View Full Version : Help me get out there.

02-01-2010, 11:45 AM
I really didn't want to ask for this, but here it comes. I am asking for donations to fund a trip. The trip consists of me and my drummer going to LA to fulfill a ten day internship at a Rock N' Roll Fantasy Camp. We are going to drive out there to prove ourselves, get our music known, network and make sure people know we are worth their attention.

The reasons I ask for donations is this: My dads business closed after 23 years and we haven't had an income since then. I have had three different jobs. The first one was making deliveries. I had to quit that because I kept getting too many parking tickets and this was following the rules as to where to park, loading zones, exc. The next was working at a speed shop, but the management was poor and I wasn't making any money due to the commute, I was just breaking even. Finally I started something new three days ago, but my car insurance company said they wouldn't cover me for anything for catering. If I am serving it's alright, but if I am making a delivery and have an accident it's a denied claim. I don't have the funds to get another insurance policy going for commercial purposes. So it's not like I didn't try.

We are planning on leaving Feb 17th and will probably return March 5th. The funds will simply go to gas money, food and cost of living. I am working on getting a place to stay in LA and if I do that will be golden. As of now it looks like our main expense for the trip will be gas money, cheap food and possibly a cheap hotel on the way over and the way back. I already scored a place in AZ and am looking for a place in TX or OK.

The reason I ask for this is the clock is ticking for me. Going into music is one of the only jobs were age is a factor. Almost any other job you can get a degree and your age doesn't matter. For that I want to do it does.

I am doing what I can to get cash for the trip, even things I do not want to do like selling items. If anyone here was in need I would help out in a heartbeat. Heck, when I had $200 to my name that was when I made a donation to the site.

Even if the donation is minimal every little bit helps. Remember most of the donations are going to used to cover gas. We are driving because we need to stay mobile upon our arrival as well as pass off our music to other people when the camp is done. We are planning on stopping by Converse, EA Games, Universal and the creators of the Twisted Metal game series. A lot of these companies are not in LA and require a day to get out there.

One of the killer reasons I am asking for this is I took off a semester of college to pursue this. The school wouldn't allow this internship to count because it is less than six weeks. I took it off to work 80 hours a week to get as much cash as I could for the trip and now I am stuck. If you can do anything please let me know.

BTW I think Brain deserves a donation more than I do. So if your on the fence as to who to help out, go for Brain. I didn't expect for two of use to be in need at the same time, but these things happen. I feel really bad having to ask of this, but it's one of the only ways to resort to.

Finally if you want an email with our music so you know we are worth, just PM me and I'll be glad to send you a demo. I'd do it for you if I could.

Thank you.

Paul T. Casey
02-01-2010, 12:18 PM
What you looking at total?

02-01-2010, 01:42 PM
What you looking at total?

Whatever we can get will determine our budget. I was going to even consider using my drummer Chevy Caviler to save money on gas, but we need the trunk space in my Marauder for our gear. We might record after the internship for free at a friends house in their home studio.

As of now it looks like this:

Fuel $1,000
Food $300 max
Hotel $???? Looks like we will need one for two days. The one for the camp is $199 a night and we will be there ten days. I am avoiding it at all costs unless the camp will throw us on the list, but just getting the internship was shot in the dark and I got it. I don't want to lose it. This could be free at all costs or this could exceed the fuel, but if we need to find one in L.A. we will find the cheapest place possible. We just need a place to sleep and a shower. We don't care about conditions and will probably getting 5 hours of sleep a night.

Anything that comes our way is great. Final costs is still TBD.

02-01-2010, 01:59 PM
Allright, Fruity. Where we send it to.

02-01-2010, 02:24 PM
Clear this up...

You're in WANT, not in NEED.

If you were begging for money to travel to a funeral or something of the sort, I could see it being in NEED. You want to go to fantasy camp (and if thats in the name, it should tell you a thing or two).

Hell, while we're at it, can I get a donation to go to unicorn dream camp? Jeez Dom, at what point do you grow up and get a real job and be a productive member of society? Taking a semester off from college to go to fantasy land? Why would you wait until you finish school, and have your ducks in a row to take the time and go to the school of rock.

Gimme an address to send my $0.02

02-01-2010, 02:27 PM
Honestly, Dom, I'm a little uneasy about you personally soliciting funds from the membership using the website. Any other time the website was used as a means to offer assistance, it was done out of the generosity of the Membership when there was a dire or catastrophic need. In every case, the person receiving the funds was not soliciting the funds.

I'm locking the thread but will leave it visible and let the membership make their own decisions.