View Full Version : Latest Mod!

Donny Carlson
12-31-2009, 09:13 PM
Yesterday I got stent #3 placed. Man, I'm friggin TIRED of this. Doc placed it through the groin artery, and those of you who've had this can appreciate how fun it is when a cath tech comes in and presses down hard on "the site" for 20 mintues so it will seal up. Then comes 8 hours of lying still and not moving that leg so you won't open it up and bleed. Yuck.

Good news is my bp was 115 over 59 this morning. Nice to have open arteries again. I can now proceed to continue modding my Challenger so I can take Mr. Old Dude to the woodshed at some point in the future!!

Bradley G
12-31-2009, 09:16 PM
WTG Donny, hope your recovery is speedy and complete!

12-31-2009, 09:28 PM
Dude...if you had a friend named Ren, you'd be Stinty...:P

Bear in mind it's 30 before the hour and I'm trashed lolz.

Get better already.;)

01-01-2010, 05:04 AM
Donny, as much pain as you may be in, I am glad you are around!!!

01-01-2010, 09:20 AM
Donny = glad your OK - no fun, I'm sure. I will contact the Olde Dude, but in all honestly reaching 11.80 will take alot of work and $. You will need a SC to have any real chance and at least 550 HP. I would also throw an auto in the mix to help.

Take it easy and don't over do it. See you in February for C&O.

Glenn Ford (friend of the Olde Dude) :burnout:

01-01-2010, 10:04 AM
Yesterday I got stent #3 placed. Man, I'm friggin TIRED of this. Doc placed it through the groin artery, and those of you who've had this can appreciate how fun it is when a cath tech comes in and presses down hard on "the site" for 20 mintues so it will seal up. Then comes 8 hours of lying still and not moving that leg so you won't open it up and bleed. Yuck.

Good news is my bp was 115 over 59 this morning. Nice to have open arteries again. I can now proceed to continue modding my Challenger so I can take Mr. Old Dude to the woodshed at some point in the future!!
To me that was the worst part of the whole procedure, Ive never been so B&B. Looked like a truck ran over me.

White Knuckles
01-01-2010, 12:17 PM
Happy New Year Donny!!
Glad you got that behind you and hope you are feeling better soon.
We will miss you at C & O Sunday, but it's probably a good one to miss-----forecasting 20 degrees Sunday Morning:eek:.

01-01-2010, 12:24 PM
Glad you're recovering well and we're haPpPy to hear you're still here, NOW DON"T MOVE THAT LEG!

01-01-2010, 12:27 PM
Yesterday I got stent #3 placed. Man, I'm friggin TIRED of this. Doc placed it through the groin artery, and those of you who've had this can appreciate how fun it is when a cath tech comes in and presses down hard on "the site" for 20 mintues so it will seal up. Then comes 8 hours of lying still and not moving that leg so you won't open it up and bleed. Yuck.

Good news is my bp was 115 over 59 this morning. Nice to have open arteries again. I can now proceed to continue modding my Challenger so I can take Mr. Old Dude to the woodshed at some point in the future!!

I hope that does the trick for you and you don't have to go thru any more stuff.
Things have been pretty crummy for me the past year and a half,one thing after another and this winter they're going to taking out my thyroid and then removing a bunch of veins in my legs that are causing poor circulation down. I'm not looking forward to any of it although they say it should help me feel better afterwards,we'll see.
Anyway,you get better and get home and I hope you have a healthy and Happy New Year.

01-01-2010, 05:39 PM
Donny, I know it is frustrating, very painful and restrictive but we are all happy that you are making progress and becoming healthy. All the best in 2010. Thanks for keeping us posted and for the humor you bring to the clubhouse. Dennis

01-01-2010, 07:24 PM
Well if your around to tell about how bad could it have been:)

Glad you feeling better.