really scare the cop never to mess with my car again.

What should I do here?

The only thing I can think of doing is to actually prove what burning rubber is at 2am after I have electric exhaust cutouts installed, followed by not returning for a few days. I would love to do this and probably will, but I'll feel bad knowing I woke up a lotta people that didn't need to hear all that noise or wake up to the smell of burnt rubber at 2am.

12-24-2009, 09:22 AM
Before you start anything get a copy of the parking ordinance that you were ticketed for and make sure you are complying to the ordinance. Even here in our suburb we get tickets for blocking the sidewalk. The ordinance is written that if any part of the vehicle is blocking a portion of the sidewalk it is a violation. Just make sure you are in the right before making waves.

12-24-2009, 09:25 AM
I am really sorry about that ticket, but your from illinois right? Do you Any shop in the chicago land area to get my 4.10 gears installed.

12-24-2009, 09:36 AM
I am really sorry about that ticket, but your from illinois right? Do you Any shop in the chicago land area to get my 4.10 gears installed.

Way to go hijacking the thread sir. :hijack:

12-24-2009, 09:38 AM
Before you start anything get a copy of the parking ordinance that you were ticketed for and make sure you are complying to the ordinance. Even here in our suburb we get tickets for blocking the sidewalk. The ordinance is written that if any part of the vehicle is blocking a portion of the sidewalk it is a violation. Just make sure you are in the right before making waves.

Where would I look that up? I mean I have been parking that same way for years and never had an issue(s) until this year. I have been written up for being on the street during street cleaning, blocking my own garage door and blocking the sidewalk... all being parked the same way, same spot.

Whoever this police officer is, is the crook to me. People used to rob, now the police rob me. Serving and Protecting seems to apply to themselves instead of citizens.... not all police officers, just whoever is in my district. One doesn't represent them all.

bawazir, you have a PM.

12-24-2009, 10:01 AM
Take pictures of you not blocking the sidewalk and go talk to someone at the Station House.

12-24-2009, 10:03 AM
Take pictures of you not blocking the sidewalk and go talk to someone at the Station House.

They tell me to take it to court and court is $75 and the violation is $50. It's not about the cash, it's about what to do about these people and how I can get them to leave me alone.

12-24-2009, 10:22 AM
Don't break the law and "they" will leave you alone.

See this thread on police harassment.


I doubt the cop is writing you a ticket without you breaking some law.......

12-24-2009, 10:24 AM
All I can think of is writing down the badge number off the ticket and planting the car again. If I get another violation from the same cop I'll know who it is. I can make a complaint against him personally or make a call downtown and really scare the cop never to mess with my car again.

Let us know how that works out for you...... :lol:

12-24-2009, 10:28 AM
It would turn out better than you'd think if I had enough proof and info.

12-24-2009, 10:34 AM
I'm shocked! shocked! to find corruption in Chicago...:rolleyes:

You could move to a non-Gestapo state.:lol:

12-24-2009, 10:34 AM
Dom, what is the municipality/jurisdiction you live in? Cook County? City of Chicago? Does the ticket point you to a specific courthouse?

12-24-2009, 10:41 AM
Can you avoid the fine if the case is dismissed?

12-24-2009, 10:45 AM
probably the cop was jealous of your car.

12-24-2009, 10:47 AM
I am in Cook County and if I want anything to do with a case I will have a court fee. The judge needs to be paid...

12-24-2009, 11:19 AM
Dom, file a harassment case as soon as you get the next ticket. Simple as that.

12-24-2009, 11:28 AM
Dom, file a harassment case as soon as you get the next ticket. Simple as that.

HA ya!

I love livin' in the city!

12-24-2009, 11:57 AM
Can we see a pic of how you park? I'm having trouble visualizing what your saying here... and is this the blazer or the MM?

12-24-2009, 12:10 PM

12-24-2009, 12:16 PM
I am in Cook County and if I want anything to do with a case I will have a court fee. The judge needs to be paid...

...off :P

12-24-2009, 12:20 PM
Try going to the station and speak too his sergent . Bring a few pictues so it's clear to him what your talking about.

12-24-2009, 01:41 PM
The only thing I could do was break into a garage no one was using (with permission from the owner)



12-24-2009, 01:46 PM
All I can think of is writing down the badge number off the ticket and planting the car again. If I get another violation from the same cop I'll know who it is. I can make a complaint against him personally or make a call downtown and really scare the cop never to mess with my car again.

Have you at least consulted an attorney yet?

12-24-2009, 02:35 PM
Where would I look that up? I mean I have been parking that same way for years and never had an issue(s) until this year. I have been written up for being on the street during street cleaning, blocking my own garage door and blocking the sidewalk... all being parked the same way, same spot.

