View Full Version : Collapsed Roof, No Power, more Snow on the Way

02-09-2010, 05:48 AM
I have NEVER seen a mess like this. Thousands of people in this area have been without electrical power since Saturday's storm. Powerlines are down in areas where they still run above ground. The roof of the Prince William Ice Center collapsed on Sunday as they were getting ready of the US Speedskating championships. Fortunately, some of the skaters heard the groaning and creaking ... then saw the beams and roof trusses begin to buckle. Everyone was able to get out before it crashed to the ground. Other reports of the collapsed roofs on one of the fire stations and at a church.

Many of the main roads and lots of the secondary roads are still a major mess. Very interesting that my street is down to bare asphalt so I can go about 300 feet without any problem at all. ;)

If that isn't bad enough ..... another 12-18 inches is predicted for today. :( Time to put this one into the history books.

02-09-2010, 05:54 AM
WOW! Did you stock up on food and frosty beverages before all this?

02-09-2010, 06:02 AM
So much for all the crying wolf about global warming.
I hope everybody there pulls through it all okay.

02-09-2010, 06:13 AM
WOW! Did you stock up on food and frosty beverages before all this?
We are all set for food and beverages. Unfortunately, I probably can't eat half of it on my new "heart healthy" diet. ;) Stocked up with milk and toilet paper yesterday (these are the "official supplies" in this area). In a pinch, I can walk to the Giant Food store that is only about 1/4 mile away. The wife and I went there yesterday and their stocks are starting to thin out because they haven't received a delivery since last Friday. Very unlikely that they will get one today before "Snowmageddon - Part 2" begins.

Don't think that I can take much more of this Global Warming crap. :P

P.S. --- where the H3LL are all those kids trying to make money shovelling snow. I've got $50 burning a hole in my pocket for some kid to come dig me out from the next storm. :D

02-09-2010, 06:20 AM
I hear we are going to get wacked here in NY with 12-16" The first storm missed us so of course it turned around to finish the job.

02-09-2010, 06:49 AM
I've got $50 burning a hole in my pocket for some kid to come dig me out from the next storm. :D

Hey Dom, swing by Virginia on your trip :beer:

02-09-2010, 06:52 AM
Last storm completely missed north Jersey, but we're not going to be so lucky this time.

Working along the Hudson River for ten years was a real pain. The only way out was uphill. Luckily, most companies released their workers early when things started to get rough, but, I did come close to sleeping in my cubicle during one storm.

But, those days are gone forever, unfortunately.

02-09-2010, 07:50 AM
I had the MM out yesterday for the first time since Thursday evening - yes it is my daily driver! I have the stock tires which are not good for the snow. Normally in this area we can get by easily with regular tires except for the handful of days with snow. This year I've recorded over 60 in and more coming tonight. I almost stuck her on some neighborhood streets. Without proper tires and added weight in the back this car is NO fun in the snow. I'm trying to stay put today - may walk to the grocery store.

02-09-2010, 08:08 AM
Stay safe down there Charlie! That has happened up here to WalMarts that were not built for snow loads like we get. I have a snow rake and when it gets to two feet I start raking, just in case. 160 year house...

02-09-2010, 08:51 AM
Looking at 12-20" here in my area:).....At this point what can you do but grin and bear it:).

02-09-2010, 08:58 AM
So much for all of this complete stupidity on Global warming :bs:.

Just another excuse for liberal activists to control our lives and tell us what to do as they continue to fly in their jets, drive their big cars and heat and cool all of their homes and vacation houses. :eek:

Glenn Ford

02-09-2010, 09:01 AM
Yup, we're expecting a foot of global warming by tomorrow.

02-09-2010, 09:03 AM
Yup, we're expecting a foot of global warming by tomorrow.

When the Dalmations go outside, do you just see little black spots jumping around in the snow?

02-09-2010, 09:05 AM
P.S. --- where the H3LL are all those kids trying to make money shovelling snow. I've got $50 burning a hole in my pocket for some kid to come dig me out from the next storm. :D

I'll pay someone, anyone $50 to shovel my driveway....:rofl:

I'm serious.

02-09-2010, 09:14 AM
When the Dalmations go outside, do you just see little black spots jumping around in the snow?
Ohhhhhhhh, where to start. 1.) Dalmatian. 2.) My Dals are LIVER spotted (that's brown). 3.) Go outside? "Are you insane ???" That's the look on their faces anyway. I must be the only person that shovels a path to the fire hydrant I placed in the yard for my dogs. The only "jumping" these dogs do is to jump back up on the couch when the come in, or on the bed, so............................ .........no. Sorry.

