View Full Version : craigslist rant

02-16-2010, 08:23 PM
Been selling some junk.... i mean stuff on craigslist over the last 2 weeks.

Just a couple of highlights=

Just got a call about 15 mins ago.
Guy wanted to know about speakers im selling, I say "which ones?" he says whatever is cheaper.

I say, well Im selling a pair of 6x9s and a pair of 15in subs, so I guess you mean the 6x9s.

the guy says "yeah, what your lowest price?"

(im asking $70) I said, well Id sell em for 65, any lower and ill keep em"

the guy "that sounds good, hey if I give you $75 will you help me hook em up"

wait a minute, didnt I just get jewed down on the price, now the guy has money to spare, and doesnt even know how to hook up a pos and a neg wire?

They he tells me he can get 58 dollars tomorrow and the rest by the weekend.

Woow there buddy, dont spend it all in one place. :lol:

Needless to say, I told him just let me know when hes got money, if he ever calls back they will be sold, wether they are or not.

Then 2 days ago I got a call at 9pm, kinda late, but ok, and its a kid who sounds like hes 8, wants to know about this 4x15 tasco scope I have. (i know its junk but i figure for $10 ill see if anyone wants it) then this kid trys to jew me down. "could you come down any?" Im thinking, I aint spending $1 on gas to drop this off for this kid. I tell him nope. and he says "ok" and hangs up.

Wow people, craigslist is basically like a garage sale anyways so stuff is already cheap... doesnt mean you get it all for free.

= end rant.

02-16-2010, 08:26 PM
lol, classic :beer:

02-16-2010, 08:32 PM
Tip: don't put your phone number.

02-16-2010, 08:33 PM
You, are much braver than I, my friend. I'd never put my phone number on craigslist.

02-16-2010, 08:34 PM
if you put your email... all you get is spam, Its a lose lose situation.

Although I have sold - 2 snow tires. Clear corner lights for a chevy truck. and a stove in the last week.

02-16-2010, 08:43 PM
I learned my lesson the first time I did that on this site. MM-Matt didn't leave me alone for at least a month.

02-16-2010, 08:51 PM
I learned my lesson the first time I did that on this site. MM-Matt didn't leave me alone for at least a month.

And i still dont..... :rolleyes:

02-16-2010, 08:55 PM
I learned my lesson the first time I did that on this site. MM-Matt didn't leave me alone for at least a month.

What did you sell him?!

02-16-2010, 08:58 PM
What did you sell him?!



02-16-2010, 09:02 PM
What's funny is, as counterintuitive as it may seem, it actually helps the spam and stupid requests when you're selling something that not many people want. I just sold a pair of model kits Sunday, posted them up Saturday night late and the only call/email I got was the guy that bought them Sunday morning, plus he didn't try to haggle at all. Nicest craigslist sale I've made so far, only lame part was we lived on exact far opposite sides of town so meeting halfway was pretty far.

What inevitably ALWAYS happens, is someone will call me and ask me, point by point, everything I made SURE to post answers for in the listing, just so I wouldn't get such stupid questions. If it weren't for the fact that I really wanted this stuff gone, I'm pretty sure I'd hang up on them and not respond to them further.

02-16-2010, 09:05 PM



02-16-2010, 09:18 PM
You can randomize your email....

I've never and will never put my number. It's pretty easy to weed out the spam.

Da Dark Jedi
02-16-2010, 09:20 PM
didnt I just get jewed down on the price

= end rant.

Please explain how sensitive you are to peoples RELIGIOUS BELIEFS!!! You mention your situation on Criagslist and DEGRADE people who are not of the same Faith as you!!!

02-16-2010, 09:33 PM
Please explain how sensitive you are to peoples RELIGIOUS BELIEFS!!! You mention your situation on Criagslist and DEGRADE people who are not of the same Faith as you!!!

How do you now he isn't Jewish? So you assumed his race/religion because of the words he used? I'm no word-ologist but isn't that the definition of prejudice?


 http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/P07/P0737100) /ˈprɛdʒhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngəhttp://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngdɪs/ http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_defa ult.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/IPA_pron_key.html) Show Spelled Pronunciation [prej-uh-dis] http://sp.ask.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_defa ult.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/Spell_pron_key.html) Show IPA noun, verb, -diced, -dic⋅ing. –noun 1. an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge. 2. any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.

02-16-2010, 09:46 PM
I sold my GF's Hyundai within 2 hours on Craigslist and my Crown vic within 10 minutes of posting it.

Its good for something.

