View Full Version : Possible scam warning

Mike Poore
01-07-2010, 04:34 PM
I got a text msg from an outfit calling itself RNR Mobile Club telling me that my subscription will renew on 1/9/10 @ $9.99/month. They give a phone number: 866-616-6076, to contact them. The phone number is nothing more than a vehicle to get personal info IE: home phone and Email address, as they also want you to email them at support@mbmobile.com. There was also a reference to "RINGINGROCK" dot com. I don't know how they got my cell # but I called my cell provider and they had no clue who these guys are. I also contacted my credit card and alerted them that there may be a fraudulent charge from these guys. It's a new scam to me, but not the first time someone has tried something like this. Keep your eyes open, folks, I'm sure I'm not the only target.


Mike Poore
01-07-2010, 04:48 PM
After some searching, it appears to be a little "gotcha" these guys are pulling when you play games on Facebook. I see from the friendship requests that Facebook has become very popular as are the games like MAJUNG we've been playing. In any case they're collecting a ton of data about the users and don't mind sharing it with folks like RingNrock. I guess this is a large Red Flag I'm waving about Facebook.

01-07-2010, 05:34 PM
just ignore it.... It'll phase out like the "Your vehicle warranty has expired" calls that everyone was getting constantly

Mike Poore
01-07-2010, 05:47 PM
just ignore it.... It'll phase out like the "Your vehicle warranty has expired" calls that everyone was getting constantly

Easy to say, Ryan; but you know what they say about paranoid folks.

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you".:D

The folks at the credit card said they'll keep an eye out for any charges, so I guess it's ok, and these guys were just on a fishing expedition. ;)

01-07-2010, 07:36 PM
Those little scams are all too common. Another area to look for is coupons mailed to you for services in the fine you see that when you redeem the coupon you automatically subscribe to a "service" with a monthly fee.

Mr. Man
01-07-2010, 08:46 PM
C'mon Mike, Facebook, text messaging. Tell the truth your grand kids put you up to this post didn't they?:P

01-08-2010, 07:32 AM
Sometimes if you see those little pop-ups on the computer that say take this quiz or challenge and they ask for your cell phone to give you your score...that's how they get your cell and then bill you 9.95 a month direct bill to your cell and unless you check your bill it keeps on billing (they got the Mrs. with that crap).

Mike Poore
01-08-2010, 07:44 AM
C'mon Mike, Facebook, text messaging. Tell the truth your grand kids put you up to this post didn't they?:P

Actually, they did. When the kids were in from Ohio, last fall, they set us up on Facebook. Speaking of Facebook, we got sucked into giving them WAY much information, which they sell to anyone willing to pay them: like the ring-tone scammers; who, BTW, operate under at least 3 AKA's, so far as I know.

01-08-2010, 07:44 AM
I got a text msg from an outfit calling itself RNR Mobile Club telling me that my subscription will renew on 1/9/10 @ $9.99/month.

"RNR Mobile" was formerly known as the "Midget Strippers Digest". ;) I think that they got your automatic subscription crossed with DOOM's renewal.


I normally just ignore all of those phone and e-mail phishing efforts and keep my eye on any unusually posting to my credit card bills.

01-08-2010, 08:14 AM