View Full Version : Pet Peevs

11-03-2003, 07:44 PM
Those annoying thing/events/whatevers--

Okay--we all have them--you know--those things that just drive you crazy--and as car crazy folks as we are , well , we surely have them even more--and on our MM--well, you can be sure we have gone to maybe even getting new ones--

So..what is you pet peeve regarding your MM that just gets you --going--angry-pixxed off--or etc..till you either fix it or have it fixed---kids are great for some of this stuff--if you have them---anyway --I'll go first then..

My Pet Peeve is-- SMEARED/BUG SMEAR /OR UNCLEAR WINDSHIELD/WINDOWS-- Gets me everytime --gotta find something to clean them before even moving off the the driveway---

So how about you'all------------

11-03-2003, 07:51 PM
I must be the frontal lobotomy type...no pet peeve other than I don't get to drive it enough!

11-03-2003, 07:54 PM
BUCKWHEAT----You got me on that one--:lol:

11-03-2003, 07:59 PM
Noises or Vibrations in my car caused by normal wear or just my loud bass loosening things up :) I have to fix those, every time. You can't enjoy music with rattles.

11-03-2003, 08:18 PM
Crappy in-dash factory stereo systems. Even my 15 year old son commented, "Alpine? Even they must think it's bad if they won't put their name on it..." I had to agree with him.

You can just tell some Ergonomic Bean Counter had their hands in the design of these.

11-03-2003, 08:20 PM

11-03-2003, 08:32 PM
My pet peeve is that Todd (TAF) gets so damn jealous that my car is so much faster, so much sweeter and so much better than his. In fact, my car is even blacker than his. Poor Todd.....


11-03-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by martyo
My pet peeve is that Todd (TAF) gets so damn jealous that my car is so much faster, so much sweeter and so much better than his. In fact, my car is even blacker than his. Poor Todd.....


Let's see your dynos, Marty:down:

11-03-2003, 09:37 PM
Maraurderman, I have that same pet-peeve. It seems that this car gets more bugs on the windshield than any other car I have had. I think the windshield sits straighter up and down than others. Also, I hate bird droppings. I don't know why people feed the critters.

11-03-2003, 09:39 PM
My pet peeve is a seemingly open road when from nowhere a tow truck or other big vehicle comes onto the highway and you got to slow down and backoff and theres nothing but double yellow lines for miles.That's not driving it's following.I never follow anything I hate following.

11-03-2003, 09:41 PM
The subwoofer rattle (which has been "fixed" twice without success) and my new-found exhaust leak... ARG!!! I want to rip someone's head off!!!!

11-03-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by TAF
Let's see your dynos, Marty:down:

I forget is it about the dyno sheets or the timeslips....Can someone remind me please?

11-03-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by martyo
I forget is it about the dyno sheets or the timeslips....Can someone remind me please?
It doesn't matter...you can't figure out how to scan or post either...:lol:

Go to sleep!:sleepy:

11-03-2003, 09:59 PM
Calm down you two! (P.S. - it's about the timeslips...)

11-03-2003, 10:17 PM
"I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic f*****g hatreds!" :uzi:

11-03-2003, 10:27 PM
People slamming my doors/trunk.

11-04-2003, 12:34 AM
People who lean against my car! And people that park in my spot!

That's about it...:D

11-04-2003, 01:15 AM
1. Three people in three lanes all doing the same speed limit.
2. People that rush around you and cut you off only to exit or stop.
3. People that do 55 in the fast lane.

11-04-2003, 05:14 AM
Got to admit-- the list so far can be added to most everyones list am sure--at least mine---at least we're in /on the same wave length in our thinking--Must be the MM doing it to us--you think?

11-04-2003, 06:13 AM
People who don't use turn signals!

Oh, Oh! And those girls who have a cell phones glued to their ears and don't pay attention.

Those are high on my list.

O's Fan Rich
11-04-2003, 06:42 AM
Road tar peeves me.

11-04-2003, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by Constable
Calm down you two! (P.S. - it's about the timeslips...)

If you're building a "1/4 mile killer"...yes.

However, I'm building a "Grand Touring Car" that can compete with any BMW, Mercedes or Audi large 4-door sedan...for less than half the price...
so power, handling & torque are in order.

BTW...not to be a complete hijack...

My pet peeve...

Anyone in front of me on the road.

11-04-2003, 07:03 AM
Turn signals, or lack there of.....

And being in a rental car when you finally come across the middle aged man in his covertable POS mustang that sounds like a vacuum cleaner and STILL outruns you....:mad:

11-04-2003, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by CRUZTAKER
Turn signals, or lack there of.....

