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01-18-2010, 01:45 PM
"Boston - His agenda at risk, President Barack Obama fought Sunday to save a struggling Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and the critical 60th vote needed for his health care plan. The White House and congressional Democrats scrambled to find a way to pass the bill quickly if Martha Coakley loses a special election Tuesday."

Now I'm a fence sitter,yup Independent so I tend to take some flack from my opinionated left and right friends...They tell me to chose sides...I do,The side I feel is doing the right thing for that particular law.Sorry if I don't understand the fulfilment of choosing your side and standing your ground for that side no matter what...I don't get it why is the biggest thing to ever be run thru this country hinging on 1 vote again??? and WHY are the "White House and congressional Democrats scrambled to find a way to pass the bill quickly"
if the bill doesn't stand on its own shouldn't it be changed. This is not a 50 million dollar library or bridge we are talking about.....

01-18-2010, 01:50 PM
Agreed. Nothing 'bout this is transparent like we were promised during someones campaign. Force people to buy health insurance. What's next? Flight insurance? Pet insurance? I could go on but political threads tend to have a short life span on here.

01-18-2010, 01:59 PM
I thought of that after I posted....I forgot the no politic rule heh...I bet Bunny got a google alert on her phone just now....I'm dead...dead I tell you.

Joe Walsh
01-18-2010, 02:05 PM
Rest assured that whenever either party is rushing to pass important legislation...it is because it is BAD legislation.
They don't want to afford anyone, namely the voters, the opportunity to carefully review the new law*....
then have us realize what a pile of crap it is!

*filled with pork belly projects of course!

If they could figure out a way to do it, the Democrats would open up Teddy's casket and prop up his arm during the Healthcare vote, so he can count as a 'Yea'.

01-18-2010, 02:10 PM
I thought of that after I posted....I forgot the no politic rule heh...I bet Bunny got a google alert on her phone just now....I'm dead...dead I tell you.

LMAO! I said they tend to have a short life span, but they do have a life span. Usually what happens is someone goes bonkers on another persons post, verbal spats ensue, thread gets locked. It seems to hinge on how civil it stays, but it's been a while, my memory is fuzzy on it.

01-18-2010, 02:35 PM
But the Patiot act is so darn good for us, oh and the really really fast launch of the not so completely tested H1N1 shot. It's all REALLY good! Just vote on it! We can't wait, it must be now. Now.

01-18-2010, 02:42 PM
I think even all the hidden costs the patriot act came with pale in compare to this monster...and don't even get me started on the H1N1 vaccine...I'm building a house for a registered nurse with over 30 years in the field and she hasn't gotton hers.

01-18-2010, 02:44 PM
This being a national holiday lets celebrate with a good political thread. Congress forcing us to buy healthcare, toilet paper, or potted meat is simply unconstitutional but I have no faith that the Supreme Court would stand up for the Constitution.:duel:

01-18-2010, 02:50 PM
and so people really can see i'm independent if i thought I could scream hatred at that pinhead that just left office who let the oil companies rob us blind and turned a deaf ear I would....
http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/fighting/fighting0038.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-mad-smileys.php)

01-18-2010, 02:51 PM
Rest assured that whenever either party is rushing to pass important legislation...it is because it is BAD legislation.
They don't want to afford anyone, namely the voters, the opportunity to carefully review the new law*....
then have us realize what a pile of crap it is!

*filled with pork belly projects of course!

If they could figure out a way to do it, the Democrats would open up Teddy's casket and prop up his arm during the Healthcare vote, so he can count as a 'Yea'.


01-18-2010, 02:57 PM
and so people really can see i'm independent if i thought I could scream hatred at that pinhead that just left office who let the oil companies rob us blind and turned a deaf ear I would....
http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/fighting/fighting0038.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-mad-smileys.php)

I hate both sides, because I hate liars.

01-18-2010, 03:47 PM
Agreed. Nothing 'bout this is transparent like we were promised during someones campaign. Force people to buy health insurance. What's next? Flight insurance? Pet insurance? I could go on but political threads tend to have a short life span on here.

The funny part, they think the public is stupid enough to think it's cheaper to pay $8K+ for insurance than $1700 for a penalty...

This being a national holiday lets celebrate with a good political thread. Congress forcing us to buy healthcare, toilet paper, or potted meat is simply unconstitutional but I have no faith that the Supreme Court would stand up for the Constitution.:duel:


01-18-2010, 03:49 PM
I've been told from some of my friends that have bothered reading into this even in the slightest that to even qualify for public health care benefits, you must have no greater than $30K of income annually. Can anyone confirm this from what they've heard as well?

01-18-2010, 03:52 PM

Some married couples would pay thousands of dollars more for the same health insurance coverage as unmarried people living together, under the health insurance overhaul plan pending in Congress, says the Wall Street Journal.
The built-in "marriage penalty" in both House and Senate health care bills has received scant attention. But for scores of low-income and middle-income couples, it could mean a hike of $2,000 or more in annual insurance premiums the moment they say "I do."

The disparity comes about in part because subsidies for purchasing health insurance under the plan from congressional Democrats are pegged to federal poverty guidelines.
That has the effect of limiting subsidies for married couples with a combined income, compared to if the individuals are single.
People who get their health insurance through an employer wouldn't be affected.
Only people that buy subsidized insurance through new exchanges set up by the legislation stand to be impacted.
About 17 million people would receive such subsidies in 2016 under the House plan, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.
The bills cap the annual amount people making less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level must pay for health insurance premiums, ranging from 1.5 percent of income for the poorest to 11 percent at the top end, under the House plan:

For an unmarried couple with income of $25,000 each, combined premiums would be capped at $3,076 per year, under the House bill.
If the couple gets married, with a combined income of $50,000, their annual premium cap jumps to $5,160 -- a "penalty" of $2,084.
The disparity is slightly smaller in the Senate version of health care legislation, chiefly because premium subsidies in the House bill are more targeted towards low-wage earners, says the Journal:

Under the Senate bill, a couple with $50,000 in combined income would pay $3,450 in annual premiums if unmarried, and $5,100 if married -- a difference of $1,650.
Republicans say the effect on married couples whose combined income makes them ineligible for subsidies is even greater -- up to $5,000 or more -- but that is more difficult to measure because it includes assumptions about the price of insurance policies.
Source: Martin Vaughan, "Married Couples Pay More Than Unmarried Under Health Bill," Wall Street Journal, January 6, 2010.
For text:

01-18-2010, 03:55 PM
Press Pool, C-SPAN Join Criticism of Conference Process on Health-Care

Yesterday, several outlets reported that the Democrats would "almost certainly" forgo the official conference process to get a health-care bill passed, opting instead to negotiate largely behind closed doors. Many reform proponents painted this as a valiant move (http://www.tnr.com/blog/the-treatment/exclusive-dems-almost-certain-bypass-conference) on the part of Democrats to protect the American people from the procedural stalling tactics of Republicans:

Now that both the House and Senate have passed health care reform bills, all Democrats have to do is work out a compromise between the two versions. And it appears they’re not about to let the Republicans gum up the works again.

The problem for health-care reform proponents, though, is that it isn't just Tea Party activists and the GOP who are complaining about the opaque nature of the process now, and Obama himself promised to have negotiations aired on C-SPAN during a debate in January of 2008. Chances are he could have talked himself out of this contradiction a year ago, smoothing things over with an "I've consistently said" or two, but no longer.

Rick Klein of ABC's The Note, this morning: (http://twitter.com/thenote/status/7403595448) "We can all have a laugh at how ridic it was to expect hcare talks to be on C-SPAN, but it was a promise that's been shattered."
When a liberal replied, on Twitter, that she'd seen hours of discussion of health-care on the floor, he answered: "that's great but the pledge went far beyond cmte & floor debate to talks where things actually got hashed out. that wasn't on TV."

C-SPAN's president Brian Lamb has also joined the mix, sending a letter asking for the negotiations to be televised:

“As your respective chambers work to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate health care bills, C-SPAN requests that you open all your negotiations, including any conference committee meetings, to electronic media coverage.”

The link to the full letter is here. (http://www.politico.com/static/PPM116_cspan.html)

This weekend, ABC's Jake Tapper gave Robert Gibbs a chance to make good on Obama's campaign promise, but Gibbs declined with his characteristic soft touch: (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/12/gibbs-passes-on-one-last-chance-to-make-health-care-negotiations-transparent.html)

"Well, Jake, first of all, let's take a step back and understand that this is a process legislatively that has played out over the course of nine months. There have been a countless number of public hearings. The Senate did a lot of their voting at 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning on C-SPAN. A lot of this debate -- I think what the president promised and pledged was so that you could see who was fighting for their constituents and who was fighting for drug and insurance companies…"
"Well, but the bill gets put together on the floor of the Senate," Gibbs said. "That's where the bill got augmented. And I think if you watched that debate -- I don't know -- I wasn't up at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning for a lot of those votes, but I think if the American public had watched -- has watched the committee process play out in both the House and the Senate, watched the process play out on both the floor and the -- the floor of the House and the floor of the Senate, you'd have seen quite a bit of public hearing and public airing, and I think quite frankly, people have a pretty good sense of who is battling on behalf of thousands of lobbyists that are trying to protect drugs profits and insurance profits, and who's fighting on behalf of middle-class Americans hoping once and for all to have access to affordable insurance and removing insurance company restrictions like discriminating against people that are sick."

Note to Gibbs: When you're stressing the openness of the Senate process, it's best not to mention that votes took place at 1 and 2 a.m. on weekends, when you weren't even awake.
Politifact calls this promise officially broken. (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/promise/517/health-care-reform-public-sessions-C-SPAN/)
For a bill that's faced a thousand p.r. obstacles in its legislative marathon, the coalescing conventional wisdom suggests this last effort to get it over the finish line may shape up to be another obstacle itself. And even if it works, which it very well may, the president will have to chalk up another chunk of political capital and another huge chink in his reputation as an honest, change agent.

Update: Oops, probably not the best day for David Plouffe to send (http://spectator.org/blog/2010/01/05/as-transparent-as-a-block-of-l) out an e-mail to Obama supporters about how 2010 will be a year to "improve transparency in Washington to elevate the voices of the American people."

Posted by Mary Katharine Ham on January 5, 2010 09:30 AM | Permalink (http://www.weeklystandard.com/weblogs/TWSFP/2010/01/press_pool_cspan_join_criticis .asp)

01-18-2010, 03:57 PM
Yet they manage to have their own "Cadillac" health care plans, and can vote themselves a raise....

Amendment 28

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United
States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives,
and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or
Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the
United States .

01-18-2010, 03:58 PM
In October, a reporter from a conservative Web site asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (http://www.whorunsgov.com/Profiles/Nancy_Pelosi) (D-Calif.): "Where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?" Pelosi responded: "Are you serious? Are you serious?"

01-18-2010, 04:04 PM
Washington, DC

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2009 list of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians." The list, in alphabetical order, includes:
Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT): This marks two years in a row for Senator Dodd, who made the 2008 "Ten Most Corrupt" list for his corrupt relationship with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and for accepting preferential treatment and loan terms from Countrywide Financial (http://www.examiner.com/a-1449448~Bank_of_America_PAC_mo ney_behind_Dodd_s_Countrywide_ loan.html), a scandal which still dogs him. In 2009, the scandals kept coming for the Connecticut Democrat. In 2009, Judicial Watch filed a Senate ethics complaint (http://www.judicialwatch.org/files/documents/2009/Senator%20Christopher%20Dodd%2 0Ethics%20Complaint%20April%20 24%202009.pdf) against Dodd for undervaluing a property he owns in Ireland on his Senate Financial Disclosure forms. Judicial Watch's complaint forced Dodd to amend the forms. However, press reports suggest the property to this day remains undervalued. Judicial Watch also alleges in the complaint that Dodd obtained a sweetheart deal for the property in exchange for his assistance in obtaining a presidential pardon (during the Clinton administration) and other favors for a long-time friend and business associate. The false financial disclosure forms were part of the cover-up. Dodd remains the head the Senate Banking Committee.
Senator John Ensign (R-NV): A number of scandals popped up in 2009 involving public officials who conducted illicit affairs, and then attempted to cover them up with hush payments and favors, an obvious abuse of power. The year's worst offender might just be Nevada Republican Senator John Ensign. Ensign admitted in June to an extramarital affair with the wife of one of his staff members, who then allegedly obtained special favors from the Nevada Republican in exchange for his silence. According to The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/03/us/politics/03ensign.html?_r=1&hp): "The Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee are expected to conduct preliminary inquiries into whether Senator John Ensign violated federal law or ethics rules as part of an effort to conceal an affair with the wife of an aide…" The former staffer, Douglas Hampton, began to lobby Mr. Ensign's office immediately upon leaving his congressional job, despite the fact that he was subject to a one-year lobbying ban. Ensign seems to have ignored the law and allowed Hampton lobbying access to his office as a payment for his silence about the affair. (These are potentially criminal offenses.) It looks as if Ensign misused his public office (and taxpayer resources) to cover up his sexual shenanigans.
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA): Judicial Watch is investigating a $12 million TARP cash injection (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/aug/jw-sues-treasury-records-tarp-funds-distributed-boston-bank-after-intervention-rep-bar) provided to the Boston-based OneUnited Bank at the urging of Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank. As reported in the January 22, 2009, edition of the Wall Street Journal, the Treasury Department indicated it would only provide funds to healthy banks to jump-start lending. Not only was OneUnited Bank in massive financial turmoil, but it was also "under attack from its regulators for allegations of poor lending practices and executive-pay abuses, including owning a Porsche for its executives' use." Rep. Frank admitted he spoke to a "federal regulator," and Treasury granted the funds. (The bank continues to flounder despite Frank's intervention for federal dollars.) Moreover, Judicial Watch uncovered documents in 2009 (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/aug/jw-sues-treasury-records-tarp-funds-distributed-boston-bank-after-intervention-rep-bar) that showed that members of Congress for years were aware that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were playing fast and loose with accounting issues, risk assessment issues and executive compensation issues, even as liberals led by Rep. Frank continued to block attempts to rein in the two Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs). For example, during a hearing (http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_house_he arings&docid=f:92231.wais) on September 10, 2003, before the House Committee on Financial Services considering a Bush administration proposal to further regulate Fannie and Freddie, Rep. Frank stated: "I want to begin by saying that I am glad to consider the legislation, but I do not think we are facing any kind of a crisis. That is, in my view, the two Government Sponsored Enterprises we are talking about here, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not in a crisis. We have recently had an accounting problem with Freddie Mac that has led to people being dismissed, as appears to be appropriate. I do not think at this point there is a problem with a threat to the Treasury." Frank received $42,350 in campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac between 1989 and 2008. Frank also engaged in a relationship (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,432501,00.html) with a Fannie Mae Executive while serving on the House Banking Committee, which has jurisdiction over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner: In 2009, Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admitted that he failed to pay $34,000 (http://finance.senate.gov/press/Bpress/2009press/prb011309d.pdf) in Social Security and Medicare taxes from 2001-2004 on his lucrative salary at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an organization with 185 member countries that oversees the global financial system. (Did we mention Geithner now runs the IRS?) It wasn't until President Obama tapped Geithner to head the Treasury Department that he paid back most of the money, although the IRS kindly waived the hefty penalties. In March 2009, Geithner also came under fire for his handling of the AIG bonus scandal, where the company used $165 million of its bailout funds to pay out executive bonuses, resulting in a massive public backlash. Of course as head of the New York Federal Reserve, Geithner helped craft the AIG deal in September 2008. However, when the AIG scandal broke, Geithner claimed he knew nothing of the bonuses until March 10, 2009. The timing is important. According to CNN (http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1886138,00.html): "Although Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told congressional leaders on Tuesday that he learned of AIG's impending $160 million bonus payments to members of its troubled financial-products unit on March 10, sources tell TIME that the New York Federal Reserve informed Treasury staff that the payments were imminent on Feb. 28. That is ten days before Treasury staffers say they first learned 'full details' of the bonus plan, and three days before the [Obama] Administration launched a new $30 billion infusion of cash for AIG." Throw in another embarrassing disclosure in 2009 that Geithner employed "household help" ineligible to work in the United States, and it becomes clear why the Treasury Secretary has earned a spot on the "Ten Most Corrupt Politicians in Washington" list.

