View Full Version : Proof again that car guys can really pull together

01-18-2010, 09:30 PM
Just saw on Jalopnik, that a guy who made an impassioned speech about how if he could only preserve one car, he'd preserve his recently broken, soon to be lost '93 accord wagon (which I will say is pretty good looking for an import), which had lost its timing belt destroying the engine's internals. Withour even being asked, the rest of the members, some claiming to have been moved to tears, raised a collection right there on the spot for the cost of a new engine, and installation quoted at about 700. In total, they raise about 1300 I think, one guy from Britain gave 50 British pounds.

Reminds me of that time that when (I think it was) FastBlackMerc lost his engine and we got him the funds to get his MM back rolling on 4 wheels.

01-18-2010, 09:37 PM
I love hearing stories like this. :high5:

01-18-2010, 09:39 PM
Recently, a well-respected CVNer's first Crown Vic went up for sale (from the person he had sold it to). The car had seen better days but was repairable. Needed a trans.

It was a car that was relatively legendary on CVN, and taught that member a lot about Crown Vics, which he then passed on to other members.

However, his money situation prevented him from purchasing the car and fixing it up. Almost immediately, CVNers offered money up, myself included. The thinking was "hey, this guy has helped us, let's help him" and stuff. He said he'd get it back on the road and maybe have everyone who helped him autograph a part of the car (a trunk lid, a glovebox, something...I don't know).

The car unfortunately sold within 36hrs. of the Craigslist ad being posted. There is no doubt in my mind - we would have raised the money within a week to buy the car back (and get a cheap trans) had the Craigslist ad never been posted.