And being in a rental car when you finally come across the middle aged man in his covertable POS mustang that sounds like a vacuum cleaner and STILL outruns you....:mad:

Hey! I resemble that remark. :lol:

11-04-2003, 08:36 AM
People who can't close the car doors using the door handles, but instead get their greasy paw prints all over the door frames and windows!

11-04-2003, 08:39 AM
Turn signals.

To use one is not a sign of weakness, it a threat display!!

Dave Compson
11-04-2003, 10:28 AM
My pet peeve is when the dealer calls my car a GRAND MARQUIS! Its a MARAUDER DAMMIT!!! I didnt spend all the extra money for a grandpa car!

ok , im ok now. Thanks for letting me vent.

11-04-2003, 10:45 AM
turn signal use of other drivers is #1 on my list. I guess some people think that the world revolves around them.:rolleyes:
#2. on my list is people who feed the birds who also live in a Condo......more specifically the same condo that I live in!! In the summer time their bird feeders attract so many birds that about 30-40% of the cars in our parking lot are covered w/bird dung. Very inconsiderate to say the least. The cell phone thing while driving has to be #3......

11-04-2003, 10:49 AM
1) Those wonderful rude Illinois drivers who choose not to obey the new Left Lane Lollygagger law.

2) Those 18 wheelers that feel the need to cut you off in the hammer lane on the interstate making you nearly lock up your brakes so that they may creep around the the 18 wheeler that was in front of them traveling at a whopping 1 MPH slower than they are going.

3) And finally the incredibly rude bastages that pull in front of you off of a side street and travel 2-3 MPH under the speed limit, even though there wasn't a car behind you for miles to come....and they wonder why there is so much rode rage today!

P.S. for those of you not from IL, the Left Lane Lollygagger Law states that if you are traveling on a multilane hwy. and you are being approached by a faster moving from behind you must pull to the right and give the faster vehicle the right-of-way. A good friend of mine who is one of our IL State Representatives was the author of this bill ... after a little prodding from me :coolman: We were both amazed that the bill became law, but hey at least it's a start.

Tim :fire: 49

Dr Caleb
11-04-2003, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Dave Compson
My pet peeve is when the dealer calls my car a GRAND MARQUIS! Its a MARAUDER DAMMIT!!! I didnt spend all the extra money for a grandpa car!

ok , im ok now. Thanks for letting me vent.

I gotta agree with you there Dave.

My peeve is when you're going from a 4 lane to a 2 lane, and some yahoo will fly down and pass everyone on the right in the merge lane, when everyone already merged left. There are too many cars for him to pass everyone, so he has to cut someone off to let him in before he runs out of road.

Then this yahoo slams on his brakes after two blocks so he can turn left, forcing everyone else to stop, when they weren't going to be in his way to begin with!

Happens every friggen day after work. And every day, I forget my rocket launcher. Bastage.

11-04-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by 2003_MM_FYRE49

.....by a faster moving from behind you must pull to the right and give the faster vehicle the right-of-way......


Same here in NC, but not "the law" so to speak---a Trooper will pull you if you in the fast lane and you are holding back trafffic---it's call "impeading trafffic"-- saw a Trooper do it one day ---

Now the question of speed while this is taking place---well....this would call for another thread---- so back to the peeves.....

11-04-2003, 01:22 PM
I have to take a peave....I'll be right back!

11-04-2003, 09:02 PM
NYS Law left lane is for passing only. Once you pass a slow moving vehicle you must move to the right. This would never work during rush hour. ( which is most of the day). :D

Agent M79
11-04-2003, 09:18 PM
Driving on the interstate today, I was about 10 car lengths behind another car when they decided to clean their windshield.

The spray, of course, over their windshield, into the air and onto my car. Ug.

11-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Here's one of my pet peev.. er,.. I mean Major Psychotic F*****g Hatreds: I always park waaaaay in the back of the lot (i.e. Wally World, the mall, whatever) so no one parks next to my car , ..at least twice a month when I am leaving the store I see some Jacka$$ has parked right next to me! If it were another Marauder, or a nice Mustang, Corvette... you get the idea,.. It wouldn't be a big deal. I would know that they probably have the same idea,.. not wanting dents, or other peoples paint on the car.

Luckily, for the Honda's and SUV's that have parked next to me, I haven't found any dings or scratches. If I did however,.. I would select the sharpest key on my ring and take several trips around their car with it! This is very juvenile,.. I know,.. but if they have dinged my car the only alternative would be to wait for them, hit them with a tire iron and spray Z10 in their eyes. Under the circumstances,.. I think they'd prefer to have their car keyed. :lol:

Long Live #3
11-04-2003, 11:45 PM
People who think they're hot s**t just because they think that they have a car that's worth more than yours, when you have a car that's in perfect condition and theirs is a POS.