01-18-2010, 04:06 PM
Attorney General Eric Holder: Tim Geithner can be sure he won't be hounded about his tax-dodging by his colleague Eric Holder, US Attorney General. Judicial Watch strongly opposed (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/jan/judicial-watch-urges-judiciary-committee-reject-holder-appointment) Holder because of his terrible ethics record, which includes: obstructing an FBI investigation of the theft of nuclear secrets from Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory; rejecting multiple requests for an independent counsel to investigate alleged fundraising abuses by then-Vice President Al Gore in the Clinton White House; undermining the criminal investigation of President Clinton by Kenneth Starr in the midst of the Lewinsky investigation; and planning the violent raid to seize then-six-year-old Elian Gonzalez at gunpoint in order to return him to Castro's Cuba. Moreover, there is his soft record on terrorism. Holder bypassed Justice Department procedures to push through Bill Clinton's scandalous presidential pardons and commutations, including for 16 members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican terrorist group that orchestrated approximately 120 bombings in the United States, killing at least six people and permanently maiming dozens of others, including law enforcement officers. His record in the current administration is no better. As he did during the Clinton administration, Holder continues to ignore serious incidents of corruption that could impact his political bosses at the White House. For example, Holder has refused to investigate charges that the Obama political machine traded VIP access to the White House (http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/oct/28/democratic-donors-rewarded-with-wh-perks/?feat=home_cube_position1) in exchange for campaign contributions – a scheme eerily similar to one hatched by Holder's former boss, Bill Clinton in the 1990s. The Holder Justice Department also came under fire for dropping a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405297020355060457436 1071968458430.html). On Election Day 2008, Black Panthers dressed in paramilitary garb threatened voters as they approached polling stations. Holder has also failed to initiate a comprehensive Justice investigation of the notorious organization ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), which is closely tied to President Obama. There were allegedly more than 400,000 fraudulent ACORN voter registrations in the 2008 campaign. And then there were the journalist videos (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,550941,00.html) catching ACORN Housing workers advising undercover reporters on how to evade tax, immigration, and child prostitution laws. Holder's controversial decisions on new rights for terrorists and his attacks on previous efforts to combat terrorism remind many of the fact that his former law firm has provided and continues to provide pro bono representation to terrorists at Guantanamo Bay. Holder's politicization of the Justice Department makes one long for the days of Alberto Gonzales.

Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL): One of the most serious scandals of 2009 involved a scheme by former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to sell President Obama's then-vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder. Two men caught smack dab in the middle of the scandal: Senator Roland Burris, who ultimately got the job, and Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. According to the Chicago Sun-Times (http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/blagojevich/1515427,jesse-jackson-jr-ethics-probe-blagojevich-040709.article), emissaries for Jesse Jackson Jr., named "Senate Candidate A" in the Blagojevich indictment, reportedly offered $1.5 million to Blagojevich during a fundraiser if he named Jackson Jr. to Obama's seat. Three days later federal authorities arrested Blagojevich. Burris, for his part, apparently lied about his contacts with Blagojevich, who was arrested in December 2008 for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat. According to Reuters (http://uk.reuters.com/article/usTopNews/idUKTRE51G6Q620090217): "Roland Burris came under fresh scrutiny…after disclosing he tried to raise money for the disgraced former Illinois governor who named him to the U.S. Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama…In the latest of those admissions, Burris said he looked into mounting a fundraiser for Rod Blagojevich -- later charged with trying to sell Obama's Senate seat -- at the same time he was expressing interest to the then-governor's aides about his desire to be appointed." Burris changed his story five times regarding his contacts with Blagojevich prior to the Illinois governor appointing him to the U.S. Senate. Three of those changing explanations came under oath.
President Barack Obama: During his presidential campaign, President Obama promised to run an ethical and transparent administration. However, in his first year in office, the President has delivered corruption and secrecy, bringing Chicago-style political corruption to the White House. Consider just a few Obama administration "lowlights" from year one: Even before President Obama was sworn into office, he was interviewed by the FBI for a criminal investigation of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's scheme to sell the President's former Senate seat to the highest bidder. (Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and slumlord Valerie Jarrett, both from Chicago, are also tangled up in the Blagojevich scandal.) Moreover, the Obama administration made the startling claim that the Privacy Act does not apply to the White House. (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/oct/obama-administration-tells-federal-court-privacy-act-does-not-apply-white-house) The Obama White House believes it can violate the privacy rights of American citizens without any legal consequences or accountability. President Obama boldly proclaimed that "transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency," but his administration is addicted to secrecy, stonewalling far too many of Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information Act requests (http://www.judicialwatch.org/open-records) and is refusing to make public White House visitor logs as federal law requires. The Obama administration turned the National Endowment of the Arts (as well as the agency that runs the AmeriCorps program) into propaganda machines, (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/oct/jw-obtains-documents-regarding-neas-controversial-8-10-conference-call-encouraging-art) using tax dollars to persuade "artists" to promote the Obama agenda. According to documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the idea emerged as a direct result of the Obama campaign (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/nov/jw-obtains-more-documents-regarding-neas-conference-call-encouraging-artists-promote-o) and enjoyed White House approval and participation. President Obama has installed a record number of "czars" in positions of power. Too many of these individuals are leftist radicals (http://www.judicialwatch.org/weeklyupdate/2009/47-soft-terrorism) who answer to no one but the president. And too many of the czars are not subject to Senate confirmation (which raises serious constitutional questions). Under the President's bailout schemes, the federal government continues to appropriate or control -- through fiat and threats -- large sectors of the private economy, prompting conservative columnist George Will to write: "The administration's central activity -- the political allocation of wealth and opportunity -- is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption." Government-run healthcare and car companies, White House coercion, uninvestigated ACORN corruption, debasing his office to help Chicago cronies, attacks on conservative media and the private sector, unprecedented and dangerous new rights for terrorists, perks for campaign donors – this is Obama's "ethics" record -- and we haven't even gotten through the first year of his presidency.

01-18-2010, 04:07 PM
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): At the heart of the corruption problem in Washington is a sense of entitlement. Politicians believe laws and rules (even the U.S. Constitution) apply to the rest of us but not to them. Case in point: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her excessive and boorish demands (http://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2009/mar/judicial-watch-uncovers-documents-detailing-pelosis-repeated-requests-military-travel) for military travel. Judicial Watch obtained documents from the Pentagon in 2008 that suggest Pelosi has been treating the Air Force like her own personal airline. These documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, include internal Pentagon email correspondence detailing attempts by Pentagon staff to accommodate Pelosi's numerous requests for military escorts and military aircraft as well as the speaker's 11th hour cancellations and changes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also came under fire in April 2009, when she claimed she was never briefed about the CIA's use of the waterboarding technique during terrorism investigations. The CIA produced a report documenting a briefing with Pelosi on September 4, 2002, that suggests otherwise. Judicial Watch also obtained documents, including a CIA Inspector General report (http://documents.nytimes.com/c-i-a-reports-on-interrogation-methods#p=1), which further confirmed that Congress was fully briefed on the enhanced interrogation techniques. Aside from her own personal transgressions, Nancy Pelosi has ignored serious incidents of corruption within her own party, including many of the individuals on this list. (See Rangel, Murtha, Jesse Jackson, Jr., etc.)

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and the rest of the PMA Seven: Rep. John Murtha made headlines in 2009 for all the wrong reasons. The Pennsylvania congressman is under federal investigation for his corrupt relationship with the now-defunct defense lobbyist PMA Group. PMA, founded by a former Murtha associate, has been the congressman's largest campaign contributor. Since 2002, Murtha has raised $1.7 million from PMA and its clients. And what did PMA and its clients receive from Murtha in return for their generosity? Earmarks -- tens of millions of dollars in earmarks. In fact, even with all of the attention surrounding his alleged influence peddling, Murtha kept at it. Following an FBI raid of PMA's offices earlier in 2009, Murtha continued to seek congressional earmarks for PMA clients, while also hitting them up for campaign contributions. According to The Hill (http://thehill.com/index.php?as_q=murtha+pma&Itemid=315&option=com_gsearch&btnG.x=16&btnG.y=11), in April, "Murtha reported receiving contributions from three former PMA clients for whom he requested earmarks in the pending appropriations bills." When it comes to the PMA scandal, Murtha is not alone. As many as six other Members of Congress are currently under scrutiny according to The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/29/AR2009102904699.html). They include: Peter J. Visclosky (D-IN.), James P. Moran Jr. (D-VA), Norm Dicks (D-WA.), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), C.W. Bill Young (R-FL.) and Todd Tiahrt (R-KS.). Of course rather than investigate this serious scandal, according to Roll Call (http://www.rollcall.com/news/33974-1.html) House Democrats circled the wagons, "cobbling together a defense to offer political cover to their rank and file." The Washington Post also reported in 2009 that Murtha's nephew received $4 million in Defense Department no-bid contracts (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/11/AR2009051101695.html): "Newly obtained documents…show Robert Murtha mentioning his influential family connection as leverage in his business dealings and holding unusual power with the military."
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY): Rangel, the man in charge of writing tax policy for the entire country, has yet to adequately explain how he could possibly "forget" to pay taxes (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/10/AR2008091003462.html) on $75,000 in rental income he earned from his off-shore rental property. He also faces allegations that he improperly used his influence to maintain ownership of highly coveted rent-controlled apartments in Harlem, and misused his congressional office to fundraise for his private Rangel Center by preserving a tax loophole for an oil drilling company in exchange for funding. On top of all that, Rangel recently amended his financial disclosure reports, which doubled his reported wealth. (He somehow "forgot" about $1 million in assets.) And what did he do when the House Ethics Committee started looking into all of this? He apparently resorted to making "campaign contributions" to dig his way out of trouble. According to WCBS TV (http://wcbstv.com/local/charles.rangel.ethics.2.116032 6.html), a New York CBS affiliate: "The reigning member of Congress' top tax committee is apparently 'wrangling' other politicos to get him out of his own financial and tax troubles...Since ethics probes began last year the 79-year-old congressman has given campaign donations to 119 members of Congress, including three of the five Democrats on the House Ethics Committee who are charged with investigating him." Charlie Rangel should not be allowed to remain in Congress, let alone serve as Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, and he knows it. That's why he felt the need to disburse campaign contributions to Ethics Committee members and other congressional colleagues.

01-18-2010, 04:09 PM
They don't call Dodd the silver fox for nothing....

How bad can Pelosi be...i mean she has big boobs and everything...

01-18-2010, 04:10 PM
For some reason, the numbers kept starting 1., 2., 3. The point being, the Speaker of The House and The President are in the top ten, and they are the 2 biggest pushers of health care. Do you trust anyone on this list? I do not.

01-18-2010, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the post Case.You're right, these guys have done much more damage to this country than a group of serial killers.Chris Dodd with all his power decided not to run because there are a group of people chasing him with hatchets.

01-18-2010, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the post Case.You're right, these guys have done much more damage to this country than a group of serial killers.Chris Dodd with all his power decided not to run because there are a group of people chasing him with hatchets.

I'm sure that and our attorney general suddenly decided he wanted play in the big leagues now....Blumenthal is his name and he looks like a mobster from a 1940' movie...
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:0AfLrAunePtp9M:ht tp://www.ctlawtribune.com/images/articleimages/BLUMENTHAL,%2520RICHARD%2520bl ur%2520copy.jpg

01-18-2010, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the post Case.You're right, these guys have done much more damage to this country than a group of serial killers.Chris Dodd with all his power decided not to run because there are a group of people chasing him with hatchets.

No problem, I love politics and debating politics (with rational minded people), just hate most politicians. I feel depressed some days that I spent 20 years in the service and this place went to Hell in a handbasket. Wide open borders, poison products from China, taxes on everything, gas prices out of control, Constitution treated like a rag. I should have got out after 4 and went to law school followed by politics and tried to fight the good fight where it actually matters, Washington D.C.

01-18-2010, 04:37 PM
One thing about Blumenthal is he will be easy to spot. As for the rest of the Washigton crowd, I think we would be better off in the hands of the Somali Pirates.

01-18-2010, 04:40 PM
One thing about Blumenthal is he will be easy to spot. As for the rest of the Washigton crowd, I think we would be better off in the hands of the Somali Pirates.


01-18-2010, 04:41 PM
The only thing more frightening than this absurd rash of political (and ethical) indecency, is when it'll all come to a head and the public lashes back....

01-18-2010, 04:46 PM
Heres my take on the whole thing.......I hate all politicians. If there is a God, they will all drop dead and then I will fill in potholes with their useless carcass. That way for their first time in their careers they would have done something usefull.

01-18-2010, 04:52 PM
One thing about Blumenthal is he will be easy to spot. As for the rest of the Washigton crowd, I think we would be better off in the hands of the Somali Pirates.

Better them than these pirates!

01-18-2010, 04:56 PM
Heres my take on the whole thing.......I hate all politicians. If there is a God, they will all drop dead and then I will fill in potholes with their useless carcass. That way for their first time in their careers they would have done something usefull.

Great idea, but I'm all for stacking them along the southern border as a warning.

01-18-2010, 05:11 PM
All good reading, but scroll down to number 1. Now, think about it. Where do politicians go when they leave office? (Besides Hell, I mean while they are alive.) They go to work for huge corporations, either on thier board of directors, or as thier lobbyist. 5 bucks says 2 years from now a buttload of current Democratic politicians who don't get re-elected will work in the health care field in some form or fashion.

The 20 Biggest Stories of 2009

John Hawkins
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

20) Michael Jackson Dies: A weird reclusive pop star who was way, way, way too interested in young boys kicked the bucket under strange circumstances. Despite the fact that his last concert tour was in 1996, people went crazy.
19) The Tiger Woods Affairs: The words "I'd hit it like Tiger Woods" took on an entirely new meaning after the world found out he cheated on his wife with over a dozen mistresses.
18) Barack Obama Wins a Peace Prize for Nothing: Obama was given a Peace Prize not because he earned it, but because the Nobel Committee thought he was such a wonderful fellow with great potential. In other news, look for Barack Obama to be given the Heisman Trophy and preemptively declared the new Ultimate Fighting Champion based on what he may do next year.
17) AIG bonuses: [URL="http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009/03/the_aig_debacle_a_mess_of_the. php"]Congress and the Treasury Department (http://magazine.townhall.com/sarahpalinrogue) were aware AIG was getting hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses despite receiving 170 billion in bailout funds, but when the public found out, everyone pretended to be shocked, shocked I tell you, that these bonuses were being paid out.
16) Swine Flu: Swine flu is just like regular flu, except it sounds much cooler to say you had Swine Flu...oh, and there's a chance it could mutate and kill tens of millions of people.
15) Sarah Palin Quits as Governor of Alaska: Sarahcuda got tired of putting her family behind the 8-ball to fend off frivolous ethics charges and decided to hammer the Democratic Party and make millions writing a book instead.
14) The Fort Hood Shooting: Despite having done almost everything short of running a blog called "I Am Going To Murder Soldiers in the Name of Allah," Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was given a pass for his violent, radical Islamic beliefs. As a result of the military's politically correct refusal to deal with Hasan, 13 soldiers were shot to death at Ford Hood.
13) Beergate: (http://rightwingnews.com/2010/01/the-6th-annual-40-most-obnoxious-quotes-of-2009/) Usually Obama allows his supporters to play the race card for him, but after his pal Henry Louis Gates was arrested for making a complete jackass of himself, Obama took his side. Despite admitting that he didn't know the facts, Obama said the police acted stupidly and implied that they were racists. As you'd imagine, this went over very poorly, after which Obama got everyone together for a beer to try to contain the damage.
12) Prop 8: Even in a state as liberal as California, gay marriage wasn't supported by the voters. This produced a spate of thuggish behavior from the shrill and vindictive gay activists in the state (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2008/12/prop_8_boycotts_backfire.php) after the results of Prop 8 were upheld in the California Supreme Court. That undoubtedly made gay marriage even less appealing across the country.
11) Revolution in Iran? The terrorist-supporting, America-hating, nuke-making religious crazies who run Iran have been barely fending off revolution all year. Too bad it's so hard to get the mainstream media and our President interested.
10) Mark Sanford goes down the "Appalachian Trail:" One day Mark Sanford was looking like a legitimate contender for President in 2012 and the next, he was on TV blubbering about a woman who was his soulmate -- and that woman wasn't his wife.
9) Barack Obama becomes President: On the one hand, it's remarkable that a country that once had slavery now has a black President. On the other hand, I'm not sure that's a positive overall when that man could already be fairly called one of the worst Presidents in American history after just a year in office.
8) The Tea Party Movement: It's not all filthy hippies in the streets anymore. Things have gotten so bad that decent people, with jobs, are now getting together to protest the corruption, growth of government, and out-of-control spending in D.C.
7) The Christmas Day Pants Bomber: Despite being amply warned that he was a danger, the government did nothing of significance to prevent Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from getting aboard a plane with explosives. The response to this from the Obama Administration? "The system worked." (http://rightwingnews.com/2010/01/the-6th-annual-40-most-obnoxious-quotes-of-2009/)
6) The failure of the Stimulus: The Democrats spent 1.2 trillion dollars, more than the race to the moon, Louisiana Purchase, and Marshall Plan cost all combined (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009/06/joe_biden_admits_that_republic .php), on a bill that doesn't seem to have been significantly better than doing nothing.
5) GM and Chrysler Taken Over by the Government: In a move that would seem more appropriate for a nation like Cuba than the United States, GM and Chrysler were taken over by the government after which, Chrysler was handed over to Obama's union allies on a silver platter. For the first time, which American car you buy is truly a decision with political implications.
4) The Deficit Explodes: The deficit rocketed upwards at the fastest rate since WWII and the country is projected to remain deeply in the red for as far as the eye can see. How big are the deficits? Obama is spending more than the previous 42 Presidents combined (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009/04/the_economics_of_obamas_first. php) -- and he ain't done yet.
3) The Jobless Rate Cracks 10%: A combination of a lousy economy and businesses that were terrified of the Obama Administration's rapid march towards socialism produced the single worst year for job losses since World War II (http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/01/worst-president-ever-obama-loses-more-jobs-in-one-year-than-any-president-in-modern-history/).
2) Climategate: An absolutely devastating series of emails from scientists at the Hadley Climatic Research Unit was released. It revealed that behind-the-scenes scientists were admitting that the globe has been cooling over the last decade, manipulating climate data to "hide the decline," conspiring to prevent their data from being made public, and trying to prevent opposing views from being published. In other words, if the idea of manmade global warming was Bill Clinton, Climategate was Monica Lewinsky's stained blue dress. 1) Obamacare Passes the House and Senate: Despite apocalyptic poll numbers for the bill, Democrats slammed socialized medicine through both the House and Senate. The final bill hasn't been approved yet, but a bill that will lead to rationing, tax increases, publicly funded abortion, and a tremendous decrease in the quality of medical care seems poised to make it through Congress while many of the Democrats who vote for it seem to be poised to make their way out of Congress in November of this year.

01-18-2010, 05:14 PM
[quote=CBT;851670]All good reading, but scroll down to number 1. Now, think about it. Where do politicians go when they leave office? (Besides Hell, I mean while they are alive.) They go to work for huge corporations, either on thier board of directors, or as thier lobbyist. 5 bucks says 2 years from now a buttload of current Democratic politicians who don't get re-elected will work in the health care field in some form or fashion.

The 20 Biggest Stories of 2009

John Hawkins
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

20) Michael Jackson Dies: A weird reclusive pop star who was way, way, way too interested in young boys kicked the bucket under strange circumstances. Despite the fact that his last concert tour was in 1996, people went crazy.
19) The Tiger Woods Affairs: The words "I'd hit it like Tiger Woods" took on an entirely new meaning after the world found out he cheated on his wife with over a dozen mistresses.
18) Barack Obama Wins a Peace Prize for Nothing: Obama was given a Peace Prize not because he earned it, but because the Nobel Committee thought he was such a wonderful fellow with great potential. In other news, look for Barack Obama to be given the Heisman Trophy and preemptively declared the new Ultimate Fighting Champion based on what he may do next year.

17) AIG bonuses: Congress and the Treasury Department (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009/03/the_aig_debacle_a_mess_of_the. php) were aware AIG was getting hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses despite receiving 170 billion in bailout funds, but when the public found out, everyone pretended to be shocked, shocked I tell you, that these bonuses were being paid out.
16) Swine Flu: Swine flu is just like regular flu, except it sounds much cooler to say you had Swine Flu...oh, and there's a chance it could mutate and kill tens of millions of people.
15) Sarah Palin Quits as Governor of Alaska: Sarahcuda got tired of putting her family behind the 8-ball to fend off frivolous ethics charges and decided to hammer the Democratic Party and make millions writing a book instead.
14) The Fort Hood Shooting: Despite having done almost everything short of running a blog called "I Am Going To Murder Soldiers in the Name of Allah," Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was given a pass for his violent, radical Islamic beliefs. As a result of the military's politically correct refusal to deal with Hasan, 13 soldiers were shot to death at Ford Hood.
13) Beergate: (http://rightwingnews.com/2010/01/the-6th-annual-40-most-obnoxious-quotes-of-2009/) Usually Obama allows his supporters to play the race card for him, but after his pal Henry Louis Gates was arrested for making a complete jackass of himself, Obama took his side. Despite admitting that he didn't know the facts, Obama said the police acted stupidly and implied that they were racists. As you'd imagine, this went over very poorly, after which Obama got everyone together for a beer to try to contain the damage.
12) Prop 8: Even in a state as liberal as California, gay marriage wasn't supported by the voters. This produced a spate of thuggish behavior from the shrill and vindictive gay activists in the state (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2008/12/prop_8_boycotts_backfire.php) after the results of Prop 8 were upheld in the California Supreme Court. That undoubtedly made gay marriage even less appealing across the country.
11) Revolution in Iran? The terrorist-supporting, America-hating, nuke-making religious crazies who run Iran have been barely fending off revolution all year. Too bad it's so hard to get the mainstream media and our President interested.
10) Mark Sanford goes down the "Appalachian Trail:" One day Mark Sanford was looking like a legitimate contender for President in 2012 and the next, he was on TV blubbering about a woman who was his soulmate -- and that woman wasn't his wife.
9) Barack Obama becomes President: On the one hand, it's remarkable that a country that once had slavery now has a black President. On the other hand, I'm not sure that's a positive overall when that man could already be fairly called one of the worst Presidents in American history after just a year in office.
8) The Tea Party Movement: It's not all filthy hippies in the streets anymore. Things have gotten so bad that decent people, with jobs, are now getting together to protest the corruption, growth of government, and out-of-control spending in D.C.
7) The Christmas Day Pants Bomber: Despite being amply warned that he was a danger, the government did nothing of significance to prevent Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from getting aboard a plane with explosives. The response to this from the Obama Administration? "The system worked." (http://rightwingnews.com/2010/01/the-6th-annual-40-most-obnoxious-quotes-of-2009/)
6) The failure of the Stimulus: The Democrats spent 1.2 trillion dollars, more than the race to the moon, Louisiana Purchase, and Marshall Plan cost all combined (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009/06/joe_biden_admits_that_republic .php), on a bill that doesn't seem to have been significantly better than doing nothing.
5) GM and Chrysler Taken Over by the Government: In a move that would seem more appropriate for a nation like Cuba than the United States, GM and Chrysler were taken over by the government after which, Chrysler was handed over to Obama's union allies on a silver platter. For the first time, which American car you buy is truly a decision with political implications.
4) The Deficit Explodes: The deficit rocketed upwards at the fastest rate since WWII and the country is projected to remain deeply in the red for as far as the eye can see. How big are the deficits? Obama is spending more than the previous 42 Presidents combined (http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009/04/the_economics_of_obamas_first. php) -- and he ain't done yet.
3) The Jobless Rate Cracks 10%: A combination of a lousy economy and businesses that were terrified of the Obama Administration's rapid march towards socialism produced the single worst year for job losses since World War II (http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2010/01/worst-president-ever-obama-loses-more-jobs-in-one-year-than-any-president-in-modern-history/).
2) Climategate: An absolutely devastating series of emails from scientists at the Hadley Climatic Research Unit was released. It revealed that behind-the-scenes scientists were admitting that the globe has been cooling over the last decade, manipulating climate data to "hide the decline," conspiring to prevent their data from being made public, and trying to prevent opposing views from being published. In other words, if the idea of manmade global warming was Bill Clinton, Climategate was Monica Lewinsky's stained blue dress. 1) Obamacare Passes the House and Senate: Despite apocalyptic poll numbers for the bill, Democrats slammed socialized medicine through both the House and Senate. The final bill hasn't been approved yet, but a bill that will lead to rationing, tax increases, publicly funded abortion, and a tremendous decrease in the quality of medical care seems poised to make it through Congress while many of the Democrats who vote for it seem to be poised to make their way out of Congress in November of this year.[/quot

You foregot one top story.

I got laid in 2009........Glad thats off my chest now.

01-18-2010, 05:19 PM
You foregot one top story.

I got laid in 2009........Glad thats off my chest now.

Me too... Laid off, that is.

01-18-2010, 05:19 PM
You foregot one top story.

I got laid in 2009........Glad thats off my chest now.

Did you have to scrub for a while?:eek:

01-18-2010, 05:23 PM
lol, good Lord, that list is both hilarious and utterly depressing at the same time. I feel a second-hand layer of shame covering my body for some of the stupid crap that's on that list.

01-18-2010, 05:30 PM
personally I think anyone who has ever received the Nobel prize should be greatly offended...before this year it stood for something. I would send it back postage due....

01-18-2010, 05:31 PM
This is a great read, the vote is tomorrow!

Massachusetts - the Chicago Way
Douglas MacKinnon
Monday, January 18, 2010

As the now national Senate race between Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley speeds toward a controversial conclusion, D.C.-based reporters and political friends of mine, knowing I hail from the Dorchester section of Boston, have been asking me a telling question: "Politically, which is more corrupt? Chicago or Massachusetts?"
Sadly for the good people of the Bay State and for all those who care about transparency in the election process, Massachusetts -- through the office of Secretary of State William F. Galvin and the entrenched Democratic machine -- could easily wrest the crown of corruption off the head of the Chicago Democratic machine.

Possibilities range from stealing the election outright to delaying seating a victorious Brown long enough for interim Sen. Paul G. Kirk Jr. to vote for President Obama's economically crippling health care plan.
Let's not forget, not only do the Democrats have their hand deep inside the Massachusetts cookie jar, they control it outright. So much so that just last fall, the Massachusetts Democrats changed state law to ensure that Gov. Deval Patrick could appoint a machine approved Democrat (Kirk) to fill the seat after Sen. Edward Kennedy's passing.
How best to steal the election from Brown and the people of Massachusetts? Absentee ballots.
As has been shown time and again across the nation, Democrats like to lose, misplace, or never count absentee ballots. Traditionally, they tend to favor the Republican candidate. Especially those from overseas military personnel.
And the Justice Department had to reach a settlement with Galvin in the past for prior problems with the Uniformed Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act. So, if the election is close, the absentee ballots will be the final battleground.
If Brown somehow wins by too large a margin to mess with the absentee ballots, then the Democratic machine in Massachusetts can delay the certification of the results -- for weeks if necessary.
A delay again would ensure Kirk stays in office long enough to cast the deciding vote for Obamacare. As Democratic candidate -- and protector of reporter-assaulting staff -- Coakley said, "Until a new senator is sworn in, Senator Kirk is the senator."
Galvin has already telegraphed this move by citing state law which allows city and town clerks to wait 10 days for those absentee ballots to arrive. Assuming he does not "lose" them in the process. Then, once tabulated, the city and town clerks have 5 days more before they have to file the returns with Galvin's office.
Gee, if memory serves, Galvin bypassed this time-consuming waiting process so Democrat Niki Tsongas could occupy a U.S. House of Representatives seat after a special election. See how neat all of this is?
How nice to have one-party rule, the Boston Globe in your back pocket, and no accountability. The Chicago-Obama Democratic machine must be bursting with pride at a Massachusetts Democratic operation that clearly has the skill sets necessary to deprive the voters of an honest and unpoliticized outcome.
The people of Massachusetts deserve much better. If they don't want their state to be compared negatively with the famously corrupt Chicago machine, they have to speak up. It's all on them at the moment. We will see who really cares on January 19.

01-18-2010, 05:41 PM
This thread is going quite well I must say......

01-18-2010, 05:45 PM
personally I think anyone who has ever received the Nobel prize should be greatly offended...before this year it stood for something. I would send it back postage due....

I was actually pondering this today when I was reading stories about MLKjr., he recieved one. Deservedly. Now THAT guy did some community organizing.

SC Cheesehead
01-18-2010, 05:48 PM
Agreed. Nothing 'bout this is transparent like we were promised during someones campaign. Force people to buy health insurance. What's next? Flight insurance? Pet insurance? I could go on but political threads tend to have a short life span on here.


oh, and:


01-18-2010, 05:59 PM
I can't wait to have dental care modeled after the system in England.

01-18-2010, 06:17 PM
This thread is going quite well I must say......

Agreed. I predict on the Massachusetts election that a bunch of illegal Haitians are flown in , allowed to vote because it is their right, and Coakley wins because of it. The new American way.

01-18-2010, 06:21 PM
Some reading for ya!

Agreed. I predict on the Massachusetts election that a bunch of illegal Haitians are flown in , allowed to vote because it is their right, and Coakley wins because of it. The new American way.

Haiti and the Coming Debate on Immigration (http://spectator.org/blog/2010/01/15/haiti-and-the-coming-debate-on)

Posted by Robert P. Kirchhoefer on 1.15.10 @ 7:40PM

Immigration from and deportation to Haiti has been a hot-button issue for decades. It's about to get white hot.
The crisis in Haiti is now an urgent matter of establishing life-sustaining resources, law and order, and search and rescue efforts. As horrific as the current crisis is, the next phase will be equally complex but arguably more controversial for United States policymakers. How will the United States -- a country that had monumental border issues waiting in the winds before the Haiti earthquake -- address the issue of, potentially, hundreds of thousands of Haitian refugees?
As reported by the Washington Times (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jan/15/disaster-sets-off-debate-on-haitian-status-in-us/), this question is going to be an aftershock of political discourse:

Americans are already pouring humanitarian aid into Haiti, but the next question for President Obama will be whether to grant temporary legal residence to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and legal visitors from Haiti.
Already looming as the next big item for the Obama administration, immigration reform (http://articles.latimes.com/2009/dec/30/nation/la-na-immigration30-2009dec30) was the third stool of the Obama agenda. Cap and Trade came and went (and lingers), health care reform is about to explode with the special election in Massachusetts on Tuesday, and then it will be full-throttle debate on immigration reform.
The United States grants temporary protected status (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jan/15/disaster-sets-off-debate-on-haitian-status-in-us/?page=2) to several countries and can extend that status to others. Haiti is one of the countries that has sought for, but been denied such status. How will President Obama deal with the permanency issues of that status, especially in the wake of the Haitian earthquake?

"I don't think there's going to be a lot of argument over whether we should halt deportations for Haitian illegal aliens. The question is how do we make sure this doesn't become a permanent amnesty, which is essentially what it's been for everybody else who's ever gotten it," he said. Mr. Krikorian said temporary protected status would grant a reprieve to 30,000 Haitians who have deportation orders, as well as an unknown number of others who are in the U.S. illegally or on legal temporary visas.
Whether this helps or hinders one or the other side of the coming debate on illegal immigration remains to be seen. It will definitely add fuel to the fires of each side.
However, despite the devastation in Haiti, we still have to protect our borders and secure our citizens from those who continually attempt to come through our borders in an effort to do us harm. That door is about to be stressed and strained to an extreme degree. It must not become an opening for terrorist groups to get a foot, a leg, or worse in. To think they don't sniff out opportunities to infiltrate our country with every waking breath, is to be living in a different time.
We need to be awake and vigilant throughout the coming debate. It will likely get incredibly messy.

01-18-2010, 06:21 PM
Agreed. I predict on the Massachusetts election that a bunch of illegal Haitians are flown in , allowed to vote because it is their right, and Coakley wins because of it. The new American way.

Then they will quickly be snapped up as housekeepers and nannies by the Kennedy's....God knows you can't have to many illegal alien house keepers and nannies

01-18-2010, 06:28 PM
Well, I will be voting tomorrow.

It will be my first time voting...I chose not to vote in other elections, most specifically the presidential election, because our system and electoral college is a joke. but thats another thread.

Massachusetts (add an E if you're campaining for "Marsha" as a living Kennedy calls her) already has a mandated healthcare. It's a joke. The system is terribly flawed.

A quick glance at my healthcare options:

Through my employer: $1350/year
State health care 1: $1800/year
State option 2: $840/year

as you would imagine, the state coverage isn't exactly the best. When applying for healthcare, they take a look at your gross income. GROSS. To me, this makes zero sense, but what in government does? Nevermind the fact that 1/4 of my paycheck goes to taxes every week, but now I make just barely above the cutoff limit for cheaper state health care.

Oh, and what happens if I don't have health insurance?

$420/year. Thats from the paperwork directly in front of me.

Massachusetts can't run their own health insurance programs, i surely don't trust the government to run a system for the entire country.

01-18-2010, 07:02 PM
Thanks again Case for the read.Yes that will be an issue quickly. Bob I am LMAO. You're right about those housekeepers.Everyone needs a bakers dozen or so, especially the Kennedys.

Mr. Man
01-18-2010, 07:34 PM
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Every two years its the same old thing 'Vote the SOB's out" and every two years we get most of the same faces back.
Nanci Pelosi for example might be the biggest crook going but she brings billions to the state of California and San Fransisco so why would Californians vote her out. We need a system and politicians who look at American as a whole instead of 50 different microcosms. Until we get that it will continue as status quo. I don't know how we get that, do you?

SC Cheesehead
01-18-2010, 07:35 PM
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Every two years its the same old thing 'Vote the SOB's out" and every two years we get most of the same faces back.
Nanci Pelosi for example might be the biggest crook going but she brings billions to the state of California and San Fransisco so why would Californians vote her out. We need a system and politicians who look at American as a whole instead of 50 different microcosms. Until we get that it will continue as status quo. I don't know how we get that, do you?

Term limits.

01-18-2010, 07:48 PM
Term limits.

Absolutely. Public service should be a service to the people, not a career.

01-18-2010, 08:20 PM
Absolutely. Public service should be a service to the people, not a career.
Something is wrong when a man can hole a senate seat longer that I have been alive and I just turned 49.

Mr. Man
01-18-2010, 09:02 PM
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Every two years its the same old thing 'Vote the SOB's out" and every two years we get most of the same faces back.
Nanci Pelosi for example might be the biggest crook going but she brings billions to the state of California and San Fransisco so why would Californians vote her out. We need a system and politicians who look at American as a whole instead of 50 different microcosms. Until we get that it will continue as status quo. I don't know how we get that, do you?

Term limits.

Might work but we already have them for President and the next one seems worse than the one he replaces.
There needs to be a mind reset for what American politics is supposed to do.

01-18-2010, 09:51 PM
Healthcare should be socialized. Works fine for the military. The only new buildings I see in my city are fast food restaurants and cardiac/radiological studies/dialysis clinics. Wait til you meet somebody that has insurance but goes bankrupt paying copays/deductables to take care of their sick kids.

de minimus
01-18-2010, 10:06 PM
I occasionally read US newspapers and watch Amercian TV and I just don't get the opposition to universal healthcare, especially amongst the rank and file. I can see doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies not liking it because it restricts their profit, but I'm confused why you guys think it's such a problem?
BTW nice to have a civil and respectful political thread.

01-19-2010, 02:33 AM
For the most part, Americans tend to become skeptical when our Government makes an attempt to actually help us. We have become so accustomed to fending for ourselves, that when an incumbent actually tries to do something good, we become hostile. America has become [basically] the wealthy and the indigent -- the wealthy have medical coverage and more greed, power over the media, government and societal views. So who gives a damn about the blue-collar, homeless veterans, unemployed families, recent legal immigrants and the "other than caucasian" population?

Our Social Security system was also faced with much rejection and hostility before it was "passed", and granted it's not perfect, but for those utilizing any part of it, just imagine not having it.

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 04:55 AM
I occasionally read US newspapers and watch Amercian TV and I just don't get the opposition to universal healthcare, especially amongst the rank and file. I can see doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies not liking it because it restricts their profit, but I'm confused why you guys think it's such a problem?
BTW nice to have a civil and respectful political thread.

I spent some time on an assignment up in Canada last year. From what I saw and heard about the Canadian system while I was up there didn't convince me that universal healthcare is all it's cracked up to be.

Rationing of sevices, inability to attract and retain health care professionals, spiraling costs...and we should want that down here? :dunno:

01-19-2010, 05:53 AM
I also have seen the Canadian system at work. I worked with an associate up there, a Doctor. His wife got cancer. She would have had to wait several months for treatment in Canada, allowing the cancer to spread to the point it may not be treatable. He took her for treatment in the USA. So Canada's healthcare system is indeed a two-class system. Those who can afford to go elsewhere (the USA) and those who have to wait for treatment in their home country.

01-19-2010, 06:34 AM
As far as socialized medicine and the military, it works great if you are on an aircraft carrier with a full medical staff. Other than that, you have to go through a Primary Care Physician just like evryone else. That means you call a civilian who works for the military, they set a date months down the road to evaluate you, then they will set up a date even further down the road to actually see a doctor. Even for Dental. I had a tooth "fixed" about a year before I retired, and they left a sharp corner on it that was cutting my tounge. After 6 months I said **** it and snapped it off myself. I have not been to a doctor or dentist since mid-2008. And if I need something done, I will go to an emergency room just like everyone else if they want something done asap. The problem I have with making it mandatory is who is going to pay for it? Do you think struggling/jobless people are going to magically find money they didn't already have? Someone will suck up cost: Taxpayers. We are involved in 2 winless wars that are costing us trillions. That money could be used to take care of people here. You cannot take care of other people if you do not take care of yourself first, and there is no argueing that. Increasing the population by granting mass amnesty isn't the answer, either. 12 to 20 million sheetrock workers making 6 bucks an hour aren't going to contribute enough to make it worthwhile. This isn't the late 1800's/early 1900's, the industrial revolution is long gone, so bringing millions of people here under the guise of "they will help pay for social security and health care" is a joke. We have become a nation that exports jobs and imports poverty (while fighting 2 wars) and the taxpayers can only take so much. Heck even people with decent jobs and houses who rarely entered the political fray are suddenly taking an interest in voting and watching CNN and such.
I think we need to enact the CBT "Shifty Law". Any politician deemed "Shifty" by me gets tied to one of those columns holding up the front of the White House and everyone gets to walk up and gut check them. No face punches, we want them recognizable afterwards so people can say "Hey, weren't you that shifty bastard who got punched by a million people? You suck." Ahhhhhh, call me a dreamer.

01-19-2010, 06:43 AM
CBT ...you have kinda a hostile side.....

01-19-2010, 06:55 AM
CBT ...you have kinda a hostile side.....

I'm tame, it just bugs me to see America get ***** politically, socially, and environmentally.

01-19-2010, 07:19 AM
CBT you laid the healthcare debate out eloquently but I have something to add. I go to 2 doctors and I asked them what they would do if national healthcare were passed. Both their responses were they either would go into another profession or practice in another country.The reason being that the healthcare bill limits what they and healthcare workers can make. Any one would have to be a fool to go to medical or nursing school, spend the time and money it takes to go through those schools to come out and make $12 an hour. They would be better off being a plumber as the plumber will not be restricted on his salary. Medicare will be cut drastically over the years. Does anyone have any family member in a nursing home? The government pays for most nursing home patients. Some of these homes will have to close if healthcare is enacted and Grandpa will come and live with you as it will no longer be profitable to be in nursing home business. Hope you like a doctor that comes into your room with a bone in his hair,a grass skirt dancing and holding a chicken because that will be the only ones left.

01-19-2010, 07:26 AM
Heres my take on the whole thing.......I hate all politicians. If there is a God, they will all drop dead and then I will fill in potholes with their useless carcass. That way for their first time in their careers they would have done something usefull.

Tell us how you really feel :D

01-19-2010, 07:32 AM
I go to 2 doctors and I asked them what they would do if national healthcare were passed. Both their responses were they either would go into another profession or practice in another country.

I believe it. I bust on Obama but he says things I like to hear occasionally. He was being drilled on expanded the visa programs and he said "The thought of having to import 50 thousand nurses from the Phillipines and India makes no sense whatsoever when people here need those jobs." Well, now that he said, what will he do about it?
Taxes anger me. Where's our money going? Here's a simple way to pose a question. Let's say you have 2 children you are raising, and your taxes go up, and each month you have to knowingly write a check titled "child support" for someone's kid and you've never even heard of these people. Would you do it? Hell no, that's why we don't get a straight answer on what our hard earned money is going towards. It's crazy.

01-19-2010, 07:42 AM
Yeah I'm don't mean to be blaming everything on Obama as this has been going on since 1776. What I don't understand is say there are 3 million homeless in this country at any given time. If you set up an account for each one of them with 2 million in each account that is 6 million.Each month they get a check. They should be able to live on that. How much cheap wine can they drink ,right? Why do we have to set up many government agencies,with many government bureacrats and spend trillions of dollars over decades to take care of these people?

01-19-2010, 07:53 AM
Yeah I'm don't mean to be blaming everything on Obama as this has been going on since 1776. What I don't understand is say there are 3 million homeless in this country at any given time. If you set up an account for each one of them with 2 million in each account that is 6 million.Each month they get a check. They should be able to live on that. How much cheap wine can they drink ,right? Why do we have to set up many government agencies,with many government bureacrats and spend trillions of dollars over decades to take care of these people?

Good point. Stimulating the economy by giving money from the top down has failed. Banks are already turning mega profits from the bail out. Does anyone know anyone this program actually helped? I don't. Debating health care with health care lobbyist behind closed doors and trying to rush it through while telling us it is for the good of America boggles my mind. Check out the politicians they basically had to bribe to get thier signature on it. Nebraska will not see an increase in Medicare/Medicare taxes if this bill passes. Know why? It's written into the bill! Because that's the only way they could get the dudes vote!! Insane.

01-19-2010, 08:34 AM
Remember the votes they had to buy off on top of Nebraska, who they also threatened to close a military base there that employed 10,000 people if Sen Nelson did not vote for it.It took them giving Louisiana $300 Million to get Mary Landrieax vote and the list goes on. You got to figure there is something big time wrong with a bill where a political party who has total power is willing to give up that power in the next election just for the passage of one bill. Why would they do it? Not to help me I am afraid. I don't need any help from them. Do away with most government and stay the hell out of my way. I will take care of myself and family.

01-19-2010, 08:38 AM
Remember the votes they had to buy off on top of Nebraska, who they also threatened to close a military base there that employed 10,000 people if Sen Nelson did not vote for it.It took them giving Louisiana $300 Million to get Mary Landrieax vote and the list goes on. You got to figure there is something big time wrong with a bill where a political party who has total power is willing to give up that power in the next election just for the passage of one bill. Why would they do it? Not to help me I am afraid. I don't need any help from them. Do away with most government and stay the hell out of my way. I will take care of myself and family.

That's true, LA got a deal also. This make you wonder, why didn't they ALL hold out for a deal? The other 48 states should be upset that they are missing out, lol. Actually, no lol, it's not funny.:(

01-19-2010, 08:52 AM
CBT I see what you are saying about all states holding out. Makes the ones that did not like mine look like they got ripped off. Why didn't they all say I am not going to vote for it unless I get $300 million. I guess some of them were scared of Pelosi and Reid.I don't know why. I would have acted insane and told them I would spill the beans on them and embarass them. Oh well what is a few more trillion.

01-19-2010, 09:03 AM
I occasionally read US newspapers and watch Amercian TV and I just don't get the opposition to universal healthcare, especially amongst the rank and file. I can see doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies not liking it because it restricts their profit, but I'm confused why you guys think it's such a problem?

You're not an American, you wouldn't understand.:)

Ozark Marauder
01-19-2010, 09:36 AM
The difference between the parties is that Republicans ignore the establishment’s advice. After Obama’s election, conventional wisdom insisted that the GOP would have to move to the center. Instead the party moved further right. And whatever the policy merits, it has worked politically. The establishment’s tendency to ignore structural forces is a thoroughly bipartisan one. Democrats, by contrast, have a congenital tendency to panic. Abandoning health care reform after they’ve already paid whatever political cost that comes from voting for it in both houses would be suicide. The only thing preventing the Democrats from following through would be sheer panic.

Scary video: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2010/01/18/pelosi_we_will_have_health_car e_one_way_or_another.html

Stay independent, vote your conscience, back term limits

01-19-2010, 09:49 AM
Some of the biggest supporters for health care are the ones who think (thought) they would get something for nothing. As it turns out, most states will have to fund a huge influx of new medicare enrollees. Where do states get the money? Tax increases. And a lot of states get their money from sales taxes, so the very people who can least afford a tax increase get one to pay for something they thought they would get for free. Oh, and they pay the increased taxes whether they actually sign up for a health care plan or not. Plus they get to pay for the Nebraska enrollees!

Joe Walsh
01-19-2010, 09:55 AM
Some of the biggest supporters for health care are the ones who think (thought) they would get something for nothing. As it turns out, most states will have to fund a huge influx of new medicare enrollees. Where do states get the money? Tax increases. And a lot of states get their money from sales taxes, so the very people who can least afford a tax increase get one to pay for something they thought they would get for free. Oh, and they pay the increased taxes whether they actually sign up for a health care plan or not. Plus they get to pay for the Nebraska enrollees!

The King has no clothes!...The King has no clothes!!

Brian, how dare you point out that; Nothing is for free.

I love how people just assume...."Well....the government prints the money, so they can just print more!"

We don't have to think this through and worry about how we are going to pay for it!

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 09:57 AM
Some of the biggest supporters for health care are the ones who think (thought) they would get something for nothing. As it turns out, most states will have to fund a huge influx of new medicare enrollees. Where do states get the money? Tax increases. And a lot of states get their money from sales taxes, so the very people who can least afford a tax increase get one to pay for something they thought they would get for free. Oh, and they pay the increased taxes whether they actually sign up for a health care plan or not. Plus they get to pay for the Nebraska enrollees!

Yup, that's how they do it up in Canada. Tax the crap out of everything.

How's $12 for a Big Mac and fries sound? Oh yeah, but we've got our universal :rolleyes:health care...

01-19-2010, 10:07 AM
These are scary times, my friends! I'll be watching Mass. very closely tonight.

Joe Walsh
01-19-2010, 10:22 AM
These are scary times, my friends! I'll be watching Mass. very closely tonight.

I'm amazed that it is even close!

3:1 registered Democrats vs registered Republicans...it should be a slam dunk for Coakley.

What does this say about how tired Massachusett's voters are of the Democratic strangle-hold on the state's Senate seats?
Teddy must be spinning in his grave!

I hope this ends up similar to the Maryland election when Kathleen Kennedy Townsend get handily beat by Republican Bob Ehrlich in a state that is 2:1 Democrats.

01-19-2010, 10:26 AM
I'm amazed that it is even close!

3:1 registered Democrats vs registered Republicans...it should be a slam dunk for Coakley.

What does this say about how tired Massachusett's voters are of the Democratic strangle-hold on the state's Senate seats?
Teddy must be spinning in his grave!

I hope this ends up similar to the Maryland election when Kathleen Kennedy Townsend get handily beat by Republican Bob Ehrlich in a state that is 2:1 Democrats.
Well said sir.

01-19-2010, 10:28 AM
I'm amazed that it is even close!

3:1 registered Democrats vs registered Republicans...it should be a slam dunk for Coakley.

What does this say about how tired Massachusett's voters are of the Democratic strangle-hold on the state's Senate seats?
Teddy must be spinning in his grave!

I hope this ends up similar to the Maryland election when Kathleen Kennedy Townsend get handily beat by Republican Bob Ehrlich in a state that is 2:1 Democrats.

Absolutely! That's why there is such a push to rush through healthcare and anything else the Dems have on their agenda. The are anticipating a rout in the midterms.

01-19-2010, 11:13 AM
Just did a little math...

We have 100 senators and 435 congressmen, each making $174k/year. So we taxpayers paid the over $90 million in salary last year. They spent at least 1/3 of their time working on health care reform, probably closer to 1/2 of their time or maybe more. So we have already spent over $30 million for healthcare reform.

01-19-2010, 11:21 AM
Good point Fordnut. And polls show that 2/3 of the people don't want it,and it will put more people out of work. If they were working for the "AMERICAN PEOPLE" as Pelosi brings up everytime she opens up they would do something to create jobs not destroy them.

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 11:44 AM
It's not about helping the "We the People," it's all about growing government and grabbing more power.

01-19-2010, 12:25 PM
It's not about helping the "We the People," it's all about growing government and grabbing more power.

In all actuality, the Government SHOULD be growing. The amount of elected officials should be, anyway. The numbers are based on what was suggested when the Federalist Papers were written. Over time, as the popultation grew, so should have the number of Representatives. Think about it: More officials representing the common man, the harder it is for lobbyist and big corporations and crooks to buy everyone off. More elected officials would actually be BETTER for us, as crazy as it sounds.

01-19-2010, 12:29 PM
In all actuality, the Government SHOULD be growing. The amount of elected officials should be, anyway. The numbers are based on what was suggested when the Federalist Papers were written. Over time, as the popultation grew, so should have the number of Representatives. Think about it: More officials representing the common man, the harder it is for lobbyist and big corporations and crooks to buy everyone off. More elected officials would actually be BETTER for us, as crazy as it sounds.

Except for the tax burden to pay their salaries. They should represent the common man, to do so they would have to LIVE like the common man, on the same sort of income as the common man. They've given themselves salaries in the top 10%, amybe even top 5% of wages in the USA

01-19-2010, 12:32 PM
Except for the tax burden to pay their salaries. They should represent the common man, to do so they would have to LIVE like the common man, on the same sort of income as the common man. They've given themselves salaries in the top 10%, amybe even top 5% of wages in the USA

I can agree with that, hell yeah.

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 12:50 PM
Except for the tax burden to pay their salaries. They should represent the common man, to do so they would have to LIVE like the common man, on the same sort of income as the common man. They've given themselves salaries in the top 10%, amybe even top 5% of wages in the USA

Yeah Brian, but there's got to be some incentive for being forced to live in Washington DC...:rolleyes: -------> ;)

01-19-2010, 12:50 PM
If we could just convince these politicians to leave us alone and not pass any more laws for us to live our lives by and do what politicians were born to do- drink whiskey and chase women!

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 12:52 PM
If we could just convince these politicians to leave us alone and not pass any more laws for us to live our lives by and do what politicians were born to do- drink whiskey and chase women!

I second the motion...

01-19-2010, 12:55 PM
In all actuality, the Government SHOULD be growing. The amount of elected officials should be, anyway. The numbers are based on what was suggested when the Federalist Papers were written. Over time, as the popultation grew, so should have the number of Representatives. Think about it: More officials representing the common man, the harder it is for lobbyist and big corporations and crooks to buy everyone off. More elected officials would actually be BETTER for us, as crazy as it sounds.

There's a difference between more representatives and more bureaucracy. THAT's what we have way too much of. They need to do some house cleaning.

01-19-2010, 01:54 PM
I'm proud of you guys 6 pages and still going strong....everyone give yourself a pat on the back... CBT you pat whatever you think is approproate ....just don't make any video.

01-19-2010, 02:11 PM
'Bout time you got back in here Bob and celebrated our holiday.

01-19-2010, 02:27 PM
I just voted.

I filled in the dot for Scott Brown

01-19-2010, 02:43 PM
Had to actually work today...crazy! I know.....

01-19-2010, 02:45 PM

Honestly, having all the power in the hands of one party is a terrible thing. Balance of power creates more gridlock when it comes to passing legislation. That's a good thing, because less laws being passed is better for all of us.

01-19-2010, 03:07 PM
Being in Congress was never intentioned to be a vocation...our representatives were supposed to meet, do what was needed then go home. Term limits, term limits, term limits, etc. etc. etc.!

01-19-2010, 03:46 PM
I don't know that term limits is the answer. You can be a sorry, lazy a** thief for 2 terms or 10 either way your sorry. The problem is the people that keep voting the same one's back in. I don't understand it! The same BS happens here everyone grips about what there doing but when it's time to vote they vote em back in. WHY is this? Maybe there afraid of change, but what ever it is it just pi**es me off!:mad2:

01-19-2010, 05:32 PM
I'm proud of you guys 6 pages and still going strong....everyone give yourself a pat on the back... CBT you pat whatever you think is approproate ....just don't make any video.
LOL! Hey I have stayed civil so far in this thread, for maybe the first time ever, so no videos or pics from me to ruin it.

01-19-2010, 07:13 PM
Yep, the Republican leaders are disappointed with their lead.

Over 60% of polls reported, Brown over Coakley 52%/46%, they were hoping for a double-digit win!

I know it ain't over yet, but my fingers are crossed...

Thank you Mass voters!

01-19-2010, 07:17 PM
Yep, the Republican leaders are disappointed with their lead.

Over 60% of polls reported, Brown over Coakley 52%/46%, they were hoping for a double-digit win!

I know it ain't over yet, but my fingers are crossed...

Thank you Mass voters!

ARGH! You scared the crap outta me!!

01-19-2010, 07:17 PM
I believe in AnArchy!

01-19-2010, 07:19 PM
The MODs must be asleep. This is a political thread. Then again if it doesn't piss everyone off it will be allowed.

Joe Walsh
01-19-2010, 07:19 PM
Yep, the Republican leaders are disappointed with their lead.

Over 60% of polls reported, Brown over Coakley 52%/46%, they were hoping for a double-digit win!

I know it ain't over yet, but my fingers are crossed...

Thank you Mass voters!

I wouldn't get too excited....if Brown does manage to win, even with all the "accurate vote counting" that many of Massachusett's districts will provide, they will figure out a way to keep him from being sworn in until after the Senate's healthcare vote....:shake:

01-19-2010, 07:25 PM
If they delay confirmation or any of the other dirty tricks up their sleeves it will be political suicide and will probably get both Houses turned over to Republicans at mid-term.

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 07:25 PM
Announcement just made:

Coakley has conceeded to Brown with 70% of the vote in.

01-19-2010, 07:26 PM
He won!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-19-2010, 07:27 PM
The MODs must be asleep. This is a political thread. Then again if it doesn't piss everyone off it will be allowed.

Maybe some of them have been out voting...

01-19-2010, 07:28 PM
I'd like to thank Nate and everyone else that voted in MA

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 07:29 PM
Now let's see what happens. 2:1 odds the dummycrats try to pull a fast one to get Obamacare through Congress before Brown gets sworn in.

01-19-2010, 07:34 PM
I'd like to thank Nate and everyone else that voted in MA

yeah thanks guys!

01-19-2010, 07:36 PM
Now let's see what happens. 2:1 odds the dummycrats try to pull a fast one to get Obamacare through Congress before Brown gets sworn in.

Probably, but I believe this election will open some of their eyes and maybe change the minds of some of the members of the House... If the House doesn't rush through the Senate version, it's dead as it is now written. Several of them have good reasons to change their votes, as they don't like the Senate version so they can blame that instead of the election results. And they start over with a gradual, bipartisan approach.

Eventually they're going to get tired of Obama's bullying to try and force through his agenda.

01-19-2010, 07:38 PM
Maybe some of them have been out voting...

As usual my head is in the sand. I have no idea what is going on.

01-19-2010, 07:40 PM
As usual my head is in the sand. I have no idea what is going on.

That's the way they like their voters in Chicago, so you're okay;)

Joe Walsh
01-19-2010, 07:44 PM
Coakley lost the election!??

This stupid healthcare spending bill is now in serious jeopardy!??

Teddy is spinning faster than a DVD in his grave!


SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 07:45 PM
That's the way they like their voters in Chicago, so you're okay;)

Yup, don't need to know what's going on; just vote early, and vote often.

01-19-2010, 07:55 PM
Isn't there some really important type goverment guy from Chicago?

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 07:56 PM
Wasn't there some really important type goverment guy from Chicago?

Fixed it for you...:D

01-19-2010, 07:57 PM
That's the way they like their voters in Chicago, so you're okay;)

I don't vote. I'd sell mine if it was legal.

01-19-2010, 07:58 PM
Coakley lost the election!??

This stupid healthcare spending bill is now in serious jeopardy!??

Teddy is spinning faster than a DVD in his grave!

If you spin him backwards you can hear the words "let's go for a swim" being repeated over and over.

01-19-2010, 07:59 PM
Sweet merciful lord, could it possibly be? A light at the end of this dark tunnel?

01-19-2010, 07:59 PM
Fixed it for you...:D

CLASSIC!!! :beer:

01-19-2010, 08:00 PM
Fixed it for you...:D

Tanks yo...straight up and down yo...just don't get in my grill yo...

01-19-2010, 08:02 PM
I just saw the Republicans won Kennedy's seat. Yeah!!

01-19-2010, 08:05 PM
old news rookie


01-19-2010, 08:05 PM
A big THANK YOU to the Mass voters.

01-19-2010, 08:06 PM
She was a crook anyway, she'll be okay.

01-19-2010, 08:08 PM
I'm coloring Mass red....hehehehehehehehehehehhe hehehehhehehehe......first virginia now mass......giggle

01-19-2010, 08:11 PM
I don't vote. I'd sell mine if it was legal.

This is part of the problem! What is going on with our youth? From what my son tells me (he's 23) most of the younger people that do vote have no idea who there voting for just go with the media.:shake:

01-19-2010, 08:11 PM
of course Brown is a douchebag (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=qo6&ei=_3NWS66_FYrR8Qb1hfS8Aw&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&ved=0CAYQBSgA&q=douchebag&spell=1) ....a republican douchebag (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=qo6&ei=_3NWS66_FYrR8Qb1hfS8Aw&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&ved=0CAYQBSgA&q=douchebag&spell=1) ...still a douchebag (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=qo6&ei=_3NWS66_FYrR8Qb1hfS8Aw&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&ved=0CAYQBSgA&q=douchebag&spell=1) .

01-19-2010, 08:11 PM
It's just like the Olympic rejection all over again, and the NJ race rejection, and the VA race rejection. Seems like he has the magic touch to help the Republicans win elections.

01-19-2010, 08:13 PM
This is part of the problem! What is going on with our youth? From what my son tells me (he's 23) most of the younger people that do vote have no idea who there voting for just go with the media.:shake:

With that said my new FAVORITE SONG

01-19-2010, 08:17 PM
A big THANK YOU to the Mass voters.

Yes, Thank you. Hopefully Washington will get the message!

Dennis Reinhart
01-19-2010, 08:59 PM
What took place tonight in Massachusetts is a once in a lifetime event, and I hope to all of us this will, help us get past the slump our country has been in since October of last year.

01-19-2010, 09:00 PM
hear, hear

01-19-2010, 09:24 PM
hate to say it fellas but my own sister and my best buds wife are both meatheads...friends wife just posted this
" I guess the fact that 45,000 Americans die every year because they have no health care doesn't concern people??? Or the fact that people choose not to buy the prescriptions they need to survive because they can not afford to do so and put food on the table, that should NEVER have to be a choice. Oh well, hope everyone sleeps easy tonight *roll eyes*"

01-19-2010, 09:28 PM
hate to say it fellas but my own sister and my best buds wife are both meatheads...friends wife just posted this
" I guess the fact that 45,000 Americans die every year because they have no health care doesn't concern people??? Or the fact that people choose not to buy the prescriptions they need to survive because they can not afford to do so and put food on the table, that should NEVER have to be a choice. Oh well, hope everyone sleeps easy tonight *roll eyes*"

Sounds like they should give up all of their salaries to pay for it.

01-19-2010, 09:33 PM
These are the same two who went right out and voted BO and then made sure I knew it...I personally think they doit to piss me off...

01-19-2010, 09:33 PM
lol, sounds like the only part of the thousands-long healthcare bill she read was "free healthcare". Surprise, there's fine print...

01-19-2010, 09:35 PM
I guess we finally see the "Hope and change" we have been waiting for...

SC Cheesehead
01-19-2010, 09:37 PM
Got that right, Dennis!

01-19-2010, 09:37 PM
A big THANK YOU to the Mass voters.

You're very welcome! :up:

01-19-2010, 09:46 PM
Finally we got the change we NEED to move our country in the right direction. Now let's continue it into November. Look for Scott Brown to run for President in 2012. No experience - he will have more experience in 2012 then Obama did when he ran. So that is not an issue. Not reasonable? He has a chance if he perform's well - not impossible. It will be an interesting few years to see him grow and develop.


de minimus
01-19-2010, 10:24 PM
Yup, that's how they do it up in Canada. Tax the crap out of everything.

How's $12 for a Big Mac and fries sound? Oh yeah, but we've got our universal :rolleyes:health care...

Ah, not quite. a Big Mac is about the same price here that it is across the border. But we do get the crap taxed out of us on ciggies, booze and gasoline and a lot of that revenue goes to pay for health care and other social programs.
hey, I'm not saying our system or universal health care systems that exist in virtually every western democracy are better or worse - I just didn't understand the degree of antipathy and distrust that a lot of you have towards your government.

01-19-2010, 10:27 PM
lol and whats that in you Sig? eh?

de minimus
01-19-2010, 10:44 PM
It was a great picture of my car with a nasty little crow staring at the grill....I don't know what happened.

Donny Carlson
01-20-2010, 04:26 AM
If I were up for reelection this year, and I was a Democrat, I would be VERY nervous. Considering how that senate seat was a lock for TK, this is a strong signal that there's gonna be a major shift come the fall.

01-20-2010, 04:44 AM
Thanks Nate for your vote. I may decide to move to Massachusetts some day. This is truly a sign of hope. Can tax cuts be next?

01-20-2010, 04:56 AM
hate to say it fellas but my own sister and my best buds wife are both meatheads...friends wife just posted this
" I guess the fact that 45,000 Americans die every year because they have no health care doesn't concern people??? Or the fact that people choose not to buy the prescriptions they need to survive because they can not afford to do so and put food on the table, that should NEVER have to be a choice. Oh well, hope everyone sleeps easy tonight *roll eyes*"
Does she realize that opening up inter-state health care company choices would greatly increase competition among the companies and drive down the cost? Or that drug manufacturers are allowed a 15 year stranglehold patent on thier drugs so they don't have to list the ingredients and allow the possibility of someone making a cheaper version? Those are 2 ways that would help those 45 thousand people, I'm sure there are more. Maybe the millions of Haitians that will be arriving here shortly will have a few good answers. I'm such an optimist.:D

01-20-2010, 05:04 AM
CBT, you can bet those Haitians will have an answer. As for those 45,000 people, it is like owning a Mercury, if you need a set of tires you don't go and buy a new car. We don't need to force everyone to buy healthcare because a handful of people need help. It would be like forcing everyone to buy a shopping cart because a few are homeless.

01-20-2010, 05:07 AM
Right On Dennis!

SC Cheesehead
01-20-2010, 05:32 AM
Ah, not quite. a Big Mac is about the same price here that it is across the border. But we do get the crap taxed out of us on ciggies, booze and gasoline and a lot of that revenue goes to pay for health care and other social programs.
hey, I'm not saying our system or universal health care systems that exist in virtually every western democracy are better or worse - I just didn't understand the degree of antipathy and distrust that a lot of you have towards your government.

Beg to differ. I was on assignment up there for 6 weeks with a $50 per diem and was shocked how much things cost. Between Wendys and Mickey D's lunch averaged $12 to $14 a day. A modest dinner with a beer or glass or two of wine was typcially $35 or more. A 12 pack of beer was at least $20.

IMO (and others as well), government has two basic functions: (1) Provide for the common defense. (2) Establish a uniform currency to enable economic exchange.

There are a bunch of folks in Washington that feel that more government is the solution to any problem, and THAT is th reason for antipathy and distrust many of us share.

01-20-2010, 05:41 AM
Beg to differ. I was on assignment up there for 6 weeks with a $50 per diem and was shocked how much things cost. Between Wendys and Mickey D's lunch averaged $12 to $14 a day. A modest dinner with a beer or glass or two of wine was typcially $35 or more. A 12 pack of beer was at least $20.

IMO (and others as well), government has two basic functions: (1) Provide for the common defense. (2) Establish a uniform currency to enable economic exchange.

There are a bunch of folks in Washington that feel that more government is the solution to any problem, and THAT is th reason for antipathy and distrust many of us share.

They knew a sucker when they saw one, Rex!:D

01-20-2010, 05:42 AM
Yeah, I think the distrust goes back a few hundred years. :)
Growing up in southern NH I have alway's disliked the socialist slant of a lot of the state policies. Like night and day across the border.
I don't think a lot of people not from the area realize how big a deal it is for the constituents of Mass to vote Brown into the seat held by Teddie for 40+ years. It's good to see the Spirit of 76 is still alive up there. I am not saying it is a revolution or anything, but it is a very loud statement of how the people are feeling.

01-20-2010, 05:50 AM
Yeah, I think the distrust goes back a few hundred years. :)
Growing up in southern NH I have alway's disliked the socialist slant of a lot of the state policies. Like night and day across the border.
I don't think a lot of people not from the area realize how big a deal it is for the constituents of Mass to vote Brown into the seat held by Teddie for 40+ years. It's good to see the Spirit of 76 is still alive up there. I am not saying it is a revolution or anything, but it is a very loud statement of how the people are feeling.

I agree...anyone who doesn't see how Massachusetts voters think day in and day out really don't understand the magnatude of what happened yesterday...I still don't believe it...and Boston is a world onto its self.

Southern New Hampshire???? Everyone knows everything below White River Junction is Northern Massachusetts.... :D

01-20-2010, 05:51 AM
And did they realize that Mass already has about 95% coverage for healthcare in the state and the national plan would be more of a financial burden with less coverage?
It should not be all about health care and it should not be just a wake up call for the left. Red or Blue, if you have your hand in your constituents wallets you should be shaking a little bit.

Paul T. Casey
01-20-2010, 06:10 AM
Never was a big fan of any Kennedy, but that's beside the point. Here's to hoping that Sen. Brown won't be changing into the typical politician. The change most of us Americans were hoping for was that our government servants (their term) would actually become more of that to us everyday citizens, and less of that to the lobbyists and special interest groups.

01-20-2010, 06:18 AM
I merged the three MA election threads.

01-20-2010, 06:24 AM
I merged the three MA election threads.

What's your take on this, this is your state isn't it?

01-20-2010, 06:26 AM
What's your take on this, this is your state isn't it?
Her take on it is: The only BLUE she's gonna see for a while is in Kentucky in April. Thank-you !!~ I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress.


01-20-2010, 06:33 AM
Her take on it is: The only BLUE she's gonna see for a while is in Kentucky in April. Thank-you !!~ I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress.


Why, what's going on in Kentucky in April?
Whoa, is that the killer rabbit from Monty Python and The Holy Grail?

01-20-2010, 06:34 AM
Why, what's going on in Kentucky in April?
Whoa, is that the killer rabbit from Monty Python and The Holy Grail?

............. the Alzhiemers is kicking in, I tend to forget stuff. And my Alzhiemers is kicking in, so I tend to forget stuff.

Lots of BLUE Marauders..............and no, that's a BUNNY SCREAMING. Think about it.

01-20-2010, 06:38 AM
Lots of BLUE Marauders..............and no, that's a BUNNY SCREAMING. Think about it.

I don't like to think about bunnies screaming, it makes the CBT sad.

01-20-2010, 06:40 AM
WLS radio is refering to the Mass. situation as "The SCOTT heard around the world". :lol: Priceless.

01-20-2010, 06:44 AM
WLS radio is refering to the Mass. situation as "The SCOTT heard around the world". :lol: Priceless.
My favorite so far: "This is worse than the Titanic sinking. It's worse than the Hindenburg crash. It's like crashing the Titanic INTO the Hindenburg."

01-20-2010, 06:49 AM
Frank Luntz did a group discussion this morning with Massachusetts voters who voted for Obama.They were pretty universal in their dislike in the way things were going these days in Washington. Healthcare seemed to be the big issue. The Florida AG and a bunch others are going to challenge it in the courts. Cuba has universal healthcare.

01-20-2010, 06:54 AM
you should see the size of nat's and my gaint rabbit

01-20-2010, 07:00 AM
Well Brown won!! whoot! in the liberal state of MA! YES! Take that Obama. Yes everyone hates you now! Muhahaha.

No more Obamacare.

Side note: Marijuana is legal now in MA??? :beatnik:

01-20-2010, 07:48 AM
you should see the size of nat's and my gaint rabbit

Isn't that what caused you a problem a few months ago?

SC Cheesehead
01-20-2010, 07:50 AM
My favorite so far: "This is worse than the Titanic sinking. It's worse than the Hindenburg crash. It's like crashing the Titanic INTO the Hindenburg."


Dr. Peter Venkman (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/): [We're] headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0546868/): What do you mean, "biblical"?
Dr Ray Stantz (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000101/): What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/): Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000101/): Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000601/): Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
Winston Zeddemore (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001368/): The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/): Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

I can hardly wait, real CYCBI!! :D

01-20-2010, 07:53 AM

Dr. Peter Venkman (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/): [We're] headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0546868/): What do you mean, "biblical"?
Dr Ray Stantz (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000101/): What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/): Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000101/): Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000601/): Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
Winston Zeddemore (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001368/): The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/): Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

I can hardly wait, real CYCBI!! :D

Honestly, I don't care which side this happened to, as long as it opens people eyes to voting, politics, caring about "stuff" that affects our health, pay, and future.

01-20-2010, 08:12 AM
As an outsider it seems to me Brown was an appealing candidate who ran a good campaign appealing to his blue collar heritage (200k GMC truck ads) and will likely make a good middle of the road senator. Its not the first time MA has had a Republican senator, I think Brooks was a Republican before Kerry. His pro-choice views may not carry well with the Rush/FoxNews crowd. Coakley on the other hand was a weak, boring candidate who ran a campaign assuming it was an easy layup to get elected. Wrong. The general public wants leadership, regardless of political affiliation in these tough times. I think even I would have voted for Brown.
Re a barometer on Obama, he has had a ton on his plate since getting elected, what with two wars to try to wind up and the economy almost going into another Great Depression. I think he tried to do healthcare in his first year because thats the normal time for presidents to get big change agendas thru congress (LBJ, 1964), unfortunately for Obama the troubled economy is too big a problem to try to run other major legislation thru congress anytime soon. All that said, I would not underestimate Obama's support nationwide even with a few political missteps.

01-20-2010, 08:13 AM
Honestly, I don't care which side this happened to, as long as it opens people eyes to voting, politics, caring about "stuff" that affects our health, pay, and future.

I second that! :beer:

01-20-2010, 08:14 AM
Beg to differ. I was on assignment up there for 6 weeks with a $50 per diem and was shocked how much things cost. Between Wendys and Mickey D's lunch averaged $12 to $14 a day. A modest dinner with a beer or glass or two of wine was typcially $35 or more. A 12 pack of beer was at least $20.

IMO (and others as well), government has two basic functions: (1) Provide for the common defense. (2) Establish a uniform currency to enable economic exchange.

There are a bunch of folks in Washington that feel that more government is the solution to any problem, and THAT is th reason for antipathy and distrust many of us share.

First a GIGANTIC thank you to all who voted for Scott Brown and second ^^^^^^^^^ what Rex said. If the government would just back away from trying to legislate everything under the sun we wouldn't need them year 'round.:beer:

01-20-2010, 08:30 AM
First a GIGANTIC thank you to all who voted for Scott Brown and second ^^^^^^^^^ what Rex said. If the government would just back away from trying to legislate everything under the sun we wouldn't need them year 'round.:beer:

Then what would they do? Get honest jobs, yea right.

01-20-2010, 08:36 AM
Then what would they do? Get honest jobs, yea right.

It would be nice...no, I'm not fooling myself I've been around too long for that. All of Congress should be made to watch "Mr. Smith goes to Washington.":flag:

01-20-2010, 08:42 AM
Honestly, I don't care which side this happened to, as long as it opens people eyes to voting, politics, caring about "stuff" that affects our health, pay, and future.

I second that! :beer:



Ozark Marauder
01-20-2010, 10:37 AM
No politician quite gets a pass for deception and prevarication. Obama in his narcissism thought his sonorous rhetoric made him exempt from a “read my lips” or “I didn’t have sex with that woman” moment. It didn’t.

People heard his serial promises about airing the health-care debate on C-SPAN, his new-transparency/no-lobbyist vows, and his monotonous boasts to close down Guantanamo within a year. All that is now “inoperative.” The problem was not just that Obama made promises that he broke, but that he made them so frequently and so vehemently — and so cavalierly broke them. That brazen campaign deception is problematic for a politician, but proves fatal for a self-appointed messiah.

Elite liberals are not good class warriors. Factor in multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi’s government mega-jet or Barack Obama’s various overseas junkets or the big Wall Street money that went into Obama’s near billion-dollar campaign coffers, and it is hard to take seriously Obama’s constant war against “them.” The voters have figured out that their president likes the elite plutocracy and the lower middle classes, but not so much the wannabe rich who aspire to cross his hated $250,000 income threshold — at which point suddenly they become unpatriotic, unwilling to pay their fair shares, and reluctant to spread the wealth around.

It is not particularly smart to constantly demonize the entrepreneurial classes, promise to raise income, payroll, health-care, and inheritance taxes on them, and expand government regulations — and then wonder why they are not creating more jobs.

01-20-2010, 10:43 AM
I think that this system has a serious issue with thinking "we know what's best for you". They make it clear when an overwhelming majority of the public are outwardly against the bill but they try to force the issue anyways.

01-20-2010, 10:43 AM
I've said it in the past;

Obama is the Anti-Christ.

01-20-2010, 10:50 AM
I like Bush...

Ozark Marauder
01-20-2010, 10:56 AM
One of the great frustrations of the Bush years was the fact that the administration had strong national-defense and counterterrorism policies that it shied away from defending.

The laws of war are the rule of law. They are not a suspension of the Constitution. They are the Constitution operating in wartime. The Framers understood that there would be wars against enemies of the United States — it is stated explicitly in the Constitution’s treason clause (Art. III, Sec. 3). The American people understand that we have enemies, even if Washington sees them as political “engagement” partners waiting to happen. Americans also grasp that war is a political and military challenge that the nation has to win, not a judicial proceeding in which your enemies are presumed innocent. The rule of law is not and has never been the rule of lawyers — especially lawyers we can’t vote out of office when they say we must let trained terrorists move in next door.

01-20-2010, 01:10 PM
Myself and quite a few other on local forums, and esp. SVTPerformance.com voted for Brown..

What I find interesting is how inaccurate the polls were, Brown up by 17%, Brown up by 35%, Coakley ahead by 10%, every day it was a different poll with different results.

In the end, Brown only won by 4%.. Pretty damn close if you ask me..

01-20-2010, 01:46 PM
hahahahahahah lololololloolololololololl!!!! !
God, I hate liberals!

Joe Walsh
01-20-2010, 01:54 PM
Myself and quite a few other on local forums, and esp. SVTPerformance.com voted for Brown..

Thank you!.... :beer:

What I find interesting is how inaccurate the polls were, Brown up by 17%, Brown up by 35%, Coakley ahead by 10%, every day it was a different poll with different results.

In the end, Brown only won by 4%.. Pretty damn close if you ask me..

When a Republican wins 'The Kennedy' Senate seat in a state with 3:1 registered Democrats to Republicans.....
that is a friggin' landslide / blow-out of epic proportions!...:banana:

01-20-2010, 02:04 PM
This is one of the best threads we have had on this site! Thanks to all who have spoken on it.:)


01-20-2010, 02:11 PM
Joe Walsh you are correct. This was a big deal politically. To be such a Democratic stronghold and this guy is not a Joe Lieberman type. He and Ted Kennedy are as far apart as night and day and he campaigned that way. I heard that a month or so ago he was 30 pts. behind and he won by 4 or 5 pts. That is a 35 pt. swing in a short time. These things just don't happen for no reason. Then you got to factor in the voter fraud ,maybe 2 or 3 pts, as ACORN and the SEIU were on the ground there. Anyway that is the 3rd state in 3 months that lost big time because of what is going on in Washington.

Joe Walsh
01-20-2010, 02:18 PM
Joe Walsh you are correct. This was a big deal politically. To be such a Democratic stronghold and this guy is not a Joe Lieberman type. He and Ted Kennedy are as far apart as night and day and he campaigned that way. I heard that a month or so ago he was 30 pts. behind and he won by 4 or 5 pts. That is a 35 pt. swing in a short time. These things just don't happen for no reason. Then you got to factor in the voter fraud ,maybe 2 or 3 pts, as ACORN and the SEIU were on the ground there.
Anyway that is the 3rd state in 3 months that lost big time because of what is going on in Washington.

I can understand why Obama and a majority of Democrats got elected last year.
LOTS of people were frustrated by 8 years of George Bush and they voted across party lines to "clean house".

Now LOTS of people are, again, frustrated by what is going on in Washington...

The pendulum swings both ways.

01-20-2010, 02:19 PM
I left my polling station with a smile...

I passed 2 on my way home from work, on my way to my polling center, not a single "Chokeley" sign to be seen. I was very surprised at just the 4% win, but very happy.

Scott Brown got my vote, and I'm hoping this win sent a message to other states and voters that we DO have a voice. 35% swing in just a few short weeks? That IS a big deal in any election, let alone a 3:1 democratic state like this. Hopefully washington can wake up!

Hopefully Obama and all the others who made a late desperate push for Martha votes can realize where they went wrong. She lost me when she started the neverending attack ad's. Not once did I see an ad pushing her thoughts on REAL issues. When our unemployment rate is growing, the economy is just getting worse, taxes getting higher....DO I REALLY CARE WHERE YOU STAND ON A WOMENS RIGHT TO CHOOSE?!?

01-20-2010, 05:12 PM
I went looking for my thread i started and couldn't find it...someone went and changed the title...my mind is quirky enough without messing with me

01-20-2010, 05:13 PM
I went looking for my thread i started and couldn't find it
--Epic-----EpicEpic-- --Epic-------Epic-----EpicEpic---Epic
---Epic---Epic--Epic--Epic--------Epic---- -Epic--Epic-Epic

01-20-2010, 05:19 PM
WOW...how did you type that so fast??

01-20-2010, 05:22 PM
WOW...how did you type that so fast??

Spirit Fingers!!

01-20-2010, 06:42 PM
Bob get on in here.This is a good thread. Keep it up. Been watching this stuff on the tube. Should send Washington a message, that even with voter fraud it takes 6 % or better fraud or it won't be legit.

01-20-2010, 07:14 PM
Murtha should be next.

SC Cheesehead
01-20-2010, 07:22 PM
Murtha should be next.

We can only hope...

01-20-2010, 07:36 PM
We can only hope...

....that he pulls a Teddy?

01-20-2010, 07:39 PM
....that he pulls a Teddy?

Well that would work, too, but I meant loses an election.

SC Cheesehead
01-20-2010, 07:40 PM
....that he pulls a Teddy?

Oh, man, that...ain't...right....:o---->:)---->:P---->:rofl:

01-20-2010, 09:14 PM
I just had to put several members of my family in there place on face book...to think they blamed BUSH for the Bankers .....just because it happened during Bushes reign doesn't mean he started it!!!! I posted this

"Glass-Steagall Act, officially known as the Banking Act of 1933. Glass made sure the bill forbid banks from getting into the investment business. In addition, the bill established the Federal Deposit Insurance Company, which protects our bank deposits.
Guess who repealed that act....not Bush..it was Clinton..he did it as a favor to the president of CITIBANK....LOL
BTW i'm an Independent ...I thought Bush was a pinhead...waste of 8 years"

01-20-2010, 09:26 PM
....that he pulls a Teddy?

I'm with you!!!! That man? is a disgrace to the nation and to my Corps!:flamer:

01-20-2010, 09:33 PM
I'm with you!!!! That man? is a disgrace to the nation and to my Corps!:flamer:

What he said!!:high5:

01-20-2010, 09:41 PM
I'm with you!!!! That man? is a disgrace to the nation and to my Corps!:flamer:

I thought he was army??

01-20-2010, 09:43 PM
I thought he was army??

No, unfortunately he was in the Marines but he is definetly an EX-Marine!

SC Cheesehead
01-20-2010, 09:45 PM
No, unfortunately he was in the Marines but he is definetly an EX-Marine!

Yeah, I know. "The only ex-Marine is...

01-20-2010, 09:46 PM
U.S. Representative John P. Murtha has dedicated his Personal Story (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=320&Itemid=1)
Honors and Awards (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=321&Itemid=1)
Shortened Biography (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=374&Itemid=1)
Committee Assignments (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=380&Itemid=1)

Caucus Membership (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=530&Itemid=1)

Official Photograph (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=522&Itemid=1)
Notification of Military Awards (http://www.murtha.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=319&Itemid=1)

life to serving his country both in the military and in the
halls of Congress. He had a long and distinguished 37-year career in the U.S. Marine Corps, retiring from the Marine Corps Reserve as a colonel in 1990.

01-20-2010, 09:48 PM
No, unfortunately he was in the Marines but he is definetly an EX-Marine!

I could be wrong, but EVERY site I google says he was in the army. I don't always believe everything I read online. But I'm also not too motivated to disgrace the Corps with his name, either. ;)

I was thinking about the old murder himself, not Murtha. That's a sign I need to hit the rack.

01-20-2010, 09:50 PM
[edit (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Murtha&action=edit&section=1)] Early life and military service

Murtha was born into an Irish-American family in New Martinsville, West Virginia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Martinsville,_West_Virgini a); near the border with Ohio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio) and Pennsylvania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania), and grew up in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westmoreland_County,_Pennsylva nia); a largely suburban county east of Pittsburgh.
As a youth, he became an Eagle Scout (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagle_Scout_(Boy_Scouts_of_Ame rica)). He also worked delivering newspapers and at a gas station before graduating from The Kiski School (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Kiski_School), an all-male boarding school (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boarding_school) in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltsburg,_Pennsylvania).
Murtha left Washington and Jefferson College (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_and_Jefferson_Colle ge) in 1952 to join the Marine Corps (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Marine_Corps) and was awarded the American Spirit Honor Medal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Spirit_Honor_Medal) for displaying outstanding leadership qualities during training. Murtha became a drill instructor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drill_instructor) at Parris Island (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Corps_Recruit_Depot_Par ris_Island) and was selected for Officer Candidate School (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_Candidate_School_(U.S. _Marine_Corps)) at Quantico, Virginia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantico,_Virginia). Murtha was then assigned to the Second Marine Division, Camp Lejeune (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Corps_Base_Camp_Lejeune ), North Carolina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Carolina).
Murtha remained in the Marine Forces Reserve (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Forces_Reserve), and ran a small business (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_business), Johnstown Minute Car Wash (which still operates in the West End section of Johnstown.) He also attended the University of Pittsburgh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Pittsburgh) on the G.I. Bill (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Bill), and received a degree in economics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics). Murtha later took graduate courses from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana_University_of_Pennsylv ania). Murtha married his wife Joyce on June 10, 1955. They have three children and live in Johnstown.
Murtha left the Marines in 1955. He remained in the Reserves after his discharge from active duty until he volunteered for service in the Vietnam War (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War), serving from 1966 to 1967, serving as a battalion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battalion) staff officer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staff_officer) (S-2 Intelligence Section), receiving the Bronze Star (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Star_Medal) with Valor device (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valor_device), two Purple Hearts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple_Heart) and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_Cross_of_Gallantry) . He retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonel_(United_States)) in 1990, receiving the Navy Distinguished Service Medal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navy_Distinguished_Service_Med al).

01-20-2010, 10:57 PM
Im getting tired head from all this political stuff:



01-21-2010, 04:28 AM
Speaking of politics and such, something tells that even 18 months from now, no politician (especially Janet From Another Planet Napolitano) will try and find these people, or keep track of how many arrive during that time. But that's more tax payers so it should lighten our load, yes no?

(Jan. 15) – The Obama administration said today that it would allow 100,000 to 200,000 Haitian citizens living in the United States in violation of immigration law to remain and work in the country for another 18 months.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano issued a statement explaining the decision (read the full press release here (http://www.dhs.gov/ynews/releases/pr_1263595952516.shtm)):

As part of the department's ongoing efforts to assist Haiti following Tuesday's devastating earthquake, I am announcing the designation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitian nationals who were in the United States as of January 12, 2010. This is a disaster of historic proportions and this designation will allow eligible Haitian nationals in the United States to continue living and working in our country for the next 18 months. Providing a temporary refuge for Haitian nationals who are currently in the United States and whose personal safety would be endangered by returning to Haiti is part of this administration's continuing efforts to support Haiti's recovery.
The governments of Canada and France have also suspended deportation of undocumented Haitians in the wake of Tuesday's earthquake.

01-21-2010, 05:14 AM
Oh and CBT I don't know but do you guess these illegal Haitians will be led to vote for which political party?:dunno:

01-21-2010, 05:20 AM
With that said my new FAVORITE SONG

Aren't you a little old for S.O.A.D.?

01-21-2010, 05:24 AM
Oh and CBT I don't know but do you guess these illegal Haitians will be led to vote for which political party?:dunno:

If they have a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Tijunana, think of all the potential voters and tax payers we'd gain! It's a win-win!:beer:

01-21-2010, 05:38 AM
All these new taxpayers we are talking about are qualified to do what type of work? Looks like some of them are sleeping outside. With our unemployment rate at 10% + I hope they are just not adding to that problem.

01-21-2010, 05:48 AM
Aren't you a little old for S.O.A.D.?

HELL!,No! I listen to talented muscians no matter what they sing ...but I DON"T listen to fashionable bands...:rock:
I only like maybe a handful of s.o.a.d. i like alot more Marylan Manson :D

01-21-2010, 06:22 AM
Murtha should be next.

Don't blame Murtha. Blame the a**hole PA voters who put a multi-million $ airport (etc.) ahead of integrity.

US Supreme Court (8 "idiots" and one wise Latina woman :rolleyes:):

Kelo (- Sotomayor)- need I say more

01-21-2010, 07:05 AM
Well well, politicians have started telling the truth....

NBC News exclusive
By Lisa Myers and Michael Austin
updated 1 hour, 35 minutes ago

For the first time, John Edwards is publicly admitting that he is indeed the father of a 2-year-old daughter conceived with Rielle Hunter, a campaign videographer with whom he had an affair.
In a written statement provided exclusively to NBC News, the former North Carolina senator and Democratic presidential candidate says he’s taking responsibility for the child, Frances Quinn Hunter:
“I am Quinn’s father. I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. I have been able to spend time with her during the past year and trust that future efforts to show her the love and affection she deserves can be done privately and in peace. It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me. I have been providing financial support for Quinn and have reached an agreement with her mother to continue providing support in the future.
To all those I have disappointed and hurt these words will never be enough, but I am truly sorry.”

01-21-2010, 07:32 AM
Well well, politicians have started telling the truth....

NBC News exclusive
By Lisa Myers and Michael Austin
updated 1 hour, 35 minutes ago

For the first time, John Edwards is publicly admitting that he is indeed the father of a 2-year-old daughter conceived with Rielle Hunter, a campaign videographer with whom he had an affair.
In a written statement provided exclusively to NBC News, the former North Carolina senator and Democratic presidential candidate says he’s taking responsibility for the child, Frances Quinn Hunter:
“I am Quinn’s father. I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. I have been able to spend time with her during the past year and trust that future efforts to show her the love and affection she deserves can be done privately and in peace. It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me. I have been providing financial support for Quinn and have reached an agreement with her mother to continue providing support in the future.
To all those I have disappointed and hurt these words will never be enough, but I am truly sorry.”

He was probably going to have to take a paternity test anyway so did the "right" thing and owned up to it.:bigcry:

01-21-2010, 07:34 AM
Haven't seen anything yet...has Scott Brown been seated yet? Please excuse all the yets...not awake yet. Damn!

01-21-2010, 07:39 AM
Haven't seen anything yet...has Scott Brown been seated yet? Please excuse all the yets...not awake yet. Damn!
You'll get the hang of this yet.:D

01-21-2010, 07:49 AM
Haven't seen anything yet...has Scott Brown been seated yet? Please excuse all the yets...not awake yet. Damn!

not yet...

01-21-2010, 07:56 AM
not yet...

Doh!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:: eek::eek: My message was too short. Please excuse all the :eek:s.

01-21-2010, 08:00 AM
If you remember the campaign John Edwards was requested to take a paternity test because he claimed he was not childs father. This morning he sent out a spokesman on TV and was not man enough himself to admit he was childs father.It was Massachusetts or another state that the Dems seated a congressman the day after the election because they needed the vote so bad. Brown has not been seated and we will see what kind of games they play with him. They may say he does not have the proper vaccinations.

01-21-2010, 08:08 AM
It was Massachusetts or another state that the Dems seated a congressman the day after the election because they needed the vote so bad. Brown has not been seated and we will see what kind of games they play with him. They may say he does not have the proper vaccinations.

When he was 9 he kicked a cat.

01-21-2010, 08:10 AM
When he was 9 he kicked a cat.

Quite dastardly, imho.:(

01-21-2010, 08:11 AM
When he was 9 he kicked a cat.

LMAO :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Joe Walsh
01-21-2010, 08:56 AM
Well well, politicians have started telling the truth....

NBC News exclusive
By Lisa Myers and Michael Austin
updated 1 hour, 35 minutes ago

For the first time, John Edwards is publicly admitting that he is indeed the father of a 2-year-old daughter conceived with Rielle Hunter, a campaign videographer with whom he had an affair.
In a written statement provided exclusively to NBC News, the former North Carolina senator and Democratic presidential candidate says he’s taking responsibility for the child, Frances Quinn Hunter:
“I am Quinn’s father. I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. I have been able to spend time with her during the past year and trust that future efforts to show her the love and affection she deserves can be done privately and in peace. It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me. I have been providing financial support for Quinn and have reached an agreement with her mother to continue providing support in the future.
To all those I have disappointed and hurt these words will never be enough, but I am truly sorry.”

He was probably going to have to take a paternity test anyway so did the "right" thing and owned up to it.:bigcry:

If you remember the campaign John Edwards was requested to take a paternity test because he claimed he was not childs father. This morning he sent out a spokesman on TV and was not man enough himself to admit he was childs father.It was Massachusetts or another state that the Dems seated a congressman the day after the election because they needed the vote so bad. Brown has not been seated and we will see what kind of games they play with him. They may say he does not have the proper vaccinations.

One of my most dispised people is in the news again. I have hated that two faced, smarmy, accident chasing bum since I first read about him.
He employed the famous 'slick Willie' technique: Lie, Deny, Lie, Deny, Lie, Deny.
Glad to see that he is getting what he deserves......ridicule.



"But he would have made such a quality Vice President!"

BTW: I would pay good money to watch his poor wife kick him square in the 'nads' with her high heels.

01-21-2010, 08:59 AM
One of my most dispised people is in the news again.
BTW: I would pay good money to watch his poor wife kick him square in the 'nads' with her high heels.
You have anger issues. (unlike the rest of us:D)

Joe Walsh
01-21-2010, 09:03 AM
You have anger issues. (unlike the rest of us:D)

Nope...I recognize, embrace and channel my anger.

"Luke...use the Force!"


01-21-2010, 09:31 AM
BTW: I would pay good money to watch his poor wife kick him square in the 'nads' with her high heels.

She can borrow my steel-toe boots, I would be honored.

01-21-2010, 09:38 AM
She can borrow my steel-toe boots, I would be honored.

Oh man, loan her the Berserker helmet, too! I'd pay to see a woman wearing a 2 horned helmet wailing on some politicians crotch with steel toed boots, lol.

01-21-2010, 09:44 AM
After he pays for his haircuts there probably won't be much money left for his daughter anyway!

Joe Walsh
01-21-2010, 09:50 AM
After he pays for his haircuts there probably won't be much money left for his daughter anyway!

LOL....I forgot about that!

Yeah, Here's a millionaire attorney, who made all of his money by shaking down doctors and hospitals and gets $200 haircuts......
representing the poor people of America!
He is so in touch with the common man when he spends the equivalent of two week's unemployment money on a haircut.

I hope that they nail him for spending campaign funds for hush money and child support to Rielle Hunter.

01-21-2010, 09:52 AM
Oh man, loan her the Berserker helmet, too! I'd pay to see a woman wearing a 2 horned helmet wailing on some politicians crotch with steel toed boots, lol.

...and the teeth....

Joe Walsh
01-21-2010, 09:53 AM
Gordon...I like the steel toe boots idea!!

Can you say OOOOOMPH!....ARRRRRRRGHH!!??

01-21-2010, 10:02 AM
...and the teeth....

Yeah man! Good stuff.

01-21-2010, 10:06 AM
LOL....I forgot about that!

Yeah, Here's a millionaire attorney, who made all of his money by shaking down doctors and hospitals and gets $200 haircuts......
representing the poor people of America!
He is so in touch with the common man when he spends the equivalent of two week's unemployment money on a haircut.

I hope that they nail him for spending campaign funds for hush money and child support to Rielle Hunter.

Agreed. What a phony Edwards is. You know he is going to lie before he opens his mouth. And the phony smile. To bad he doesn't catch something that causes his hair to go in all directions and he can't be seen in public. A guy like that really cares about the poor living in that type house.

01-21-2010, 10:28 AM
Breaking news: This just in: Tiger Woods has reportedly been seen in a sex re-hab facility in Hattiesburg, MS. While it hasn't been substantiated yet there has been a beefed up police presence outside the facility. Apparently, Elin has rented a mansion in the Orlando area.:shake:

Joe Walsh
01-21-2010, 10:36 AM
Breaking news: This just in: Tiger Woods has reportedly been seen in a sex re-hab facility in Hattiesburg, MS. While it hasn't been substantiated yet there has been a beefed up police presence outside the facility. Apparently, Elin has rented a mansion in the Orlando area.:shake:

All celebrities and public figures go into a "sex re-hab" facility when they are caught F'-ing around.
That way we can't blaim them for having low moral character..."It's not my fault...it's because of the disease!"...:shake:

01-21-2010, 11:05 AM
I think we've strayed far enough off the intended subject of the thread to say it's all been said. Thanks.