View Full Version : Hey Y'all....Check This Out!!!!!

02-12-2010, 04:33 AM
Ya cannot hide anywhere........anymore!!! :shake:


Paul T. Casey
02-12-2010, 06:53 AM
Looks like I had company that day. At least the shrubs were spiffy. Fine looking house (click to the east).

http://www.vpike.com/?place=71+winnapaug+rd.+wester ly%2C+ri&submit=Go

02-12-2010, 07:01 AM
They never video'd my subdivision! Ha. They were with a couple blocks though...Scary.

02-12-2010, 08:21 AM
Really cool...just took a "drive" through some old neighborhoods I lived in/around out in Colorado in the early nineties....just slick how it sequences all those street views!


02-12-2010, 08:45 AM
This was taken some time ago as I see a few changes that I've made. West side of the street. http://www.vpike.com/?place=570+Longleaf+Dr+SW+Pine hurst%2C+NC&submit=Go

It's off some as it comes up 564.

A sad side note, the house south of mine or to the left as you view mine, was where former Army medic Joe Dwyer overdosed. Very tragic as he was a nice guy but just couldn't cope anymore.

A former Army medic (http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionar y.com/medic) medic made famous by a photograph that showed him carrying an injured Iraqi boy during the first week of the war in March 2003 has died of an apparent overdose, police said.

The photograph of Joseph Patrick Dwyer (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary .com/Patrick+Dwyer)
running to a makeshift military hospital while cradling the boy appeared in newspapers, magazines and television broadcasts worldwide.

Dwyer died late last month at a hospital in Pinehurst.
He was 31.
(http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BDoTpvLd2S8uCOJGa6Qa7q4WpDe bSrzGG36mLAsCNtwGA4gkQBBgEIOfw 9QEoETgAUNm-wIcEYMmGsYqkpMQRsgEWd3d3LnRoZW ZyZWVsaWJyYXJ5LmNvbcgBAdoBVGh0 dHA6Ly93d3cudGhlZnJlZWxpYnJhcn kuY29tL0FybXkrbWVkaWMrbWFkZStm YW1vdXMraW4rSXJhcStwaG90bytkaW VzLWEwMTYxMTU3ODQwNqgDAegD7gLo Aw_oA_EG6AMp9QMAAABE9QMAIAAA&num=4&sig=AGiWqtxMksLoFQSrMr7pk6qHKS dJfcPgEA&client=ca-pub-2694630391511205&adurl=http://ourfallensoldier.com)

After the photo was published, Dwyer laughed when a reporter told him of its widespread circulation and tried to deflect
focus to his entire unit. His mother, Maureen, said then that the photo embarrassed her son because it singled him out while other soldiers were doing the same thing.

On June 28, Dwyer called a local taxi service to take him to the hospital after an apparent overdose, Capt. Floyd Thomas of the Pinehurst Police Department told the Fayetteville Observer. When the driver arrived, Dwyer said he couldn't get to the door, according to a police report.

Police kicked in the door at Dwyer's request, and he was taken by ambulance to a Pinehurst hospital. Thomas said bottles of prescription pills were found near Dwyer when police arrived. The former medic died later that night, according to authorities.

Dwyer served with the 3rd Squadron of the 7th Cavalry Regiment of Fort Stewart (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary .com/Fort+Stewart),
Ga. He earned the Combat Medical Badge (http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary .com/Combat+Medical+Badge) and other military awards. http://admatch-syndication.mochila.com/images/ad.gif?aid=28490265&bid=TheFreeLibrary

02-12-2010, 11:14 AM
This was taken some time ago as I see a few changes that I've made. West side of the street. http://www.vpike.com/?place=570+Longleaf+Dr+SW+Pine hurst%2C+NC&submit=Go

It's off some as it comes up 564.
Your neighborhood lives up to its name Pinehurst!

02-12-2010, 11:18 AM
Looks like I had company that day. At least the shrubs were spiffy. Fine looking house (click to the east).

http://www.vpike.com/?place=71+winnapaug+rd.+wester ly%2C+ri&submit=Go

Your bushes are awesome! You see the UFO in the sky above the yukon in the road? :eek::eek:

02-12-2010, 11:20 AM
They took pics of my house when I was moving in.

All sorts of garbage stacked out in front.

Paul T. Casey
02-12-2010, 11:42 AM
Your bushes are awesome! You see the UFO in the sky above the yukon in the road? :eek::eek:

No UFO, it's a flying Jellyfish!

02-12-2010, 11:47 AM
No UFO, it's a flying Jellyfish!

Be afraid, be verrrry afraid!

Mr. Man
02-12-2010, 02:00 PM
Creepy, they took a pic of my nephew in front of his house. Took a pic of my house before I cut the lawn, ba***rds

02-12-2010, 04:29 PM
Creepy, they took a pic of my nephew in front of his house. Took a pic of my house before I cut the lawn, ba***rds

made me lol

02-12-2010, 04:39 PM
MY parents secret is out. The cleaning lady's car is in the driveway.

02-12-2010, 04:44 PM
My house doesn't seem to be available to view, but 500 feet out, they're all there, hmmmmm.:D

02-12-2010, 06:09 PM
They got me Pre-Marauder, just the Mark 8 and the recently departed:censor: Element


02-12-2010, 06:28 PM
mine isnt on the map

02-12-2010, 08:16 PM
Kind off cool. Very interesting. But I could not go to my home. Good thing.

05-22-2010, 12:44 AM
Vpike shows my Marauder at home...
http://www.vpike.com/?place=9107+Wellington+Pl+Lanh am%2C+MD

05-22-2010, 12:53 AM
lol, apparently they video'd my house two years ago or more, you can still see my Galant that I sold to pay for the Mercury. :P

SC Cheesehead
05-22-2010, 05:24 AM

Checked out the old place in Foxfire, lots of great memories.