11-05-2003, 09:39 PM
My pet peeve for this incredible, loaded with goodies vehicle is-NO ENGINE COMPARTMENT LIGHT!!! Even the retired Crn Vic police cars I've owned have had lights under the hood, yet my 2004 MM has none!! Everyboby wants to see under the hood-I was shocked the night I picked up the car and stopped at a friends house whose first request was to see the engine-we both looked all over for that darn little mercury switch light-NONE! What could this save Ford-a buck a car?????? Also-no ashtrays-my first no smoking car!!!

11-05-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by RedMM
My pet peeve for this incredible, loaded with goodies vehicle is-NO ENGINE COMPARTMENT LIGHT!!!

I've got one on my 300 eh.

Ashtray? Well I don't smoke, but that little cupholder adaptor thingy is pretty lame looking.

11-06-2003, 07:33 AM
Living in IA has given me a whole new set - though I ditto many of the ones here already.

In IA if you come to a 4-way stop and there is one (or even more sometimes) car stopped there already, they will often wave you through. If you're not used to this it is very annoying while you "wait for each other"

In IA on 4-lane on-ramps, people who are merging into traffic expect you to move out of their way or to brake to avoid them as they pull right into traffic, sometimes without even looking. It doesn't matter if there is someone in the lane next to you and moving over would cause you to brake. This is so common I have resorted to running people back onto the shoulder while laying on the horn. I have done this less often with my MM than with my old car.

In IA, no one uses turn signals, as John said already. I have become so accustomed to it I have caught myself doing it from time to time (which annoys me even further).

In IA, tractors and trucks pull onto highways at 20 MPH. Right in front of you. Then they get annoyed when you honk/blow by them.

In IA, if someone is driving with their cruise on and they are going 0.007 MPH faster than the car next to them, they will pass that car over the next 17 minutes with their CC rather than tap the accelerator to get out of your way.

In IA, the ricers/cruisers will floor it from stoplight to stoplight, even when the stoplights are timed to 30 MPH or when they are less than 1/8 mile apart. This is hilarious. "rrrrrrrIIIIINNNNNN --- SCREEEEEEEEE!!!!!" (repeat)

In IA, any bare spot of ground is a parking space. My next door neighbor uses his front lawn to wash his car rather than buy a $7 hose extension.

In IA, it is not at all uncommon to see two cars sopped next to each other on a side street with people talking from their drivers' windows. They *don't* move when you pull up behind them.

In IA, people even in small cars will pull all the way to the *left* - even outside their own lane, to turn *right*, and vice-versa.

In IA, people will come to a stoplight and take the open lane (rather than sit behind another car) only to go much slower than that car when it hits green.

No one goes the speed limit in IA. It's either 20 MPH over or 10 MPH under. I am always to be found stuck behind the ones that are going 10 MPH under.

In IA, the ones I see with radar detectors are the ones driving under the limit. The ones going over never seme to have them.

In IA, people will place the front half of their car in traffic and sit there while they look to see if it's safe to turn. This blocks traffic, but that's OK. They are being safe drivers by edging out 0.5" at a time. Whe I retire I plan on getting an old Suburban with the pointed snowplow on the front (reinforced of course) to deal with these people. "Whoops, sorry - didn't see ya there. Maybe if you weren't IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LANE . . ."

In IA, the state patrol approaches your car with their hand on their sidearm and usually a very big chip on their shoulder. I hope to never see this again with my new system installed.

In IA store parking lots, there are lines of people sitting in cars waiting for someone to come out of the store to vacate the parking spot they want. There are spots available, often 20-30 feet behind them. On Saturday and Sunday EVERYONE is at the mall or Wal Mart. It's all they do.

In IA, people use the curb to park. Or the parking block at the end of the space. When they hear the thump, they leave it there - or they pull back and scrape off their air scoop.

In IA, no one can hear you scream.


11-06-2003, 07:40 AM
Welcome to my world!!!

A fellow Ioweegan

11-06-2003, 11:18 AM
:lol: good post Duhtroll! I guess I won't be travelling through Iowa if I can help it!

11-06-2003, 12:56 PM
Are you sure your in Iowa? Sounds like Maryland to me!!