Da Dark Jedi
02-16-2010, 09:49 PM
So... I'll ask you, is this what Jews do??? Do you use the same term??? He could have use other terms to describe his transaction. You're right he was using it as an endearing term as a comedian would.

02-16-2010, 10:00 PM
I sold my GF's Hyundai within 2 hours on Craigslist and my Crown vic within 10 minutes of posting it.

Its good for something.

That is pretty crazy. I guess you can't argue with the results.

02-16-2010, 10:34 PM
So... I'll ask you, is this what Jews do??? Do you use the same term??? He could have use other terms to describe his transaction. You're right he was using it as an endearing term as a comedian would.

Well you mock all Jedi's by taking there name as you forum nick...:P

02-17-2010, 07:45 AM
So... I'll ask you, is this what Jews do??? Do you use the same term??? He could have use other terms to describe his transaction. You're right he was using it as an endearing term as a comedian would.

Par for the course on the site lately

02-17-2010, 09:07 AM
What up with the butt hurt people on this site as of late?

02-17-2010, 09:24 AM
What up with the butt hurt...

That's what Casey said.

02-17-2010, 11:46 AM
Haven't you ever had a garage sale? If you're asking 25 cents for something that cost say, $4 retail, people will offer you 10 cents for it! It's amazing!
Then, when you put all the crap that didn't sell out at the curb, people that wouldn't pay 25 cents for something suddenly come running over to scoop it all up!

02-17-2010, 12:00 PM
so now you won't sell me the speakers and hook them up wow suck.... lol thats just to funny good luck in futures sales SIR

02-17-2010, 12:18 PM
People on craigslist suck man, idk what it is about CL or garage sales people lowball the hell out of you. I mean, yes I try to deal where I can, guy was asking 125 bucks for some FRPP shorty headers I got them for 100, bought a set of GT-40 heads on there for 125, guy was asking 175, I asked him if he would take 150 he said he's tryin to get rid of them so if I picked them up that day he would do 125, so guess what I did, lol. But people just get insulting on there, couple bucks or something fine whatever, if ur asking 75 and someone offers 70 not a big deal, but if you're asking 100 and someone offers you 25 wtf.

02-17-2010, 06:23 PM
I calls it like I sees it. Didnt seem to be racist.

02-17-2010, 06:33 PM
So... I'll ask you, is this what Jews do??? Do you use the same term??? He could have use other terms to describe his transaction. You're right he was using it as an endearing term as a comedian would.

Thank you, I know what I'm going to write my next paper on now.

02-17-2010, 06:46 PM
What up with the butt hurt people on this site as of late?

I always love the looks on the faces when I use this term around non military. Umm I mean that is offensive to all of the hemorrhoid sufferer's around the world. Sorry Mr. Man.

02-18-2010, 05:44 PM
I used to use craigslist to find writing gigs, but I gave up when most of the adds I was responding to turned out to be porn companies that were wanting to have their material reviewed in exchange for a paying subscription to their website. Sorry, but I know a scam when I see one.

02-18-2010, 05:48 PM
I used to use craigslist to find writing gigs, but I gave up when most of the adds I was responding to turned out to be porn companies that were wanting to have their material reviewed in exchange for a paying subscription to their website. Sorry, but I know a scam when I see one.

Like the time CBT got a job trying out a new "energy drink" and woke up in the red light district dressed like a woman.

02-18-2010, 06:33 PM
Like the time CBT got a job trying out a new "energy drink" and woke up in the red light district dressed like a woman.
Dude! I kan tell storeez?

02-18-2010, 06:44 PM
Dude! I kan tell storeez?

Uv korse yew kan!

02-18-2010, 07:11 PM
Uv korse yew kan!

Well I have an actual red light story or twelve, but this one is clean enough to post I reckon. Me and four buds were stumbling around drunk in Italy, I don't remember the town, and we wandered off the main strip somehow and got lost. The area is looking more and more suburban no matter which way we go, and no cabs are coming by. Well I see a street up ahead that seemed to have a steady flow of cars turning onto it for no appearant reason. In my drunken sailor mind I'm thinking "house party?" and announce we are going to follow these cars, there is something going on. If nothing else, it must lead back to civilization. So we walk about a block to that street, make a left and now we are walking faster than the cars are moving so I'm like WTF is going on? I'm looking at the people in the cars, and they are looking up and over our shoulders at the apartments on either side of the street. So WE turn to look and it is like something right outof the movies: Red lights above the doorways, women standing at the windows. We had found the redlight district. So we start jumping up and down, the others are trying to high five me 'cause it was my awesome idea to follow this line of traffic for no reason, and we are drunk enough that the high fives fail miserably, so we bust out laughing over that. And bro, it was block and blocks of womenz!!! My buddy Shane spost 3 gals standing on a front porch stoop. Now, in the dark and in a drunken haze, they looked smokin from across the street, and fairly hot up close. I was the first one to step up and try laying down some smoove assed lines like "You're hot. I fly jets. Let's do it. All of us." or something along those lines. Before I got two words out the leader says "Go away boys." I'm thinking "that's a rude thing for a dirty ho to say, but oh well, moving on." Well Shane is determined. And now they are smiling and like gently helping Shane off the porch, repeating "Go away boys." Well one of them coughed or laughed or something I don't remember, all I remember is thinking damn, that was a pretty deep sound for a gal. Then it hit me. They wern't saying "Go away boys", they were politely trying to tell us Go away, boys." as in Go away, WE are boys, not girls". :eek: So I drag Shane off the porch (again!) and tell him they are packin'. He refuses to believe it, because his okeydoke country ass had never even heard of a cross dressing prostitute much less met one. I said ask them. Shane: "Ya'll got ding dongs down there?" Them: "Yes boys all boys ***** boys." I busted out laughing and we turned and went across the street.... EXCEPT for Shane!!! I go back over and right as I am about to wheel him around by the shoulder I hear him say "No for real now, how much anyway?" I thought I was going to piss myself from laughing at his dumb ass. Of course, he denied everything the next day, claimed he didn't even remember seeing them, but the rest of us witnessed him trying to score with three dudes. Man we had some crazy times overseas. Well that was probably the only clean prostitute story I have. Gosh, the memories, almost makes me wish I'd done 30 years in.

02-18-2010, 07:17 PM
Well I have an actual red light story or twelve, but this one is clean enough to post I reckon. Me and four buds were stumbling around drunk in Italy, I don't remember the town, and we wandered off the main strip somehow and got lost. The area is looking more and more suburban no matter which way we go, and no cabs are coming by. Well I see a street up ahead that seemed to have a steady flow of cars turning onto it for no appearant reason. In my drunken sailor mind I'm thinking "house party?" and announce we are going to follow these cars, there is something going on. If nothing else, it must lead back to civilization. So we walk about a block to that street, make a left and now we are walking faster than the cars are moving so I'm like WTF is going on? I'm looking at the people in the cars, and they are looking up and over our shoulders at the apartments on either side of the street. So WE turn to look and it is like something right outof the movies: Red lights above the doorways, women standing at the windows. We had found the redlight district. So we start jumping up and down, the others are trying to high five me 'cause it was my awesome idea to follow this line of traffic for no reason, and we are drunk enough that the high fives fail miserably, so we bust out laughing over that. And bro, it was block and blocks of womenz!!! My buddy Shane spost 3 gals standing on a front porch stoop. Now, in the dark and in a drunken haze, they looked smokin from across the street, and fairly hot up close. I was the first one to step up and try laying down some smoove assed lines like "You're hot. I fly jets. Let's do it. All of us." or something along those lines. Before I got two words out the leader says "Go away boys." I'm thinking "that's a rude thing for a dirty ho to say, but oh well, moving on." Well Shane is determined. And now they are smiling and like gently helping Shane off the porch, repeating "Go away boys." Well one of them coughed or laughed or something I don't remember, all I remember is thinking damn, that was a pretty deep sound for a gal. Then it hit me. They wern't saying "Go away boys", they were politely trying to tell us Go away, boys." as in Go away, WE are boys, not girls". :eek: So I drag Shane off the porch (again!) and tell him they are packin'. He refuses to believe it, because his okeydoke country ass had never even heard of a cross dressing prostitute much less met one. I said ask them. Shane: "Ya'll got ding dongs down there?" Them: "Yes boys all boys ***** boys." I busted out laughing and we turned and went across the street.... EXCEPT for Shane!!! I go back over and right as I am about to wheel him around by the shoulder I hear him say "No for real now, how much anyway?" I thought I was going to piss myself from laughing at his dumb ass. Of course, he denied everything the next day, claimed he didn't even remember seeing them, but the rest of us witnessed him trying to score with three dudes. Man we had some crazy times overseas. Well that was probably the only clean prostitute story I have. Gosh, the memories, almost makes me wish I'd done 30 years in.

Nothing like a good hooker or beating the faces in of AF guys with some lquid courage story.

02-18-2010, 07:32 PM
Nothing like a good hooker or beating the faces in of AF guys with some lquid courage story.

lol, hell they never tried to have two different NAVY groups together in one port because it would be a cage match on the pier at the end of each night, I couldn't imagine if we hit port and the Air Force was there.