View Full Version : ETown Street Wars results...

11-02-2003, 04:13 PM
ARG!!! There was a TON of people there. All 500 tech cards sold out by 10:30am (the gates opened at 9:00am). I'd say there were at least another 700 people there as spectators. Due to the large amount of attendees, we were only able to get two time trials before the eliminations started.

I got to the track and realized that I had a full tank of gas... IDIOT!! Also, I forgot to empty out my trunk... DOUBLE IDIOT!! So, combined with the hot weather, I figured I'd be running about a 14.0. What do ya know... I ran a 14.094 and a 14.092. I made my dial-in for 14.085.

First round of eliminations: I red light by .02 seconds. Even if I didn't, I would've broken out due to my 13.98 pass! S.O.B.!!!
I met a lot of MM owners there who aren't on the site. They didn't have their cars at the track, but I could tell they were really owners... very enthusiastic.

A big "nice to meet you goes out to John, Billy, and Bob. It's always good to see Marty out. Gavin also made a special appearance, but they had sold out of tech cards long before his arrival.

11-02-2003, 07:45 PM
A definite good time was had by all. We pitched at least two new members for the site.

Don;t let him kid you with the full tank jive. Ryan's car was running great! Nice consistent times. Once he puts the T/C in his car, I will be screwed as he will have the fastest N/A MM in North America!!

In the meantime my life was better today than it was on Friday. I ran nice consistent times today 13.8 - 13.9. My car was running so well on my last pass, I thought I was going to break out of my 13.8 dial in, so I soft pedaled at the end of my run. A little too much though!! I ran a 13.91 with a 90 mph trap speed (as you can see, I was slowing down -- wish I hadn't lifted as I probably missed out on my fastest pass of the day and handed my opponent the win).

I sure hope some of the guys we pitched log in. We did have a good turnout though and we now know that John has the sites fastest Volvo!!

Mike M
11-02-2003, 08:01 PM
What did I miss????? You guys have to keep me informed of these events!!!!!!

11-02-2003, 09:52 PM
any pix yet?

sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!


11-02-2003, 10:35 PM
it was good being out there, and meeting everyone in person. For me it was not only the first time I ran my Marauder at the track, but the first time I ever raced at the track at all. Like Constable said, we were only able to get two time trials. But my best time was a 14.4 ET. I can't wait to get those Kook's headers on. On the way home I made the mistake of taking the GW bridge.:rolleyes: The traffic was herrendous! Bumper to bumper for miles. It took me 4 hours to get home! While on the highway and things were moving as if though it was a parking lot, I started dozing behind the wheel, and I had to find a way to stay awake. So I began Launching my car from a standstill every time the traffic would begin moving, and when some kids on side of me were mimicking me w/their own car, and started jamming down on the throttle, it was time for some games to keep me awake. So when these kids passed by again in the lane to my left, I did a burnout while the car was just standing still and left those kids and others in a cloud of smoke. As half of them in that car hung out the window watching, I saw their mouths hang open as if though they've never seen a car that can do a burnout in real life. They all started waving their hands to try to clear the smoke, and then said to me "Hey, that car moves! What kind of car is that!" ........I also had a guy in a SUV pull up along side me and say "Man, I've never seen a car like that. What is it? That car looks nice!" Then when I told him that it's a Mercury Marauder, he asked "Does it move?". So I looked in front me and saw that the traffic once again was beginning to move and so I had some space between me and the car ahead of me. So I pegged it and when the lane that I was in came to a standstill once again, the guy in the SUV went by me in the lane to my right, hit his horn, and gave me a thumbs up. I probably just sold two more Marauders some place in New York. Mercury outta pay me for advertising for them.:rolleyes:

11-02-2003, 10:44 PM
C'mon, Mike!! This event has been posted for at least three to four weeks. I thought for sure that you would've seen it! In the infamous words of the Jerky Boys, "Open yer eyes there, slappy a$$!"

11-04-2003, 06:18 PM
Here are a couple of pics from this event (officially dubbed the "E-Town MMini MMeet."

I will post more pictures later of Billy "The KId" G-Man's Car shrouded in smoke.



And yeah, I got beat by the Ricer....But I ran a 13.91 with a 90 mph trap speed (my normal trap speed is 97.5 mph or better). I thought I was going to break out of my 13.8 dial in and got out of it just a little too much!

11-04-2003, 06:54 PM
Great photos Marty. You are an awesome photographer.

11-04-2003, 08:09 PM
Marty - Nice pics. Sounds like you are really into the drag race scene.:coolman: :up:

11-04-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by JET
Great photos Marty. You are an awesome photographer.

Thanks! The tough part is taking the birds eye view photos while driving. A little trick photgraphy! ;)

11-04-2003, 09:15 PM
Here I am at the water box:


And here is BillyGMan smokin' 'em:


11-04-2003, 10:53 PM
a good time, and it was a good experience for me. That place was packed w/all kinds of cars. I even saw a big block Jag w/a huge hood scoop! There was also a Dodge Viper that ran a 12.2 ET. There were 500 cars there being raced!!! Thanks for posting those pics Marty. You must have got me right when I started the smoke show or after most of it was over, cuz I thought that I heated them up better than that. But I'm glad you brought your camera, cuz I forgot to bring one.;)