02-09-2010, 09:16 AM
Ohhhhhhhh, where to start. 1.) Dalmatian. 2.) My Dals are LIVER spotted (that's brown). 3.) Go outside? "Are you insane ???" That's the look on their faces anyway. I must be the only person that shovels a path to the fire hydrant I placed in the yard for my dogs. The only "jumping" these dogs do is to jump back up on the couch when the come in, or on the bed, so............................ .........no. Sorry.

Lol, sounds like they have you trained pretty good :)

02-09-2010, 09:58 AM
Charlie, did u get by to see the ice rink? It's nasty! Glad everyone got out of it before it caved.

02-09-2010, 10:18 AM
Charlie, did u get by to see the ice rink? It's nasty! Glad everyone got out of it before it caved.
I went over there with my son, daughter and grandson the week after Christmas to go skating with the kids. Haven't ventured over to Dale Boulevard since the snowstorm. Will have to wait 'til next weekend to look at the roof collapse. Most of the secondary streets in this area are a mess. Our main street to get to Old Bridge Road looks like a war zone with ruts and snow piles and no pavement showing.

02-09-2010, 10:25 AM
I'll pay someone, anyone $50 to shovel my driveway....:rofl:

I'm serious.

That's probably not enough. I paid more and was glad to do it when some kids finally showed up Sunday evening to finish my driveway and blow a path from driveway to the rutted center pathway in the street - no plows at all yet. I have back problems and I'm glad to see the kids come around. These 3 8th graders did a great job.

02-09-2010, 01:22 PM
I The roof of the Prince William Ice Center collapsed on Sunday .......

That sucks. :(

We use roof rakes around here...and when it's really bad, we drag the small snow blower up to the roof.

They had to know it too much weight...no????

02-09-2010, 01:24 PM
Some people seem forget that global warming can have a reversed effect on the system. Ever seen The Day After Tomorrow, the theory is sound but just not things happening so fast like they did.

This is an El Nino winter, the jet stream has really dropped down which is causing all the cold arctic air to sweep right down past eastern Canada and hit us.

No sense in crying about anything nothing any of us can do besides preparing for stuff.

02-09-2010, 02:27 PM
That sucks. :(

when it's really bad, we drag the small snow blower up to the roof.

Yep, I've done that too, but not since we installed steel roof systems.

02-09-2010, 03:24 PM
They had to know it too much weight...no????

I don't think so. This isn't something that is usually a big concern in the area. This area has never seen this much snow during my lifetime. You have to go back to the winter of 1898-1899 (about 110 years) to even get close. I suspect that many buildings here are getting really close to their maximum snowload or are already into their design safety factor. Even the news is starting to talk about snow on roofs. :(

02-09-2010, 03:44 PM
Oh Boy !

I should just leave it at that.

But I won't.

Please note: I type all the following kiddingly, only joking, I mean no disrespect, I know it's tough, really, I do.

Cold Artic? How cold have you all, oops, I mean Ya'll been? Call me when it is 3 degrees F and 20 below with windchill.

No wonder all the buildings blow away in a hurricane down yonder. Can't even stand a few feet of snow.

No electricity since Friday? that's only 5 days. At least your days are warm, and the sun probably shines once in a while there too.

And where does anyone have to go, isn't everything down there closed anyway.

Now you guys down there know why I make my own beer......

On the bright side, there are a lot of records being broken. Hang in there.

02-09-2010, 04:23 PM
Problem is this part of the USA is not use too the volume of snow we have had. There are way more cars on the road around here than in most other places.

New Jersey is the highest populaation per mile in the USA. Traffice is a nightmare most sunny days as Bluerauder about Nothern Va.:mad:

Two major snow storms back to back on in a heavy population area will overwork any attempts to clear out the snow.

Most pick-ups now will not be able to plow lots like they did the for the first storm because ther is no where to put the snow>

02-09-2010, 04:36 PM
I lived in the great North of Minneapolis for 9 Winters (that is the unit, not years) and this one-two snow storm punch to the DC area is worse than any short period of snow I experienced in Minneapolis. MOST of the time it's quite decent here in winter. I've been here 19 years.