Whoever this police officer is, is the crook to me. People used to rob, now the police rob me. Serving and Protecting seems to apply to themselves instead of citizens.... not all police officers, just whoever is in my district. One doesn't represent them all.

bawazir, you have a PM.

you have the citation#, research that number in illinois law.

12-24-2009, 03:09 PM
This is my favorite of all the motor head posts. Personally I am happy that the Chicago cops are doing their job and more than tickled that although motor head can explain exactly why he gets tickets he has no clue as to why he gets tickets. Classic. Dennis:beer: Time for a scotch and a cigar while we wait for my solution to the problem. Tow and impound the car. :D

12-24-2009, 03:50 PM
Make a call to your buddy Obama and Rev. Wright and ask them to fix the problem for you.

12-24-2009, 04:00 PM
Make a call to your buddy Obama and Rev. Wright and ask them to fix the problem for you.

That's not right Gordan :flamer:

12-24-2009, 04:01 PM
This is my favorite of all the motor head posts. Personally I am happy that the Chicago cops are doing their job and more than tickled that although motor head can explain exactly why he gets tickets he has no clue as to why he gets tickets. Classic. Dennis:beer: Time for a scotch and a cigar while we wait for my solution to the problem. Tow and impound the car. :D

Amen Dennis, exactly my thoughts! :beer:

Merry Christmas to you, your family and everyone here on MM.net...

12-24-2009, 04:28 PM
It's just the Wheel of Karma. Pay the citation and move on.

12-24-2009, 05:01 PM
It's just the Wheel of Karma. Pay the citation and move on.

Hey Russ, MERRY CHRISTMAS! :xtree:

Don't believe anything this kid posts, usually it's just nonsense, he's starving for attention! :rolleyes:

Big Black Beast
12-24-2009, 05:01 PM
For whatever reason, you've become somebody's "special project". The first thing to ask is "are these citations actually valid?". If they are, you need to make other parking arrangements or move. If they aren't, then make sure they aren't and prove it. Whenever you get a citation, take time and date stamped pictures of the citation and your car. If you contest the citation and the photo can show that you, in fact, are not in violation, it should be dismissed. Do this each and every time. If it keeps happening, contact an attorney, most will do a consultation for free. He can tell you what the exact conditions of the ordinance you are being cited for actually are. It could be that you don't think you are in violation, but you really are. Or, it could be that whoever keeps citing you thinks you are, but you really aren't and is simply being overzealous. Unfortunately, the only way you can get this person to back off is if you can PROVE you are being repeatedly being cited without just cause.
Whatever you do, don't do anything stupid.

12-24-2009, 06:02 PM
Dom... I doubt calling Downtown is going to scare anybody for writing up Parkers or putting in a harassment beef! Be sure you're NOT in the wrong, be sure it's NOT a Meter Maid issuing the tickets, and I would probably call (911) and ask to speak to a Sgt., but it may be a while depending on how busy they are. Be polite and see if that can solve the problem.

12-24-2009, 07:19 PM
I would probably call (911)

911 is only for emergencies.

This situation is only an emergency in Dom's mind,

If he is going to call, he should use the non-emergency number.

12-24-2009, 08:00 PM
This is my favorite of all the motor head posts. Personally I am happy that the Chicago cops are doing their job and more than tickled that although motor head can explain exactly why he gets tickets he has no clue as to why he gets tickets. Classic. Dennis:beer: Time for a scotch and a cigar while we wait for my solution to the problem. Tow and impound the car. :D

You know what? Fvck you Dennis. When you have a problem and are looking for advice no one gives you any shiiiiit for it. I can't wait till you fall off your high horse and I can laugh and kick you when you're down too... but I won't because I'm not up to your level of being such a stuck up.

I guess you have never had a problem with authority, which means you have probably worked or are working for them. Just wait until you have a problem with something you have been doing for years and didn't get heat for it up until the past year when everyone is doing whatever they can to score cash. I have my had times and so does the city of chicago.

Last time I had a car towed it was one of the best days of my life. You know why? It was because the people that stole my truck parked it illegally and the city towed it away... guess what? That means it's was recovered due to being towed away. I have had nothing, but good luck with having my cars impounded. Wither it was a theft recovery or having it taken from a drunken family member.

W4LTD you are in the same boat. You probably write tickets yourself and laugh when stuff like this happens to anyone, but you. Fvck you too.

Where's the Tylenol?

BTW Martyo, I know to call 311. I'm wreckless, not stupid, but I know what's going to happen if I call "Get in line pal--" click! and they will hang up on me.

Gordon, I could contact the president in three phone calls, but I don't care to. Not over a parking ticket. I'll save that call for something huge.

12-24-2009, 08:25 PM
You know what? Fvck you Dennis. When you have a problem and are looking for advice no one gives you any shiiiiit for it. I can't wait till you fall off your high horse and I can laugh and kick you when you're down too... but I won't because I'm not up to your level of being such a stuck up.

I guess you have never had a problem with authority, which means you have probably worked or are working for them. Just wait until you have a problem with something you have been doing for years and didn't get heat for it up until the past year when everyone is doing whatever they can to score cash. I have my had times and so does the city of chicago.

Last time I had a car towed it was one of the best days of my life. You know why? It was because the people that stole my truck parked it illegally and the city towed it away... guess what? That means it's was recovered due to being towed away. I have had nothing, but good luck with having my cars impounded. Wither it was a theft recovery or having it taken from a drunken family member.

W4LTD you are in the same boat. You probably write tickets yourself and laugh when stuff like this happens to anyone, but you. Fvck you too.

Where's the Tylenol?

BTW Martyo, I know to call 311. I'm wreckless, not stupid, but I know what's going to happen if I call "Get in line pal--" click! and they will hang up on me.

Gordon, I could contact the president in three phone calls, but I don't care to. Not over a parking ticket. I'll save that call for something huge.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, Merry Christmas, Dom. :xtree:

I will not give you the sympathy and/or attention you so desire... other members here do that much too often!:dogrun:

Big Black Beast
12-24-2009, 08:44 PM
Woohoo! I see the lock coming.:rolleyes:

12-24-2009, 08:50 PM
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, Merry Christmas, Dom. :xtree:

I will not give you the sympathy and/or attention you so desire... other members here do that much too often!:dogrun:

Actually you already have by posting a responce smart guy.

If you actually wanna be useful give me advice, if you have a problem with me PM me or heck I will give you my number and we can figure each other out.

You have a Marauder and I do too. There is no reason why either one of us has to be a jerk towards one another.

Big Black Beast
12-24-2009, 09:00 PM
I gave you useful advice.
Just ignore what is not useful to you.

12-25-2009, 12:13 AM
911 is only for emergencies.

This situation is only an emergency in Dom's mind,

If he is going to call, he should use the non-emergency number.

Yeah, not a true emergency. Dispatchers will definitely put him at the bottom of the priority list, but they usually take time for a polite citizen.

12-25-2009, 12:48 AM
Yeah, not a true emergency. Dispatchers will definitely put him at the bottom of the priority list, but they usually take time for a polite citizen.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, polite or not, owes every other citizen the obligation to use the 911 system responsibly and properly.

12-25-2009, 01:16 AM
poor dom....such a victim

12-25-2009, 06:46 AM
Uhhhhhmmmm, wow. I'd just lick my wounds and go on.

12-25-2009, 08:45 AM
Peace on earth, good will towards men!

I'm thankful that I lead such an uneventful life. :hug:

12-25-2009, 11:28 AM
It was a nice few months while it lasted............

White Knuckles
12-25-2009, 01:13 PM
Best Wishes that today everyone is having a Merry Christmas!!

12-25-2009, 01:38 PM
In case some of you haven't noticed I never throw the first stone. The second I throw one back everyone throws one.

Thanks for the advice everyone else.

12-25-2009, 03:03 PM
Best Wishes that today everyone is having a Merry Christmas!!

I just ate a huge catered feast thanks to Mary Mac's!

Life is good!!!!

Plus no tickets were issued.

Now if I could find the keys to this Scout that someone dropped at my house, I could go muddin'!!!!!!

Da Dark Jedi
12-25-2009, 03:42 PM
Dom, it's a parking ticket. Call the desk of your district and they'll tell you to contest it. Mail it in and they will send you a hearing date sometime in Feb or Mar, they are behind now from 09. If your research says it a fee to argue the point, I'm not going to question that. I have a ticket issued for no front plates it was in the window. I have documents from the accident the wife had to show no bumper, it's free to me to contest it so I am! The book you are looking for is called "The Illinois Vehicle code Book" it's free call the Secretary of State office and they'll mail it to you for free. Our city needs the revenue to keep running, thats why it's now Two tickets to get the boot. Hell I got a parking ticket just for having tints, the car was parked, no one was in it (Yes the LEO's will do that), I contested it the judge ask if it was removed I said yes, the case was dissmissed. Use your connections from "Higher up" and see how much more they mess with you. I know a lady and they would ticket her once or twice a year for the same thing you are and she owns the house. Remember when you report a LEO here it goes on their record and get back is a BI**H.

Marto is right seek legal advice first and see what they say. Since you have the "Higher up connections" they'll be more than happy to help you for free (I hope). So far in 09 the city has paid out over $31 million for police abuse, false arrest and the likes. They'll hear your case and record your everyword and make a ruling right there. You'll probably see CTA bus drivers there for running the red lights, yes their there too. If you're worried about a $50 fine this is not the city to live in. Don't take the last sentence as hard on you, thats just how it is here.

12-25-2009, 06:16 PM

12-25-2009, 06:41 PM

In reguards to? :confused:

Da Dark Jedi
12-25-2009, 06:50 PM
Dom, forgot to add the ticket you got is a parking ticket, not a moving one, just like the one people get in the mail when they run a red light. It's always free to contest these, but if a certain city politician has his way the red light tickets will be a moving violation soon.

12-25-2009, 06:54 PM
So wait a second Leon, you're telling me there is no $75 court fee for a parking ticket?

Donny Carlson
12-25-2009, 07:21 PM
I just ate a huge catered feast thanks to Mary Mac's!

Life is good!!!!

Plus no tickets were issued.

Now if I could find the keys to this Scout that someone dropped at my house, I could go muddin'!!!!!!

Sigh. I enjoyed my plain baked potato and skinless baked chicken breast.

Somebody shoot me.

12-25-2009, 07:23 PM
Sigh. I enjoyed my plain baked potato and skinless baked chicken breast.

Somebody shoot me.

ummmm you guys aren't helping and have failed to hijack the thread.

Can you just PM each other or call each other.


Da Dark Jedi
12-25-2009, 07:43 PM
So wait a second Leon, you're telling me there is no $75 court fee for a parking ticket?

YES... What you have is a parking ticket, you send it in or call the number and they'll put you in the system. When the officer finish his book of tickets he'll submit the book and it will be officially entered into record. My ticket was issued on 10-13-09, my court date is in January 25-29. Since I'm SS I'll use the location at 95th and Jeffrey across from White Castle (There are other locations around the city you can chose from) to go in. There will be other persons there too. He'll record what you say and look at the documents you have and rule there. If he finds in your favor the ticket will be DISMISSED and he'll give you the print out right there (Save this for your records ALWAYS). If he finds against you, play the broke tune and he'll give you 30-45 days to pay. These guys are not judges to say, they are lawyers hired by the city. The city is behind now so there is a wait to get in. NO FEE CHARGED TO YOU!

12-25-2009, 08:06 PM
In reguards to? :confused:

Just thinking of a better way to resolve your issue and maybe the earlier suggestions I made were not the best...

Da Dark Jedi
12-25-2009, 08:20 PM
When you get a parking ticket always contest it. Since the city is in the red and will be there for sometime to come, the LEO's will write you up if they can and let you fight it. Ask a LEO who may drve by, what's the beat number and which district you're in. It may be hard to resist filing a complaint against the cop, just remember you don't want to attract this undue attention towards your car or yourself.

Here in Chicago once a cop starts writing a ticket they must complete it, even if you're right there to prove it was wrong they'll tell you to wait a week or so and contest it. A negative report on their record (LEO's) will not due you anygood, and the chances are this one was probably a rook anyway. Word of advice... When dealing in this type of politics, stealth is key. Get the job done and stay off the radar and everybody wins.

12-25-2009, 08:36 PM
Sounds like you have been there a lot more than I have. Thanks for the advice. I'll send in something come monday saying I'll go to court over it. It'll give me a reason to shower.

Da Dark Jedi
12-25-2009, 08:52 PM
Sounds like you have been there a lot more than I have. Thanks for the advice. I'll send in something come monday saying I'll go to court over it. It'll give me a reason to shower.

Just know how this city operates.:bows:

12-25-2009, 08:55 PM
Maybe it's because the City is so short on cash that thy're looking at any way to make money

12-25-2009, 10:44 PM
Get a handicapped permit...park wherever you like.

12-25-2009, 10:54 PM
Get a handicapped permit...park wherever you like.

My mom wouldn't apprecaite me taking hers. I think the permit must match the license plater as well.

Mike, that was my first thought. Police now rob the citizens.

12-25-2009, 11:43 PM
My mom wouldn't apprecaite me taking hers. I think the permit must match the license plater as well.

Mike, that was my first thought. Police now rob the citizens.

I dont think hes getting a cut, but I bet he has family and/or a friend on the block who complained about the sidewalk being blocked.

12-25-2009, 11:47 PM
I dont think hes getting a cut, but I bet he has family and/or a friend on the block who complained about the sidewalk being blocked.

Who knows really.

I know I am the reason they installed two speed bumps a block away from me. I never drove fast, but the exhaust noise made everyone think I was. Plus there are a ton of kids outside during the summer.

The neighbors know who I am, but don't talk to me and that's fine. I just go home to sleep.

12-25-2009, 11:49 PM

12-25-2009, 11:55 PM

LOL I forgot about that picture!

That is almost the same spot I got the ticket in. I was parked where the BMW is. You can't really tell from that angle how much of the sidewalk I am blocking or not blocking, but that's the spot.

I have been parking there for years the same exact way. Sometimes tail end out in the street or sometimes towards the garage. I should have a better picture soon, but that's it.

12-26-2009, 01:06 AM
Jeezzz... Dom, you're killing me over here! From this angle the BMW looks to be blocking the sidewalk too!

Da Dark Jedi
12-26-2009, 01:48 AM
Jeezzz... Dom, you're killing me over here! From this angle the BMW looks to be blocking the sidewalk too!

From the pic's, it looks like if the car is not in the garage completely your in (MAYBE) violation. The garage door is at the sidewalk or 3 inches from it. The sidewalk is a wide one. Matter of fact from the picture, I'm surprised the beat cop has not made money (Plenty of it) from this location. Whether it's 4yrs or 1 time, you may have gotten caught. Both cars are blocking the sidewalk, looks to be forcing people to use the street just walk. So if a wheelchair person comes along you guys are making them use the street and not have access to a public rightaway (the sidewalks) for their safety. Whomever posted this link to this picture may have done you an injustice. Dom PLEASE tell us this is not so!

This is why the city is using undercover cops to write tickets for people who block crosswalks at lights in the intersection. We all know Dom is not this type of person. Not saying you're right not saying you're wrong, it's A CLOSE CALL.

12-26-2009, 06:24 AM
If you came in to my law office with that picture, I would not even take a fee from you. I suggest you pay the ticket.

When I lived in New York in a mid-size suburban city, that parking job would get you at least two tickets, and possibly a tow.

Dom, it is no secret that you and I do not see eye to eye, but that picture shows just how ridiculous this thread is. This is not what I would call a close call.


12-26-2009, 06:34 AM
If you came in to my law office with that picture, I would not even take a fee from you. I suggest you pay the ticket.

When I lived in New York in a mid-size suburban city, that parking job would get you at least two tickets, and possibly a tow.

Dom, it is no secret that you and I do not see eye to eye, but that picture shows just how ridiculous this thread is. This is not what I would call a close call.

Pay the ticket, it's an obvious violation. Even in a small to medium sized city that would get you a couple of tickets.

You need to either find a place to park on the street (legally), enlarge the garage so it's deep enough to get 2 more cars in it, get rid of some cars, or move.

12-26-2009, 06:41 AM
Pay the ticket, it's an obvious violation. Even in a small to medium sized city that would get you a couple of tickets.

You need to either find a place to park on the street (legally), enlarge the garage so it's deep enough to get 2 more cars in it, get rid of some cars, or move.

It's obvious from that photo.....

12-26-2009, 07:14 AM
Pay the ticket, it's an obvious violation.

+2. ^^^^ No question at all.

12-26-2009, 08:51 AM
Get a handicapped permit...park wherever you like.

My mom wouldn't apprecaite me taking hers. I think the permit must match the license plater as well.

Dom, even with a handicapped permit you cannot legally block the sidewalk (because you would be blocking it for other handicapped persons), nor can you park "wherever" you want (i.e. fire zones, crosswalks, et. al.) -- from the photo, as it has been said a few times already, it's certainly a violation which would include a tow, especially if your street is considered a "snow emergency route". The photo speaks a thousand words and the only question in my mind is why do you consider yourself a "victim" here?

In light of the photo provided by Glockafella, it seems you're credibility has been squashed -- doesn't this matter at all to you that you now look like not only an idiot, but a complete liar as to the facts of this matter? :confused:

12-26-2009, 08:53 AM
Just because you have been parking this way for X years, that only means you have been getting away with it for that long, you should consider yourself lucky IMHO.
I can't even believe that you think that's a legit parking spot.

White Knuckles
12-26-2009, 09:16 AM
Now if I could find the keys to this Scout that someone dropped at my house, I could go muddin'!!!!!!

They're in the ash tray:) ,but it may be better used New Years as part of your fireworks display-------it backfires louder than an M80.

Da Dark Jedi
12-26-2009, 11:05 AM
Dom, even with a handicapped permit you cannot legally block the sidewalk (because you would be blocking it for other handicapped persons), nor can you park "wherever" you want (i.e. fire zones, crosswalks, et. al.) -- from the photo, as it has been said a few times already, it's certainly a violation which would include a tow, especially if your street is considered a "snow emergency route". The photo speaks a thousand words and the only question in my mind is why do you consider yourself a "victim" here?

In light of the photo provided by Glockafella, it seems you're credibility has been squashed -- doesn't this matter at all to you that you now look like not only an idiot, but a complete liar as to the facts of this matter? :confused:

OK... Let's stop the negative name calling. We all tune into Dom's thread (Myself included) for a laugh or to shake our heads. Motorhead has a UNIQUE view of life. Now in this situation (Parking) people in Chicago park like this ALL THE TIME, when their garages are built on the sidewalks. Yes the beat cops let them get away with it, but there is always a few who follow the city ordinance. The people complain like "Victims" also, when caught.

Dom probably knows he'll have to pay, he just wants to "Fight The Powers That Be". My suggestion that he contest the ticket gives him a chance to see the system in action and to give him more time to pay (Yes I'm telling him how to cheat) the fine. I'm guilty! My city needs the income so everybody is going to have to walk a certain line here.

Da Dark Jedi
12-26-2009, 11:16 AM
Get a handicapped permit...park wherever you like.

Yeah, that'll will work. Let a LEO see him doing that and not having a disable person in the car, here's what will happen.

1) They'll wait to watch him exit than he'll get a $500 ticket, since the permit is not registered to his car, who ever owns it runs the risk of having it suspended. I've watched the LEO's do this in the Jewel parking lots, now thats a laugh.

The Physically challenged wants these spots protected. So please give Motorhead good advice.:)

Joe Walsh
12-26-2009, 12:03 PM
It was a nice few months while it lasted............

It was only about 3 weeks....but it was a welcome break!

If you came in to my law office with that picture, I would not even take a fee from you. I suggest you pay the ticket.

When I lived in New York in a mid-size suburban city, that parking job would get you at least two tickets, and possibly a tow.

Dom, it is no secret that you and I do not see eye to eye, but that picture shows just how ridiculous this thread is. This is not what I would call a close call.


Pay the ticket, it's an obvious violation. Even in a small to medium sized city that would get you a couple of tickets.

You need to either find a place to park on the street (legally), enlarge the garage so it's deep enough to get 2 more cars in it, get rid of some cars, or move.


It's obvious from that photo.....

+2. ^^^^ No question at all.

Dom, even with a handicapped permit you cannot legally block the sidewalk (because you would be blocking it for other handicapped persons), nor can you park "wherever" you want (i.e. fire zones, crosswalks, et. al.) -- from the photo, as it has been said a few times already, it's certainly a violation which would include a tow, especially if your street is considered a "snow emergency route". The photo speaks a thousand words and the only question in my mind is why do you consider yourself a "victim" here?

In light of the photo provided by Glockafella, it seems you're credibility has been squashed -- doesn't this matter at all to you that you now look like not only an idiot, but a complete liar as to the facts of this matter? :confused:

Gentlemen! Gentlemen!

You are ignoring the fact that by quietly admitting he was wrong and paying the ticket....
this thread and all of its' attention would NEVER have happened!

12-26-2009, 01:27 PM
Again, you guys need to see it from the other angle. I know excuses excuses pay the fine....

I will go to court anyway and if I wasted my morning I wasted my morning.

If the cop doesn't show up, I get off, but that was for a moving violation. I am not sure if parking works the same way and seriously doubt it... I have no idea.

You have to see the other side of the alley to the left. The sidewalk is normal size after that. Bascially this is a weird situation. Right now $50 is worth fighting over, if I could afford it I would pay the fine and move on.

Da Dark Jedi
12-26-2009, 04:23 PM
Dom no cop WILL SHOW! It's just you, The Judge (Hearing Officer) and what ever documents you have to prove you're not in violation. They give you 5 Days to choose from, show in the morninig or afternoon, you don't have to tell them when you're coming, just show up in the week spread they give you. You have 5-10 minutes to make your case, there is people in seats behind you also waiting their turn. The person at the desk will look to see what hearing officer is free or have a light laod and tell you the room and have a seat. The Hearing Officer will then call you name or say next. He'll bring up the citation number on his screen and strat the tape to record what you say and the date. You don't have to wear a tie or suit, show up in your tee-shirt & gym shoes.

It does not matter if the sidewalk reduces in size after the alley, if your vehicle is blocking the walkway or a portion is, a determination will be made and you can ask while you're there to make sure. Be aware this situation can and may happen again if you presist in parking in this manner.

12-26-2009, 04:55 PM
Not to mention, your car is hanging out into the street...If it gets hit. Shame on you, Blame on you.

12-26-2009, 07:03 PM
I am so glad I have the next few days off. I am preparing my amicus brief on brief on behalf of the People of the City of Chicago.

If Dom is entitled to his unique view on life and to proceed accordingly, I guess I am entitled to do the same, no?

12-26-2009, 07:09 PM
This is like The Days of Rage all over again. Where's a Yippie when you need one?

Big Black Beast
12-26-2009, 08:23 PM
Okay, based on that picture, you need to park somewhere else or move. Forget blocking the sidewalk, I don't even care about that. I wouldn't leave my car with it's butt hanging out in the street like that for even half an hour, let alone overnight. Pay the ticket and find some other arrangement.

