View Full Version : Trouble

Paul T. Casey
01-26-2010, 10:20 AM
So I'm going over my online bank statement, and it would appear that someone has my bank card number. Mostly little $1.00 charges to iTunes, name.com, and some other place, but one charge for $140 for a product called Super Gel. I have managed to stop these charges so far, but it is a hassle. The thief may have fouled up and gave an address for the SuperGel to be delivered. The company won't tell me anything, but they will deal with the LEO agency, to whom I've reported this as well. I did some research on this SuperGel, it could be anything from photography lens enhancers, to soil conditioner, to rust remover, to breast enhancer. I guess my big question is this, If she has swell melons, should I go easy on her if she shows them?

01-26-2010, 10:26 AM
They start off with small charges to "test out" the card. Then they get bolder. Next it would be a TV.
This has happened to me about 3 times. The last time I really got on my bank about it. Hasn't happened since.

01-26-2010, 10:27 AM
Mostly little $1.00 charges to iTunes, I guess my big question is this, If she has swell melons, should I go easy on her if she shows them?

What an idiot! Anyone who buys music on-line is an idiot. The sound quality sucks.

This person has taken your money Paul. If you will let something "slide" over the matter of $150+ you are paying for a tease. Tease = Fail.

You could contact Apple somehow and get that persons I.P address and boom you have your thief!

Paul T. Casey
01-26-2010, 10:28 AM
Exactly what one of the companies that I talked to said yesterday. I've got some big e deposits coming, and I want to make sure it's safe.

Paul T. Casey
01-26-2010, 10:31 AM
You could contact Apple somehow and get that persons I.P address and boom you have your thief!

The problem is that none of these companies will divulge names, addresses or ip's on anyone, except to the police dept. I think I'd rather handle this myself, but I guess that's why they don't give out the info. Keeps them from being culpable.

01-26-2010, 10:41 AM
Tell the LEO's how to do their job. I had to do that when I was a victim of GTA.

01-26-2010, 10:47 AM
Kind of a pain. One reason I never use my debit card to make online purchases, I don't want to risk anybody getting access to my main bank account. If I make online purchases I always use a credit card. A couple of months ago somebody got ahold of my CC info and the CC company caught the fraudulent purchases before they went through, contacted me and cancelled the card. Only real hassle was having to do without the CC while waiting for a new one. They attempted to make several purchases in rapid succession, each one right around $400, each one with a separate bill to/ship to address.

01-26-2010, 10:51 AM
This is why I never buy anything on-line and always pay in cash.

Zero debts here!

O's Fan Rich
01-26-2010, 11:08 AM
I have a separate account I use for online stuff.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
01-26-2010, 11:37 AM
What an idiot! Anyone who buys music on-line is an idiot. The sound quality sucks.

Uh no. I have albums on both vinyl and "lossy" format but here's the thing

1. Modern "lossy" formats, whether it be high kbps mp3, or one of the fancier formats that Itunes uses, are a far cry from the old 128kbps mp3s that sounded horrible. Most listeners can't tell the difference A/B on good speakers.

2. Even if one argued that vinyl was a superior format (it's not), you would have to be playing brand new audiophile vinyl. Consumer grade regular vinyl albums were not made to be of super fidelity. The audiophile vinyl is made to exacting standards in small production runs.

3. The masters that consumer vinyl albums were made from, were pretty awful. Years ago, say pre 1980's, sound engineering was just not what it is today and mixes were not done knowing how good the end-user sound reproduction equipment was going to be.

The "lossy" digital music you buy of older artists online, comes from remastered, vastly superior sources than consumer vinyl did.

I have turntables and a decent pair of B&W speakers, and a lot of vinyl but I don't listen to it anymore because the good quality-encoded "lossy" audio really does sound so much better.

01-26-2010, 03:13 PM
Paul, debit cards seem to be more apt to be a problem than credits.A friend of mine had same problem as you with debit and bank told him as much. As for as the lady with the enhanced ones I am on same page as you,If she makes certain "ALLOWANCES" what will it hurt to go easy on her.:)

01-26-2010, 03:15 PM
What an idiot! Anyone who buys music on-line is an idiot. The sound quality sucks.

This person has taken your money Paul. If you will let something "slide" over the matter of $150+ you are paying for a tease. Tease = Fail.

You could contact Apple somehow and get that persons I.P address and boom you have your thief!
Sorry to hear this Paul. Someone decided to borrow my SS # and purchase twenty something thousand in furniture on a store credit. That was a paper work nightmare!

And to think that I thought you of all prople knew music:shake: I would NEVER NEVER NEVER go back to crappy ass Vinyl!

01-26-2010, 03:21 PM
What an idiot! Anyone who buys music on-line is an idiot. The sound quality sucks.

Thats right Dom, 80% of the entire country is a idiot, only the smart ones will consider a record player to be of the highest standard of music quality. :rolleyes:

01-26-2010, 03:59 PM
Thats right Dom, 80% of the entire country is a idiot, only the smart ones will consider a record player to be of the highest standard of music quality. :rolleyes:


You have a few records yourself big boy. :rolleyes:

Bob, you need to clean the records sometimes. :D

01-26-2010, 04:16 PM
Dom do you only drive in your gimp mask in the winter? (@ your avatar) Seems like that would get pretty hot in the summer.

01-26-2010, 05:05 PM
I guess my big question is this, If she has swell melons, should I go easy on her if she shows them?



Big Black Beast
01-26-2010, 05:24 PM
Go Gallager on em!

Paul T. Casey
01-26-2010, 05:26 PM
On a serious note, I will find this person, take him fishing or camping or something.

Big Black Beast
01-26-2010, 05:33 PM
On a serious note, I will find this person, take him fishing or camping or something.

And come back alone...:rolleyes:

01-26-2010, 09:17 PM
Dom do you only drive in your gimp mask in the winter? (@ your avatar) Seems like that would get pretty hot in the summer.

That's why I ride with the windows down until there are no more tint laws. ;)

Steve, Bob, you haven't replied to the music thread.........