02-09-2010, 04:45 PM
I lived in the Northeast Kingdom Of Vermont for a couple of years. I worked the night shift and had to travel 25 miles to work; coming home at 3am at -30*F with wind chill down near -60*F. I remember 3' - 4' snowdrifts across the road and whiteouts due to blowing snow. The best was to make it down to the main road (Rt 2) and following the snowplows home when I could.

Did I mention I hate snow!!!!!

02-09-2010, 04:45 PM
I lived in the great North of Minneapolis for 9 Winters ......

Aside from North Dakota...Minnesota winters RULE!!!


I hate the half assed winters we get here in Northern Ohio.

02-09-2010, 05:27 PM
Someday, when I get really old, I'm gonna get me one of those new fangled snowblowers!

My dad shoveled until he was 85.

My driveway can park 7-8 cars. I've been shoveling it by myself since I bought this house in 1980.

(Turned 67 last Sunday. Sure hope to turn 68 next year.)

02-09-2010, 10:54 PM
Ok Ok thats enough said folks look i,m sorry for sending you guys all that snow that we normally get every winter here because i really do miss seeing the white stuff and haveing to get the loader out of the barn to plow out my driveway just so i can get out and get a bottle or two to calm my nerves. ive got about 4" instead of 4ft that should be here this time of year,could you please point your fans to the north and let er ripp Thanks a million

02-10-2010, 08:42 AM
Denise and I feel like we're in Omaha again, except we're not seeing -15+ degrees here (WHICH IS OK).

Had the SuperDuty stuck for about 10 minutes on Sunday.

We might get the trailer out by July, whatta think? :)

02-10-2010, 08:46 AM
It was cold but not freezing at 5 this morning on the way to work. Since then it has gotten crazy out. Snow started falling, the wind started up, now everything is coated in snow and it is freezing windy cold out.

02-10-2010, 06:16 PM
Uhm, we got a hot 3" from this latest storm, ho humm...

02-10-2010, 06:22 PM
Uhm, we got a hot 3" from this latest storm, ho humm...
Pizz off Ray ..... I am tired of shovelling this crap. :P Tonite it is blowing around on 35 MPH winds. We've gotten about 38 inches in the past week. Definitely the biggest series of storms that I have ever witnessed in this area during my lifetime. Definitely one for the record books for Northern Virginia.

02-10-2010, 06:26 PM
Pizz off Ray ..... I am tired of shovelling this crap. :P

I was trying not to laugh at your situation but this made me do it.
I guess with everyone snowed in hospitals maternity wards are going to be packed about 9 months from now, yep yep.

02-10-2010, 06:28 PM
I was trying not to laugh at your situation but this made me do it.
I guess with everyone snowed in hospitals maternity wards are going to be packed about 9 months from now, yep yep.

That's what she said.

02-10-2010, 06:29 PM
That's what she said.
lol, it just never gets old. and YEAH, thats what she says.

02-10-2010, 06:53 PM
Someday, when I get really old, I'm gonna get me one of those new fangled snowblowers!

My dad shoveled until he was 85.

My driveway can park 7-8 cars. I've been shoveling it by myself since I bought this house in 1980.

(Turned 67 last Sunday. Sure hope to turn 68 next year.)

I shoveled for 5 1/2 hours the during the first round and swore I'd never do that again. Ended up being lucky enough to find a snow blower yesterday. Power equipment rules. It saved my back today by clearing my driveway + three neighbors'. The internal combustion engine is man's greatest achievement!! This area is prone to blizzards, I would highly recommend having one of these guys in your garage.

02-10-2010, 08:03 PM
I shoveled for 5 1/2 hours the during the first round and swore I'd never do that again. Ended up being lucky enough to find a snow blower yesterday. Power equipment rules. It saved my back today by clearing my driveway + three neighbors'. The internal combustion engine is man's greatest achievement!! This area is prone to blizzards, I would highly recommend having one of these guys in your garage.

god i hate you lol. we have one pos shovel from what looks like the 60s. im definitly investing in a snow blower and a plow for next year.

02-10-2010, 09:08 PM
I brought my snowblower from Omaha, DEERE rules.

02-11-2010, 03:14 PM
Pizz off Ray ..... I am tired of shovelling this crap. :P Tonite it is blowing around on 35 MPH winds. We've gotten about 38 inches in the past week. Definitely the biggest series of storms that I have ever witnessed in this area during my lifetime. Definitely one for the record books for Northern Virginia.

Sorry Charlie :P Couldn't resist. We have the winds now and the cold has been here. Supposedly the lake effect machine is going to kick in tonight. We are used to it though. We have the the tools and the talent. :neener: