View Full Version : Mike/Barb/Navagitor involved in a crash

Mike Poore
01-08-2010, 02:21 PM
Traveling South on US 15, just North of Thurmont on our way to the Orthopedic Surgeon to look at Barb's poor shoulder (another story) We encountered very high winds and snow drifting across the highway. We were in the right lane going about 50MPH and a trucker was in the fast lane passing several cars and us. The wind caught him and he started to jackknife and came clear into our lane, clipping the driver's side mirror and forcing us off the road. We hit and broke off a light standard and crossed a culvert and ditch, sliding sideways into a field, coming to rest on the access road to The Shamrock Restaurant. Both Driver's side rims were broken and the rear tire blown out. We have no idea as to the damage to the undercarriage, but the fuel pump relay was thrown, and there was a trail of green liquid following the skid marks. Also I retrieved some steel debris, prolly suspension pieces parts. The rear Passenger door is damaged on the lower quarter, and the retractable running board is toast. The air bags did not deploy and neither one of us got so much as a bump. The trucker stopped and the fire trucks & rescue guys came, as well as local & MD State police. There was no question as to who was at fault and so, now we'll see how the trucking company's insurance handles the incident. We're covered by Erie, and they are already helping out with what we need to know/do. The poor Navigator was taken to Crouse Ford in Taneytown, and as usual they couldn't do enough for us, by fax ing the MSP report to the necessary parties and giving us a new Taurus to drive until the insurance co gets us one. We were lucky, and thank heaven for that wonderful barge we drive.

01-08-2010, 02:26 PM
The important thing is you both are unhurt, especially after tangling with a trailer-truck.

01-08-2010, 02:27 PM
My gosh Mike, I am glad to hear you're all OK. :beer:

01-08-2010, 02:34 PM
Glad to hear that you guys are OK.

01-08-2010, 02:39 PM
Glad y'all are OK. We were in a bad thunderstorm right before Christmas in a similar situation when a trucker passed us going close to 70. I was going maybe 40 because of the weather. My wife said "Those are the kinds of ________s that cause crashes and kill people" I guess you saw first hand what she was talking about.

01-08-2010, 02:42 PM
Glad you're ok. Protected by a real machine instead of stuck in one of those econoboxes they want to stick us in.

01-08-2010, 02:49 PM
I got passed by several truckers going 70 when the rest of traffic was going ~45 during our snow storm Wednesday night. Every time the weather is bad it is the same story.

Yeah, I don't care if they have a deadline. I don't care if they lose $ if they are late. They cause deaths.

It isn't just a few of them. It is the majority of them out there every time the weather is bad -- and I don't have a lot of sympathy for them when I see the cab upside down in the median.

Mike Poore
01-08-2010, 03:00 PM
It will be interesting to see how his insurance company tries to spin it. (no pun intended)
And, about the Navigator: I remember someone saying it was unfair of us to be driving such a barge. She said, "well if you hit me, I might be killed, and you might not even be hurt". ....EXACTLY...

Mr. Man
01-08-2010, 03:04 PM
Glad to here you guys are OK. Shaken but not stirred so to speak. Hope you guys are considering coming to Red Brick Station Sun.

01-08-2010, 03:16 PM
Dang that sounds scary

01-08-2010, 03:51 PM
Glad to hear everyone is OK!

I've driven these rigs before. I disliked it so much I quit after three weeks. Before blaming the truck driver for going to fast you should first drive one for yourself.

The ride is so soft and comfortable that the driver is really disconnected from the road. Very little feedback. Air-ride seats, air-ride cab, and air-ride suspension make it very difficult to determine the best speed for road conditions.

It's akin to setting a lazy boy recliner on a waterbed. Match this with steering similar to that of a '74 Dodge Monaco with 240k miles. This for a new truck. I imagine once they get 1,000,000 + miles on them they get worse.

Now throw in an inexperianced driver that has (at most) 3 weeks of truck driving school, bad weather, rock hard/long life tires, and unfamiliar roads.

Commercial buses are better in the wind. I drove them too. Imagine looking in your side view mirror and the only thing you see is your trailer. It is NOT fun.

This driver was obviously going too fast for conditions but probably never even knew it.

01-08-2010, 03:55 PM
My heart jumped when I read the title of the thread! I quickly looked to see who posted and I was so glad it was you! What a scare! Glad your chariot protected you both!!


01-08-2010, 04:17 PM
glad your ok, what year was the lincolin? sounds pretty close to a write off by your description

01-08-2010, 04:24 PM
Glad to hear you and Barb are fine, hopefully no aches and pains in the morning.

You know what they say; "Built FORD tough!!!"

01-08-2010, 04:37 PM
Not to ding young drivers, but it was probably your age and experience that saved you. Thank God y'all are alright.

Mike Poore
01-08-2010, 05:20 PM
glad your ok, what year was the lincolin? sounds pretty close to a write off by your description

It's a new one, less than a year on the road and ~9K on the clock.

01-08-2010, 06:31 PM
WOW Mike! SORRY to hear of your wreck, but thank God you're both FINE!! SCARY is right as others have said and to only imagine IF you'd not been in such a nice/big SAFE barge...to hell w/ these damn Electro Econo Boxes they want us to be in!! Keep us posted on what happens with the insurance...UGH! (I bet that new Taurus in the meantime is OK but God I'd bet you MISS your Navigator too!!)

Take care!

-John ('J1B')

01-08-2010, 06:38 PM
Glad to hear that you and Barb came out of this without a scratch. Keep us posted on the Navigator, though.

01-08-2010, 07:14 PM
I still hope you get checked out.........

Glad you came out OK. (so to speak)

In the blink of an eye change so quick on the highway........Glad you were pay attention!

01-09-2010, 12:39 AM
Glad to hear that no one got hurt...

01-09-2010, 12:45 AM
Mike I'm glad to hear you 2 walked away without a scratch. :sweat:
Thank god you both are ok!

01-09-2010, 05:15 AM
Glad you 2 are OK. I would think loooooong and hard about letting them repair it. Tha was a fine ride and cost $$$$. I would ask for a new one. You bought that behemoth to pull a trailer,and I would not feel comfortable using it for that once repaired. I know how particular you are with your vehicles and I just know you will not be happy with one that has had that kind of damage repaired. Just my '02.

Mike Poore
01-09-2010, 07:20 AM
You bought that behemoth to pull a trailer,and I would not feel comfortable using it for that once repaired. Just my '02.

In retrospect, our decision to buy a new tow vehicle, rather than modifying the Navigator, turned out to have been the wisest choice after all, Dan. The Navigator was properly loaded onto a rollback and removed from the crash scene, directly to Crouse Ford, in Taneytown, MD, where complete evaluation will be made, next week. It's too bad we'll be dealing with another insurance company who's best interests will be served by attempting to screw us any way they can. They are already trying to say there was no contact, which could end up supporting any argument they may attempt, by saying the accident was our fault.

I really think the Navigator can be fixed up, good as new, and it's at the right place for that to happen.

Ms. Denmark
01-09-2010, 07:49 AM
I was so shocked and concerned when I saw the thread. We had just seen you guys (and your Navigator) and driven that same route ourselves, what..... a week ago? And the last conversation I had with Barb was about her shoulder. I'm relieved that you two are physically none the worse for wear! It's unnerving how quickly something terrible can go wrong on the road. If you had not been protected by a large, well built vehicle, we might be reading/responding to a far more tragic thread.

One of my biggest concerns when purchasing something to drive on the mean streets, is how well can it protect me? Can I step on the gas to get out of the way if needed? Or if the worse happens, is it built to keep me in one piece? You guys are on the road a lot. I totally understand the need for driving a barge. It prolly saved your life!

01-09-2010, 08:31 AM
Mike I'm glad you two are OK. It only takes a second for Stuff to happen.

01-09-2010, 08:36 AM
Glad you're ok


Ralph Sr.
01-09-2010, 08:57 AM
glad you guys are ok, thats the main thing !!! you are right mike, how insurance companys try to turn story around for their best interests ... just hang in there, to bad that driver would not own up to the real story.. in todays world its always about bottom line !!., ralph sr./rkvette

Mike Poore
01-09-2010, 09:17 AM
, to bad that driver would not own up to the real story.. in todays world its always about bottom line !!., ralph sr./rkvette

Quite to the contrary, Ralph. The driver readily admitted to the State Police, the accident was entirely his fault, and that due to the wind and drifted snow, he should have not attempted to pass the string of traffic, and furthermore his truck had come into our lane, forcing us off the road. The question remains; did he actually hit our vehicle? Of course, the crushed driver's side mirror on the Navigator proves that he did. They'll say otherwise, to be sure.

Thanks everyone for your kind words, concern and best wishes.

01-09-2010, 11:04 AM
Glad to hear you are okay, Mike. Get well, soon. Attend to the Navigator later.

01-09-2010, 11:09 AM
im glad you guys walked away, thats why i like big American cars.

01-09-2010, 12:01 PM
Glad to hear you guys weren't hurt Mike. We just picked up our new to us LS8 from Aleen's wreck of 12-28-09.

SC Cheesehead
01-09-2010, 12:04 PM
Wow, Mike! Glad to hear you guys are okay.

01-09-2010, 12:48 PM
All of us here are glad you're O.K., the dogs send a lick via the monitor.

01-09-2010, 12:56 PM

Good talking to you as always.

Especially glad that you and Barb do not have so much as a bruise or sore body the day after!

Keep us posted..


01-10-2010, 08:49 AM
Glad to hear that both of you are OK, and that barge did it's job protecting you. It's replaceable, but you and Barb... never!


Mike Poore
01-14-2010, 05:46 PM
Glad to hear that both of you are OK, and that barge did it's job protecting you. It's replaceable, but you and Barb... never!


Especially Barb.

OK, here's what's going on. The Navigator is at Crouse Ford at Taneytown, and the insurance guys are done. It looks like $5,000 should cover everything:

replace driver's side headlight lens (HID'S)
repair scratch on hood
replace driver's side mirror
replace air dam at bottom of front fascia
replace both rims/tires on driver's side
replace fender wells driver's side front & back
replace retract step on driver's side
replace door bottom cladding front & rear door
repair & repaint lower rear door minor damage
repair/paint minor damage to driver's side rear quarter panel
repair/replace rear suspension yoke & minor suspension bits
do complete 4 wheel alignment
balance & inspect wheels and tires on passenger's side
The wheels ran over the light standard and clipped it off, which is what caused most of the damage. Another six inches to the right and we'd have just gone for a ride in the field. It should be fixed and back home in another two weeks, at most. Parts were ordered today.

Thank you, MM family, for the concern and good wishes. :grouphug: