View Full Version : Marauder jacket.

01-22-2010, 08:04 AM
Check out the Marauder jacket! This is a pic of 'Flak Bait'.

"Flak Bait served with the 449th Bombardment Squadron, 322nd Bombardment Group, Eighth and Ninth Air Forces. It flew from bases in England and, after D-Day (on which it flew two missions), from bases in France and Belgium. In 21 months, Flak Bait acquired more than 1,000 holes, had its hydraulic system shot out twice and its electrical system once, returned twice on one engine, and came back once with an engine on fire. By war's end, it had flown 202 bombing missions, more than any other American bomber over Europe."

(Zoiks! And we complain when our tires show some inner wear!)

01-22-2010, 08:39 AM
Those WWII guys always amaze me. Reading the biographies of Gen. Chuck Yeager and Smokey Yunich you just wonder, how did they do it? Those old planes shook bad,vibration, and drove bad, but they flew them on some amazingly long missions.And there were never too many missions as in Catch-22.

01-22-2010, 01:36 PM
I have seen that plane or rather the nose section. It is on display at the Smithsonian Airospace Museum in Washington DC. Very cool. 200 plus missions or something like that. I do not remember the jacket, been to long. In case anyone is wondering the rest of the plane is in storage waiting its turn for a historic restoration.