My biggest one is cigarette butts being thrown out of car windows!! :mad2:

2003 MIB
11-06-2003, 12:59 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in Iowa and didn't know it. I've seen all these things!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-06-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Petrograde
Luckily, for the Honda's and SUV's that have parked next to me, I haven't found any dings or scratches. If I did however,.. I would select the sharpest key on my ring and take several trips around their car with it! This is very juvenile,.. I know,.. but if they have dinged my car the only alternative would be to wait for them, hit them with a tire iron and spray Z10 in their eyes. Under the circumstances,.. I think they'd prefer to have their car keyed. :lol:

Don't forget to take the valve stems outta the tires! :up:

11-06-2003, 01:06 PM
oh yeah,.. thanks LML! :up:

11-06-2003, 01:07 PM
And put petrolem jelly on the wiper blades.:D

11-06-2003, 01:10 PM
good thought Haggis,.. although I've found that baby oil works better. Plus, it's harder to clean.

Dr Caleb
11-06-2003, 01:31 PM
What haggis and Petro said ^^^

But I save brake fluid for people I really hate...

11-06-2003, 01:43 PM
Now that's just plain mean... :lol:

11-06-2003, 01:45 PM
Sardiens on the intakes.

2003 MIB
11-06-2003, 02:09 PM
Doe urine in the vents by the wipers. Nasty stuff.

11-06-2003, 02:11 PM
aaaww man! Dan that is nasty.

11-06-2003, 02:29 PM
Sounds like some of you are out of control. But I think you are only kidding and trying to out do each other, He He:D

2003 MIB
11-06-2003, 02:30 PM
I've only seen it done once, Tom. A guy at work lost his Cutlass in a nasty divorce. It was a cold day and he dumped it in the defroster vents and left it idling on the morning she came to pick it up. Angry woman. ..

Dr Caleb
11-06-2003, 03:24 PM
If it's hunting scents you want, "Skunk Scent" makes a wonderful air freshener too :) It'll curl your nose hair!

This place sounds more like the movie "Grumpy Old Men" every day :lol:

11-06-2003, 03:42 PM
Several years ago, our next door neighbor - driving much faster than he should have been, tore down our private drive one day (speed limit 10).

And ran over my dog. Then drove off as my mom chased him on foot. (I was not living there by then but our family dog still was)

Agreed to pay for the vet bills but reneged on his offer later saying the dog should have been on a leash. (We lived on a private drive and their dog also was out without a leash all the time.)

The dog never did fully recover - it's a wonder he lived.

Skunk screen. Syringe. Window and door seals.

Caltrops - placed under rear tires so he would not see them until he pulled them out of the tires later.

Only these because my mother forbade us from going over to his house and beating the living crap out of him.


Dr Caleb
11-06-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by duhtroll

Only these because my mother forbade us from going over to his house and beating the living crap out of him.


Have you heard the proverb that tells us that "Revenge is a dish best served <i>cold</i>".

Well done. :bows:

11-06-2003, 07:32 PM
I thought valve stem removers were standard equipment in our MM's? My biggest pet peeve,,,TAILGATERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The closer you get, the slower I go! Oh, and let's not forget the Oops(UPS) drivers, who pull in front of you when no one is behind you only to turn into the next driveway.

11-06-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by TAF
If you're building a "1/4 mile killer"...yes.

However, I'm building a "Grand Touring Car" that can compete with any BMW, Mercedes or Audi large 4-door sedan...for less than half the price...
so power, handling & torque are in order.

BTW...not to be a complete hijack...

My pet peeve...

Anyone in front of me on the road.

Come on TAF say it ..............TOLLS........... ..:lol:

11-06-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by MarauderMike
I thought valve stem removers were standard equipment in our MM's? My biggest pet peeve,,,TAILGATERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The closer you get, the slower I go! Oh, and let's not forget the Oops(UPS) drivers, who pull in front of you when no one is behind you only to turn into the next driveway.


tailgaters: http://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/e/para.gifhttp://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/e/sniper.gifhttp://smilies.sofrayt.com/1/e/uzi.gif

11-07-2003, 06:38 PM

11-07-2003, 08:26 PM
1. Rain soon after a $20.00 custom (hand) car wash.
2. Unable to get around a loaded live stock trailer.
3. Mid-summer night driving on a rural road...insects & critters.
4. Crummy car wash by bikini clad high school girls.....(???)
5. Grid-lock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Full service gas station with tired, leaning schlomo attendant.
7. Flat tire on way to Sunday services...NO Onstar!!
8. Squatter field mice family taking up residence in engine bay.
9. Head restraint interferes with 10 gallon hat.

and last but NOT least...can't out run new Camaro!!

