View Full Version : Mercury Mann?!

02-18-2010, 06:19 AM
Check out this dudes name!

Teen's blood alcohol level at .267 at time of deadly crash

Updated: Feb 18, 2010 12:57 AM EST
(http://www.ktnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12001628#) (http://www.ktnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=12001628#)



Henderson, NV (KTNV) - Flowers and an American flag now mark the spot where a Henderson war veteran and his girlfriend were killed by a suspected 19 year old drunk driver. Police say Anita Mann's preliminary breath test showed her blood alcohol level was .267, which is more than three times the legal limit.
Anita's father, Mercury is defending his daughter as a great kid who has never end had a parking ticket.
"Our daughter, Anita Fay, is a model child," said Mercury.
Anita is accused of driving drunk and killing 65 year old Louis Madden and his 65 year old girlfriend, Karen Hicks, when she plowed into the back of their SUV. According to the arrest report she told police shortly after the accident that she was drunk and should be taken to jail.
"Does she drink," asked Action News reporter Rikki Cheese.
"No," explained Mercury.
"How do you explain what happened yesterday," asked Rikki,
"We don't have a clue," said Mercury.
Mann says Anita is a great kid a full-time college student and a leader in her National Guard regiment.
"She's not a partier. She doesn't do anything wrong or illegal. And this is all new and a shock to her mother and myself," said Mercury.
Shock and tears at the crash scene on Horizon Ridge Parkway, marked with flowers and an American flag.
"Suddenly my wife said, oh my God. Is that Karen," explained Tim Nguyen who knew Karen Hicks who died in the crash.
Tu Nguyen says Karen Hicks was a long time customer at his nail salon and she and her boyfriend had stopped in to make an appointment minutes before they were killed.
"Every time Karen came she always give us a big smile. And she's the best of our customers," said Tu.
Anita's father is trying to make sense of it all.
"We're so very, very saddened for the couple that was involved and lost thier lives. I mean, we don't know what to say. We're very, very sorry," said Mercury.

02-18-2010, 09:27 AM
Testimony of a BAD PARENT. "Not my kid" "my kid never does wrong" "My kid is a model .........." Hey, WAKE THE FRAK UP, YOUR KID JUST KILLED 2 PEOPLE YOU MORON.

02-18-2010, 09:32 AM
Thats unreal and im knine +1

Black Dynamite
02-18-2010, 09:33 AM
The dad's name?!?!?!? How about the stupid daughter's name? "Anita Mann" She won't need one where she's goin.......

02-18-2010, 09:59 AM
The dad's name?!?!?!? How about the stupid daughter's name? "Anita Mann" She won't need one where she's goin.......

Agree with all, tragic story. I wish a name that unique had been found in a happy story of some sort. He did make some unrealistic statements in defense of his daughter. A BAC that high is rediculous. I posted a .38 once. Twice actually, they didn't think the first machine could possibly be right. But I wasn't driving, I stumbled across the quarterdeck after a wild night in Palma, Spain.

02-18-2010, 10:03 AM
The dad's name?!?!?!? How about the stupid daughter's name? "Anita Mann" She won't need one where she's goin.......

It's better then 'Anita Dick'.

02-18-2010, 01:30 PM
How much do you have to drink to post a 0.267 BAC ?? Depending on her body weight, she appears to have been between confusion and stupor.

The Effects of Alcohol
If you have seen someone who has had too much to drink, you've probably noticed definite changes in that person's performance and behavior. The body responds to alcohol in stages, which correspond to an increase in BAC:

Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent)

They become more self-confident or daring.
Their attention span shortens.
They may look flushed.
Their judgement is not as good -- they may say the first thought that comes to mind, rather than an appropriate comment for the given situation.
They have trouble with fine movements, such as writing or signing their name.

Excitement (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25 percent)

They become sleepy.
They have trouble understanding or remembering things (even recent events).
They do not react to situations as quickly (if they spill a drink they may just stare at it).
Their body movements are uncoordinated.
They begin to lose their balance easily.
Their vision becomes blurry.
They may have trouble sensing things (hearing, tasting, feeling, etc.).

Confusion (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent)

They are confused -- might not know where they are or what they are doing.
They are dizzy and may stagger.
They may be highly emotional -- aggressive, withdrawn or overly affectionate.
They cannot see clearly.
They are sleepy.
They have slurred speech.
They have uncoordinated movements (trouble catching an object thrown to them).
They may not feel pain as readily as a sober person.

Stupor (BAC = 0.25 to 0.4 percent)

They can barely move at all.
They cannot respond to stimuli.
They cannot stand or walk.
They may vomit.
They may lapse in and out of consciousness.

Coma (BAC = 0.35 to 0.50 percent)

They are unconscious.
Their reflexes are depressed (i.e. their pupils do not respond appropriately to changes in light).
They feel cool (lower-than-normal body temperature).
Their breathing is slower and more shallow.
Their heart rate may slow.
They may die.

Death (BAC more than 0.50 percent) -

The person usually stops breathing and dies.

02-18-2010, 09:34 PM
........unless they're a professional drunk, Charlie. Then the affects are a little less noticable ;)

02-18-2010, 09:42 PM
I am so tired of such bad stories. Why cant stupid people just jump in front of a train. No they would dirty it up. Hmmmm. Why cant they jump into a wood chipper chipped into the Chicago Sanitary Canal with all the other piss and crap.

02-18-2010, 10:20 PM
Agree with all, tragic story. I wish a name that unique had been found in a happy story of some sort. He did make some unrealistic statements in defense of his daughter. A BAC that high is rediculous. I posted a .38 once. Twice actually, they didn't think the first machine could possibly be right. But I wasn't driving, I stumbled across the quarterdeck after a wild night in Palma, Spain.

AHHHHHH YES ! Musta been a Texas Jacks kinda night ! Wooooooo !


02-19-2010, 06:44 AM
AHHHHHH YES ! Musta been a Texas Jacks kinda night ! Wooooooo !


It was something. Had to spend 18 hours in Medical, that's how long it took to come down to a .02, which is what the Navy considered a "safe working level" at the time. I had to go thru alky rehab screening, but they determined I was not depressed, I was just the opposite, too happy! Go figure. Then I got yelled at for setting the highest BAC anyone had ever heard of. I had to have an E-6 escort if I went on liberty in the next port we hit. We were supposed to hit Spain next, but had to pull into some off the wall spot for some reason and drop something off. We were there for less than 48 hours but it counted as a port call, so I got normal liberty when we hit Spain right after that, lol. It was embarrassing, each time I went to pee pee, someone from Medical had to stand there with me in case I passed out. I would not do it again, or recommend anyone else do it. People kept walking into the room to see "the guy that blew a .38", it was not the highlight of my career. But in true Navy tradition, I did get a nice plaque afterwards congratulating me on my "achievement".