12-26-2009, 08:36 PM
Okay, based on that picture, you need to park somewhere else or move. Forget blocking the sidewalk, I don't even care about that. I wouldn't leave my car with it's butt hanging out in the street like that for even half an hour, let alone overnight. Pay the ticket and find some other arrangement.
I agree. I would rather park half a mile and walk than let my car hang out in the street like that. I would not do that for even 15 minutes. People dont give a ****** and will hit and run anything these days. When I lived in Chicago, I usualy parked where ever I could find a big space in the street. I did not care how far it was from where we lived. I would just 2-Shoe Express it back home from where ever I parked. And low and behold. I got no tickets!!

12-26-2009, 08:38 PM
Here is the picture I took with the ticket on the car.

You can see the clip of where the sidewalk starts isn't in front of my car.

As far as the tail out in the street you can clearly see that where the tail is, is where a car would be parked had it been parked like the rest on the street. When the street is full and my car is parked in the driveway, the rear end isn't sticking out any further than that Saabs drivers mirror.

12-26-2009, 08:49 PM
I think it would be a great plan to continue parking in that same spot as if you never got the ticket.

12-26-2009, 08:51 PM
I think it would be a great plan to continue parking in that same spot as if you never got the ticket.

I've gotten three there year for three different reasons.

I think you guys have forgotten I want to know who is doing this and get them to stop. Now that I have a garage there is no reason to park there again, but I do like it when I need to run in and out.

It's a tough life!

White Knuckles
12-26-2009, 10:19 PM

I think you guys have forgotten I want to know who is doing this and get them to stop. Now that I have a garage there is no reason to park there again, but I do like it when I need to run in and out.

It's a tough life!


12-26-2009, 10:30 PM


I see a handsome man.

This doesn't help me.


12-27-2009, 11:53 AM


I think that about sums it up....

12-27-2009, 12:21 PM
I think you guys have forgotten I want to know who is doing this and get them to stop. He doesn't have to stop. He is enforcing a law that you are breaking.

Deal with it.

12-27-2009, 12:28 PM
Nice looking rims

12-27-2009, 12:31 PM
You have a Marauder and I do too. There is no reason why either one of us has to be a jerk towards one another.

Damn.... i like this. we all need to live by this

12-27-2009, 12:56 PM
You know what? Fvck you Dennis. When you have a problem and are looking for advice no one gives you any shiiiiit for it. I can't wait till you fall off your high horse and I can laugh and kick you when you're down too... but I won't because I'm not up to your level of being such a stuck up.

I guess you have never had a problem with authority, which means you have probably worked or are working for them. Just wait until you have a problem with something you have been doing for years and didn't get heat for it up until the past year when everyone is doing whatever they can to score cash. I have my had times and so does the city of chicago.

Last time I had a car towed it was one of the best days of my life. You know why? It was because the people that stole my truck parked it illegally and the city towed it away... guess what? That means it's was recovered due to being towed away. I have had nothing, but good luck with having my cars impounded. Wither it was a theft recovery or having it taken from a drunken family member.

W4LTD you are in the same boat. You probably write tickets yourself and laugh when stuff like this happens to anyone, but you. Fvck you too.

Where's the Tylenol?

BTW Martyo, I know to call 311. I'm wreckless, not stupid, but I know what's going to happen if I call "Get in line pal--" click! and they will hang up on me.

Gordon, I could contact the president in three phone calls, but I don't care to. Not over a parking ticket. I'll save that call for something huge.

Kid, If you think a parking ticket for an obvious violation is down and out you are in for a long hard life. At 24 your baby days are over and YOU are responsible for your actions. Grow up, be a man. Stop crying because you can not always get your way and decide to contribute in a positive manner. You will have a better feeling about who and what you are. Good luck. Dennis...ps. thanks for the offer but no way, you are way to young for an intimate relationship with an adult.

12-27-2009, 01:25 PM
You know what? Fvck you Dennis.

W4LTD you are in the same boat. You probably write tickets yourself and laugh when stuff like this happens to anyone, but you.
Fvck you too.

He must really like us, Dennis... I am honored to be "grouped" with you! ;)

12-27-2009, 03:19 PM
Dennis, I know to take responsibility for my own actions and you are 100% correct and a few things.

1. I didn't have the same responsibilties that most did at certian ages, but I learned real fast in the past few years. Heck, what I had to face in the past two years most people don't face until their 40's. Believe me, multiple friends and shinks have told me so.

2. There is more to the story than just a parking ticket as you may have guessed. I have found the car parked pefectly legally to find a ticket for an expired plate, when the plate was still good for 11 months. I am claiming to have false tickets recieved on this car for years. It went away for 18 months and now the guy or girl is back. They never target my truck though. If you leave a car parked for more than a week in the same parking spot you will be written up for abandon vehicle, but I had the truck in the same spot for a month at one point because the steering went out and I couldn't afford to fix it. I never recieved a ticket once when I could have gotten four.