11-07-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by deerejoe

and last but NOT least...can't out run new Camaro!! [/B]

Wait a minute--we can't have any of that--you need some serious help here--can't have that out run you----lets see--your sig...Hummmm..oh yeah--you need some gears , chip , plug. stat- headers,. maybe undies,,,,--that outta get his attention for starters--anyone else---cause that peeves me off---

02-05-2004, 07:48 PM
Mine is having a Grand Marquis...if you guys had my car for a week or two, you'd realize how much you loved your Marauders...

02-06-2004, 11:16 AM
id have to say mine is when you drive over gravel or small rocks on the street and you hear'm shoot up under the wheel wells...

Paul T. Casey
02-06-2004, 11:41 AM
It varies, but right now, my stinkin' radio, AGAIN!!! Been fixed(?) a few times, part time problem, hard to find, blah blah blah. Have many new antenna parts, but radio still no go. :mad:

02-06-2004, 12:26 PM
My peeve is the heated seats that seem to stop getting hot. They start out getting nice and warm and then it just stops - I turn them off and on and they get hot again.

My MM DTR '04 is still stock - I hate the way that it shifts. I hope to have it corrected.

02-06-2004, 02:46 PM
10. Upscale Toyotas (aka Lexus) :down:
9. Sunday drivers
8. Inop/un used turn signals
7. Logging trucks on a back road :flamer:
6. Road rage
5. People to stupid to know the Differance between a MM & GM :mad:
4. In attentive drivers
3. Cold coffee
2. Factory paint quality

02-06-2004, 03:56 PM
Wow-- Started this 3 months ago and then went dormant--then woaface(James) iginited it again and it's start'n to get attention once again----- there is so much to read with all board's post it's no wonder some are just now catching up--even I have diff trying to stay with the current events --with so much being added daily.....but anyway.

those pet pevees are start'n to add up--some even provided a list of them...amazing......I guess the more we drive our MM's the more those items do add up cause we are more watchful over our MM's....huh!? Tom

02-06-2004, 04:58 PM
Wow-- Started this 3 months ago and then went dormant--then woaface(James) iginited it again and it's start'n to get attention once again----- there is so much to read with all board's post it's no wonder some are just now catching up--even I have diff trying to stay with the current events --with so much being added daily.....but anyway.

those pet pevees are start'n to add up--some even provided a list of them...amazing......I guess the more we drive our MM's the more those items do add up cause we are more watchful over our MM's....huh!? TomI could really go off with a list of pet peeves of the Marquis...but I won't bore you all. It's just a crappy car! (although I'm really happy with how well it goes in a straight line now...that chip is somethin...)

02-06-2004, 05:16 PM
1. Grubby fingerprints left behind when closing the doors!! (kids)
2. Writing on the windows when they're fooged up!! (kids)
3. Under the speed limit drivers who inevitably end up in front of me!!
4. Listening to my "cruisin'" tunes and the CD starts skipping!!

And probably a 1000 more, but, I can't think of them right now~

02-06-2004, 07:30 PM
4. Listening to my "cruisin'" tunes and the CD starts skipping!!

I will soon be posting this weekend instructions on how to clean CD's with "toothpaste"--it removes those scratches and really works... so don't throw those CD's away-


02-06-2004, 08:21 PM
I will soon be posting this weekend instructions on how to clean CD's with "toothpaste"--it removes those scratches and really works... so don't throw those CD's away-


I swore that was urban legand. But everything gets made a legend here I guess:)

UAW 588
02-07-2004, 01:06 PM
My biggest pet pevee is people who purchase jap crap. Don't they realize every time they go down the road it's like Pearl Harbor all over again. Another is they don't realize is they are helping to eliminate American jobs. Ya, us autoworkers make a decent buck, but you elimanate us it moves down the food chain. And the only food you will eventully have is only stinking RICE!!! :mad2:

And for a calmer note: My second pet pevee is when you park in no mans land with you nice dentless,clean, and shiney car; some rusty, dented, and smashed up piece of ***** parks right next to you. :mad:

02-07-2004, 04:47 PM
I will soon be posting this weekend instructions on how to clean CD's with "toothpaste"--it removes those scratches and really works... so don't throw those CD's away-

Tom - Thats cool. You can clean your CD's while brushing your teeth. :D

02-07-2004, 04:54 PM
Not quite..but close....ms. marauderman is providing this info--as soon as I can get her away from the grand kids......Duh!! :help:

02-07-2004, 07:41 PM
Having my MM quarintined in the garage, due to the snow fall here in Omaha for the last three weeks.

02-08-2004, 03:29 PM
ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :stupid: