View Full Version : ExxonMobil Speedpass Screwup?

11-01-2003, 03:23 AM
Any of you use this thing?

I got it a while back and hardly use it since my local Amoco station has the cheapest 93 on Wednesday's and Friday's, lol

But when I go to events thats the preferred place to fill up. I have the Speedpass linked to my ExxonMobil credit card so besides being convenient it saves me money.

To my surprise when the bill came today one transaction was missing. Has anyone else experienced such an odd event? Could it be just delay in processing for a particular gas station or is the West Virginia Police looking for me now for fleeing a gas station without paying... (I actualy left after waiting for a minute or two at the pump for a receipt, which it never gave me but the gas was probably the best fuel I've ever had in the car, I went 50 miles longer between fuel ups than I normaly do, good stuff)

Anyway, whats the deal, anyone know? On the bill I have transactions from the night before of me fueling up at Exxon in Maryland, a day after I have a transaction of me fueling up at my Amoco station (where I still save money using my ExxonMobil card) but the Exxon station in West Virginia on I81 is missing.

Should I be worried or be happy? I'm being confused right now.


11-01-2003, 04:12 AM
Don't worry, you'll get the bill. Some stations process their accounts slower than others. I use speedpass all the time and always get billed, but not in order of the fill ups. Check out the upromise program if you haven't already.

11-01-2003, 05:57 AM
West Virginia, oh are you in trouble now!:nono: Haven't you ever seen in the movies on what happens to you if you stop in WV. Your luck to be alive!!;) or for that matter to not have been captured. I was pulled over for speeding one time in WV on Route 9. The LEO comes up to my car and said "Hey boy, what you doing speeding in MY County?" as he spits out his tobacco juice. I said "Sorry SIR I did not see the posted speed limit." He tells me to slow it down and lets me go with a warning. Enough of my story the one piece of advice That I can give you is if you have to go through WV. DON'T STOP!!

Nah, your probably ok. It will just take them a little longer to process the paper work. Wait I did't know they had Speed Pass in WV, when did they make it into the 20th Century.

This post is not meant to reflect or flame anyone from WV:flamer:

11-01-2003, 06:13 AM
Oh boy!

lol... but seriously thats what I was thinking too, it'll get here eventually, just worried me a little that the damn gas station didn't give me a receipt and now this.

speaking of speeding, I was hauling ass! While still in Virginia I noticed a trooper sitting behind an overpass wall on the right side as I was doing about 85mph with a newer Mustang GT behind me pushing. I managed to slow down considerably before I passed the overpass, and as I approached I can see the Trooper practically powerbreaking, anxiously awaiting me passing so he can fly after me... The sight of my car, or perhaps another one in a million reason, stopped him and as I starred at his car while passing anticipating a ticket, he put the car back in park and le the foot off the brake pedal, continuing to sit waiting for other speeders...

By the time I reached West VA I wouldn't dare break 80mph, 79mph all the way to Pennsylvania where a Subary WRX wanted to play, surprisingly enough even a couple of minutes at 110mph I still got the best gas mileage this car has ever seen.... I dunno what them West Virginas put in my fuel but I like it, wish we had the good stuff in Jerzey!


11-01-2003, 07:49 AM
Seriously if I don't get my receipt at the pump I go inside. It is always better to talk to a person than deal with a machine, well then again. It is real funny down here in Maryland living as close as I do to WV. You hear all kinds of stories and you can even tell the difference in the (I do not know the politically correct term) hillbillies. I being originally from Jersey and still having a slight accent, sometimes when I go out into the backwoods people kind of look at me funny.

11-01-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Haggis
sometimes when I go out into the backwoods people kind of look at me funny.

Now that explains a lot of what was going on in Hershey!!!

Although I did see a few of the Amish women giving you the once over when Chris wasn't around!!

11-01-2003, 09:26 AM
Yea, I always get strange looks from religious fanatics. They either want to save my soul or burn me at the stake.

11-01-2003, 04:30 PM
Since you live in jersey, I'm surprised you even knew how to pump gas. :lol: Kidding aside, like haggis said, if you don't get a receipt, you should go inside to get it. I've never had a problem though with my speedpass, you just need to wait for the lit tiger or Pegasus.

11-01-2003, 04:39 PM
Russ - Not to worry, your next statement will have that transaction. When you put your card in the pump you fulfilled your obligation, if the computer erred then its on them. But that is very very rare.

11-01-2003, 04:43 PM
IMHO if they didn't bill you, then you should send the money, plus applicable interest and sales tax, to me.

Paul T. Casey
11-01-2003, 05:00 PM
I got an extra ten for change at a fillin' station once, turned right around and mailed it to Marty. Even if they bill you, I think you should send payment to Marty.

11-01-2003, 06:39 PM
Don't worry Russ Exxon-Mobil did not get to as big as they are by giving gas away. It will be on your next bill...with interest :)

11-01-2003, 09:45 PM
I have noticed the same thing---I always get better mileage on WV and Penn gas--about 40 r/t Dallas to Wilkes Barre over the past 20 yrs