3. I believe you could have been a lot more helpful than you'd care to admit. You came here and posted that you happy this is happening to me. If anyone was being immature it was you. That reminds me of high school behavior or maybe even earlier than that. I came here asking about this and I know there are LEOs here. So whos immature? Me for asking a LEO how to deal with my problem(s) or you for laughing and hoping I get towed? Makes a lotta since Dennis.

What I learned most recently is I am going to have to put my cars in the garage all the time. I should be happy to have police in my area, now I have to hide my vehicles from them just because I am sick of them robbing from me. I'm still going to send the ticket back in the mail and if I am guilty I am guilty. I won't be parking there anymore except to work on the car. Even then I am by it all the time. It's a nice place to work and listen to your music in summer. If some girls like your music they walk a little slower down the sidewalk... it's a cool thing.

Back to our Marauders we go!

Da Dark Jedi
12-27-2009, 05:28 PM
2. There is more to the story than just a parking ticket as you may have guessed. I have found the car parked pefectly legally to find a ticket for an expired plate, when the plate was still good for 11 months. I am claiming to have false tickets recieved on this car for years. It went away for 18 months and now the guy or girl is back. They never target my truck though. If you leave a car parked for more than a week in the same parking spot you will be written up for abandon vehicle, but I had the truck in the same spot for a month at one point because the steering went out and I couldn't afford to fix it. I never recieved a ticket once when I could have gotten four.

What I learned most recently is I am going to have to put my cars in the garage all the time. I should be happy to have police in my area, now I have to hide my vehicles from them just because I am sick of them robbing from me. I'm still going to send the ticket back in the mail and if I am guilty I am guilty. I won't be parking there anymore except to work on the car. Even then I am by it all the time. It's a nice place to work and listen to your music in summer. If some girls like your music they walk a little slower down the sidewalk... it's a cool thing.

Back to our Marauders we go!

Dom, what you just experienced is your city at work. The reason the Blazer was not ticketed is because the Officer tries not to do this to old cars. Some gives these breaks to what appears to be low income people. Now the Marauder looks like the owner has that extra cash on hand (nice wheels by the way), hence the citation. True it's not fair but if life or nature was fair we all be living in wonderland.:beer:

Now on a quick side note.

Yesterday I get a call from a friend who works for the Department of Revenue. He ask if I had notice the increase in "Boots" activity on vehicles in the city, "yes I did". Long store short, word came down from higher up to make sure boots were on cars with two or more tickets on them. The city wanted the money for these violations, and since the offices was closed on the 24th afternoon until the morning of the 28th, people had their cars booted all this holiday weekend.

Dom, you DON'T have to send the citation in. Call the number on it, enter the citation number. If the LEO turned in his book it's on record, if not wait a couple of days and do it again. Once it's on record tell the person you want to contest it, they'll enter it in the system while your on the phone and tell you when to call back and find the date of the hearing. Now you just saved .44cents to apply to the (maybe) fine. And with the two month wait to see the hearing officer and the additonal 30-45 days to pay, thats .50cents a day to operate your car on the streets. Maybe less, It has taken me 90 days just to get in. Mine was issued on 10-13-09 my date is Jan. 25-29 of 2010.

Big Black Beast
12-27-2009, 08:27 PM
Here is the picture I took with the ticket on the car.

You can see the clip of where the sidewalk starts isn't in front of my car

Why is it every picture is taken at an angle that makes it hard to judge what's really happening? Even at his angle, it looks like the car's butt is 3 feet into the street. And I'm pretty sure the sidewalk, wherever it is, is being blocked. Just find somewhere else to park, even if you have to pay a neighbor for a space.

12-27-2009, 09:14 PM
Cars are allways parked on both sides of the street where he lives bumper to bumper. Where they have to stop parking (the entrance to his driveway) is where he is sticking out. It looks worse in the photos, but his bumper probably stops at about the grill on the parked cars in the street, you don't even see his car untill your right up on it. Also his driveway and the sidewalk are both concrete leaving it very hard to visually justify the boudaries. Trust me, with his car parked like that there is easily 4 feet or more between his bumper and the garage. Maybe parking sideways in the driveway would help???

Is he on the sidewalk? YES. Is he blocking anyone, even one on one wheel chair drags? NO. There is PLENTY of room for a city tractor with blower to pass by and clean the walks. I went thru this same crap at my first house. Good luck, but in the end you will lose.

12-27-2009, 10:31 PM
He doesn't have to stop. He is enforcing a law that you are breaking.

Deal with it.

Do you ever have anything good to say?

12-29-2009, 01:36 AM
I sent in the ticket yesterday contesting it. My fortune cookie today said a judgment will rule in my favor. Woo hoo!